Daniella Porcaro - Interim Review Learning Plan 2015

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Pre-Service Teacher
Mentor Teacher
University Liaison

Student ID:

Daniella Porcaro
Judy Ireland
Gwenda Cunningham
St Leonards PS, Woodcroft PS

Year level

R/1, Spec Ed


Please give copies of both the Interim Self-Assessment and your Learning Plan to your mentor teacher when
you meet discuss them, and to your university liaison by Monday 18th May 2015.
Please provide a list of your learning goals for the remaining weeks of this professional experience together with a
brief explanation of how you plan to achieve them (hand written or typed):

1. I will differentiate my teaching in order to meet the needs of all students

I will use preassessment data to identify the readiness levels of my students so that I can put them into
groups and design learning tasks that are appropriate for teach group and allows all students to work at an
appropriate level of challenge. As such, I will be planning more small-group based activities.
2. I will implement and integrate ICTs in a more dynamic, relevant and meaningful way
I will use ICT within lessons in order to engage students, but also to add to their learning (e.g. computerbased learning tasks or IWB activities) and as a way for students to present their learning (e.g. make a class
video, etc.)
3. I will give students timely, effective, appropriate feedback
This will hopefully be achieved through a number of strategies, including checklists to keep track of which
students I have provided one-on-one feedback to, conferencing, notes on their work, or whole class
reflections/discussions after learning tasks have been assessed.
4. I will engage in more professional learning by utilizing the expertise of other teachers
I will take any opportunity to engage in professional learning that arises, and will actively seek
opportunities to learn from other staff members. For example, I will approach the schools Spec Ed teacher
(St Leonards) about working with her after school hours on the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on
School Students with Disability.
Pre-service Teacher:

Daniella Porcaro

Date: 15/5/15

I have discussed and approve these learning plans:

Mentor Teacher:

Judy Ireland

Date: 15/5/15

I have discussed and approve these learning plans:

University Liaison:

Gwenda Cunningham

Date: 18/5/15

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