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NS 6249

1. utgave februar 1984

ICS 47.020.50
Sprk: Norsk/engelsk

Marine industry
Accommodation ladders

Standard Norge. Henvendelse om gjengivelse rettes til Pronorm AS.

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

Norsk Standard

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

(Blank side)

Norsk Standard fastsettes av Standard Norge.

Denne standarden er utgitt i samarbeid mellom

Standard Norge og Pronorm AS.

Standarden kan bestilles fra Pronorm AS, som

gir opplysninger om norske og utenlandske
standarder og relaterte produkter.

Standard Norge er faglig ansvarlig for

standarden og kan gi opplysninger om
saksinnholdet. P post- og teleomrdet ligger
det faglige ansvaret hos Post- og teletilsynet.

Vi nsker innspill og synspunkter p vre

standarder. Disse kan rettes til:

Standard Norge
Postboks 242
1326 Lysaker

Pronorm AS
Postboks 252
1326 Lysaker

Telefon 67 83 86 00
Telefaks 67 83 86 01

Telefon 67 83 87 00
Telefaks 67 83 87 01

This collection of Norwegian Standards regarding marine industry is published by Pronorm AS 05/2005. Print according to
licence. All rights reserved.

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