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Job Shadow Reflection

Warren Easton High School

Rubric/Exit Sheet
Name: Amereia Davalie
Completed: October 8, 2015


Reflection Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions about your job shadowing
experience using complete sentences. Be thorough in your answers as some
of your answers may be incorporated in your senior portfolio presentation
speech and or final reflection paper.
1. Was the job shadow you completed the same career field you
identified in your career PowerPoint? If you completed the experience
in another field, explain why there was a need to change career fields.
(i.e., I was not able to set up a job shadow experience in my intended
career field
OR After taking a closer look at the field, I found that I was more
interested in).
The job shadow I completed was in the same field I identified in my
career PowerPoint. After doing my job shadow it made me more
interested in my field. Although there was a lot of paper work in
involved, I cant say too much because of patient confidentially. I had
the chance to test urine and blood. I got the feel of how much work
goes into being gynecologist. Also, I experienced child birth for the first
time. I must admit it knocked me off my feet. Yet, it was so nice to a
see a life being delivered. Which gave me the feel of becoming an
2. As a result of your job shadow experience, are you still planning to
pursue the same career or has the experience led you in a new
direction? Explain. Yes, I still plan to follow my intended career. It did
not lead me into a new direction because this is something I really
want to do and have a passion for. I may start off as a neonatal nurse
and work my way up. I think that would be best for me.
3. During your job shadow, what skills did you observe that are needed to
be proficient at this career? I saw that I had to be very patient. You

Job Shadow Reflection

Warren Easton High School
Rubric/Exit Sheet
cant rush through an examination or quickly read over their medical
files. You have to get to know the patient and help them to the best of
your abilities. Another skill would be to learn another language. Dozens
of Mexicans come in for checkups and you would need to know
4. What activities and or duties did you like/dislike about the experience?
I disliked testing pee. Some had strong odors and they gave me the
cup in an unsanitary way. I also disliked the paper work. I think that I
left with at least four paper cuts and carpal tunnel from tipping all day.
I did enjoy all the pregnant women and watching them see their babies
in an ultrasound for the first time.
5. Do you see yourself doing this job for the duration of your working
career? (i.e., 15 to 20 years in the same field) I plan on following
through with this job until I cant work anymore. I will go into
retirement as an OB/GYN. I can truly say its a lot of work but Ill enjoy
6. Aside from academic preparation in school, what are some other things
that you can do in order to prepare for your intended career field? As of
right now I am doing allied health. Its teaching me the basis of being a
nurse and what its like to be in a medical setting. Ive learned medical
terminology, standard sanitary procedures, how virus spread and
simple terms that I need to know to keep myself out of trouble or
losing my job.
7. Is there any important tips and or advice you were given by your
mentor concerning your career field? I was told to prevent gossip.
Always eschew from those who tend to always talk about other
peoples business especially a patients information. It is illegal and can
get you into a lot of trouble. You can be cordial but know when and
where to say certain things.
8. Considering everything you have learned, what is most invaluable
lesson you have learned from your job shadowing experience, and how
will this help you to move forward in your intended career field? I was
told to always stay on tasks. You cant stray away or get easily

Job Shadow Reflection

Warren Easton High School
Rubric/Exit Sheet
distracted. This field requires a lot of your time and you have to be
very attentive at all times. This will help me to remember to stay
focused on what Im there to do. I cant be negligent to my job
because, that is what I choose to do and I should do it correctly.
Student Name: Amereia Davalie

Mentor Forms
Thank you


Your Points

105 points

Mentor Forms- Forms should be faxed to the school with attention to Mrs.
Jones or submitted to Mrs. Jones in a sealed envelope.
Reflection Questions- Answers should be answered in its entirety providing
analytical insight and depth in explanation. Vague or surface answers will
cause your score to be lower.
Please download the template from my website with the questions. Under
the questions, please provide the answers in a different color than the
question so that the answers will be easily recognized. After completion,
submit a copy to Mrs. Jones for grading and add the questions/answers to
your career tab of your online senior portfolio.
Pictures- You should incorporate pictures from your job shadowing
experience. You should include a minimum of 3-5 pictures. Good pictures for
your portfolio should include an outside picture of the building or business as
well as some on the job pictures of your activities or duty.
Thank you letter- Please follow the sample letter on my website. You
should submit a final typed copy to Mrs. Jones along with your draft with
grammatical corrections and revisions. Finally, you must submit validation of

Job Shadow Reflection

Warren Easton High School
Rubric/Exit Sheet
sending the letter either by email where you forward me the letter sent or
take a picture of the envelope addressed to the mentors business with a
postage stamp. The thank you letter should be sent a week or two after the
completion of the shadow experience.

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