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Reh. Find the three equations of state for a system with the fundamemtal Cocoborate that the equations of state are homogeneous zero order (i. and uw are intensive parameters}, “22-2. For the system of problem 2.2-1 find » as a function of T, ¥, and N, that 7, 224 Find the three equations of state for a system with the tundamental equiation 4 show that, for this system, w= —u. “22-5. Express » as a function of 7 and P for the system of problem 2.2-4. 2-6. Find the three equations of state for a system with the fundamental uation, 2.27, A particular system obeys the relation w= Av *expts/R} N motes of this substance, titially si tcroperature 7, aud pressure 7, ae expanded isentropically {s = constant} until the pressure ts halved. What is the final temperamare? Answer T= 003 F, 23-8. Find the three equations of state in the entropy representation for a system: with the fundamental equation _ [08 9 BS RIA Answer, “BSS aes “ : i MW 23-3. Find the three equations of state in the eadropy representation for a systen wiih dhe fundamental equation ve (L)eere 23-5. Find the three equations of siate for a system with the fundamental relation Suv RON UP now ihar the equations of state im emcopy representation are homegencous ¢ that Ghe temperature is intrinsically positive. 2) Find the “mechanical equation of state” P= PCT, 2). iod the ferra of the adiabais in the Poo plane, (Aa “adiabat” is a locus of QOnMaNt entropy, oF ar “isentrope”). 26-3, Two particular systems have the following equations of state: a wt yh TO 2 ye and * a syne Th 2° ye where R is the gas constant (Problem 2.6-2), The mole number of the first systers is NC) = 2 and that of the second is N@ = 3. The nyo systems are separated by 4 disthermal wall, and the total energy in the composite system is 25% 107 J, What is the internal energy of each systera in equilibrium? Answers yO—716 35 26-4. Two systems with the equations of state given in Problem 26-3 arc Separated by a diathermal wall. The respective mole numbers are N@}= 2 and N® — 3. The initial temperatures are F@) + 750 K and 7@ = 390 K, What are the values of 7 and U after equilibrium has been established? What is the equilibrium temperature? 27-1, Three cylinders are fitted with four pistons, as shown in Fig. 22. The cross-sectional areas of the cylinders are in the rae Ay: Ay: Ay = 152-3, Pairs of pistons are coupled se that their displacements (linear motions) are equal. Phe walls of the cylinders are diathermal and are connected by a heat conducting bar {crosshatched in the figure}. The entire system is isolated {so that, for instance, there is no pressure exerted on the outer surfaces of the pistons), Find the ratios of pressures in the three cylinders. FIGURE 22 Three volume-coupled sysiems. Problem 2.741) 2.868. The fundamental equation of a particular type of two-component system is wep x, a S= NA + NRin no a Ny, N,Rin NaH In NeN+N, where 4 is an unspecified constant. A closed rigid cylinder oF total volume 10 liters is divided imo iwo chambers of equal volume by a diathermal rigid mettbrane, permeable to the frst componeni but impermeable to the second, fy one chamber is placed a sample of the system with original parameters NO) = 0.5, NO = 6.75, KO = $ liters, and T= 300 K, in the second chamber is placed a sample with original parameters N= 2, N= 05, VO 5 liters, and 7? = 250 K, After equilitrium is established, what are the values of A), NO 7, PO, and PO Answer: T= 2727K 3.5-1L Write each of the five physically acceptable fundamental equations of Problen: £.10-4 m the Buber forse. S24, Find the relation among, T, P. and » for the system with the fundamental equation tale is Oe Ves Ne 3.3-4, i i A partioular system obeys the ovo equations of state Pee. » pot We thermal equation of stare end as* . Peo => the mechanical equation of stare v ‘ where 4 is constant. a} Find p as a function of s and c, and then find the fundamental equation. &) Find the fundamental equation of this system by direct integraiton of the molar form of the equation. 33-2. It is found that a particular system obeys the relations U= PY and P= By? where B is constant. Find the fandamental equation of this system.

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