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Power Standards

Playing Instruments
Reading and

WCSD Music


Transition /




Grade K
21 September 2015

Tracks: Wake Me, Shake Me;

Lesquercarde; Grizzly Bear; Ushkana; The
Enchanted Garden
Books: K BB Pg 2
Instruments: Rhythm Sticks
Manipulatives: Movement Scarves

Day 1

Day 2

Identify and sing high/low, fast/slow, loud/

soft. (1.K.1)

Identify and sing high/low, fast/slow, loud/

soft. (1.K.1)

Students will understand that voices can be

loud and quiet and will be able to sing,
speak, whisper, and call loudly and quietly.
Whisper hello loudly and quietly.

Students will understand that voices can be

loud and quiet and will be able to sing,
speak, whisper, and call loudly and quietly.
Sing hello loudly and quietly.

How can you play rhythm sticks loudly?

When would you need to use a quiet voice?

Ss look at BB Pg 2. Ss identify sounds in

illustration. What would the sound be?
Would it be loud or quiet?
What is the girl in the picture doing? Do
loud or quiet sounds wake us up?
Ss copy T motions acting out song while T
sings Wake Me, Shake Me.
Ss pat SB while T sings Wake Me, Shake
Ss copy T body perc while T sings Wake
Me, Shake Me.
Should we sing with a loud or quiet voice?
Is loud singing the same or different from
Ss sing Wake Me, Shake Me w/ T, using
loud singing voice. FA
Ss move to polka dot spots. T passes out
mvm scarves. Ss show loud and quiet using
shapes w/ Lesquercarde.
Relate Grizzly Bear to Wake Me, Shake
Me: what is the same? Waking up,
Ss sing Grizzly Bear while patting for loud
and quiet.
T passes out rhythm sticks, reviews
Ss sing Grizzly Bear while playing loud
and quiet on rhythm sticks. FA
Ss play Grizzly Bear game.
Formative Assessment: When would you
need a loud sound?
Behavior Review: How is our team doing?
Why? What can we do better?

Ss pat SB while T sings Ushkana. When

would be a good time to sing this song to
someone? (Bedtime)
Ss pat SB while T sings Ushkana. Is this
song in English? Spanish? Cahuilla a
Native American language from Southern
California that is nearly extinct. This song
describes Damselflies and the relationship
between humans and nature.
Ss use wings to show SB while T sings
Ss walk to SB w/ wings while singing
Ss sing Ushkana in circle focusing on
quiet singing voice. FA
Ss move to polka dot spots. T passes out
mvm scarves. Ss show loud and quiet using
shapes w/ The Enchanted Garden.
Relate Grizzly Bear to Ushkana: what is
the same? Lullabies, sleeping, animals
T passes out rhythm sticks, reviews
Ss sing Grizzly Bear while playing loud
and quiet on rhythm sticks. FA
Ss play Grizzly Bear game.

Formative Assessment: When would you

need a quiet sound?
Behavior Review: How is our team doing?
Why? What can we do better?

TPS = Think, Pair, Share; T = Teacher; S = Student; P = Partner; CD = Class Dojo; Matls = Materials; Instr = Instrument(s)

Ms. Amanda Craig, General Music Teacher

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