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Jamisons Policies
1) Daily Routine

Begin working on warm-up activity as soon as you come into class.

Questions over previous night's work will always be allowed before moving on. During this time
students may correct mistakes in their homework using a different writing instrument than
used the first time. (i.e. if they complete their work in pencil, they make corrections in pen)
No one should be getting up & moving around the room during instructional time, it's distracting!
You will almost always have time in class for homework, use it wisely!

2) Homework Policy

There will almost always be a daily assignment.

Assignments for the week will be posted on the board, as well as any tests or quizzes. I don't
believe in surprises.
Homework will be turned in the day after it has been assigned, unless you are told otherwise.
Late assignments will be accepted, but will result in half credit on the assignment. If the
privilege of accepting late assignments is abused this will result in the loss of the privilege. For
absences follow the school policy in regards to when assignments are due.
Each assignment will be graded out of 5 possible points. 3 of those points will come from 3
different problems (chosen by me) which are graded on correctness/corrections. The other 2
points come from the level of completion of the assignment as a whole.

3) Return Borrowed Materials Before Leaving

Calculators, rulers or other class materials will be provided as the lesson requires but will be
returned before you leave class, unless given specific permission otherwise.
Misuse of items will result in a loss of the item for that student & assignments are still expected
to be completed.

4) Enforcing Rules

Failure to respect me or other students will be handled privately between the student &
teacher. Results of inappropriate or continuously distracting behavior include a change in the
seating chart, calling parents, detention or other consequences determined to be necessary for the

* Also please note in my class:

Silent means: no talking, you must remain in your seat & raise hands to ask questions. This time
will be reserved for tests, quizzes & instructional time.
Quiet means: Soft talking is allowed, you may get up to retrieve materials & raise your hand to
get the teacher. This will be used during regular work time.

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