Classroom Procedures

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Come in quietly. Youll be asked to stand outside the classroom until you can comply.

Backpacks are not allowed and must be kept in your locker.

Sit in assigned seat. I dont allow seat switching without permission.

Hand in any homework or assignments in the tower.

Begin on bellringer work or posted assignments.


We work bell to bell. No packing up early.

If you finish early, please work on other assignments you may have for mine or other classes.

Classroom supplies are made available. However, a pencil or pen is necessary. DAILY!

Class call back: I say Class and you say Yes. Well practice.

Your INB will be graded and required to be in the classroom at all times. You will be allowed to test
using your INB, except for district benchmarks and state assessments.

My desk and lab materials are off limits. I will share, but definitely ask first!


Assignments will be posted on board along with due dates. Fill out your planner.

If you miss a due date you will receive 70% credit for the assignment. If you are excused absent, you
will have 3 days from due date to submit the assignment without penalty.

Daily work is weighted as 40% of your final grade and tests are weighted 60%. You will be given an
assessment every two weeks.

I prefer to keep you passing and will work with you if you make the effort to see me during tutorials. I
have tutorials every day from 8:00 to 8:20.


Reminders will be given by me to follow classroom rules.

Excessive disruptions will be dealt with immediately, with a phone call to a parent.

An office referral will be given if behavior violates classroom rules repeatedly or is something that
violates the school handbook.

Detention will be given for infractions (depending on severity) and will be served that day afterschool.
Failure to serve detention will result in an office referral.

Your Name_____________________________________________________
Parent Signature________________________________________________

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