Greece Part 1

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Ancient Greece

800 b.c.e 300

b.c.e. circa


Geography had a very important role

in forming the Ancient Greek Civilization.

Peninsula w/ islands This separated the citystates & made it harder to unify Greece.

Mountainous land made it hard grow food.

Mediterranean Sea Supplied food & Transportation.
Climate = great! Nice to live there

Ancient Greeces Influences

3 groups culturally mixed and the result was the

- Came from Central Europe

-Minoans Brought the Greek writing systems
-Dorians Gave them language
*The Phoenicians gave them an alphabet

The Results of this cultural diffusion was the

ancient Greeks who:

Great Sailors
-Were Culturally diverse
-Had a writing system that was not complicated
More people could read & write

Ancient Greek Stories & Myths

850 b.c.e. (circa) a blind poet named Homer
writes 2 Epic Poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey

Iliad tells of the war between Greece and

-The Odyssey tells of Odysseuss (one of the
Greeks) trip home

Greeks were polytheistic; they created stories to

explain the unknown

Animal Kingdom where do spiders come

-Life and Death
-Nature - Why does the Earth shake?


A few powerful People i.e. a king

& subjects
-Aristocracy The most powerful rule
-Democracy Ruled by the People
-Monarchy King Only

City-States & War

Greece had hundreds of city states, famous ones
- Athens
- Sparta
- Thebes

Most city-states had a king in charge of the land

i.e. Leonidas I was the king of the Spartans
The Athenians were different They used an
aristocracy then a democracy
Draco was an Ancient Athenian legislator who
created laws for all Citizens to follow. The laws
were often harsh but did make ALL Citizens

Persian Wars

The Persian Empire was born

Used Peace & Tolerance to Unify hundreds of city-states and the largest army
the world had ever seen
o Due to the size of the Empire, the Persian Kings created the Royal Road

The Persian & Greek Civilizations both wanted

control of the Mediterranean & went to war!



Better trained
Used a Phalanx

- Larger Army
- Surprise attacks
- Used intimidation

We know about the wars because of the Greek

Historian Herodotus History is written by the

Famous Battles
Marathon 10,000 Greeks vs. 25,000

City-state of Marathon attacked

Greek forces defeated the Persians

The Greek messenger Pheidippides ran

26.2 to Athens to tell of victory, and then
he died!

2000 Greeks w/ 300 Spartans vs Xerxes I army of
over 1,000,000!

Persia surprise attacked southern Greece with

the largest land army in history.

The Spartans used the Phalanx to slow the


Persians finally broke through, but the rest of

Greece was able to immobilize

The 2000 Greeks & 300 Spartans all died but

Gave Greece Pride & showed organization is
better than size of army!


Triremes derived their name from

having three banks of rowers
who sat almost on top of each
other on each side of the ship.
Build for speed and
maneuverability rather than
strength, they relied primarily on
the muscle-power of their 170
rowers and used their front ram
to devastating effect


Naval Battle fought of the coast of Salamis

Large Persian fleet is ambushed by Greeks
Greeks are better sailors and have smaller, quicker
Persians fleet is wiped out

Salamis was a Very important battle because the Persians

were defeated & gone for good

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