Justification - SRIBD

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To whom it may concern:

This is to attest that employees of this Office regularly travel to the
Office of the Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court and Office of the Provincial
Prosecutor, all of Lucena City, to bring records, evidence and other official
documents and to file cases thereat, and to the nearby municipalities to
cause the service of subpoena to parties that can be found therein. Said
employees, in an annual basis, usually travel more or less 208 times, with a
per diem of P200.00, or equivalent to P41,600.00.
In addition, they also travel to the Department of Justice, Padre Faura,
Manila, Office of the Regional Prosecutor , Region IV, San Pablo City and
other Offices, to submit and bring reports, records and other pertinent
documents, usually 96 times, more or less, a year, with a per diem of
P400.00, or equivalent to P38,400.00.
Further, Prosecutors of this Office attend annual seminars and
conventions, hence, an addition P160,000.00 is requested, for their
transportations and hotel accommodations allowances.
Thus, this Office needs the proposed total amount of P240,000.00
(Traveling Allowance) to sustain such activities.
Further, said travels are purely on official business and necessary.
Tayabas City, June 15, 2015.

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