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Made by Chris Mcvay

Guide to
Fixing the
So Me

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
Windows 7 home screen.......................................................................................... 3
Windows 10 home screen........................................................................................ 3
Icons........................................................................................................................... 5
Windows 7 desktop icons explained........................................................................5

............................................................................................................ 5
Windows 10 desktop icons explained......................................................................6
Defragging.................................................................................................................. 7
Windows 7 defrag.................................................................................................... 7
................................................................................................................................... 7
Windows 10 defrag.................................................................................................. 8
................................................................................................................................... 8
Disc Cleanup............................................................................................................... 9
Windows 10 Clean up............................................................................................ 10
System Properties.................................................................................................... 11
Win 7 properties.................................................................................................... 11
Windows 10 properties.......................................................................................... 12
Scissors.................................................................................................................... 12
Taking a picture off whatever youre viewing........................................................12
Windows 7 screen picture..................................................................................12
Window 10 screen picture.................................................................................. 14

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Made by Chris Mcvay

This is a complete guide to doing whatever you need to your windows 7 and 10
computers under the titles specified. This is a step by step with pictures and
diagrams and some funny quotes to make things sound easy and fun and to take
the pressure off things that sound stupidly complicated to do such a simple task.
Not too much reading unless its a must coz I hate too much of this reading stuff
anyway its way better to have pictures so you can actually see whats happening
and what youre supposed to have on screen.

Nuff said heres a few pictures of what your system starts off like n stuff.

Windows 7 home screen.

Windows 7 Professional start screen.

Windows 10 home screen

Windows 10 Home.

These are both the basic images of windows 7 and 10 clean system installs.
They are just bare operating systems with
no added pictures or so.

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Made by Chris Mcvay


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Made by Chris Mcvay

Windows 7 desktop icons explained

Start menu. (Little world), (windows icon).

Internet explorer. (Internet button), (little E), (E thingy).

Windows Explorer. (File explorer), (little folder), (folder explorer)

Windows Media Player. (Video player), (music player).

Little arrow that when you press on it with your mouse it will show you the
hidden icons if any. If you have any Usb devices connected the icon will be there.
Not too important just yet.
Flag. Sometimes with a red X on it. This one lets you know if the operating
system has any small issues of functionality. The red X signifies something is
missing like Anti-virus or windows update.
This little pic icon shows how you are connected to the internet,
sometimes you will see little bars as you see on a mobile phone. The bars mean you
are connected wirelessly. The little computer means you are connected directly to a
source such as a modem or another computer.
This is your speaker icon. You can right click on this (opposite to normal
click anyway) to set your volume or mute your speakers or simply control it in
mostly any way.

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Windows 10 desktop icons explained.

Store button. Pretty good for

free apps.
Windows Explorer button. Look for
Internet Explorer. Get on the internet.
Task view icon. Only used if you want a couple
of different
desktops to look at, at the same time. (Advanced techy
stuff though).
The Search bar. (Not a pub, though it would be a
good name for
one). Instead of going on the
net through a search thingy, just
type it in
there and press enter and it searches for you.
Start menu. Its back where it should be but just looks like a window. Two good
options with this one. Normal click gets you the most used apps and a way to files
on your computer. The other option isa to right click (opposite click) and get a more
direct choice to find Control Panel.

There is one icon here I have not listed. Its google chrome, its not
standard and you would have to download that one if you need it. Its just
another explorer.

Now to get to the Nitti gritty stuff for the little


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Made by Chris Mcvay

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Windows 7 defrag is a good thing to keep the computer going at its best speed.
It keeps the hard drive clear of any file rubbish and makes the access easier. A
defrag is just like a vacuuming and a tidy up with a duster etc. organization of the
files is done using this to make the computer remember where they are and things
are stacked nicely.

Start button

Select Computer then right click on the

drive to defrag.

Select Properties
The tools tab will take you to the defrag option

Press defrag.

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Now simply press the defrag disk

option and it will do its own job. It will have a percentage display on the drive
getting done and it will say defragmented when finished. In most cases it will say
0% fragmented which means it is complete and or doesnt need any more doing.

Windows 10 defrag
This version is a lot easier to start off with as you use windows search to find it and
its as quick as that.

Type Defrag in the search box where it says search the web and windows.

Select the option defragment and

optimize drives. Then simply hit the optimize button. On
windows 10 its as easy as that and the task will be done and
completed the same way as windows 7.

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Made by Chris Mcvay


Disc Cleanup.

Through the time of using the computer it collects old cookies and file stuff which is
stupid. There is no need for it and it just takes up storage space. On all windows
formats you can right click on the recycle bin and choose to empty it. This is a half
job of a cleanup but every little helps.
Windows 7 is straight forward to get there if you have tried the defrag. But if you
missed it here it is again.

Start button then Computer


Then select the drive to clean up.

Click clean up.

Select all the little boxes.

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Then press on ok. If the computer has never

been cleaned then select to clean up system
files too. When it does that it will think for a
second then come up with the boxes again to
select then press OK then youre done.

Windows 10 Clean up.

Dead easy again on this one. Just type
little box at the bottom again. Type
and itll come up with the option of
cleanup. Select that and its all the
as 7 from there. Tick the boxes and

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in the

Made by Chris Mcvay

System Properties.
This is a very brief extra encase someone needs to know the properties of your
computer. Easy to follow.

Win 7 properties

Start menu
System properties

Do those exact steps and your screen should put up an image like this one.

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Windows 10 properties
Win 10 is very similar to find out the properties to doing most other stuff. The
display is different but the description is the same.
Type in the search the web and windows.

Type SYS
Select system information.

The display with the information will come up for viewing.

Also known as snipping tool is readily available in windows 7 and 10.

Taking a picture off whatever youre viewing.

Windows 7 screen picture

Start menu (little world thingy)

Select snipping tool.

This can be activated at any time to get any picture off your screen even from a
paused video.
Your screen will go cloudy and you will have a box on the screen saying snipping

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Made by Chris Mcvay

You can then select where to start your picture and end it by holding down the
mouse button and dragging it to a selected point.

I selected the windows logo. As soon as I

let go of the mouse the little picture window came up. Now to save it.
Press File then Save As then type a name for the picture. And press save. The
default location for these pictures is in your pictures library. This can all be changed
if need be.
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Made by Chris Mcvay

Window 10 screen picture.

Type Snip in the search box at the bottom.

Select snipping tool.

The process of saving an image off the screen is the same as windows 7. If you want
to save a picture to your desktop select desktop when you save it on the left hand

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Made by Chris Mcvay

Select here to save the image to the desktop then type in the name you want to call
it in the file name area. All done.

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