IECOM 2014 Registration Terms & Conditions & Syllabus

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IECOM (Industrial Engineering Competition) is a competition revolving

around industrial engineering knowledge and skills that organized by
Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Industri (MTI), an organization consisting of
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management undergraduate
students of Bandung Institute of Technology.
IECOM has been held 5 times during the past 8 years in the national
and international level and has gained an astounding success for
being one of the most prestigious competitions in Indonesian industrial
engineering academic society. And now, once again, we will
challenge all of the Industrial Engineering students from South East
Asia, China, and Australia region to participate in IECOM 2014.


To apply industrial engineering competencies and knowledge in real systems

especially for industrial sectors.


To increase the participants- and the overall Industrial Engineering studentscompetencies and knowledge in general to prepare them for their work in the future.


To give participants a chance to share industrial engineering knowledge and

competencies among the participants coming from a variety of universities that in
the region of South East Asia, China, and Australia.


To provide the industrial engineering students who participate in this event a chance
to expand their global network.


More often than not, sustainable development is only associated with
the environmental aspect of it, resulting in what is commonly referred
to as green sustainable development. In truth, sustainable
development has three main focus aspects; environmental,
economic, and social sustainable development. All of those three
clearly have affected the people of industries, both employees and
customers, and also the society at large. Given said nature,
sustainable development has an extensive application and
contribution in any type of industry.

Environmental sustainable development in general is about enabling

companies to strive despite the limitations of technology and natural
resources to meet the needs of present and future generations. It
covers the role of an organization in pursuit of healthier environment,
reduced pollution (air and liquid wastes), and efficiency in the use of
all the resources (time, energy, human, etc). Efforts that companies
have made in support of the environmental sustainable development
movement can be waste processing, efficient use of material, quality
engineering (defects minimizing), logistic control (green logistics,
reverse logistics), waste management, production planning control
(energy efficiency and time), etc.
Economic sustainable development aims at improving living standards
by generally reducing costs and increasing current and future profit.
This can be done in all areas extensively and integrated from efforts to
control the process, production control, quality engineering, risk
management, information management, logistics, product innovation,
organizational restructuring, ergonomics, and many other small
aspects in an organization. The impact these efforts created can be
seen on the people (the welfare of employees), on customers (price is
competitive and products are high value-added), and on society
(economic growth, human resource development, social activities).
The sustainable development efforts undertaken in the previous two
aspects also have their impact on society. Thus, in social life,
improvement occurred not only through CSR program but also directly
as empowerment of human resources in the organization's activities
(as labor), physical development projects (facilities and infrastructure),
and so forth.
At the corporate level, this is linked to efforts to improve the profitability
and reputation of the company by way of corporate strategy along
with the update in Interchangeability of time and environmental
conditions. Strategic management was instrumental in developing the
corporate strategy to create sustainable competitive advantage.
Sustainable competitive advantage is done internally through
optimization resources, the creation of core competences, and
special capabilities.

According to the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) :
Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement,
and installation of integrated system consisting of people, materials,
information, equipment, and energy it draws upon specialized
knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences
together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and
design in order to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be
obtained from such system.

IECOM 2014 invites students majoring in Industrial Engineering (or any
other study programs relevant to the above definition of Industrial
Engineering) from universities located in the Southeast Asia, China,
Hong Kong and Australia region.
Participants will compete in teams of 4 (four) members each. Each
team member must be a student enlisted in an undergraduate
engineering program described above. All team members must come
from the same university. Each university is only permitted to register a
maximum of 3 (three) teams for the online selection stage.

The online registration will be opened on September, 11th 2013 until
October, 25th 2013. All participants will be required to fill their personal
details on our website (, upload CV/resumes,
student cards, recent photograph, and submit a scanned letter from
their respective universities, confirming their status as current students.
The online registration is free. Each university is only permitted to
registered a maximum of 3 (three) teams for the online selection stage.
If there are more than 3 teams registered from the same university,
only 3 first teams will be accepted.

Participants will be notified of their eligibility to participate through our
website, by email, and/or by phone. The online selection is a multiple
choice assessment consisting of 45 questions that will test each teams
knowledge in all fields of IE (will be detailed in competition content
syllabus). This online selection will open on October, 28th 2013 until
November, 4th 2013 in our website (
Terms & Conditions of Online Selection:

All participants will be classified into 3 categories,

according to the region :
1. Region A, universities located in Java Island,
2. Region B, universities located in outside Java Island,
3. Region C, universities located outside Indonesia

Subject to change. Any change will be immediately announced through our

website (

Each university may register a maximum of 3 (three) teams

for the online selection stage. However, only 1 (one) team
with the best score will be compared to other best teams of
other universities.
The online selections scores will be ranked separately for
each region. 7(seven) best teams from region A, 3 (three)
best teams from region B, and 5(five) best team from region
C will be taken and get opportunity to continue to the
country finals in Bandung.


Teams who have passed the online selection will be announced in our
website ( and contacted via email and/or by
phone on November, 8th 2013. Each team will then need to confirm,
pay registration fee, and upload their proof of payment to our website
or our email before November, 17th 2013. Teams who fail to fulfill the
registration fee will be forfeited and their slot(s) will be given to other
teams from the same region, based on the online selection ranking.
The Registration fee for each team : IDR 2,000,000 / USD 200

The best 15 who will come to country finals in Bandung will be
announced through our website, by email, and/or by phone on
December, 1st 2013.

The country finals will be held in Bandung, Indonesia on January, 11th
2013 until January, 18th 2013. The country finals consist of Elimination
Rounds and only top 5(five) teams are chosen to proceed through the
Grand Finale. The committee will provide the accommodations,
transportations, foods and beverages during teams stay in Bandung.
The committee will not, however, be responsible for teams
transportation to and from Bandung. Further details will be informed
through email and/or by phone from our liaison officer team.

1st winner: US$ 3500 and certificate
2nd winner: US$ 2500 and certificate
3rd winner: US$ 2000 and certificate


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the commitee

via contacts below. We will gladly respond to any concern you might
have .
Contact Person
Nathania : +6287824781247 /
Adelein Layadi : +62817120401/
Kevin Harsono : +6281908871820 /





Main Reference

Information System

Design and Analysis of

Information System

Information and its system in controlling process and decision making process,
methodology for information system development, system analysis, system
requirement analysis, system design, standard architecture, and information
system implementation process.

Whiten, J.L.& Bentley, L. D.2007. System Analysis

and Design Methods, 7th ed.. Boston : McGRAWHILL

Computer Simulation

Concept of simulation system and its position among others problem solving
approach, steps in simulation modelling, random number generator, random
variable generator, simulation output analysis, simulation model verifications
and validation, system configuration comparison analysis, variance reduction
technique, experiment design on simulation study and development of
simulation scenario.

Harrel, C. R. 2011. Simulation Using Promodel, 3rd

ed. New York : McGRAW-HILL.

Industrial Management and Techno-Economic


Organizations and
Industrial Enterprise
Industrial Psychology

Management History, Management and organization, Role of managers,

organization culture, modification and application in organization design,
organization development
Introduction to Psychology, human behavior, organization behavior,
introduction of human resource development, work related, individual

Robbins, S. P. & Coulter, Mary. 2012. Management,

11th ed. USA : Pearson Education, Inc.

Cost Estimation and


Accounting Process, financial report, concept of cost, direct material cost,

direct labor cost, indirect factory cost, order costing, process costing, by
product and joint product, standard costing system, variance analysis, and
break event analysis

Oswald, P. F. & Mclaren, T. S. 2004. Cost Analysis and

Estimating for Engineering and Management, 1st ed.
USA : Pearson Education Inc.

Introduction to

Definition of science economy, utility, supply and demand, elasticity,

production theory, cost of production, market structure, national income and
production, consumption, investment and saving, banking institution and
money, fiscal policy, international trade

Samuelson, P. A. & Nordhaus, W. D. 1992.

Macroeconomics, 4th ed. New York : McGRAW-HILL

Bisen, V. & Priya. 2010. Industrial Phsycology. India :

New Age International Publisher.

Entrepreneurship and
Enterprise Development

Business concept, stakeholders, and business environment, business initiation,

business plan, marketing plan, operation aspect, financial aspect, and business
process improvement. The course provides knowledge and basic skills for
designing and making business plan

Drucker, Peter. 2006. Innovationand

Entrepreneurship. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall

Engineering Economics

Definition and scope of engineering economics, cash flow, concept of time

value of money, present equivalent value, annual value, internal rate of return,
payback method, profitability index method, sensitivity analysis, depreciation,
inflation and deflation, replacement analysis, tax analysis, public investment
cost-benefit analysis

Newnan, Donald G. 1998. Engineering Economic

Analysis, 3rd ed. California : Engineering Press.

Marketing Management

History of Marketing management, Analyzing consumer markets, analyzing

business market, identifying segments, targets, and positions, making price
policy, place policy, product policy, and promotion policy, designing and
managing integrated marketing, managing retailing, wholesaling and logistics,
managing mass communication, global market, e-business, market strategies

Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L. 2012. Marketing

Management. USA : Pearson Education, Inc.

Industrial Planning and Optimization System


Systems Modelling

System and system thinking, problem solving and system modelling, problem
formulation process, mathematical modelling process, modelling with
deterministic mathematical model, formulation, modelling with stochastic,
parameter estimation, model analysis and validation, model implementation,
class project I : deterministic model, class project II : stochastic model,
theoretical problem modelling, complex system modelling

Daellenbach, H. G. & McNickle, D. C. 2005.

Management Science-Decision Making Through
Systems Thinking. USA : Palgrace Macmillan.

Operations Research I

Introduction to operational research, principle of optimization and the role of

analytical solution for problem solving, linear programming and methods for
finding solution, duality theory and sensitivity analysis, matrix form simplex
method, improved simplex method, algorithm for problem with restricted
variable, decomposition algorithm, transportation problem, transhipment
problem, and assignment problem, goal programming and integer

Lieberman. 2010. Introduction to Operations

Research, 9th ed. Singapore : McGRAW-HILL

Operations Research II

Network analysis, dynamic programming, markov chain, queuing theory and its
application, game theory

Industrial Statistics

Role of inferential and descriptive statistics, introduction to inferential

statistics, sampling theory, central limit theorem, estimation process, basic of
hypothesis test, process of hypothesis test, regression analysis and correlation,
variance analysis and introduction ti experimental design, non-parametric

Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H. etc.2007.Probability &

Statistics for Engineers & Scientist, 8th ed. New
Jersey : Pearson Education, Inc.

Inventory and Supply

Chain Management

Concept and framework of logistic system, structural aspect system analysis,

functional aspect system analysis, design of logistic system, planning and
controlling of logistic system

Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., Cooper,B.2010. Supply

Chain Logistics Management,3rd ed. New York :

Project Management

Project in contemporary organizations, strategic management and project

selection, the project manager, negotiation and the management of conflict,
the project in the organizational structure, project activity planning, budgeting
and cost estimation, scheduling, resource allocation, monitoring and
information systems, project control, project auditing, project termination

Meredith, J.R., Mantel, S. J. Jr.2009. Project

Management-A Managerial Approach, 7th ed. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Multivariate Data

Data analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis,

discriminant analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis,
multidimensional scaling, structural equation modelling.

Hair, J. F.,etc. 2006. Mutivariate Data Analysis, 6th

ed. Prentice Hall.

Industrial Manufacturing

Quality Assurance and


Concept of quality, quality management and assurance, product quality

dimension, quality control principle of process and design, statistical process
control, design of quality control chart and quality improvement trough design,
implementation of quality system.

Montgomery, D. C. 2009. Statistical Quality Control,

3rd ed. New York: Wiley.

Manufacturing Process

Basic modern manufacturing process, casting process, plastic forming process,

metal forming process, metal plate forming process, machining process theory,
tools technology, machining machine and operation, grinding process, welding

Groover, M.P. 2007. Fundamentals of Modern

Manufacturing : Materials, Processes, and Systems,
3rd ed. New York : Wiley.

Production Management

Lean manufacturing concept, just in time, theory of constraints, load oriented

manufacturing system, project based production planning and control,
strategic production network and supply chain system, enterprise resource

Sipper & Buffin, Jr. 1997. Production Planning,

Control, and Integrations. McGRAW-HILL.

Production Planning and


Definition of production, manufacturing, and manufacturing system,

production planning and control cycles, forecasting method, aggregate
production planning, master production schedule, inventory control, material
requirement planning, capacity planning, shop floor control and scheduling,
purchasing control

Fogarty, et. Al.1991. Production and Inventory

Management, 2nd ed.Cincinnati, Ohio: South
Western Publishing Co.

Production Systems

Concept and basic model of automation system, industrial electric diagram,

logic gate and electronic circuit, industrial control equipment, theory and basic
of control system, data communication and local area network in a
manufacturing system, programmable logic controller, numerical programming
and control, hard and soft automation

Groover, M. P. 2001. Automation, Production

System, and Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing,2nd ed. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall

Basic Industrial
Engineering Design

Introduction to design, design using CAD, geometric construction, basic

technical drawing, dimensioning, assembly drawing, product documentation,
advanced topics

Bertoline, G.R. & Wiebe, E. N. 2003. Technical

Graphics Communication, 3rd ed. New York :

Facility Design

Introduction to facility design, approaches to facility layout design, facility

requirement calculation, SLP (Systematic Layout Planning), production activity,
non-production activity, mathematical model for layout problem, basic
algorithm for layout problem, computer aided layout design, evaluation
selection and implementation, group technology layout, advance algorithm for
layout problem, material handling, storage and warehouse

Heragu, S. 2006. Facilities Design, 2nd ed. Boston :

PWS Punlishing Company.

System Engineering and Ergonomics



Introductions to ergonomics, information processing and sensing system,

anthropometric ergonomy, work biomechanics, display and control equipment
design, work safety, introduction to macro ergonomics.

Work System Design

Introduction to work charts and operation analysis tools, method for work
system design, time study, predetermined time system, work sampling.


Introduction, anthropometric data, muscle strength evaluation, biomechanical

models, biomechanical job analysis, whole body and segmental vibration,
manual material handling, sitting posture, working posture, evaluating manual


Freivalds, A. 2009. Niebel's Methods, Standards, and

Work Design, 12 ed. New York : McGRAW-HILL

Chaffin, D. B. Occupational Biomechanics, 3rd

ed.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Project Financing

Project financing may be defined as the raising of funds on a limited-recourse

or nonrecourse basis to finance an economically separable capital investment
project in which the providers of the funds look primarily to the cash flow from
the project as the source of funds to service their loans and provide the return
of and a return on their equity invested in the project. The terms of the debt
and equity securities are tailored to the cash flow characteristics of the project.
For their security, the project debt securities depend mainly on the profitability
of the project and on the collateral value of the projects assets. Assets that
have been financed on a project basis include pipelines, refineries, electric
generating facilities, hydroelectric projects, dock facilities, mines, toll roads,
and mineral processing facilities.

Finnerty, J. D., Ph.D. 2007. Project Financing: AssetBased Financial Engineering, 2nd ed. Hoboken, New
Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Head of Industrial Engineering Student Union
Imam Nugraha
Head of IECOM 2014 Committee
Kevin Harsono
Treasurer 1
Treasurer 2
Anisa Puspita Sari
Secretary 1
Felicia Tantiana
Secretary 2
Astrid Retnaningtyas
Davina Andini
Nila Layla Melinda
Design and Production
Muhammad Juliansyah
Aini Khoirunnissa
Web Programming
Fauzan Azhiman
Media Partner
Aqcaya Hizni
Andi Dananto
Veronica Natasha Adelein
Amazing Race
I Gusti Agung Gede Subrata
Amanda Rizki Maharani
Eva Nurfadilah
Grand Finale
Joseph Sebastian Widagdo
Liaison Officer
Event 1
Amelia Deasy
Event 2
Anisa Agtriani
Grand Seminar
Pitra Syahirul

Gala Dinner
Yasmine Kurnia
Cultural Night
Puti Bungo
Visit Bandung
Aditya Parama
Aulia Deasy
Glen Kristianta Surbakti
Annisa Ayu Putri
Rifqi Cakti Bramudyo
Evan Naratama
Fuad Aziz

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