Pontual - Inglês - 3 Ano Médio Prof. Caio Sena

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01 Questo: Leia a tirinha.

Marque V ou F e assinale a opo correta:

Vocabulary: staring at me: me encarar; look so cute: est to bonitinha; can't:

no pode; to come over: aparecer; mood swings: mudanas de humor.




est dando uma ordem a Pablo.

est pedindo para Tina vir depois da escola.
est dizendo que Pamela est to bonitinha.
no balano est tendo mudanas de humor.

a) V F V V
b) V F F V
c) V F V F
d) F V V V
e) F V V F
02 Questo: Marque a alternativa correta que preenche a lacuna da seguinte
frase: Alice _______ in the garden at this moment.
a) has worked
b) is working
c) works
d) was working
e) has been working
03 Questo: Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase:
Our English teacher ______ (to spend) the afternoon reading yesterday.
a) spended
b) was spent
c) spent
d) has spent
e) did spend
04 Questo: Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase:
I _________ a new car.
a) bought
b) did buy
c) have bought
d) buy
e) had bought

05 Questo: Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a frase:

They ______________ here for 10 years.
a) work
b) working
c) has worked
d) have worked
e) have work
06 Questo: Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a
frase __________ your mother __________ to Rio last week? no Simple Past?
a) Does travel.
b) Did travel.
c) Did traveled.
d) Do traveled.
07 Questo: Qual opo correta para a frase: In 5 years, I will ___________
finished my English course.
a) done
b) have
c) have
d) had
e) had done
08 Questo: Marque a opo que completa a frase I ________ my key
yesterday, so I couldn't get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket
a) have found
b) have
c) lost
d) lose
e) have lose
09 Questo: Escolha a frase CORRETA (Simple Present):
a) I studies medicine at the university.
b) Roni and Vika has a dog.
c) He drives hundreds of kilometers every day.
d) Our cat eat fish.
e) They watches TV before they go to sleep.
10 Questo: Escolha os verbos (Simple Present) que completam corretamente as
Lets _____ to the music.
Does she _____ English.
He _____ to school every day.
We _____ intelligent.
They _____basketball.
a) listens, speak, goes, are, plays
b) listen, speaks, goes, is, play
c) listen, speak, goes, are, play
d) listens, speaks, go, are, plays
e) listen, speak, go, is, plays

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