Constitution of India

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die Bench sd not Babe por of ogi A Accused: Immunity from double prosecution and punuhment 110 immo, agu_ sinning ce prohibition against ex put fact legislator, 108 Acquired Territory, 07, 71 ‘Acquisition, of Property [ree Property) 7 “Sonicabl, 127 compensation case of 127.28 how’ tar affected by ‘Conaestion (th ‘Amendment Act 1955, 127 how fr allo by 25k Amendment, 127 how far alee By 42nd Amendment Ack 8 smeaning of 127 of esate ad rights therein A. 1,128 Administration: ‘of Uaion Terres, 27577 Adult Franchise, 25,395 ‘Advocate-General for a State, 245 ‘Allindia Services, 301 ‘Amendment to Constitution: Tals for amendment subject to ordinary ei In, mode yA. 368, 164 changes made by 42nd Amendment Ack 107 changes made by 43rd and 44h ‘Amendment Ad 170, changes not o be deemed a, 1 ‘omtinenr power vesed tn Palen, i ‘Consttonal tiation, upon power of 166 danger of frequent amendments, 170 general eae of, 163. tory of since 1950, Table V. 451 rate of amending proces. 1 ho provion of Conan fmmune frm, i President bound Wo gve assent 164 [rncedre for amendment, 16263 Sith Amendment, 168 ‘weer bas fests ae amendable, 165 Ira epee to Pandareral Right, 165 Angloindians: Special povson fr (An. 330, 405, ‘Annual financial statement, 227 ‘Appropriation Act, 228 INDEX Appropriation requires a law, 290 ‘Arrest ght to be defended by a lega practioner, 114 sgh be fomed of the wounds ot 4 safeguards aginst, 14 fafeguards not avaable to — ales, dens, 114 Attorney General for India, 203, B ‘Backward Classes: crimination in vour of, 9304 esereton form series, 58 ‘alegre or 96 Separate provisions for, in general, 44 Basie features of Constitution, 49, 168, 425 Bil ‘Bl of Rights, 42 Bil of Right in the US.A., ditingushed ftom fundamental nights “under the Tdian conston 8,82 Kerala Education Bil S12 Money Bils— ‘diction between financial bile and 23 6 procedure for pain of, 22224 Spears eaten 217,223 What are, 22 tbe han Money Bal Tnede of wemoving deadlock beeen two uses 224 sage he ping 20 then becomes aw 24 Boundaries, alteration of, 70 British Commonwealth, 22 British North America Act, 51 Budget, 226 acy statement in 228 c Cabinet Mission: ‘proposal of, 46 Certioraris dstaguished from Prohiiton, 137 nature of, 15738 fon proud of want or exces of jnscton, 197138 Chairman of 1 28 Chief Commissioner, 275 ‘hs provinces in Part € States, 275, Council of States, 496 Inpex (Citizens of Tadias who are— In the commencement of Constation, 74 by bith, 76 by descent, 76 by ncoxporation of terry, 76 ‘by natralisaton, 76 by reghtraon, 76 sight and privilege of, 74 Citizenship: meaning of 74 Citizenship Act, 1955, 76 alter commencement of Constaioa—law tion—mode of acquistion of 75 conatuonal and statutory bast of 74 Seprvason of, 76 ‘domi a Inca, 75 tlic of migration fom Pakistan, 75 ‘ict of migration to Pakistan, 75 ‘modes of acqunton of, 7576 single, 76 termination of 75 who became 08 2611950, 75 ‘Committee of Public Accounts, 229 ‘Committee on Estimates, 229 Communal Representation, abaltion of 4 ‘Comptroller and Auditor-General: pared wit hs Beta counterpant, 205, ‘conditions of sevice of 204 ‘utes and powers of 204 Consolidated Fund, penditue charged on, 227 Constituent Assembly + option ofthe Objectives Resolution by, 2D Cabloet Delegation, 15 Commies of 19 (Capp Mision, 14 ema for & consuton framed by, 14 section of 18 of fad, 18 tho Table 8 passing of dhe Constatin by, 18 Constitutional remedies: for enforcement of fundarnenal ght, 131 Constitution of India : bolas commonal epresentaion, 43 sdops ungualiied adult franchise, (8 both jticible and. onjusiclable rights ‘wchded Fundamental ight ect primp and Fennel Constitution of India—Cond combines Parlanentary Government with ‘President 44 consittion ofthe unis nce, 34 {ate of commencement of, 19 ‘detailed admunteratve provisions inched, 2 raw from diferent sources, 32 tlle of Sd Amendment Ac, 4 Federal elaions elaborately dealt with, 25 fandamental righ, subject to reasonable Incorporates the accumulated experience 1 diferent Consuttions, 33 longest known Constaaton, 58 more lex tha rig, 39 ‘ultanding feaies of, S249 peculatin of he problems to be solved, a reconciles Paskamentary sovereignty with ‘wren Conston, 37 robe of comventons undee, 38 fourees of 32 ‘pec poten for Jamon an Kass supplemented by legislation, 96 Supplemented. by tuliple amendment, ‘and recat by the 420 ‘Bed and th Amendments, 197678, 2 tends towards ular system, 45 ‘universal franchise, 43 Constitution Amendment Acts: Fist Amendment Ac, 151,84, 451 ‘Second Amendment Act, 1952, 451 ‘Thid Amendnent Act, 1054, 451 Fourth Amendment Ac. 195, 64, Frith Amendment Act, 1955, 4. ‘Soa Amendment Act 1965, 451 ‘Seventh Amendment Ac 1956, 97,49, 55, 7a, 22, M2, 246, 26, 253, 275, 276, 48 Ameren Ack 1080, 261,452 [Nath Amendnent Act, 1960, 72,452 “Teath Amendment Ac 1962, 73,270,459 leva Armendinent Act, 1961, 453 welt Amendment Act, 196, 73, 276, 13 ‘Thirteenth Ariondent Act, 1902 459, Fourteenth Amendment Aci, 1902, 78, 276, “ss Fieenth Amendment Act, 1968, 148,325 “83 Sotcenth Amendment Ac, 163, 8, 145 “Se INDEX 497 Constitution Amendment Acts Cont Seventeenth Amendment Act, 196, 454 Eighteenth Amendment Ac, 166,131 [Nineteenth Amendment Ac, 196, 45 ‘Twentem Amendment Ac, 196, 485 ‘Twenty Amendment Ack 1967, 45 Twentysecond Amendment Act, 196, 73, 200, 455 ‘Amendment Act, 1968, 40, 261, 455 ‘Twentylourth Amendment Ac, 1971, 37, 5,164, 165, 455; Trent Ameoinent Ask 171, 37 40,165, 485 ‘Twentytth Amendment Act 1971, 50, 185 ‘Tweotyseventh Amendinent Ack 1971, 06 ‘Twenty-eight Amendanent Ack, 1972456 ‘Twentieth Amendment Act, 1972 486, ‘Taitieth Amendment Ae, 1972, 456 a Amendoent At, 1979, 456 ‘Thrysecond Amendment Act, 1973, 78, ‘or Thintythird Amendinent Act, 1974 457 ‘Thiry-ourts Amendment Act. 1974457 Thiry-fith Amendment Act 174, 7, 38, 68,165, 7 “Amendment Ac, 1975; 37, 58, 164, 260,457 ‘Tirtyseventh Amendment Ac, 1975, 276, G Thirelghih Amendznent Ac, 1975, 457 ‘Thityaind Amendment Act 1575, 458 Forutth Amendment Aq, 196, 458 Fort Amendment Ac, 1976, 378, 458 Foryaecond Amendment Ac 176, 26, "2, 28, 29,35, 38 4, 43,48, 82,128 142,145 311, 38, 438 Foryhicd Amendment Act, 1977, 4, 143, 311,459 Fortyforth Amendment At, 1978, 27,20, 31, 4, $5, 0, Sl, 12829, 14, 311, 551, 358,350, 361, 362, 966, 967,480, Forty ith Amendanen’ Act, 1980, 460 Fortra Amend’ Ac 9 460 ‘Amendment Act, 1584, 400, Fora Ament A i Fonzi Amendment Act, 188,460 Fiieth Amendment Act, 1984, 460 Fityfint Amendment At, 1964, 460 Fitysecoad Amendment Act 1985, 460 ‘yh Amendment Ac, 1988, 460 Fiyfourth Amendment Act, 105,461 Fifth Amendment Ac, 198461 [iystith Amendment Acs 1987 46 Fiy-seveath Amendment Ack 187, 461 Fiyighth Amendment Act, 1087, 461 Filyinds Amendment Act, 1988 461 ‘Shae Amendment Ac, 1068, 462, Shepefiat Amendment At, 1980, 402 Constitution Amendment Acts Cin ‘Starysecond Amendment Act, 1980, 462 ‘Shaye Amendment Act, 180,462 Shx-fourth Amendment Ac, 1990, 462 Sintyfth Amendment Ac, 1990, 462 ‘Stash Amendment Ack, 190, 463, Serer Anndien A 0,3 soe ‘Stay-eighth Amendment Act 1991, 463 “Amendment At, 190, 463 ‘Seventeth Amendment 1002 463 ‘Seventrat Amendment A, 190,463 Serempaecond” Amendment A, 102 Seventy Amendment Act, 193, 463 ‘Sevent-ourth Amendment Ac, 198, 463, Seventy-fith Amendment Ac, 199,403 ‘Sevens Amendment Ac, 199%, 464 Seventh Arcades” Act 1585, Seventheighth Amendment Act, 1995, 454 Seventyalath Amendment Act, 1905, 50, wo Elgieth Amendment Act, 2000, 464 Eight Amendment At, 200,464 ightysocond Amendnen Act, 2000, 464 ight third Amendenent At, 200, 4 Eigh-fourts Amendment Ac, 2001, 46¢ ight Amendment Act, 2001, 454 Eighacuh Amendment Ac, 2005 465 Eighiveeventh Amendment Ac, 2008 465 ighty-ighth Amendment Ac, 2003, 105 ightynnth Amendment Act, 2003, 465, [Nineteth Amendment Act, 2003, 405, Ninetyfat Amendment At, 208,465. Ninetyaccond Amendment Act, 205, 465 [Niner Amendient Act, 2005, 405, Ninety-four Amendment Ace, 2005, 465, ‘Table showing Amendment Act, — "Table IVs ASL ets. Constitution of 1940, 126-27 Constitution Order of 1050, 265 Constitution (Application of Jammu ‘and Order, 1954, 78, ‘ffec, of noncompliance wh AR. 37, ‘a7 how mad (on behalf of Uaton [Art 290), $73 ‘on behalf of Sates, 372 Conviction for offences, prohibition ‘against, 100 Co-ordination: ‘between States, 53 between the units of the federation, 346 Council of Ministers: ofthe States ‘point of 241 498 INDEX Council of Ministers—Cond Telasonshp between Governor and 241 ofthe Unioo ‘yea bythe Comsat, 145 ete rpeby of YAR), oid Minter, 198 of damisal of ‘odivdadl minster, 108 soi poston of Pine Miniter r (oad and advise’ President (Art Boren win tt bund oe, 199 of 02 Union and Cabinet ‘Spotaent 8 Count of Staten Chana of 218 cempoton 921 cette pmon fae wat tu ft Home of he Pp, za duration of, 214 propio repeeaon fo, 219 Ccrippr Mission (see tinder “Conti lent Assembly), 14 D Deadlock, between Houses of Parlin: went, 226 Declaration of Human Rights, (ious) are 1,27 Defence Forces, supreme command or 182 Demand for grant, 227 Democrseyt Grnocafe oy. 20 ‘myeentave eocray, 29 Deputy Speaker, 218 Dignity of the Individual, 28 Directions: power of Unlon to sue, to Stale Governments 5 sanction for enforcement of, 5. Directive Principles o labo of 131 Senile ws ondament hes 153, atest ce eee te Constuten, 5500 fcdicmcal the goverance the coy 3 fndaresia ight and, 152 trploenaton of 7 mune of th. economic damon, cvtnged by, 15 sanction bind ope of 81 ‘aly of 155 wake Ars. 355, 56 can Be ppd to coos implemen of 188 Diseriminatior to public employment fee “Employ. ‘ment under the Sate" ducrminaton [peomiable i thre ae grounds other {han religion, race, caste, sex of place of bi, 85 tn favour af backward clases, 6 tn four af women and chen, 58 Distribution of legislative powers: nent of Sate lglaon, $28 extent of Union legion, 328 in emergencies, 383 In nunc emergency, 58 fs normal ine, 6 Tiaon to” wertorial jurkdicion of Pariment, 228 ower of Pusament to legate for Sate 1 cea oe mem S200 ta tn atonal tre, 30 fo Emergency, 530 fom fare of constonal machinery, ‘st to sie sfct to fntermatonl age nen, 3 ri the conexrrent el, 229 reac omer, 29 theme of 27 tony een, 186 Distribution of Executive powers, 331 Distribation of financial resources: buon of procnds of ten, 397 xem of Union and Sate properios om mua aon, 397 gonial, 539 Ie of ae, 96 see for, 38 ont toes, $89 Profento x, 356 ‘lest, 36 tax on conmmption or ale of lacey, Se tax revenues, 30609 Due process, 41, 112 ° gE Economic Justice, 25 Education: ‘wiméston not to be denied on ground of ace lig et, 400 \n mothertongse, 400 Fight of minories to establish educational ‘auton, 401 Elections, 305 ‘dunges mace by dhe 42nd Amendiment "Ret 106 ecko ef dapat relating 0, 9% {iadicion of Cour, egurcing, 396 of President or Vice President doubu and ‘heute relating 170 Ivpex 490 Tey powers of Union during, 39 Employment under the State: ely ooppany | nen pombe 6 , of exception in case of office eating to “enominstional suns, 95 ae exception othe rl, 96, iuarancd by Art 16,95, 90 | ‘servation for backward clases, 96 loyment of children in factories, ‘Prohibition of, 118 - Equal Protection: ‘stelle diferenta andi. raonal ee elon, othe objec ofthe Act 69 b of he law, 300 renumplon of reasonableness of Pe gamtenson, 800 what lation i reasonable, 8 | what # means, 69.90 Equality before the law, 88 ‘and equal protection of the laws, 89 & exceptions 0, 8 Equality of opportunity: excepsons the equality, 6 fm public employment 25 Estimates, Committee, 229 Executive Power ! xpenciture,vouble and non-otable, 226 ofa State, 333 vty, ‘ofthe Caton, 331 Executive Power of the ‘Union’: | during & proclamation af emergency. 3 fn emergenctes, 333 fn normal es, 302 Expenditure charged onthe ‘Consolidated Fund, 227 Exploitation: dof ‘employment of cilen, 118 Ex" post facto Negslason: probibtion gains, 109 smal forced abou, 118 | right sya, 18 tele Buran being, 118 | F Federal Constitution: nd } ferent types of nthe modern world, 51 Federal system: ‘ext of 60 Federal system:—Contd ‘a eavitaged by the Government of India “Ack 195, 34 coordination teveen units and Unon ‘fect of 3h and 36th Amendments, 5758 ‘ements of 52 feedom of ntrState de and commerce, 35456 {a fh and credit, 352 dian Constntion basically Federal with slay fears, 52 tn emergency, 59 ‘ater State comity, 352 Inter State Counc, 346, 359 ‘mutual delegations of functions, 350 ‘mutual immu from taxation, 350, ature of $1.66 bo double ctzeneip, 58 0 separation af jadicary, 59 ora tae sc one 76 power of Union to sue directions, 6 Prevention and sealement of cisputes, 852 Sats are not equal, 57 ‘State consent not eequied for alteration ‘ot boundaries, 56 Sates have no reiduary powers, 55 Sates were ot sovereign before feder ton, 8 stan of Ski, 57 Union contol aver States, 50 wth a nstany bia, 45 onal Counc, 353 Federal structure compared, 51-52 Federation in India: sural of, 63 Finance Commission: ‘onsions and funetons of 320 the fist Finance Commision, 0 the second Finance Commision, 340 the ded Finance Commission, 340 the fourth Faas Commision, 0 ‘he ith Fisance Commision, 340 the sith Finance Commission, 340 the wventh Finance Commision, 34 the eighth Finance Cornmsion, 311 the alah Finance Commision, 38h the texth Rance Commision, 41 the belt Boance Commisioa, 34 the thirteenth nance Commission, 41 the eleventh France Commision, 41 ‘he ovelth Finance Commision, 4) ‘he dreenth Finance Commision, 341 Financial control of States by Union, tt Financial Emergency, 360 Financial Procedure (legislation): tr Pafiamen 226 pute play by the wo Houses, 227 500 INDEX Financial Resources, distribution of ‘between Union and Stater, 398 Financial Statement, Annual, 227 Financial eystom: Parliament's control over, 228 Freedom of assembly, 103 Freedom of association, 103 resco upon, 10203 Freedom of consclence, 119 Free profession, practice and propa: ‘gation of religion, 119 Freedom of movement, 103, Freedom of person, 1 otecion agunat”abirary amet and ‘etn, 118 protection o ean personal erty, 111 Freedom of Prest, 108 Freedoms: Titans upon th, 102 scope for ud revew, 104 tea of remonalenes of resticon, 105 Freedom of profession, 104 Freedom of property, 81, 12631 Freedom of religion ‘0 Sate lg, 119 Propagation and conversion, 121 ‘elon denomination, ho, 120 {5 proes and practice, 119 hat veligo, 120 Freedom of residence, 101-02 Freedom af speech and expremion, Fundamental duties, 79, 82, 143 fundamental right checkmated by, «2 Inverted by 42nd Amendment AC, 29 Fundamental Rights guaranteed by "Art. 19: gurantee agunst State action, 87 amendabiiy of Bt and diective principle, 35 tnd indidual nights, 79, Dio ight im dhe USA, 79 chechmated by fundamental utes, 42 dasiieation of 85 omparsom wh ther night, #4 como ened fr efrceme’ ec buh er onl gh tigi om Ameria Bo Rig, enumeration in Pai 63 exception 0, 82, 142 cxhaunvenem of enumeration of Instr ofthe demand fr, 80 Fondamental Rights: guaranteed ‘art, 10--Cotd E Inca Rights an, 79 low contvening and power four, £0 Teton pon, 2 ower of Palmer to medi in the amas Maral Law area, 40 robes of Sninaton ou round of on sa po reasonable rectons on (te ‘resonable resicton] ‘freedoms, 101 scope for judicial review foe dial si somone replton by suspension of, during Proclamation of i lat the postion in England, 79 ate remonable restriction, 105 G Government ty of to be sued, 373 ‘ight of sue, 373 ‘tayo 373 ts conv 374 isons, 374 Government of India Acts— 8 3 wis.5 tsi 57,275 185, 8, 3,46, 55, 75, 18 190, 20,20, 35, 8 fm which came ty eto be gi Bich come oppor een, cfc Deld by ding plemre_of lone kiaee “epprtniy’a mo (et Wiles Kiang et se damiaal by auorty subordinate to ‘Sepang Subory, a = dina iow Ghing. oppor, Governor: ‘ppolsiment of 257 ‘sppotsiment of Ministers by, 241 ‘eontonal bead, 257 ‘endon of ece of, 240 INDEX 501 Governor Cond enizol over, by President 243, flvretion of, 42 emergency power of 241 executive power of 340 Judea powers of, 241 Tega powers of, 240 of Asa, 242 er of 7 vihPeaiet ee power of 240 ‘pecal esponsbites of 242 “a of appointed, 239 term of lice of, 257 {0 make Ordinances, 240, 208 ‘eo power of 240,355 wee gone compared th een, whether competent to dims of Chief Minter, 243 wiry an appointed Governor, 288 Governor General: or conatonal ead, 12 overiding powers 7 Grantsin-aid, 39, 546 H Habeas Corpus: cau sa, ‘tenon by pra penon 15 sane of 138 when dows noe, 195 High Court: Connon of 34 onto of Union ve, 36 ‘Seid over wbondinte Cours, 322 oh te, dnd, Sed and 4th Teas upon he Hh Co Judges of— rac fl ee ee sa TE cael apes a = oe aes oe sateen cinemas House of Parliament: “duration of 21 ‘exemion of durnon during Prodamation ‘of Emergency, 24 scat ae = eC Seas ieee : Immunity from double punishment, Immunity from scincrimination, Immunity from mutual taxation, ‘the Union and the States, 250 Immunity of — ‘President or Governor for oft act, $75, Impeachment of President, 176 Independence of the Judges of the ‘Supreme Court, 303 India: ‘8 Union of tates, 51 terntory of, 67 Union of 67 Indian Councils Acts: 186, 1992, 4 1900.5 Indian federalism; pecalarfeatures of 53 € International Peace, promotion of, 22 InterState Commerce Commission, 45 Inter State comity, 352 Inter-State Councils, 345, 353 Integrity of the Nation, 21, 27 InterState trade and commerce, freedom of, 255, J Jammu and Kashmir: accession of, 48 templaions of 266 amendment of State Consunstion of 271 502 INDEX. Jama and Kashmir—Con aries of Consinion of Ind appeable to, 40s anonomy of 260 eosin porn of nai he aion, 2 fect of Common (th Amendment) "Acton, 263, fundamental gh in 270 ly of llegrton oth a, 263 High Court oh 208 Ini Abdullah agreement of 1975, 268 imporant prove o 357 peclar ponon, 253, Prion ‘dete og! coosiion, 23 special protons for, 4 ‘Sie Consiton of. nang of 265 Joint sitting of both Houses, 225 ‘Jadges of Supreme Court— cr appoimenent and tenare of, ‘12 Judicial Review, 29, 104 oe perky orp, 40 take the consti legal, 39 feope fr, 04 Judicial supremacy, 60 ‘Judicial writs, 135-40 judiciary: Jeon far, 0 High Court, 314 0 eal bn fl pore, cexgunaon of, 299 Slog integrated, 299 Subordioate Cours, 322 ‘Supreme Court, 301 7 ahore resolution of the Muslim League, 19 anguage, official: eed fo, 407 ofa Sie, 410 (Oficial Languages Act, 1963, 411 ofthe Union, 407 spec directive relating to, 412 stain commision, 400 (o be wed im Sopreme Court, High Courts, for Act, Bil et, 410) ‘epislative Assembly, 248 ‘componton of, 218, ‘duration of 240 vegialative Council, 248.50 compared with Couel of Sate, 250, ‘ompostion of 248 ‘duration of 249 provison for aboliton of 247, Legislative powers: istibuton of 327 expansion of, the Union in diferent ‘cremmetance, 330, scheme of dba of 27 Legislative Lists, interpretation of, Legislative procedure— in a Stu having bicameral ela, 250 tn Paament, 220 tn State Loghatre, 250 procedure for removing deadlock between ‘oroHoues, 24 Liberty, 25 Liberty, equality and fraternity, 25 ‘Limited Government, 30 M Mandamus, 135-37 Members of Parliament: econ of questions to quien of qualtcaton of 215 penalty fr stg when not qualified, 216 rege of 218.20 ‘ualifcasoon of, 215 Salaries and allowances of, 216 wen to vocal sea, 216 Ministers: ice of 195 ‘ppointment of 196, ‘Counc of, 106 Incl esponsbity 1 President, 198 {egal expo of, 198 potion oft relation to President, 200 {elaonship wih Pane Minster, 198-9 ‘spony to Paiament, 197 le of 197 Ministerial Advice: how far he President f bound to act upon, 301202 ‘Ministerial Responsibilit collec 17 tnd, 198 i Unios and States, 197 egal, 193. ‘Money Bills: ‘didingushed fom Financial Bil, 28-224 how pied, 22223 what ae 223 MontagueChelsmford Report, 5 ‘Morely-Minto Reforms, 5 ‘Mountbatten Plan’, 16-17 Muslim League, 15 N National Development Council, 348 National interest, 330 INDEX 508 ‘National sentiment, lack of, 434 New States: ded since 1950, 25060 formation of alteration of boundaries, 70. Non-cooperation, 7 ° Objective Resolution, 20 Officers of Parliament, 218 Officials: postion of im Putaeney Goverment Official language, 407 Official Language Commission, 408 Opening Address, 184 Ordinancemaking powers: of Governor, 257 ‘ot Presiden, 190 Poss of abuse of, 191 P Panchayats: but to interference by cours ta electoral matey of 285. chairpersons of, 283 ‘ompostion, 288 ‘duration of 284 nance commission for, 284 financal resources of, 254 Imposition of tees, power of 284 powers sithories sad sesponsbiies of, ‘Be qualileaon fr embersip of, 284 feservaton, 283, state clecton commision, 285, thrmeter system, 208 Paramountey, 46 Taps of, 47 Pardoning powers of President and Governer, 192 Parliament: both Houses, of 212 ‘onsutuon of 212 ‘contol of, over finan yen, 28 ‘uration of 218 Sunedons of 21 legslatve procedure, 20 tag othe rc ton of powers, priveges and immunies of 218, ower” to. legilate during, falure of onstaional machinery in a Slate, ery Power to legislate during Proclamation of Emergency, 330, 59 power to lepilate for giving lft to Imematonal agreement, 331 power to legate for’ Sate in national tatret 580 Parliament Cond vere legate fr Sie with i 20 modly oF reset fundamental power to Pedy dager 21619 Proce int siting. 225 Procedure ny compared wih a State Teste 251 res power of $29 Semon of 4 Summoning. adjournment, roropaton and eri Parliamen: ernment, with ‘lected President in india 44 Parliamentary democracy, 23 Parliamentary safeguard, 102 Parliamentary Supremacy: compromise bene jul Review and Peco of soon ia oie see rele 7 Felts e Right, 1289 Tilney a Coins pee] ae ee minal ach aficmaaiel non on a sane las eke econo ey & one core edd hare se core manic cae ta caterer ine Cope aan 2 space CE dn te eat yd ae nae oy tecton of cede a LS rss “The Preamble, 20 504 Inpex President— udress and montage to Patlament, 184 ‘eldren fo Packament, 18¢ Administrative power, 181 scent to legalaton, 186 ‘changes made by” 2nd, 43rd and 44th ‘Rrnendmeny 201 ‘compared with Aercan Pretdent, 200 ‘compared with English Crown, 20 compared with Governor, 25657 ‘conditions of offce of, 176 ‘constaona limitations on, 160. determination of dpe, resection of iplomatc wd tary, 182 emergency, 195 ordinancenaking 190 ‘to control Governor, 194 lowance of Sats lgalaton, 180 ‘ection of 175 ‘emoluments and allowances of 177 ow found act on mnie ede, sexpeachment of procedare for, 176 laying reports before Palaren, 185 ‘ministers in elation to, 20002 ‘miscellaneous powers, 104 ‘ate of 180 nominating members to Houser of Patlameat 185 opening address, 188 Ordinancemaking power of 190 pudoaing power of, and of Governor, compared, 153 powers af 150 previous sanction to legslation, 185 ‘ualfications for office of 175, removal of, 176 stats titer 1977, 20 ‘fect of the 42nd Amendment Ac, 01 fet of 4rd and 44h Amendinens, 202 ror to 1977, 201 summoning, prorogation and disluion of ‘Pariament, 18 tex of oie of, 176 vacancy inthe oie of 177 ‘eto over Union legion, 186 eto power, 18687 executive veto, 187 ature of 186 positon in India, 18789 whether a member ean become, 178 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections Act, 1952, 36 President's & Emoluments and Pension (Amendment) Act, 1998, President's rule, 361-66 Press: censorship, 108 Freedoms af the, 106 shew law of 1576, 107 Preventive Detention: tnd punkive detention, 115 sir fin indi, 18 ‘Hy amendment of, 17 legislative power with respect to, 11517 nature of 115 what so be communicated to deteny, 115 Procedure established by law, 111 Property: ight, 126 Prime Minister: ‘ppouent of 196 channel of communication between “Minsters and President, 205 special poston of, 198, Private Property, 126 Privileges of Parliament, 218-21 Procedure for reorganisation of of fature of continsonal machinery in 8 ‘Sate, 331, 351 ‘of fnancal emergency, 333, 366 suspeoson of fundamental rights dung rt ef the power of, 63 ‘Propagation’ and conversion, 121 Property: ‘modes of acqulakion by the Government, a he Union and the Sates, 371 Proportional representation why not dopted for:tioure of the People ‘tnd Legislative Asrembly, 213 Protection! in respect of conviction— agin abrary aes and tet, 114 for flees, 100 ol ile wl pera ibery, I Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1055, 30 Provincial Autonomy, 9 INDEX 505 Provinces: ayazchy 6 ‘lexan of contol over, 5 Public Accounts Committee, 229 Public employment: ‘equally of oppor ts matters of 95 Public interest lit 321 Public Service Commission, 380 ‘appoiniment and term of office of ‘members of, 385 factions of, 338 independance of the, 38 2; ‘Quit India’, campaign, 15 Quo Warranto, writ of, 13040 R Rajya Sabha, 211-14 ‘Reasonable opportunity’, against lismnaral, 383, “Reasonable” restriction: meaning of 104 Substantive and procedural standpoints, 91 ‘7 tex is objecve, 91 Reasonableness of « restriction: tes of 105 ‘Reduction in rank’, 383 Religious denomination: meaning 120 fight to manage all, 119 ‘ght to own property, 126 Religion, freedom of, 119 Religious Institutions, Hindu, 119-20 Remedies, constitution, 131 Timiatons upon, 13233, ‘Removal’, 383 Reorganisation of States, 49 procedure for, 71 Representative Democracy, 23 ‘Republic’, 21 ‘Republic Day’, 13, Republic of Ireland Act, 1948, 22 Reservat po 6 fea, 404 Reserved subject. 8 Residuary powers, 320 Right to property, 126 Ff hinory ofthe, ner the consntion of ‘nda, 125, estes of the, and commen thereon, 129 Rights: felowng frm other provisions 3 s Sales Tax 1336 Sadar-iRiyasat, 260 ‘Scheduled Areas, 293 mination of 235 Scheduled Castes and Tribes: ‘special provisions for, 402 rovions for wpliient of 42 Scheduled Tribes, 402 ‘Schedules of the Constitution: ‘rat ached, 72 ‘th ache, 208, stah schedule, 73 ‘event ached, (14,33 ‘ight schedule, 13 ‘inh schedule, 127-28, 16061 tenth ached, 6 Second Chamber: ‘wit of i a ate, 254 Secular State, 21, 27, 118-19 Security of State, 103 Service! ‘damisal and removal’, 389 during pleasre of Government, 182 ‘fect of nd Armendmen, 382 ‘0 dismissal by aod’ subordinate to ‘appointing author, 92 sewage oppo of shoving ce “reduction ak’, 3 Sikkim: fe St, 68 Snap vote, 34 Social equality, 42,07 Socialist pattern of society, 26 Simon Commission, 8 Sovereignty: “omiten, with membenhip of Common ‘weal 22 of Donn Legh, 13 Socialiatic State, 26 Social justice 25 Sovereiga Socialistic Secular ‘Democratic, Republic, 21 Speaker: ting vote of 217 ‘ering Money Bl, 217 power o6 217 dig over ot stg. 217 (Caton of tee of 317 Special Directives: eg to langage 412 for Scheduled Caste and Tribes, 402 Spoils system: abeemce of, 182 States: at between, 300 ‘onto of, by the Union, 34° ‘oordimaton between, 3° 506 INDEX ‘States —Cond dlegaion of functions between States and aon, 345 executive power of $3132 Iinancal powers af, 335, formation of ne, 8 recognition of publ ns of S52 reprevetan in the Coutel of Stes, 211 Sellement of deputes between, 352 State Executive: general srt of, 257 Govemoe, 287 ‘Advocate Gener 245 State Legislature: ‘bicameral and icameral 247 Compace of procedure 19 Coun of Tote ancd gave Coane 251 Comparten of procedure in Paanent 231 compostion of 28 alowance of leglatin, 199 ‘Soqulicaion fr membertsp of 209 tration of 240 legsnve procedure, 250 prego 259 Jrovions or ecving deadlock in, 251 {ualfcaons or members of, 248 Sccond Chamber im, 207 ti of Second Chamber, 254 State rights, 5539 ‘Statutes [ee ao “Govt of fa Ac] ‘egared Terres (Mere) A 10, Adaiional Dues of Bxcse (Goods of ‘Special Importance) Act 1957, 397 Adminitrative Tribunal Act, 1985, 385, ‘Alladin Services Ac, 1051, S81 Al India Service (Amendment) Ac, 1963, a ‘Andhra Pradesh aid Madras (Aeration of ‘owndaries) Act, 1958, 71 Anda Sate Aet, 1953, 71,260 ‘Avsam (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, Tost, 71 Asam Reorgantaion (Meghalaya) Ac, 1980, 72 Bihar and West Bengal (Cramer of “erste Ac, 19371 Bombay Reorganisation Act 1950, 71,260 (Coal Beart Arar (Acquistion and Development) Act 1897, 307 Compcller atc Ascitor Generals (Duties Powers and Condiuons of Service) ‘Ach 1071, 204 Conservation ‘of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Aces ‘Ae 1974, 1617 Contingency Pind of nda Act, 1950, 290 Statuter—Conid Counc of Sister (Term of Office of Nerers) Order, 1952, 214 Delimtation Commision Acs, 1962, 1972 aa Puja Pie Safety Act, 199, 108 Essen Commodities Act, 155,355, atte Duty Ac, 1953, 390 Pinance Coraminion (Miscellaneous ‘oviion) Ack 1951, 239 Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, 200 Himachal Pradesh and Buaspar_ (New Safe) Act 1054, 71 nd Independence Ac 17 1,1, lnduasal Dputes Act, 1947, 332 Iiner Sate Water Disputes At, 1956, 354 Keralt Education Bil, 1957, 160 Lakstadwoep Act 1973, 73 Land Acqition Act, 1904, 82 Madas State (Alteration of Name) Ac, 108 73 NorthEaste Areas (Reorganisation) Ack, 1w71, 250 Presidential and Vice Presidential Hletons ‘Act, 152,36 Presidents Emohimens and Pension (Amendment) Act, 1908, 177 Pres (Objectionable Matter) Act 1951, ‘i Prevention of Publication of Objectionable Maier Act, 1076, 107408 Preveove Detention Ac 1950, 117 Protecon of Obl Rights Act, 195, 96,49 Puble Employment. (Recruitment a8 10 Resdenc) Ack 1957.7 Pablention of Objecionable Matter (Repeal) Act, 197, 10708 Pan Legislative Coun (Aboliuon) Act, 6 Sot Punjib Reorgunsaton Act, 1966, 72, 260 Pan Special Powers (Pres) Ac, 1956, on, 108 an and Madhya Pradesh (Transfer of Tears) Ad 1950, 71 Representation of the People Act 1950, ‘35 Representation of People Act, 1951, 305, River Boards Act, 186,354 Salas, Allowances and Pension of ‘Meabers of Paaent Act 1954, 216 Salas and Allowances of Miners Ac, 195, 197 ‘Scheduled Areas Order 1950, 208, Sate of Hirachal Pradesh Act, 1970, 72, a7 Sate of Nagaland Act, 1962, 72,260, Sale Reorganisation ‘Act, 1956, 71, 260, m8 Inpex Statuter—Cotd ‘Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act, 1955, 1960, 1977, 2 Union Tenors Act, 1963, 276 ‘ntouchabty (Offences) Act, 1985, 49, 96 Water Disputes Ack, 1950, 354 West HengalLagilaive Council {(boiion) Act, 60, 261 Structure of Government: (A) Union Bxecathe, 175, Legislature, 210 Jodieary, 29 @) Stier Execute, 207 Legilatre, 247 Joti, 314 (© Union Terres, 275 Suability of heads of State, 373 Supreme Court: advisory jedi of, 310 {ppellaejredition, 508 ‘24 Coust of Appeal, 05, 4 guardian of Constion, 98, 2 bane of Fame Ri, 188 iin jut of 308 ‘onsaton of, 301 ‘eclsive jardin, 307 Factions ae Federal Cour, $05. impact of the 42nd, 43rd, 44th Amend- ‘ments, upon the, 311 independence of 308 Jedges: ‘sppoininent of, 302 firedctions, compared with High ‘Cours to tue wy S21 smkcellaneous justin, 310 ‘original raison of 316 postion of m= compared with that of ‘American Supreme Cour, 304 postion of unde the Constiubon, 304 ‘aliitons for appoisment of— odes of 308 Palate of, 303 Spell features of the jrsicton under ‘Are 32,152 special leave appeal, 909 ‘ure of, 308 ‘wnt radeon of, 907 Suzerainty, 40, 47 £ ‘TABLES, 447-496 ‘Allocation of Seats in the House ‘of People, 474 Constitution Amendment Acts: ate of sovent and commencement of ‘sre amendment made under, 451.64 507 Constituent Assembly of India: ‘Stewie membership of, 48 to indian Stes, 48 fn provinces, 8 Directive Principles of State Policy: decives inthe matte of seals of he Save, 457 lrecdver shaping the policy of the ‘Ste, 467 non juriclable rights of clizen, 467 Distribution of Legislative Powers: Lal — Walon ist, 481.90, se — State, $81.86 st — Concurrent ist, 481-85 Fundamental Rights: ‘cultural educational gh of ‘minoeie, 400 igh against expotaton, 405 tight to consueaonal remedies, 405 igh to equal, 46 fight to feedom of religion, 485 righ to particular freedoms, 456 tight o property, 466 Fundamental Duties of citizens, “108 Government of the Union: “Counc of minster, 469, Prestdent, 48 Prrtament ‘Lok St, 469 Sabha, 46 Government of States: ‘Council of Miners, «76 Governor, 476 Courts and. thelr tenon urhcictons, 79 Legislature, 476, Indias ‘amendment of, 7 area of, $47 ‘natentamembly, 447 ‘common of, adoption of 47 ‘defence expense, 447 ‘rat consuaton of 47 ‘Seeton, electors and electoral roll in ‘“ ery a, #47 per capita annual income in, 7 of, 47 lage tn, 447 Judiciary: Disc Judes Cours, 478 High Cour 8 lal Magia, «78 es Court 7 Matopatinn Court, £78 Nyaa Panchayats 478 508 INDEX Judiciary —Cintd ‘Panchayat Adalat, 478 Supreme Cour, 478 Languages: ‘Assamese, 491 Bengal 421 Gujarati, 491 Hinds, <1 Kannada, 491 ‘Kesha, 491 Keokaci, Malayalam, 41 Manipur, 49 Marat 91 Nepal, 401 Ona, 491 Pana, OL Sansa, 491 Sindh, 41 Tal 491 Teg, 491 Uri 41 Lok Sabha and its Speaker(s), na Membershi Legislative “Accents snd Lepulative Gomneli 477 Minority Detention of 12625 Oftices of the President and Vice. ‘President, compared, £70 Presidents and VieePresidents of india; past and present, 471 President's Rule in States and ‘Union Territories, 402.04 Prime. Ministers of India, past Council of States, 473, Relative scope of Arts, 14, 15 and 16, 08. ‘Territorial Jurisdiction of Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal, 480 ‘Territory of India: ‘Aer 7th Amendment, 1956, 49 2 in original Consttion 1949 ‘ther tetris at may be acquired, 49 Sten 449, States la Part A, 49) ‘States in Pat B49 ‘Sates in Part C, #49 Terres a Past D, 449 Union wens, 49 ‘Taxation: Exemption of Union and State properties from mutual uso, 337,890 ‘Tax on sale or purchase: ‘evretions upon power o impor, 536 ‘Tax on professions, 396 Tax on consumption oF sale of sloctrictys 307 Taxon ‘longing he Ste, 38 ‘leg othe Un, 338 Ieved and colaced by Union but ‘signed fo Sava. where thy re ie 38 ie and enced bai, tat Shtbled between Uno sn Snes oe teed by he Union but called and sppopiied by. 38 Temporary provisions, 405 Territory: fenton of, 7072 ing of 95 sad 366 Acie, 68 o ea 67 Un 67 Tides ton of, 100 ‘Traffic in humen beingy ‘Transferred subjects, 6 u Union: ‘tumpuon of State Leplatve power by, sos Dononing ower 12 cxactive power of ame ofthe, 62 tate of the, 327 tersoral extent of lagation, 328 tery of he, of Indl Union of India:

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