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A Little on Democracy

Brief History of Democracy

Ancient Athens circa 508 BC there is evidence to suggest that democratic
forms of government. A primitive democracy is identified in small
communities or villages where the following takes place: face-to-face
discussion in the village council or a headman whose decisions are
supported by village elders or other cooperative modes of government

What is Democracy
Democracy is a system of decision-making within an institution,
organization, etc., in which all members have the equal share to power

Elements of Democracy
There are 8 Elements of Democracy
1.Personal Freedoms
People enjoy many personal freedoms such as freedom of religion and
freedom of expression.
Ex. Churches, places of worship, freedom of speech, letters to editor.
2. Political Freedoms
People can speak freely, form associations, run for office and vote without
being intimidated.
Ex. Protest groups, protests marches.
3. Political Equality
All citizens have the right to vote and run for public office.
Ex. SAC, co-press, mayor premier, prime minister, MPs.
4. Rule of Law

Everyone must adhere to the same laws. These laws are known,
predictable and impartial.
Ex. Police, road signs/lights, by-laws, criminal code.

5. Common Good
All citizens should be responsible, caring individuals that can work towards
the common good.
Ex. Volunteering, common courtesy, clearing your sidewalk and driveway in
winter, removing weeds from your lawn.
6. Human Dignity
Protect and uphold the dignity of all people.
Ex. Wheel chair access at any public place, nursing homes for elderly,
shelters for homeless, food banks/drives for people in need.
7. Being Informed and Getting Involved
Citizens should be informed and participate in issues that affect their
community, province, nation and world.
Ex. Community advocates, attending city council meetings, voting,
watching/listening/reading news and current events.

8. Respect
Individuals should respect the rights of others.
Ex. Smoking bans, not driving under any influence, gay rights, antiracism/sexism, support minorities.

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