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Unit: 1

Week of: 9-21-2015

pg. ___

Name: _______________________________

Weekly Social Studies Homework

Weekly Social Studies Homework is due every Thursday unless announced differently by Ms. Tipton/Ms. Hughes.

Fill in the blank with the correct

vocabulary term:


Social Contract
Natural Rights



1. The focus on the individual and individual achievement is

2. A _________________ is someone who theorizes about everything around
3. John Locke believes everyone is born with __________________________.
4. The ______________ Revolution would take place in the late 1700s and
would be against England.
5. The ______________ Revolution would be the people versus their own
6. Jean Jacques Rousseau believed in ______________________.
7. The ___________________ is a time where people theorized about the
world around them and how to make it better.
8. A __________________ is a forcible overthrow of a government or other
social injustices.
Hobbes and Locke: Views on Government
Hobbes: The only way to create a government is to give the power and
strength to one man men will give up their right of governing oneself to
this man. This is more than just giving up their individuality; it is the real
unity of them all. This done, so united in one person, is called a
Locke: The reason men enter into society is the preservation of their
property; and the reason they make a government is so laws can be made,
and rules set, to limit the power of every member of society. Whenever the
government tries to take away the property of the people, or to reduce them
to slavery, they put themselves into a state of war with the people who are
then freed from any further obedience.
9. Based on the short reading above fill out the chart below by reading
the issue and saying who you think would agree and disagree with the
issue and why.

Unit: 1
Week of: 9-21-2015
pg. ___


Name: _______________________________



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Label the map below with the seven continents.

Label the equator on the map below.
Label the North and South Pole on the map below.


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