Superhero Dating - Teacher

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Japan Association for Language Teaching


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Home The Language Teacher Departments Myshare Articles The superhero speed dating game: Using role-playing to spark authentic

The superhero speed dating game: Using role-playing to

spark authentic communication

JALT's Annual Conference

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Conve rsa tions Across
Bord e rs

Posted March 18th, 2014 by webadmin

Issue : The Language Teacher - Issue 38.2; March 2014

Da te : Sat, 2014-03-01
Write r(s): Sean H. Toland, Ritsumeikan University
Quick guid e
Keywords: Role-play, writing, speaking, listening
Learner English level: Pre-intermediate to advanced

November 2224, 2014 in

Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN

Learner maturity: High school to adult

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Activity time: 60 to 90 minutes
Materials: Lesson handouts, tape, stopwatch

July 2014 TLT
Posted Sun, 2014-07-13 10:43
in JALT Publications

EFL educators in Japan are constantly searching for innovative lesson ideas that will inspire learners and improve their
communicative abilities. One strategy that can facilitate oral communication and inject authentic language situations into a
classroom is role-playing activities. The lesson plan that follows requires students to imagine that they are a caped
crusader attending a party with other superheroes. The learners create an original profile for their character and discuss
this information in a speed dating session. During the activity, the students will have 10 dates with 10 different

superheroes. Each date lasts three minutes. At the end of the event, the learners will select a suitable match for their

The July 2014 issue (Vol. 38.4) of

The Language Teacher is
now available online.

May 2014 TLT

Posted Fri, 2014-04-25 10:30
in JALT Publications

The May 2014 issue (Vol. 38.3) of

character and make a brief report to their classmates.

The Language Teacher is now

available online.

Spring 2014 JALT Journal

P re p a ra tion
Step 1: Before the class, print out the lesson handouts (Appendix A Appendix D).
Step 2: Reconfigure the desks in the classroom into a long line. The male superheroes will sit on one side and the female
characters on the other.

Step 3: Create MALE and FEMALE cards. (e.g., 30 students15 male & 15 female cards)

Posted Fri, 2014-04-25 10:29

in JALT Publications

The Spring 2014 issue (Vol. 36.1) of

JALT Journal is now available online.

March 2014 TLT

Posted Fri, 2014-04-25 10:28
in JALT Publications

The March 2014 issue (Vol. 38.2) of

The Language Teacher is now
available online.

January 2014 TLT

Posted Sun, 2014-01-05 21:27
in JALT Publications

P roce d ure
Step 1: Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with two superhero cards (see Appendix A). The groups
must identify the superheroes and their special powers. The teams tape their cards to the board and brainstorm two
more superheroes.
Step 2: Bring the groups together. Each team will make a brief report to their classmates.
Step 3: Explain that the students must create an ORIGINAL superhero character. They cannot use any of the characters
on the board.
Step 4: Provide the students with a copy of the Thunderbolt Woman profile card (see Appendix B). Select student
volunteers to read the items on the profile card. Review difficult vocabulary (e.g., marital status).
Step 5: The learners select a MALE or FEMALE card from a bag (Note: If a female student selects a MALE card, she must
create a male character).

Step 6: Give the students a profile card template (see Appendix C). The learners have 20 minutes to complete their
profile cards. They must also sketch a picture of their superhero after the information on the profile card is completed.
Step 7: Provide the students with the Speed Dating Activity handout (see Appendix D). This will help the students
remember their dates and select a partner when the activity is finished.

Step 8: Explain the rules of the game. Each date is three minutes. Remind them that they are the superheroes (i.e., use
first person). The participants shake hands, introduce themselves, ask and answer questions. At exactly three minutes,

The January 2014 issue (Vol. 38.1) of

The Language Teacher is now
available online.

Further news...

the instructor will signal its time to change. The male superheroes stand up and go to their next date. The females
remain seated.

Step 9: Before the activity commences, the instructor will model a speed date with a student volunteer. Emphasize that
this is a communicative role-play activity and NOT a reading exercise.
Step 10: When the activity is finished, the participants write their characters preferred date on the board. The learners
get back into their original group and make a report that highlights the best match for their character.

This activity can be modified for different proficiency levels. Lower level learners might need more time to complete their
character profile cards. This task can be assigned for homework and the speed dating game can take place during the
next class. The superhero speed dating activity not only brings excitement into the classroom, but it also introduces new
vocabulary and enhances the students writing skills. Most importantly, however, it allows learners to utilize authentic
language in a realistic context.

Ap p e nd ice s
The appendices are available below.

All materials on this site are copyright 2014 by JALT and their respective authors.
For more information on JALT, visit the JALT National Website.

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