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Quinnipiac University Diagnostic Imaging

RS 240L
Lab #8
SID and Distortion
Name: Karen Finn
Objective: Observe the effect of distortion on the radiographic image.
Equipment Used
The equipment that was used during this lab was the portable x-ray, a SID distortion
demonstration device, a 14 by 17 Konica CR plate (400 RSI image receptor), and the
dark room, which included the processor with the feed tray.
The first step in the lab was to place the 14 by 17 cassette on the x-ray tube. The SID
distortion demonstration device was placed on the center of the cassette. The SID was set
to 40 inches. The central ray was directed to the center of the device. Then, the x-ray light
was properly collimated. The optimal kVp was set to 60 and the mAs was set to 3.2. The
film was then exposed and processed. Radiograph 2 was taken with the SID at 80 inches
and the density maintenance formula was used to determine the new mAs needed to
maintain density. The kVp remained at 60 while the mAs was set to 12.8. The film was
then exposed and processed.
Results / Discussion / Questions
1. Radiograph 1 only had 2 clear circles that had no distortion at all, but as the tubes
on the demonstration device extended outward there was more and more
distortion. Radiograph 2 had 5 clear circles without distortion and as the tubes on
the demonstration device extended outward there was not as much blurriness as
radiograph 1. SID or source to image distant affects magnification (size
distortion) and it also affects recorded detail (resolution). When the SID is
increased like it was in radiograph 2, then the magnification is decreased and the
resolution is increased which is why there were more circles that were clear in
radiograph 2 than at radiograph 1.

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