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Steven Bucher

Mr. Herrmann
AP U.S. History Per 4
4 September 2015
Chapter 6 Notes
Interests and thoughts:
Contest of North America involved French, British and Spanish and resulted in many
conflicts. Interesting how America was involved in all four of these clashes for the New World.
French and Indian War set stage for Americas independence.
Although late to the game, interesting how France was successful in claiming Quebec
around 1608. How the leading leader of France was able to convince the Indians to fight with
them against their foes. Interesting how the French envied the English colony justice system.
French did not benefit as much from the northern settlement because of weather and resources at
Huge beaver market and a huge demand for their fur in Europe. Had designated runners
of the wood to hunt and supply the market for Europe. These trapped partnered with Indians of
the land to hunt more efficiently and effectively but hurt the Indian tradition. How through the
efforts of conversion, the Jesuits were able to get some Indians on board and help explorers and
geographers. Really interesting how the Antoine Cadillac founded the motor city of Detroit.
How both sides in the King Williams War and Queen Annes War were trying to recruit Indian,
almost ironic. How either French or British thought America wasnt worth the deployment of
troops. Interesting how there was a war over the cutting off of a captains ear because of
smuggling and trade. Also how it got to be a standstill and end. How although New England won

the King Georges War, they were still not happy and how the French was still able to hold onto
their northern claims.
Rivalry between the British and the French over the Ohio region. Washington was sent to
Ohio valley to secure Virginia's claim. Forced to surrender at Fort Necessity in July 4th 1754.
French Acadians were feared because they could stab the British in the back even after being
conquered in 1713.
Fourth struggle is the French and Indian War began in the wilds of Ohio by George
Washington in 1754. Seven Years War was fought in America and Europe. Unity within the
colonies and among the colonists. Intercolonial congress in Albany in the spirit of the Albany
Beginnings of French and Indian War went badly for the British. General Edward
Braddock took regulars to capture Fort Duquesne. His expedition was very slow with the heavy
artillery. Full scale invasion of Canada in 1756, America had now merged into the world conflict.
WIlliam Pitt, Great Commoner and was admired so greatly by the people. Became the
foremost leader in the London Government in 1757. Led soft-pedal assaults on the French West
Indies. Went for Quebec next; Battle of Quebec in 1759. Montreal fell in 1760 and no more
French flag in Canada. Great Britain emerged as the dominant power in North America.
British colonies had emerged confidence after their victory. British refused to cognize any
American militia commission above the rank of captain.
Removal of French profoundly affected American attitudes. Made Americans more at
ease without the French Hawk in the north. French foreshadowed that if they lost their colonies,
Britain would lose their American colonies. Both French and Spanish enemies have been reduced
for the American. Harsh blow on the Indians after the Seven Years War. Pontiac uprising laid

siege to Detroit in the spring of 1763. British ports west of Appalachians were attacked by
Indians. Primitive Biological Warfare by using inflected blanked with smallpox to expose the
Indians to the disease. Bloody situation made British needed to stabilize their relationships with
the Western Indians. Americans were not free to burst over the Appalachian Mountains and
expand. Proclamation of 1763: prohibited settlement in the area beyond the Appalachians
pending further adjustments. Not designed to oppress the colonies but to prevent another bloody
situation. Seven Years War made colonists to develop a new vision of destiny. America was very
confident and puffed up over victories.
1. Why such violence between the Protestants and Huguenots and Roman Catholics?
Something more than Religion?
2. Was there any trade agreement or other agreement between the French and the
Huron Indians?
3. Why did companies fail to get rid of autocratic and royal regime in New France?
4. Why were the French so set on blocking the Spanish on the Gulf of Mexico? Was
it because of the coastal trade?
5. What other agreements besides the land were established during the peace terms
at Utrecht in 1713?
6. Why did the French and Spain ally so many times during these small but many
7. Why were the Spanish only temporarily out of Florida?

In Class Notes
1740s fighting for Ohio river valley. French established forts along the east side of the colonies
to secure the fur trade because prices for furs spiked around 1740. Beaver fur spiked because
Europe ran out of it in the 1600s but during the 1740s there was production of hats from this

beaver fur. Take the lower level of hair of beaver and make felt from it. Push for necessities in
Europe and huge demand for these Beaver hats from America. Clash of a number of different
empires for access to the Ohio River Valley for Beaver. G.W. went to inspect Ohio for VIrginia.
Have charter for land from sea to sea. Push to find more land for tobacco farms. Brit, Virginia,
Iroquois, French all want claim to this land. First real world war. Washingtons first fight with
the Indians, sent by gov of Virginia. French were building the forts to protect their land from
Virginia and Scot-Irish. Indians don't like it and French see it as a threat to their trade.
Washington loved the rush of battle and attacked the French. So the French retaliated and with
more reinforcements. Washington built Fort Necessity, not really hugely supported and French
wipe them out. Washington leaves with horrible loss on his hands and basically started this war.
Could have ruined his military career. France and Spain are allies because they are both the same
religion. Economic issue: Control of fur trade in the Ohio RIver Valley. Previous wars between
French and British and issues over the throne and French claim over British monarchy.
British are able to be successful in the end because they were able to capture Montreal.
French were weak and lost their Indian Allies and lost Fort Duquesne. William Pitt job is the
Prime minister and leader of the British government and replace the leadership with more
enthusiastic ones. Colonists want the land from the possible victory of this conflict.

Colonies are doing extremely well in the trade of rum. Take molasses from Caribbean,
make run, sell rum and buy the slaves, used slaves to buy molasses. Mercantis
How are the British able to be Successful
-Help from the colonists
-Benefit from gain of land
-Militia (group of the civil population that serve in the army)

-Very important to own a gun (Amendment 2: well regulated militia)

-Think of Brits as snobby
-Some colonists supplied the French
-British felt betrayed
-Costly -Debt -For the colonists to pay with raised taxes

-Molasses Act (taxation of imported)
Salutary Neglect - strategy to gain greater profit,

Colonists werent following the law by smuggling things in to avoid the taxes from the Molasses

French needed to get their act together and get a strong centralized government
British were in the game but the English Civil War distracted them. Puritan movement to clean
up whats going on in the country. Not going to go out and handle outside economic issues.

Salutary Neglect- going to leave them alone on purpose, benefits them and if they do well the
overall power gets better.
The Game is going to change when the French and British are distracted by their clash. The main
reason for the change of the game is French and Indian War debt. Created debt that has to be paid
by the British. They now have to pay attention to the colonies and blame the colonists. They say

they need to pull their weight in this economy so the British blame the Colonies for the debt
because they see themselves as the hero who saved them.
1763- Splitting year. Direct turn in the story.

Proclamation of 1763 dont want the colonists to cross over Appalachians. Colonists are told to
not go over to the land they just won. Cant enforce it because it costs money. Not a huge
strictness of the rule so it will be challenged pretty quickly.

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