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Tele: 23792795 A/90643/XII(17)/PM/Minutes/DGQA/ADM/JCM The Staff Side Members XII Term JCM Ill Level Council (OGQA) MINISTRY OF DEFENCE DEPT. OF DEFENCE PRODUCTION DTE GEN OF QUALITY ASSURANCE G-BLOCK, NEW DELHI -110 011 DO Apr 2015 MINUTES OF THE SEVENTEENTH PROGRESS MEETING OF THE XI TERM OF JOMIITLEVEL COUNCIL (DGQA) HELD ON 11 MAR 2015 _AT NEW DELHI 4, The Seventeenth Progress Meeting of the XII Term of JCM Il Level Council of DGQA was held at Vehicle Directorate Conference Hall, New Delhi under the Chairpersonship of Addl DAK Serial Now 2016.» DGQA(Adm) on 11 Mar 2015 at 1030 hrs. 2. The following Official and Staff Side members attended the meeting: ‘Smt Rekha Chopra, Addl DGQA(Adm) = - ‘Smt Vibha Sood, DDG(A&HR) Official Side Chairperson - Secretary Staff Side ‘Smt Amrita Sharan, DDG(P&B) Shri MER Pillai, SSS(Retd), Leader Staff Side Shri H Saphvi, DDG(Armt) Shri HN Tiwari, OS(Retd), Secy Staff Side ‘Shri CP Gusia, Dir(Coord) Shri ND Malviya, OS, Rep AIDEF ‘Shri Debashish Dutt, Dir(Pers) ‘Shri Mohd Zahid, LWC(C) Shri Denny Isaac, UDC, Rep AIDEF ‘Shri CP Rajak, OS, Rep AIDEF ‘Shri VB Chaliha, Dir(Adm) ‘Shri RP Swamy, PA, Rep AIDEF Col Rajeev Negi, Dir(L)/DQA(L) Shri Arun Kumar Dutta, OS, Rep INDWF Col OP Singh, Dir(Wks) ‘Shri MS Jadhav, OS(Retd), Rep INDWF Col Neeraj Sharma, Dir(P&C)/DQA(V) Shri A Sampath, Sr D’Man, Rep INDWF Col GS Grewal, Dir (R&S) Wing ‘Shri P Mohan Rao, SSS(Retd), Rep BPMS Capt RN Sinha, Dir(SG)/DQA(N) Shri AC Shukla, OS, Rep BPMS Shri AK Anand, Dir(P&A)/DQA(WP) Shri MP Singh, Examiner(SK), Rep BPMS ‘Shri R Medak, Dir(EE)/DQA(EE) ‘Shri Amose Prabakar, Sr D/Man, Rep CDRA Lt Col Regi Philipose, JD(S/DQA(S) ‘Shri Kuldeep Pandey, SA, Rep CDRA ‘Shri Anil Kumar Sah, DD(PE) ‘Shri Anil Kumar Singh, DD(JCM) ‘Shri Shyam Kumar, DD/Adm-7B ‘Shri Jitendra Hira, DD/Adm-7A ‘Shri Desh Raj, DD/Adm-10 ‘Shri VPS Balyan, SSO-I, Rep M&E Cell 3, Starting the Progress Meeting, the Secretary, Official Side welcomed the Chairperson. Smt. Rekha Chopra, ADGQA(Adm), Leader and Secretary, Staff Side and other members of Staff Side as well as Official Side and expressed the hope ‘hat the discussions ahead would be both fruitful and conducive for the welfare of DGQA employees 25 that is the basic concern of any JCM meeting. The Secretary, then, requested the Chairperson to address the Forum. 4, The Chairperson welcomed the LSS, Secretary, Staff Side and all the Staff as well as Oficial Side members to the Seventeenth Progress Meeting of XII Term JCM Ill Level Council of DGOA and hoped that there would be very fruitful discussion during this session and wished that all should actively participate in order to sort out ‘employee's problems. She emphasized that everybody here is committed to the welfare of the DGG ‘employees and all round development of {AS BOA organisation. There is always success and failure but everyone's endeavor should be 1h eeolve iesues through discussion and mutual consent for which cordial relation between the Tranagement and the employees of DGGA as well as Betvee? the DGQA authorities and JCM aie is of paramount importance. She hoped that the ‘Staff Side would extend their full Cooperation in this endeavor to resolve the issues ‘through discussion and mutual consent. She requested the Staff Side members to use their good offices in fast tracking the files/cases which Ke pending in MOD. She also welcomed Shri Kuldeep Pandey, rep CDRA, who was attending the Progress meeting for the first ime and looked forward to his active participation in the proceedings. She informed that a number of important issues, which were pending for a long time, Proce since moved on positively with the efforts put in PY the officers and staff of DGQA paveinistration and should come through very soon. She then apprised the Staff Side regarding progress on various points made since the last meeting:- (@) ROTATIONAL TRANSFER POLICY ICM Sub-Committee report on Review of Rotational Transfer Policy had been finalized. and submitted to the MoD for approval. MOD suggested certain changeslclarifications in proposed RTP in a meeting held on 04 Mar 2015 at the level of Special Secretary and the same are under preparation. (ob) DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL. POWER ‘A case regarding enhancement of financial powers ‘of DGQA has been initiated and forwarded to the MoD for consideration. (c) DPG-IIMEETING FOR TECHNICAL, SCIENTIFIC, DRAWING AND NON-TECH During the DPC year 2014-15 from Jul 2014 to ‘date, 31 DPC-II meetings have been held for promotion in the Technical, Scientific, Drawing and Non-Technical grades and 270 individuals empanelled for promotion to the next higher grade. (@) FINANCIAL UPGRADATION UNDER MACPS AND ACP: During the financial year 2014-15 from Jul 2014 to date, 198 cases of financial upgradation under MACPS have been processed and sanction letters issued. total of 319 Francia upgradation cases under ACPS including the eligible retired officials were also processed and orders issued. (e) RENOVA’ JON OF CORRIDOR/WASH. ROOM OF G-BLOCK Renovation work of G-Block, ‘DGQA has been carried out in record time and shall be inaugurated by the DGQA on 42 Mar 2015. () CHARTER OF DUTY OF INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES Necessary inputs from the Technical Directorates have been received and shall shortly be issued with DG's approval. Concluding her address, the Chairperson again thanked the Staff Side for their co- operation and hoped that the meeting would have fruitful results. 5, Thereafter, the Secretary Official Side thanked the Chairperson for her address and requested the Leader of the Staff Side to put forth his issues to the forum. 6. Shri MKR Pillai, Leader, Staff Side welcomed the Chairperson, Smt. Rekha Chopra, Secretary Official Side Smt. Vibha Sood, Secretary Staff Side Sh HN Tiwari, Sh Mohan Rao, Leader of BPMS, CDRA Rep. Shri Amose Prabakar and the other members of the Official as well ce. Staff Side. He thanked the Chairperson for extending a warm and hearty welcome to all the es bers and also giving the progress made during the intervening period. | He also welcomed Sint Amrita Sharan, the newly joined DDG(P&B) who was attending the meeting for the first time However, the LSS regretted slow progress being made on many critical issues viz., Cadre Review, fnalizaticn of the Rotation Transfer Policy, Amendment of Recruitment Rules in respect of IES & The. He also expressed his apprehensions that non-finalization of the above issues will result in wEsoue financial loss to the employees if not resolved before implementation of the 7” CPC However, he was aware that while the DGQA administration has tried its level best to settle these issues with a series of discussions with the concerned officials in the Min of Defence and Defence (Finance), the same are not being solved due to the negative approach of some of the officials in the department of Def(Fin). He informed that if this negative attitude of Def(Fin) continues there may be labour unrest which is not warranted by anybody. He then brought out the following points before the Forum:- (a) LDE FOR APPOINTMENT AS LDC While necessary instructions have been issued by Adm-10 in July 2014 that 10% of the posts of LDC should be filled up by LDE amongst the erstwhile Gp 'D’ (now MTS) candidates, the LSS regretted that none of the establishments has implemented this order. He further desired that copies of such letters should be endorsed to the Staff Side also. Action _: Dir(Pers)/All Tech Dtes (b) ISSUE OF NOC IN CONNECTION WITH THE RECRUITMENT NOC for direct recruitment is issued with one year validity which should be increased to 2 years. It was informed by the Pers side that required orders from AG/MP(4) have already been issued on the subject and the same have been circulated also by the ‘Pers’. () DGQANEWSLETTER The LSS brought out that the DGQA News Letter confines itself generally to the activities of Armaments and Vehicles Dtes and the activities related to JCM are completely éver looked which is not correct as JCM is a very important Forum and its activities and meetings etc. should be given adequate and prominent space in the Newsletter. Action _: Dir(PP&T) (d) HYGIENIC. CONDITION IN THE ESTABLISHMENTS Hygienic condition of the establishments is not good and HOEs are not taking Govt order on this issue seriously. Funds allotted for the purpose are diverted for other purposes. The LSS requested the Chairperson to depute Dir(Works) to visit the Establishments alongwith the reps of JCM for a correct picture and taking necessary steps to improve the condition. Action _: Dir(Works)/All Tech Dtes e) COMPASSIONATE APPOINTMENT TSS brought out that in Railways there is no fixed percentage for providing Compassionate appointment. He suggested that there should be a common system for both Railways & Defence and if possible, a one time relaxation should be allowed so that the whole backlog as on 31 Dec 2014 can be made up. Action : Dir(Pers) 7. After the LSS, the Secretary, Staff Side Shri HN Tiwari welcomed Smt. Rekha Chopra, ADGOA(Adm), Secretary Official Side, Mrs Vibha Sood, Leader Staff Side, Mr. MKR Pillai, Rep SPM Shi Mohan Rao, Rep CDRA’ Mr. Amose Prabakar and all the offical and Staff Side aaevpets He thanked the Chairperson for extending a warm welcome to Staff Side and giving the Iatest progress on pending issues as well as achievements. He also welcomed Mrs Amrita Sharam, DDG(P&B) and Shri Kuldeep Pandey who were attending the JCM for the first time He expressed happiness on the timely holding of DPC and resolving other workers problems including absorption of MTS. He, on behalf of INDWF, assured his full co-operation and hoped that the orci Side would also reciprocate the same. However, he regretted that in spite of al efforts, Orrin issues like Cadre Review proposal, Rotational Transfer Policy, | Merger of ceriaiificrrecnnical/Drawing Office Cadre are still pending. Then he brought out the following important issues for early redressal:- (a) CONVERSION OF TYPE-_|_QUARTERS_INTO TYPE - l|_IN_THE DGQA RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RAKSHA VIHAR KANPUR & OTHER PLACES IN DGQA ORGN The SSS stated that this issue was raised in 15” Main Meeting held on 24 Dec 2013 but there has not been much progress since then. He also requested that the concerned Technical Directors may be advised to submit required proposals to DGQA Administration on the subject. Action : Dir(Works)/All Tech Dtes (0) INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AT SQAE(A), AMBAJHARI industrial relations at SQAE(A), Ambajhari, have since improved immensely but various Appeals on severe punishmentipenalty imposed on employees by the then SQAO, SQAE(A), Ambajhari need to be taken care of so as to avoid harassment of employees Action: Dir(Vig)/DQA(Armt) (c) DELAY IN THE AMENDEMENT IN RECRUITMENT. RULES The Sub-Committee report on review ‘of Recruitment Rules in respect of Industrial Cadre was finalized and adopted by the ill Level JCM Council of DGQA long back bit Soproval of the same is stil pending in the MoD. Expeditious action may be taken for its early approval. Action : Dir(Pers) 8. (d) ISSUES OF NEW PENSIONERS IDENTITY CARD FOR DGQA EMPLOYEES The New Pensioners Identity Card issued for DGQA Employees is a welcome measure. But the Pensioners Identity Card may also be extended to those employees who Tetired before 01-01-2015, if requested by them, through the establishment they have superannuated. Action _: Dir(Coord) After the Secretary, Staff Side’s address, Shri P Mohan Rao, Rep BPMS, thanked the Chairperson for extending a warm welcome to the Staff Side and apprising them about the developments pertaining to DGQA employees. He welcomed Smt Amrita Sharan, DDG(P&B) as member of the forum and wished her all the best. He appreciated the Leader and Secretary, Staff Side for raising very important points concerning DGQA employees and fully endorsing their views requested the Chairperson to' address these points at the earliest. Then, he brought out the following points for consideration of the Chairperson: 9. (a) | GRANTING OF TWO HOURS SPECIAL LEAVE HOEs are not granting 2 hrs Special Leave for receiving medical attention/treatment in case of injuries/sickness not due to work (twice a month) for which the provision exists vide MOD letter dated 28 Sep 2010. It is requested that HOEs may be advised to comply with above order of MOD. Action _: All Tech Dtes Thereafter, Shri Amose Prabakar, Rep CDRA thanked the Chairperson for extending a warm welcome to the Official Side and Staff Side members and also apprising the Staff Side about the latest progress on various points. He endorsed the viewpoints expressed by the Leaders earlier and brought out the following fresh points for consideration of the Chairperson:- (a) RETENTION OF ACCOMMODATION ON POSTING IN THE SAME STATION As per existing rule on allotment of DGQA accommodation, employees posted on rotational/compassionate basis in the same station i.e. Avadi, Chennai to DGQA Complex, Meenambakkam, Chennai, are required to apply for married accommodation in new station, since two co-ordinating offices are in Chennai. However, they could not move from one place to another in the same station due to academic session of their children or some personal reasons. It is, therefore, requested to explore the feasibility to retain the accommodation in the old station. Action _:_Dir(Works} (b) | FORWARDING OF APPLICATIONS FOR OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT DGQA/Arm-1 has issued a letter dated 18 Dec 2014 stating that applications for outside employment shall not be forwarded. Normally such kinds of policy letters are issued by the Adm Dte in order to maintain uniformity amongst all Tech Dtes. Hence, the above letter may be reviewed. Action : DQA(Arm) (c) HOSTEL FACILITY FOR PARTICIPANTS OF TRAINING COURSE AT CQA(SV), DEHUROAD The Hostel facility at CQA(SV), Dehu Road should be increased as the present facility is inadequate. Action_: Dir(Works)/DQA(V) 10. REMARKS OF THE CHAIRPERSON ON THE POINTS RAISED BY THE STAFF SIDE ‘After all the Leaders had put forth their points, the Chairperson appreciated the issues raised by the Staff Side and informed that since most of the points raised by the Staff Side members find a place in the Mention Points also, these shall be covered during the discussion on the same. She assured that suitable urgent action would be taken by the concerned Dtes/Office on all the points concerning them respectively. Thereafter, the outstanding Mention Points were taken up for discussion. 11. DISCUSSION ON OUTSTANDING MENTION POINTS BN DEMANDS COMMENTS/ATR 4. | RECRUITMENT RULES OF INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES The case file has been re-submitted During the discussion for finalization of to MoD/D(QA) with clarification to their | Recruitment Rules of IE's, it was agreed that queries on 05 Nov 2014. The matter is stil | | the age limit will be raised from 27 years to 32 under consideration with MoD/D(@A) | years. It is pending with the department for the [last six months and needs fo be expedited. | Actio Pers) | 2, | RECRUITMENT RULES OF JE(QA) | | “"""The demand of the Staff Side was that all| The case file has been re-submitted | employees who possess the qualification of to MoD/D(QA) with clarification to their | Dipioma or Degree in Engineering should be fuera ‘on 05 Nov 2014. The matter is still eligible for LDE irrespective of their Cadre. under consideration with MoD/D(QA) | The present clause that HS-I and MCM only are eligible for LDE is not acceptable. This is also at par with the OFB where all the categories are eligible to participate in the LDE. 3, |MERGER OF SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL & DRAWING CADRE The case file has been re-submitted The JCM Sub-Committee on merger of fo MoD/D(QA) with clarification to their Scientific, Technical & Drawing cadre has Queries on 05 Nov 2014. The matter is stil already submitted its recommendation, which tinder consideration with MoD/D(QA) has been approved in the 15" Main Meeting of lil level JCM Council. Necessary further Action : Dir(Pers) action is requested without further delay. 4. |GHARTER OF DUTIES OF INDUSTRIAL CADRE ‘Since the minimum qualification has The information received from been prescribed matric + ITI for Technical | various Dtes. is being compiled and (SS), their Charter of Duties as per their | necessary orders shall be issued shortly technical qualification may be prepared & | circulated to all DGQA establishments for the Action : Dir(Pers) | smooth functioning of the establishments. | 5. | REDUCTION OF RESIDENCY PERIOD FOR Initially a case for one time PROMOTION FROM LDC TO UDC relaxation of qualifying service by one ‘Approx 45 posts of UDC are lying vacant | year for DPC year 2014-15 for promotion as eligible candidates in the grade of LDC are | from LDC to UDC and SSK to SSS was fot available. There are only 4-5 eligible| taken up with MoD/D(QA) in Feb 2013 candidates available for promotion to UDC due | The MoD has not agreed to the same in 6 to non- completion of residency period of 8 years in the grade of LDC. The residency period for the promotion from LDC to UDC be made 5 years in place of 8 years by carrying the RR the case of LDC to UDC and advised to] take up the matter with DOP&T for further clarification/approval. Accordingly, the case has been re- cae ee tensaty nearencinents:7in submitted to DOP8T through MoD/D(QA) accordingly. ‘on 18 Feb 2015 and is being followed up regularly. Action : Dir(Pers} Rl ARTISAN STAFF AT ‘As regards ignoring a senior most SQAE(A), AMBAJHARI Restructuring of Artisan Staff was not done as per MOD letter dt 14 Jun 2010 and DGOQA letter dt 16 Jul 2010 which state that Artisan Staff are to be restructured wef 01-01- 2006 with one time relaxation exempting them from Trade Test and DPC in the grade of Skilled, HS-II, HS-1 and MCM in the ratio of 45:20.625:20.625:13.75. The SQAO has restructured and implemented the letter only upto HS1 and not placed any MCM as per eligibility in the restructure though 4 vacancies of MCM were available. Even after conducting the Trade Test and DPC, only four MCMs have been selected ignoring a senior most eligible HS1 with qualification of ITI and BA and a person having disciplinary background has been selected though he can not assume higher post in the next two years. Necessary action be taken to get the placement of MCM wef 01.01.2006 with benefit of one time relaxation as per MOD. FILLING UP THE POST OF MCM ‘As per MoD letter on four grade structure dated 14/2/2010, the procedure for filling up the post of MCM has to be followed as per MoD letter dated 22/9/1982. Accordingly, the Department Selection Committee for promotion to MCM will meet twice in a year i.e, 31st Mar and 30th Sep respectively and promotion to take place w.e.f. 1st Apr and tst Oct in each year. Many Directorates and their Controllerates and SQAOs have not conducted DPCs as per the Govt orders. Necessary clarifications may be issued since there are many affected people whose promotion is delayed causing immense financial constraint and loss. | Part! No. 128 dated 08 Oct 2014 in HS-1, the establishment has intimated that the individual did not find place in the merit as he could not qualify the Trade Test. It was also intimated that the penalty was imposed w.ef. 01.10.2013 for a period of one year on Shri SK Pagal, Tech (HS-l) and he was actually promoted with w.e.f. 01 Oct 2014 vide DO terms of Para 13 of DOP&T OM No. 22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated 10 Apr 1989 which inter-alia state that punishment is no bar in assessing suitability for promotion. As such, no irregularity was noticed in this exercise. Not satisfied with the reply the Staff Side desired to raise the issue in the Main meeting to which the Chairperson agreed. | IN-VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. Taking cognizance of the demand of the Staff Side, establishments have been instructed through their respective Tech Dtes vide Adm-10 letter dated 19 Feb 2015 to strictly adhere to the DPC schedule as given in Adm-10 letter No. C/85185/TTIE/DGQA/Adm-10 dated 31 Dec 2007. In Adm-10 letter No. ‘A/86320/JCM/Sub-Committee(IEV/DGQA JAdm-10 dated 07 Feb 2014 modalities for maintenance of seniority roll in respect of Industrial Category for conducting DPC, which has no bearing on the aspect of DPC Schedule, have been stipulated IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. MACP ON PROMOTIONAL HIERARCHY is The matter falls within the purview of OP. BASIS The LSS read out the ontempt of Court Order. Judgement onounced by the Principal Bench of CAT, ‘elhi and requested the Administration to 85034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19 May 2009 implement the Judgement to avoid any envisages &T. There are a number of CAT judgements on the subject matter favoring the employees. However, DOP&T OM No. | merely placement in the jmmediate next higher grade pay in the jerarchy of the recommended Revised Ps and Grade Pay as given in Section-1, fart-A of the first Schedule of CCS Revised Pay) Rules 2008, which is still in jogue. Deviation, if any, cannot be made uo-motto until and unless the instant OM nthe subject matter is amended by OP&qT, being the nodal Department. N_VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT E TREATED AS CLOSED. MAY GRADE PAY OF PHARMACIST The case is pending with Ministry for the last 03 years despite a Govt. order existing on the issue. The Staff Side informed that the matter is sub-judice. Case for grant of higher pay scale to Pharmacist has been turned down by MoDID(QA) with a request to refer the matter to 7" CPC. Action is at hand accordingly. Action : Dir(Pers) 10. FILLING UP OF VACANCIES There are large number of vacant posts lying unfilled in the grade of LDC & also in other Essential Categories like Chowkidars, Durwans, Fire Fighting and Statutory Canteen Staff. The Chairman is requested to take immediate action to fill up all the posts as OFB has already taken up the case for 939 posts. Vacancies upto 2013-14 have already been released and details of the | same are uploaded on the DGQA website. All the Tech Dtes have been advised to take prompt action to fill up the vacancies. The Chairperson directed Dir(Pers) to follow up and get reply from the Tech Dtes. Action : Dir(Pers) 11. CADRE REVIEW PROPOSAL OF GROUP B & C EMPLOYEES The Cadre Review proposal of DGQA is pending for the last 10 yrs for some reason or other, even though there is no financial implication. The entire DGQA employees are frustrated on this issue. It is, therefore, requested that the resentment of workers may be intimated to the concerned authorities in the Ministry. The case file is presently under consideration with MoD/Finance and shall be sent to MoF shortly. Action : Dir(Pers) 12. TRANSFER OF PERSONNEL WORKING IN As per the decision taken in the 16” ‘SENSITIVE POSTS ‘AS per instruction in vogue, a person working in a sensitive post should be posted ‘out on completion of 3 yrs but the HOEs are not following this instruction. This may be looked into. Progress Meeting held on 09 Jul 2014, necessary instructions were issued to all Tech Dies in Sep 2014. They have since been asked to confirm the action taken on 18 Feb 2015. | IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY | BE TREATED AS CLOSED. | 13. PLACEMENT OF DIRECTLY RECRUITED D'MAN-lIIl The Staff Side stated that the issue of giving higher pay scale to all D/Man Ill recruited with Diploma in Engineering during 16 Sep 95 to 22 Sep 99 may be expedited. The case for grant of higher pay scale to D’Man appointed after 15.09. 1995 to 20.09.1999, received back from AFA(DS) with observations, was re-| submitted to MoD/D(QA) on 13.08.2014 It has been ascertained from Def(Fin) that the file has been sent to MoF. Action : Dir(Pers) 14. COMPASSIONATE _POSTING/ TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES OF ADM AND STORE CATEGORIES At present there is no policy or guidelines for the compassionate posting of OS and SSS. There are few Officials viz. SSS, who are posted on promotion from Bangalore to Medak | / Avadi & Trichy. They have spent more than 07 years in the respective places and wanted to go back to their home station on compassionate grounds. However, the ests where they are presently posted are not prepared to relieve them unless they get their replacement. It is harassment. It is requested that necessary instructions be issued to relieve them immediately on receipt of the transfer orders and policy letter may be issued on this matter. All individuals compassionate grounds telieved from their ~—rrespective establishments and there are no outstanding cases as on date. The point may be treated as closed. | posted on have been IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED 15. REVIEW DPC FOR PROMOTION FROM OS TO AO During the DPC conducted in 2014, all the vacancies existed and the definite anticipated vacancies were not taken into consideration and thereby five officials were denied their promotion in time. The LSS read out the letter issued by him immediately after the issue of the panel. Despite this, no corrective measures were taken by the administration. It is, therefore, requested that the DPC may please be conducted in accordance with the guidelines issued by the DOP&q without any further delay. All the existed/definite anticipated vacancies for the DPC year 2014-15 have already been taken into consideration for promotion to the grade of OS to AO in DPC 2014-15 conducted in Aug 2014 and panel issued vide note No. ‘85866/AP/SO/14-15/DGQA/Adm-6B dated 29 Aug 2014. The extended panel was also issued accounting for those vacancies which were arising due to retirement of the officers in the main panel during the DPC year 2014-15 itself. Hence no vacancy was left out and review DPC is not required. The Chairperson assured that DPC for the year 2015-16 will be completed by April. IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. 16. FORMATION OF VII CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION CELL AT DGQA HQ The VII" Central Pay Commission Cell at \GQA HQ has been constituted but the Staff jide has not been associated in the Cell. It is, wuested to include the Staff Side, so that their luable suggestions could be included in the ay Commission recommendations. The Staff § side members also requested the Chairperson 0 direct the concerned officials to put the recommendations in DGQA Website and also hould also be made available to the Leader, [Staff Side. The 7® Central Pay Commission Cell t DGQA HQ has been requested that the eader Staff Side, Secretary Staff Side, eps of BPMS and CDRA should be ssociated with the preparation of the ecommendation of the CPC Cell. The Cell should go through the memorandum being submitted by the Federations. Their fecommendations are to be considered by GQA and it may be ensured that there fare no contradictions. opy is provided to the Leader, Staff Side. Action (P&A)/DQA(WP} The Chairperson | irected the Nodal Officer to ensure that a | 17. BIOMETRIC SYSTEM The LSS said that as decided in the last JCM Meeting, before making SOP by different Estts, a common SOP should be made at the HQs level in consultation with the Staff Side. Then, according to local _ conditions, modifications can be made to the SOP by respective HOEs. He requested the Chairman to issue necessary directive in this regard. Detailed instructions on installation of Bio-metric system of marking attendance by the officer/staffs posted to various Estts of DGQA has already been issued vide note No. 87303/ Attendance/DGQA (Coord) dated 12 Jun 2014 and it is also The provision of modification in SOP as per the local conditions has already been kept in the SOP. It is, therefore, considered that no further instruc is required on the matter at this stage. BE TREATED AS CLOSED. been addressed to all JCM members. | IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY | 18. MERGER OF ISOLATED CATEGORIES The JCM Sub-Committee, for the Merger of Isolated Categories with other Categories (Industrial/ Non- Industrial) has submitted its report and the same was adopted on 24 Dec 2013 by the JCM III Level Council of DGQA. But no further instructions have yet been issued. An early action is requested in the matter. The case for Merger of Isolated | categories of posts with other categories | of same grade pay in DGQA organisation |has already been processed with the MoD/D(QA) on 25 Jul 2014. Thereafter, the file received back with certain observations has since been forwarded to MoD/D(QA) on 03 Nov 2014 with clarification/information on their queries. Case is still under consideration of MoD. 19. IDGET) PROVISIONS FOR CONSERVANCY NCES AT RAKSHA HAR/ WAR MEMORIAL COLONY, KANPUR Necessary budgetary provisions for conservancy at Raksha Vihar & War Memorial Colony may kindly be made w.ef. 01.04.2014, so that in rainy season the residential campus could be cleaned. An early action to grant the budget is requested. Requisite funds for outsourcing of services are met from the Misc & Contingent fund (Sub head 109-C) of the establishment. Sanctions are accorded after confirmation of availability of funds. Action : Dy Dir(PE) | IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY [BE TREATED AS CLOSED. 10 20. | in many cases happened because the powers DELEGATION OF POWERS in the absence of Special DGQA, delay are vested with DGQA in respect of all financial F as well as promotion and posting matters. Therefore, the feasibility of delegating these powers to ADGQA(ADM) may be examined til such time the post of Sp! DGQA is filled up. A proposal for delegation of financial er has been forwarded to MoD on 20 ‘eb 2015 dully approved by DG, DGQA. IN_VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY E TREATED AS CLOSED. 2 DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWER It has been observed that many of the cases which require the sanctions of the Head of the Department are not within his powers and it has to go to the Ministry (Integrated Finance). It is causing undue delay and consequently the entire system of outsourcing is paralyzed. Any delay in sanction for the outsourcing will result in the dispensation of the Contract Workers and lose wages. A case may be taken up to increase the delegation of financial power of the Head of the Department, to the extent of Rs 25 Lakhs per case in the interest of the organisation's functional requirement. A proposal for delegation of financial | power has been forwarded to MoD on 20 feb 2015 dully approved by DG, DGQA. IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. 22. TRANSFER OF 5 ACRES DEF LAND TO KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA _SANGTHAN FOR CONSTRUCTIO! E: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA AT _DGQA__ RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RAKSHA VIHAR, KANPUR Proposal for the transfer of 5 acres Defence land to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan, for construction of Kendriya Vidyalaya in the campus of DGQA residential estate at Raksha Vihar Colony, Kanpur is still pending. Expeditious action in the matter is requested before KVS takes a decision to shift from DGQA residential estate Raksha Vihar to somewhere else. provosal Case is under process with MoD for of RM before sending the roposal to PMO. The Chairperson directed Dir(Wks) to fast track the case but did not accede to the demand of the Staff Side to give a time ine. Action : Dir(Works) 23. CONVERSION OF TYPE-1 QUARTER INTO TYPE-|_IN_THE Di RESIDENTIAL ESTATE HA VIHAR KANPUR OTHER PLACES “After implementation of the VI CPC, most of Gp ‘D’ employees have become eligible for allotment of Type-ll acon. Hence, Type-! quarters in the DGQA residential complex are lying vacant and there is a shortage of Type-I! accommodation in the estate. __ Necessary Proposals have been sought from Tech Dtes/Coord Estts. jorks) Action i budgetary provisions for the conversion of Type] accn may be arranged so. that employees eligible for Type-Il accn at DGQA residential estate Raksha Vihar Kanpur & other places may be allotted and also govt exchequer could be saved. 24. AMENDMENT IN SRO-1E RULES FOR ALLOTMENT OF GOVT. ACCOMMODATION TO DGQA EMPLOYEES ‘Sh HN Tiwari, stated that Rule 9a(i) of SROME Rules for Allotment of DGQA Accommodation and certain other clauses are contrary to the Govt. of India Rules on the subject and required to be reviewed. The Chairman is requested to take necessary | action for amendment in SRO-1E for allotment | of DGQA Accommodation and a sub- committee may be constituted to see the possibility of sorting out problems related to issue of NAC as in OFB and other clauses of SRO-1E. Case is under process with Min of Law & Justice for vetting of Draft Gazette Notification (DGN) before its publication. Dir(Wks) assured that probably within 15- 20 days it will be published. Action jorks) 25. DGGQA_RESIDENTIAL_ACCOMMODATION, AT BELUR, KOLKATA The DGQA residential accommodation at Belur is totally unsuitable for the allotment to the DGQA employees of Hasting. The BOO including Dr. Basab Sahana CMO, DGQA clinic, have recommended this complex totally unhygienic and unfit for allotment to the employees. The Chairman is requested to approve the board proceedings. Case for ‘In Principle Approval’ for transfer of management of land & assets from DGQA to Army (HQ Bengal ‘Area/LMA) has been taken up with MoD. The proposal is under consideration at HQ Eastern Command, Kolkata. 26. PAY FIXATION Pay fixation of Shri Adaveshappa, Dresser of CQA(L), Bangalore is pending with the administration since 2005. LSS stated that he doesn't intend to pin point anybody for the delay. The details of the case along with relevant correspondence have been provided to process and resolve the issue immediately. Since, the audit authorities have retumed the ‘case being time barred, necessary sanction is requested from the Govt. authorities. He also brought out that since the individual is about to retire, the case should be resolved immediately. It has since been confirmed by DQA\L) that the case has already been | settled as per the undertaking of individual dated 23 Sep 2014 for continuing in the old Pay Scale. IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. | 12 27. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS OF RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS OF CQAL AT GUNATHA VIHAR There is no proper maintenance of the Residential Complex at Gunatha Vihar. The funds allotted are misused. It may please be ensured that annual maintenance _is undertaken regularly. Drainage pipes, which were laid 23 years ago, have not been replaced with new and bigger ones; as a result there has been a major drain blockage. Repair work of roof of building No. 5, 6 & 7 has commenced as part of ‘Special Repairs to the roofs of 23 blocks in Gunatha Vihar. Plinth protection, to overcome rat menace, is also underway. In addition, 200 Nos of Over Head Tank covers have been replaced. Vertical stacks quantity 200 meters have been replaced as per the requirement. Action : DQA( 28. MODERNISE THE FURNITURE OF CQAL & GOOD TOILETS ETC For the last three years the management is not taking any action on the demand of modern furniture and good toilet instead interested in providing the amenities to officers only. Modular furniture has been installed in ‘T’ & ‘N’ Division and work is in Progress for installation of the same in ‘x’ Division. Concurrence for modular furniture for admin building has been received and tendering action is in progress. Work for repair of sewage lines has commenced and will be completed shortly. A QA(L) 29. SPORTSMAN RECRUITMENT There is an undue delay in the processing of the recruitment of Sportsmen under Sports quota at HQ level. An interview was conducted in CQA(L), Bangalore during March 2014 for the post of LDC under the Sportsman quota which is still pending. The Chairman may kindly look into the case and issue necessary instructions to clear the case without any further delay. Appointment letter to the selected candidate was issued on 22 Sep 2014 and he has already reported to CQA(L), Bangalore on 29 Sep 2014. IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. ‘SHIFTING OF TYPE V QUARTERS FROM GUNATHA VIHAR, BANGALORE TO DGQA OFFICERS ENCLAVE There are almost five hundred Gp ‘C’ employees and their families are residing in the Gunatha Vihar, whereas the number of Type-V Quarters for officers is only 10-12. For better harmony and personal interaction, it would be better if these officers are shifted to DGQA Officers Enclave and the quarters so vacated are converted into Transit House for the convenience of Staff/Employees coming on duty from out stations. Limited no. of Type-V quarters are available for the entire DGQA strength and it cannot be justified to re-appropriate to convert these limited quarters into Transit House. Moreover, DGQA Officers Enclave does not have spare capacity to accommodate the officers so displaced. In the light of the facts elaborated above, the proposal of shifting of Type-V quarters from Gunatha Vihar, B'lore to DGQA Officers Enclave is considered not viable. IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSED. 13 3. FUNCTIONING OF _WET-_CANTEEN AT COMPLEX AT KANPUR The Functioning of the Wet- Canteen at ‘anpur is badly affected due to non-availability f Budget after 01-04-2014. It may be due to rocedural delay in getting the tender on rojection of budget for the man-power for Wet- ‘anteen. The workers of the Complex are uffering as the same is closed after 01-04- 014. Itis, therefore, suggested that this Wet- ‘anteen may be given to a contractor to run on contract basis like MES, Air force and Military lunits in the name of * Baniya Canteen’. Early jecessary instructions may kindly be issued to e Controller, CQA(GS) Kanpur, for further ction. 32. FORMATION OF DEFENCE QUALITY ASSURANCE BOARD (DQAB) The issue has been discussed in JCM II & Ill level Meetings several times for the past 05 years but the same is still pending. It was assured by the Ex. Def Minister Shri AK Anthony that the matter is under active consideration of the Govt. but there has been no progress so far. In the changed circumstances, when a new Def Production policy is being envisaged by the New Govt. with 49% FDI in Def, the department should seriously consider establishing an independent Quality Assurance Agency in accordance with the recommendation made by the CAG in 2005. The matter may be taken up with the Ministry for necessary action for overall betterment of the organisation. 2a DUSTRIAL UNREST The problem of Industrial unrest in | CQA(S), Secundrabad was taken up in the last meeting also. However, there is no improvement. He also requested the Chairman to intervene in the issues pertaining to the Community hall and direct the concerned Addl DGQA /HOE to maintain peace and harmony. LSS further stated that certain imegularities and mismanagement were taking 4 Since out-sourcing of Manpower for the Wet canteen at CQA(GS), Kanpur is under process, the suggestion of “Baniya Canteen” is not being considered at Action : DQA(S} The case is under advance stage of consideration since Oct 2014. Action : Dir(PP&T) Advisory letters have already been issued on this matter to the Station Commander, CQA(S), Secunderabad on 26 Jun 2014 and 28 Oct 2014. He has been advised to improve the Industrial Relation and try to maintain good relation with Union Leaders and JCM III Members JCM/UnionWelfare meetings are being conducted regularly. There are no issues pertaining to Community Hall and place in some other centres also. He brought out that a letter issued by the administration for rotating the officials, who are placed in the sensitive post for more than 03 years has not been implemented by any Controllerate. None of the HOE’s has taken this letter seriously and all the personnel working in these posts are continuing for more than five to ten years. LSS also requested that further instructions may be issued on all these matters including the issue of Contract to the Cable TV in DGQA Complexes not to give the contract for more than 15 yrs continuously. new SOP in connection with all stake holders in station is being formulated. The Controllerates have been instructed to rotate the officials who are placed in the Sensitive Posts as per the policy letter. After deliberation it was decided to raise the issue in the Main meeting. IN VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE_TREATED AS CLOSED FROM HERE. PROVISION FOR ACCOMMODATION AT DELHI Employees posted on promotion or Rotational Transfer from other units to Delhi are facing problem as no accommodation is available at Delhi for them. Central Pool Quarters, though available, have 5 years waiting period. It is, further, submitted that Chanakya Puri Mess of DGQA is already closed. It is, therefore, requested that Bachelors’ Hostel with Mess facilities may be established for those employees. The matter may be examined to take suitable action. The Type- | quarter earmarked for NGO hostel was not found feasible being nearer to the family location. Instead, House No P-35(Type-IIl) has been identified for the same and work/fumnishing is under progress for making it suitable for NGO hostel. IN_VIEW OF ABOVE, THE POINT MAY BE TREATED AS CLOSEI 85. ILLING UP POSTS OF JE(QA) In CQA(HV), Avadi the sanctioned strength of JE(QA) is 73 out of which only 34 JE(QA)s are held. Recently 15 posts of JE(QA) have been released through Staff Selection Commission. However, as the process of recruitment through SSC takes considerable time, it is requested that 10 more JEs be posted from other Establishments to fill up the acute shortage of JEs in CQA(HV), Avadi. These JEs will be reverted back to their Establishments after the recruitment process is over. There is an acute shortage of manpower in the category of JE(QA). All out efforts are being made to distribute manpower as per the work load in the establishments. Regarding filling up of JE(QA) & SA vacancies, SSC has since changed its system of accepting requisition by introducing Single Window system whereby requisitions are to be submitted by hand to concerned SSC. As required by the SSC, authorization of MoD has been obtained in respect of DDG(A&HR) as designated officer for signing the requisition. Action for forwarding requisition to SSC in accordance with the new system is under process. Action _: Dir(Pers} 36. | PERMANENT PE TO CQA(AVA) AVADI ] During upgradation of SQAE(A) Avadi to| _Re-validation of PE of establishments CQA(AVA) Avadi, some of the vacancies were | under DQA(Arm) is under process and transferred from other DGQA establishments | will be put up to DGQA for further action under temporary transfer of post. Under this | by MoD in due course. Once approved policy, some of the D/Men were transferred | by the MoD, case for inclusion of posts from CQA(I) Dehradun for the period of 3| will be taken up. The Chairperson years. Now, the held strength of D/Men | directed that a copy of all such matters | category is very meager. At present junior | should be endorsed to the Staff Side for | most D/Man who had completed his tenure | vetting. under this policy is being posted to Avadi. It is suggested that permanent PE (D/Man Cadre) rmt) may be sanctioned to CQA(AVA), Avadi | through Direct Recruitment. The Staff Side | requested the Chairperson to let the Staff Side know the position of PE Dte and that before | the same is issued it should be vetted by the | Staff Side. | 13. After having discussed all the points and bringing the meeting to its conclusion, the Secretary, Official Side thanked the Chairperson and appreciated all the members of the JCM for their cooperation towards fruitful and cordial discussion which led to a number of points being resolved amicably. The Secretary hoped that the members will continue to maintain same tradition in future also. 44. There being no further point for discussion, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. ER (Anil Kamar Singh) Dy Dir (JCM) For DGQA Copy to:~ All the members (Official Side) of JCM III Level Council (DGQA) AILDGQA Establishments as per List-| INDWF Chennai, AIDEF Kirkee, BPMS Kanpur, CDRA Delhi, SWA Kanpur, AIANGO Kanpur, D'MAN Assn Avadi, All India DGQA Technical NGOs Assn, Bangalore, AIDGQA Clerical Assn Avadi MOD/D(JCM), MOD/D(QA) (internal) - All Tech Dtes, All DDGs of Adm Die, All Dirs in Adm Dte, LWC(C), CPIO. TS to DGQA, PPS to Addl DGQA(ADM) DD(PE), DD/Adm-7B, DD/Adm-7A, DD/Adm-10, DD(Budget) ‘SDCC - For uploading the Minutes in DGQA Web site. 16

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