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On Ever Onward

An electronic newsletter for AUP alumni around the world.

Adventist University of the Philippines

Puting Kahoy, Silang ,Cavite, Philippines
September 20 October 6, 2015

Dr. Reuben Manalaysay:

Celebrating His 100th

September 20 October 6, 2015




Published Quarterly by the alumni of

Adventist University of the Philippines
residing in Canada, United States and Philippines.

Copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Charles Fegardido -
Romi Talento
Willie Tortal
Edna Domingo
Romy Barrios
Elmie Lynn Lagajino-
Edwin Araba-

Contributing Writers:
Ray Puen-

Layout and Design

The Centennial Man, Dr. Man. PUC had the highest improvement of
faculty upgrading during his term and to this day PUC/AUP has the highest
enrollment of
foreign students in the country. We thank Dr. Reuben
Manalaysay, the centennial man, for his legacy in laying the strong foundation
in academic and spiritual growth of PUC. - Page 3

MAGNIFYING THE WORD OF GOD. Grant us a spirit of GENEROUS GIVING to Your poor and needy children. Help us day by day in molding our life more and more after the life of Christ, and to be like Him in sharing a good measure, pressed down, and running over of our blessings with
those in need (Matt. 25:31-46), specially: - Page 4


PRECEDENTS. We have an entire Bible full of examples of saints
who stood their ground and routed their enemies. Lets follow their
example, and set new precedents fighting the giants of our day. We
too can leave a legacy of victory, inspiring our children and grandchildren to victory over the "sons of Goliath. - Page 25

Edwin Araba


CAN AYEN HELP TOO? I always trust that God did not just show
Rosalina to me unless there was hope. And so I sent appeals for Rosalina and donors sent help. It took two surgeries. Praise God for the surgeons did a great job! They were able to save Rosalina's right eye!
Here is the latest AFTER picture of Rosalina. Thank you so much to
the donors of Help The Needy, Inc. To God be the glory!. - Page 12

THE HUMAN BRAIN. A substantial part of current understanding

of the interactions between the two hemispheres has come from the
study of "split-brain patients"people who underwent surgical transection of the corpus callosum in an attempt to reduce the severity of
epileptic seizures.- Page 13

Dr. Reuben Manalaysay: The First Filipino PUC President. He

provided visionary leadership and during his tenure several new bachelor
degree programs were developed, a graduate program was approved by the
government, the faculty was upgraded, and an administration building and
auditorium were constructed. - Page 15

CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

Watch Him in Youtube: Dr. Reuben G. Manalaysay



by Edwin Araba

PUC had the highest improvement of faculty upgrading during his term and to this day PUC/
AUP has the highest enrollment of foreign students in the country. We thank Dr. Reuben
Manalaysay, the centennial man, for his legacy in laying the strong foundation in academic
and spiritual growth of PUC

The Centennial Man, Dr. Man

he Americans defeated the Spanish Armada at

the turn of the 19th century and they started
ruling the island by sending the American ship,

Thomas, which sailed from San Francisco, California to

the Philippines. Thus begun the new era for Philippine
reforms in education which many Protestant missionaries
were sent to the Philippines followed by expeditions of
teachers. In 1908, LV Finster arrived in Manila to bring
the SDA message to the island. He was invited by two
students, Bibiano Panis and Leon Roda to learn English
and practice on him. Through them he was able to introduce the Adventist message. In 1911 the first Seventh-day
Adventist Church in Sta. Ana , Manila was organized with
22 members. Most of them were former members of the
Methodist Church. One of the new members , Marciano
Roxas, introduced Emilio Manalaysay, his friend and copublic school teacher to Elder Finster. After series of
Bible studies Emilio joined the church. His new students,
Leon Roda, Bibiano Panis, a law student, and Felix
Manalo, a former minister of Mission Cristiana (Christian
Mission). By 1914 the church had grown to about 300
members. Even before the establishment of PUC Reuben
Manalaysay was born on October 6,1915. Two years later
on June 12, 1917, a school called the Philippine SDA
Academy was established on a five-acre land in Pasay
offering general education to prepare workers and
students for Christian service. It is known today as Pasay

ber of the UP band under Prof. Buenaventura. He graduated

from PUC in 1937. Reuben met Raquel Salting, an equally
talented woman with beauty and brain. On May 27, 1942
they were married and was blessed with two children,
Daphne and Alvin. Reuben further his studies at UP earning
his masters degree in education and bachelors degree in
music (BM). He also earned a masters degree in psychology at the Far Eastern University. Upon the recommendation of his three teachers at UP he was able to earn a
Fulbright Scholarship at

Indiana University earning his

doctorate in education ( Ed.D) , in just one academic year.

He became the college president at PUC from 1952 to 1964.
He was instrumental in improving the academic standards of
PUC and it was during his term when the College Administration and the College Auditorium buildings were built.

City Academy. Later the Junior Academy moved to Baesa

PUC had the highest improvement of faculty upgrading

Campus, which was renamed into Philippine Union

during his term and to this day PUC/AUP has the highest

College. He graduated from Tondo Elementary School in

enrollment of

1929. His mother bought a piano and his gift in music

Dr. Reuben Manalaysay, the centennial

was evident by his natural ability in playing violin and

man, for his legacy in laying the strong

piano at an early age. He rode his bike from Tondo to

foundation in academic and spiritual

PUC and at the same time enrolled at UP Conservatory

growth of PUC, now known as Adventist

of Music studying piano and violin ; he was also a mem-

University of the Philippines.

foreign students in the country. We thank


September 20, 2015

Prayer For AUP and AUP Alumni


By Charles Fegarido

Psalms 138:2, NIV (bold letters added)

I will worship toward Your holy temple,

and praise Your name

for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have
magnified Your word above all Your name.
"The Bible is God's voice speaking to us, just as surely as though we
could hear it with our ears. If we realized this, with what awe would we
open God's word, and with what earnestness would we search its precepts! The reading and contemplation of the Scriptures would be regarded as an audience with the Infinite One." T., v. 4, p. 9.
Let's Pray. Eternal Father in heaven,
1. Thank You for Your great love in sending Your Eternal Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice to take away our sins, and to empower
us, with His grace, to live His life as a witness to draw others to His
love. We thank Him for His promise in Rev. 22:14 that ALL who have
kept (not on our own power, but by His grace) His Ten Commandments of love will have a right to the tree of life. We thank our Lord
Jesus for His Word of life, the Holy Bible, that when we open its pages
daily, search earnestly its precepts for our daily life, and contemplate
where the Holy Spirit is leading, we will grow spiritually "till we all
come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of
Christ" (Eph. 4:13, NIV). Help us to pay forward His blessings and
salvation by HUMBLY sharing these with our family, relatives,
friends; and especially in helping the poor, homeless, and needy in our
2. Thank You for continued life, health, strength, and spiritual and material blessings for all alumni, AUP members, and our families. Please
continue to bless us as we invest/sacrifice in our children and grand children's eternal future by sending them to Your Christian schools (or home
-schooling), where they may experience a personal and saving relationship with our Lord Jesus and fellowship (and no bullying allowed) with
Christian classmates and friends. Help us to understand that

our purpose in life is to glorify His name by sharing

His message of salvation to everyone He daily sends
us - His divine appointment for us.
3. Please lovingly watch over all our Alumni, AUP members, families,
and loved ones; and protect us from accidents, natural disasters, pestilence/diseases, and violence. Help us to trust our Lord Jesus that He is in
full control and has our and our families' future are in His loving hands.
4. We pray for all our alumni, who are sick, troubled, and having health
problems, and for those scheduled for surgery and other treatments.
Please ease their pain, suffering, and anxiety with the comfort that only
You can provide. We pray for physical and emotional healing according
to Your will. Bless those who have problems at work and financial difficulties trying to make ends meet.
5. We pray for our dear AUP alumni who recently passed away, and
other alumni who we lost these past years. We commend them to Your
keeping until Resurrection Day. We especially pray for their grieving
families - for their emotional and spiritual needs. Please send Your Holy
Spirit to personally comfort and give them hope in the sure promise of
our Lord Jesus in 1 Thes. 4:16-17, that we will see and join our loved

4 CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

ones, who precede us in death, when He comes again to take us all

home with Him.
6. Give us divine wisdom to choose healthy habits and lifestyle (as in
"NEWSTART"). Help us to: eat a healthy diet of fruits, nuts, grains,
legumes and vegetables; do healthy walking exercises; be temperate
in the things we do, eat and drink; and partake lots of pure water,
sunshine, air, and rest so we may live longer and glorify our Lord by
our health message.
7. Thank You for establishing our College of Medicine (AUP-COM).
Bless this College to lift up our Lord Jesus through her professors,
medical students, and in all her activities that many souls will be
drawn to Him and to our AUP. Bless our AUP administrators, teachers, students, our over 700 working students, and AUP workers in
their daily tasks and activities. We pray for a peaceful and joyous
atmosphere, harmonious working relationships, and financial prosperity for all departments and occupants in our campus.
8. Grant us a spirit of GENEROUS GIVING to Your poor and needy
children. Help us day by day in molding our life more and more after
the life of Christ, and to be like Him in sharing a good measure,
pressed down, and running over of our blessings with those in need
(Matt. 25:31-46), specially:
(a) Reva Moore's " Help the Needy " Mission for desperately
poor children and adults in the Philippines in need of life-threatening
surgeries (please visit to donate);
(b) Reva Moore's Adopt-a-Minister Project supporting over 300
of our unemployed SDA ministerial graduates laboring hard for our
Lord Jesus and for us resulting in a Pentecostal harvest of thousands of precious souls baptized annually for His glory (please
visit to donate any amount or monthly stipend);
(c) Teresa Quirante's Mission of Hope's FARM project for, and
by, AUP working students to help them become self-sustaining and
self-supporting by raising farm crops, vegetables, chickens and eggs,
tilapia, various fruit trees, etc. and help purchase farm work animals
and tools ( please visit to donate).
For Your Eternal Son told us to ask these things in His name (John
14:13-14). Amen.

Felicitations For Dr. Mans 100th

Birthday Celebration
indly include my greetings for Dr. Manalaysay.
I don't know if you remember me, but I would
like to send my heartfelt greetings from
Paradise/Hawaii on your 100th birthday. HAPPY
100th BIRTHDAY, DR. MAN! May the good Lord
give you abundant blessings of many more birthdays
to come.

To jog your memory a little, as a student in old PUC

when you were president, I was known as Jane Ong.
My mother was Francisca Trinidad. She told me
stories that she sang duets with you during her time/
your time in old PUC. She married Honorato Ong in
Cebu and both served as church school teachers in
Mindanao Mission for many many years. She carried
the Cyberlink title of oldest PUCian a few years ago
till she passed away at almost 104 years old.
"May the good Lord bless and keep you...
Whether near or far away...
May you find that long-awaited golden day today..."
God bless,
Nita Jane Ong Carrington

Dr. Carrington
Nita Jane Carrington, EdD, RN, ANP, MSN, MBA,
Professor of Nursing
Hawaii Pacific University
College of Nursing & Health Sciences
45-045 Kamehameha Hwy
Kaneohe, HI 96744
Office: 808-236-5866
FAX: 808-238-5818
This birthday greeting is from a "faculty kid":
What a privilege to honor Dr. Manalaysay on his
100th birthday!
We are so thankful to God for his faithful, courageous
witness that has endured an extraordinary time and

As a child I was awed to watch Dr. Manalaysay, the

PUC President, perform violin solo renderings of
folk songs for the campus family. He played with
such exuberance and intensity that the bow hairs
would begin to break. Even though he was playing
lightning fast, he could hold the violin with his chin
to free his hands and break off the dangling hairs
without missing a note. A violin string broke sometimes, too. No problem; Dr. Manalaysay finished on
the remaining strings! Happy Birthday! May God
delight you as you have delighted so many!
DJC Carolyn A. Corder with
Mrs. Patsy Corder, Susanne, Jonathan, and
CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015


hank you so much for the opportunity shared to
all alumni members of the AUP about celebrating Dr. Man's 100th birthday.
I really wish we are just near by with in America it so
happened that Uganda, Africa is a little bit far where
we are working as missionary currently
will pray for him and for all members of the AUP
Alumni association all over the world.

Man will outlive everyone. I wish I could

attend. Please tell Dr. Man personally:

God bless you all,

John Aguilar
PUC Academy Class 1955

Pastor Mars and Dr. Beth Sigue


Thanks for the invitation during the celebration of Dr.

Man's 100th Birthday. It is amazing. It looks like Dr.
6 CYBERLINK / September 20 , 2015

Romulo C. Valdez
Hi Roly,
We want to send a card for Dr. Man since we won't
be able to come. What address do we use.

Ellen Omega Aguilar

PUC BSN Nursing Class 1963

Calling all PUC/AUP alumni of the old mango

tree edition to celebrate 100th birth anniversary of
Dr. Man first Filipino president of our Alma
Mater. Dr. Reuben G. Manalaysay has reached the
century mark and we will celebrate this milestone
in his life with your presence on October 3, 2015 to
be held at the Northview Heights Secondary
School, 550 Finch Avenue, West, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M2R 1N6, (416) 395-3290, starting at 6:00
oclock in the evening. For more details, please
contact Roly Tojino Corpus at 416-953-4580 (24/7)
or email; or Carmelita Coloma
Stewart at (905) 738-5032. Please RSVP on or
before September 25, 2015. Thank you very much.
Willie Tortal
My uncle, Dr. Reuben G. Manalaysay (Dr. Man)
will turn 100 years old on Oct. 6, 2015. Lets
shower him with as many birthday cards as we
can. Kindly address your card to:
Dr. Reuben G. Manalaysay
404-10 Torresdale Ave.
Toronto, ON
Thank you very much!
Cynthia Mae Helms (
Here are some of my fond memories of Dr. Man as
I extend my centenary greetings:
1946: I was seated beside him in one of our Sabbath
worship at the Jackson-Sevren's chapel when during the singing of a hymn, Dr. Man told me to stop
singing for I was out of tune.
1958: Dr. Man visited us in Saigon, Vietnam where
my family, together with some nurses from the
Philippines were serving as missionaries. I bought a
"kaing" of mangosteen fruit which we devoured in
one sitting. He loves that fruit.

1960: Dr. Man and I met in Hong Kong while

attending the year-end meetings of the Far Eastern
Division. He purchased for me a Stradivarius copy
violin and encouraged me to learn how to play the
instrument, but violin was not my cup of tea.
1963: Dr. Man visited us in Bangkok, Thailand as a
missionary family while we were camping at the one
-bedroom apartment of Lydia Salting for lack of
housing. It was then that he invited me to join PUC
as a professor and head of the commerce department.
1965: Dr. Man was able to arrange a fellowship
grant for me at Walla Walla College in Washington
State to further my studies, however, an unexpected
change of assignment derailed my study plan.
1998: Dr. Reuben and Dr. Raquel Man spent a week
long vacation at our home in Avon Park, Florida,
when my wife, Dollie, learned from Mrs. Man some
culinary arts while Dr.
Man shared with me the
secrets of longevity.
There are many more
fond memories I can cite
with the Drs. Man, but I
would like to save some
space for others. Meanwhile, we now reside at
the Riviera Golf and
Country Subdivision in
Silang, Cavite, Philippines where we have a guest room ready for the Drs.
Man to again vacation with us.
Ben Martin
Put it in a (video) stream so we can watch the
celebration in the internet for those who can't attendand this can be seen worldwide.
Wilson Lao
CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

Photo of Dr. and Mrs Manalaysay with Dr. Elma Lou Roda
taken during EASNAC convention in Toronto, 2010.

Cyberlink Honors Dr. Man

UP Cyberlink is honored to wish Dr. Reuben G.
Manalaysay (endearingly called Dr. Man) a
very HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY this coming
October 6, 2015 (on a Tuesday). For our many
alumni and friends, who love and remember him fondly,
it will be a great tribute to do one (or 2 or 3) of the
1. Send him a fitting and beautiful CARD to wish him
well on his 100th birthday milestone. Please select one
and send it in a timely manner to his home address
2. Do the current vogue of sending cards with an
enclosed gift card inside (available at Wal-Mart or any
store selling gift cards). Choose whichever gift card
amounts, and designation (restaurants,,
Barnes and Noble, Adventist Book Center, etc.). We're
positive that he will be happy to take his dear Raquel
out for dinner, or send for a book, etc., with your com-

8 CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

3. Edwin Araba suggested you may send him (Edwin)
pictures of by-gone days taken of you and Dr. Man which
Edwin will post in a special edition of the Cyberlink. This
is an excellent idea. However, Dr. Man doesn't have an
email address and unable to open the Cyberlink. We suggest you make 2 copies of the picture(s), one copy(s) to
enclose in a birthday card to send to Dr. Man, and the
other(s) to send to Edwin for the Cyberlink.
4. You are cordially invited to personally attend the big
celebration to honor Dr Man in person, on Saturday evening, October 3, 2015, to be held at the Northview
Heights Secondary School, 550 Finch Avenue, West,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2R 1N6, (416) 395-3290,
starting at 6:00 oclock in the evening. For more details,
please contact Roly Tojino Corpus at 416-953-4580
(24/7) or email; or Carmelita Coloma
Stewart at (905) 738-5032 or (416) 505-8090. Please

RSVP on or before September 25, 2015 (Friday, in 9

days). Thank you very much.
Please send cards and contents to Dr. Man's address:
Dr. Reuben G. Manalaysay
404-10 Torresdale Ave.
Toronto, ON
We know these beautiful cards, your personal presence, gift cards, and fond memories in pictures, will bring
him indescribable joy and nostalgia (and perhaps a tear or
two) coming from so many dear friends and fellow
alumni. Cyberlink thank you on behalf of Dr. Man and
For those of you who know Dr. Man, he doesn't
need any introduction. However, for our younger alumni
and others not familiar with his accomplishments, here is
a brief summary:
1. Dr. Man is the first Filipino president of Philippine
Union College, now AUP.
2. He was, we believe, the first to hold a doctorate
degree in education in PUC, and was professor of english, education, psychology, and management.
3. He was an accomplished violinist and graced our dear
alma mater's church services and convocations playing
solo, and trio with Dr. Romy Brion (at the piano) and
Mrs. Paz Milaor-Poblete (at the organ). He still played
when in his 90's, but hasn't done this in the past few
4. Dr. Man was imprisoned by the Japanese at Fort Santiago, Manila, Philippines, before the close of WWII, and
charged with aiding American forces (which was false).
He was later released after much torture resulting in some
disabilities (other PUC alumni were not so lucky, e.g.,
Honesto Pascual, Sr., died in the same prison and was
never heard from).
5. After the Philippine liberation (by American forces)
from the Japanese, he showed humility and caring by visiting his Japanese prison guard, who tortured him mercilessly while in prison, and forgave him. More than this,
he continued to visit this former enemy and gave him
Bible lessons.
6. Dr. Man was PUC president for many years until he
immigrated to the US and was a professor in several universities in the US and Canada.
7. He and his dear wife of 70+ years, Dr. Raquel (Salting)
Manalaysay, eventually settled in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
8. They have two children: Daphne (Art) Heginbottom
and Alvin (Jean Emily Swanson) Manalaysay; and grand-

It's uncommon for AUP/PUC alumni to reach 90
years; but much more unusual for a few to reach the magic
number of 100 years and still have their mental capacity.
Surely, this age is a testimony to God's protection and
blessings, guidance from the Holy Spirit, deep abiding
faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, strong spirituality (prayer
and reading of His Word), a vegetarian diet, and exercises.
Truly, Dr. Man is a humble and worthy role-model after
his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
On behalf of our alumni association in Western North
America , I would like to wish Dr. Reuben G.
Manalaysay a HAPPY BIRTHDAY that is filled with all
things you count as special: Good friends, Dear family,
and joy to last all year. May the blessings of our Almighty
God continue to shower you always.
Elmer Bangloy,DMD
AWESNA President
It is with great joy and happiness to greet our beloved
PUC first Filipino president , Dr. Reuben Manalaysay on
his 100th birthday. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
(Nehemiah 8:10) Wishing you the best and a blessed
birthday !
EASNAC Public Relations Office
Greetings to Dr. Reuben Manalaysay on his 100th birthday on October 6, 2015. Gods grace be with you, His
peace surround you, His love enfold you on your birthday
and always. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Alumni Association of Central North America South
Texas (AACNA)

CYBERLINK / JSeptember 20, 2015

AUP COM, A Dream Come True

By Dr. Elma Lou Roda, MD

agandang buhay po sa inyong lahat!

I thank God for a safe journey to this
place. It is indeed a privilege to be present
in celebration of this "COM building and
Degree" program today August 8, 2015
here in AUP!
58 years ago, I took my pre-med in PUC Baesa campus.
Then proceeded with my medical schooling outside of
PUC. I had to join other SDA Freshmen students in asking
to leave early from our last Friday afternoon class because
of the sun setting and its Sabbath. I always want to be a
good SDA witness.

It was always a problem when exams were scheduled on

Sabbaths. We had to ask for another special day to take the
exams. It was a hassle.
Come graduation time, we left early from the Friday afternoon hooding program, and arrived late for the early Saturday evening graduation, of course this was with the knowledge and consent of the class faculty adviser.
These were the common problems you will hear from other
SDA Medical students from yester-years. Thus, when I
knew of Dr. Alfonso P. Rodas (he is first cousin of my late
husband, and was PUC president for almost 20 years)
dream to open a medical school in PUC, I was all for it. To
me, I was thinking of the future medical students not having to worry about Sabbath problems in connection with
their classes and exams.
In 1981, Dr. Alfonso P. Roda was our guest in our residence in Tappahannock, Virginia when he and Dr. Everet
Witzel met in Maryland, at our General Conference main
headquarters to meet with the GC President and others

10 CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

regarding the School of Medicine in AUP. It was a disappointment to know that they were not given an audience by the President, aside from not being invited by
them to attend the session meeting. Later, we were to
learn that the GC President convinced his vice presidents to vote "no new medical schools in the world
That big disappointment of Dr. Alfonso P. Roda was
also a disappointment to me, but like him, we did not
stop dreaming of having our own medical school here.
When the go signal was received by the AUP administration in 2009 and the solicitation of funds started, I
did not hesitate to help financially and also helped with
my time and efforts. I joined Beth Casel when she went
to Toronto, Canada presenting the School of Medicine
project. I would also join her in going to Cagayan Valley, NELA, to Cebu, Palawan and even to Indonesia.
With the ups and downs, or uncertainty of the final
opening that we all have experienced concerning the
College of Medicine in AUP, I had been silently watching and praying and hoping that it will be a reality. Dr.
Alfonso P. Roda had a dream. I too had a dream, like
his dream - that someday this School of Medicine will
be a reality. I will not want to miss this day. I will not
want to miss this weekend. I know I am not dreaming
anymore. This day in AUP is a dream come true for
me. I praise God that I have a part in this reality. TO
GOD BE THE GLORY! Thank you.
Note: A personal testimony given on Aug. 8, 2015 during
Inauguration program of AUP College of Medicine.

CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015


Sharing Time
By Reva Lachica Moore

Can Ayen Help Too?

When Jesus lived on this earth, He went about healing the sick. Soon, people from all over heard about Him and
wanted to find Him. Matthew 4:24 says, News about Him spread all over Syria, and people brought to Him all who
were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and He healed them all.
If Jesus were still living on this earth today, countless people, especially the sick, would want to find Him. I am
picturing thousands lining up to get healed.
When Help The Needy, Inc. helped Gerry Boy (with gigantic
facial tumor) have his surgery last month, the local newspaper
wanted to write a story about him. I was contacted. I said, Yes, but
please do not mention my name.
But news went out fast and two days later, I received a picture
and story of Ayen. Ayens sister had read about Gerry Boys miracle
and asked around who to contact. Her appeal for Ayen was forwarded to me. She wrote, Can my sister Ayen be helped, too?
Ayen Perez Salguera from San Andres, Romblon, Philippines
is 29 years old. She has 3 children, ages: 5, 3 and 8 months. Her husband does construction work but has no work at this time. Ayen accepts laundry job (by hand) to have food for her family. Ayens family lives in a small house up in the mountains. Please see Ayens picture.
We are hoping to raise $3,000 for Ayens surgery. Please respond to this young mothers appeal so she can have peace and assurance to be around to raise her young children. Im praying that
God will bless you so you could send help for Ayen. Any amount
you could send will be a big help.
You may send your donation through the mail: Help The Needy, Inc., 7811 Laurel Court, Denham Springs, LA
70726. Or you may send your donation through the Help The Needy, Inc. website: http:// Thanks so much and God bless you! I will send you a tax-deductible receipt.
Do you remember Rosalina?
Whenever I receive pictures of patients with disfiguring, gigantic tumors, I couldnt commit to helping right away.
This happened to many of our patients (Lilibeth, Shiela, Marilyn, and many others). I would usually say, That will be
too complicated. Its cancer! It will cost a lot of money! But then I couldnt sleep. The patients pictures would haunt
me. This happened with our patient named Rosalina.
I am truly humbled and amazed at what God does when a patient undergoes surgery. Even after I had said, "No!
That looks like CANCER!" I always trust that God did not just show Rosalina to me unless there was hope. And so I
sent appeals for Rosalina and donors sent help. It took two surgeries. Praise God for the surgeons did a great job! They
were able to save Rosalina's right eye! Here is the latest AFTER picture of Rosalina. Thank you so much to the donors of
Help The Needy, Inc. To God be the glory!
Matthew 25: 40 The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.'

12 CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

Health Corner
Edited by Romi Talento,MD

This Weeks article link: https://
human_brain Recipes link: Vegetarian, Best Ever Vegetable Recipes by Bay Books
(Editors Note: The week, we will look at Cognition and
Lateralization in Human Development.)

Understanding the mindbody problem the relationship between the brain and the
mind is a significant challenge both philosophically and scientifically. It is very
difficult to imagine how mental activities such as thoughts and emotions could be
implemented by physical structures such as neurons and synapses, or by any other
type of physical mechanism. This difficulty was expressed by Gottfried Leibniz in
an analogy known as Leibniz's Mill:
One is obliged to admit that perception and what depends upon it is inexplicable on
mechanical principles, that is, by figures and motions. In imagining that there is a
machine whose construction would enable it to think, to sense, and to have perception, one could conceive it enlarged while retaining the same proportions, so that
one could enter into it, just like into a windmill. Supposing this, one should, when
visiting within it, find only parts pushing one another, and never anything by which
to explain a perception.
Doubt about the possibility of a mechanistic explanation of thought drove Ren
Descartes, and most of humankind along with him, to dualism: the belief that the
mind exists independently of the brain. There has always, however, been a strong
argument in the opposite direction. There is clear empirical evidence that physical
manipulations of, or injuries to, the brain (for example by drugs or by lesions,
respectively) can affect the mind in potent and intimate ways. For example, a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease a condition that causes physical damage
to the brain also experiences a compromised mind. Similarly, someone who has
taken a psychedelic drug may temporarily lose his/her sense of personal identity
(ego death) or experience profound changes to his/her perception and thought processes. Likewise, a patient with epilepsy who undergoes cortical stimulation mapping with electrical brain stimulation would also, upon stimulation of his/her brain,
experience various complex feelings, hallucinations, memory flashbacks, and other
complex cognitive, emotional, or behavioral phenomena. Following this line of
thinking, a large body of empirical evidence for a close relationship between brain
activity and mental activity has led most neuroscientists and contemporary philosophers to be materialists, believing that mental phenomena are ultimately the result
of, or reducible to, physical phenomena

Each hemisphere of the brain interacts primarily with one half of the body, but for
reasons that are unclear, the connections are crossed: the left side of the brain interacts with the right side of the body, and vice versa. Motor connections from the
brain to the spinal cord, and sensory connections from the spinal cord to the brain,
both cross the midline at the level of the brainstem. Visual input follows a more
complex rule: the optic nerves from the two eyes come together at a point called the
optic chiasm, and half of the fibers from each nerve split off to join the other. The
result is that connections from the left half of the retina, in both eyes, go to the left
side of the brain, whereas connections from the right half of the retina go to the
right side of the brain. Because each half of the retina receives light coming from
the opposite half of the visual field, the functional consequence is that visual input
from the left side of the world goes to the right side of the brain, and vice versa.

Thus, the right side of

the brain receives
somatosensory input
from the left side of the
body, and visual input
from the left side of the
visual fieldan arrangement that presumably is helpful for
visuomotor coordination.
The corpus callosum, a
nerve bundle connecting the two cerebral
hemispheres, with the
lateral ventricles directly below
The two cerebral hemispheres are connected
by a very large nerve
bundle (the largest
white matter structure
in the brain) called the
Routing of neural signals from
corpus callosum, which
the two eyes to the brain
crosses the midline
above the level of the
thalamus. There are also two much smaller connections, the anterior commissure and hippocampal commissure, as well as many subcortical connections that cross the midline.
The corpus callosum is the main avenue of communication between the two
hemispheres, though. It connects each point on the cortex to the mirrorimage point in the opposite hemisphere, and also connects to functionally
related points in different cortical areas.
In most respects, the left and right sides of the brain are symmetrical in
terms of function. For example, the counterpart of the left-hemisphere motor
area controlling the right hand is the right-hemisphere area controlling the
left hand. There are, however, several very important exceptions, involving
language and spatial cognition. In most people, the left hemisphere is

The corpus callosum, a nerve bundle connecting the two cerebral hemispheres,
with the lateral ventricles directly below

"dominant" for language: a stroke that damages a key language area in the
left hemisphere can leave the victim unable to speak or understand, whereas
equivalent damage to the right hemisphere would cause only minor
impairment to language skills. A substantial part of current understanding
of the interactions between the two hemispheres has come from the study of
"split-brain patients"people who underwent surgical transection of the
corpus callosum in an attempt to reduce the severity of epileptic seizures.
These patients do not show unusual behavior that is immediately obvious,
but in some cases can behave almost like two different people in the same
body, with the right hand taking an action and then the left hand undoing it.
Most of these patients, when briefly shown a picture on the right side of the
point of visual fixation, are able to describe it verbally, but when the picture
is shown on the left, are unable to describe it, but may be able to give an
indication with the left hand of the nature of the object shown.

CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015


Recipe of the Week

(This recipe the 12th of 39 recipes under Salads, Snacks & Starters, the first section
of Vegetarian, Best-Ever Vegetable Recipes by Bay Books.)

Spicy Corn Puff

2 corn cobs
3 tbsp chopped fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves
6 spring onions, finely chopped
1 small red chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1 large egg
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander (cilantro)
1 cup (125 g) plain flour
oil, for deep-frying
sweet chilli sauce, to serve
1. Cut down the side of the corn with a sharp knife to release the kernels. Roughly chop the kernels, then place them in a large bowl.
Holding the cobs over the bowl, scrape down the sides of the cobs with a knife to release any corn juice from the cob into the bowl.
2. Add the fresh coriander, spring onion, chilli, egg, cumin, ground coriander, 1 teaspoon salt and some cracked black pepper to the
bowl and stir well. Add the flour and mix well. The texture of the batter will vary depending on the juiciness of the corn. If the mixture is too dry, add 1 tablespoon water, but no more than that as the batter should be quite dry. Stand for 10 minutes.
3. Fill a large heavy-based saucepan or deep-fryer one-third full of oil and heat to 180C (350F), or until a cube of bread dropped in
the oil browns in 15 seconds. Drop slightly heaped teaspoons of the corn batter into the oil and cook for about 1 1/2 minutes, or until
puffed and golden. Drain on crumpled paper towels and serve immediately with a bowl of the sweet chilli sauce to dip the puffs into.

14 CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015


He provided visionary leadership and during his tenure several new bachelor degree programs were developed, a graduate program
was approved by the government, the faculty was upgraded, and an administration building and auditorium were constructed.

Dr. Reuben Gonzaga Manalaysay:

The First Filipino PUC President
euben Manalaysay, first Filipino president of Philippine Union College, now Adventist University of
the Philippines, was also a talented performer on
violin and piano. Following his tenure as president
of PUC, he also held positions in higher education
in the United States, Canada, and the Far East.
Reuben was the second of four children and the only son of
Emelio and Elisa Manalaysay. His father had been a public
school teacher prior to his conversion to the Adventist church
and became one of the first Filipinos to become an ordained
minister and an evangelist. Just as he was beginning his ministry, he contracted malaria during a campaign and died at age 31,
when Reuben was six. His mother, also a public school teacher,
would raise her children on her own, the youngest having been
born three weeks after her husband's death.
In spite of the financial challenges the family faced, the children
had opportunities in music, with Reuben starting violin lessons
at an early age. It was immediately apparent that he had a natural musical talent and possessed an affinity for the violin. When
Reuben was sixteen his mother purchased a piano, and all of the
children were given lessons.
He enrolled as a full-time student at Philippine Union College,
working in the furniture factory on campus to pay his way. At
the same time he also enrolled at the University of the Philippines music conservatory to study both violin and piano. He
excelled in his music study and was encouraged to be a concert
After graduating from PUC in 1937, Manalaysay started teaching in the high school program at PUC. He and another teacher,
a singer, were sent by the college in the summer of 1938 to
assist as musicians on recruiting trips. It was during one of these
trips that he first met a young girl, Racquel, who then became a
student in the high school at PUC. They would marry in May
1942, six months after the invasion of the Philippines by Japan
in December 1941. By this time he had become a teacher and a
department chair at the college level.

When the American missionaries who had been in administrative positions on campus were placed in internment camps, Manalaysay became interim president, the first Filipino to hold that
position. Even during the difficult war years, he was able to help
the school improve. Following the end of the war in 1945, he
attended the University of the Philippines where he obtained a
master's degree in education and a bachelor's degree in music.
Prior to this time he had earned a master's degree in psychology
at Far Eastern University

On the recommendation of three professors at UP, he was

awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to attend Indiana University.
Remarkably, within one academic year he obtained a doctorate
in education. His dissertation was titled A Study of Seventh-Day
Adventist Secondary Schools in the United States. In 1952, a
year after he returned from the U.S., he was appointed president of PUC, a position he held for the next twelve years.
Additionally, Raquel, who also had earned a Ed.D. at Indiana
University, served as head of the education department at PUC
for ten years during that time.

He provided visionary leadership and during his tenure several

new bachelor degree programs were developed, a graduate
program was approved by the government, the faculty was
upgraded, and an administration building and auditorium were
constructed. Today, he is credited with laying the foundation
for a school that is today nationally known and respected.
Following his presidency at PUC, the Manalaysays taught at
Walla Walla College, now University, and he then taught at
Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada. He also served on
the board of trustees at Andrews University in the early 1970s.

Source: Herman L. Reyes, Dr. Man, the Man; Consuelo R. Jackson,

The Gift of Choice, the Lives and Times of Leon Zumel Roda and
Alfonso P. Roda, Father and Son, 2003, 77,78; North Pacific Union
Gleaner, 4 June 1962, 8; 9 March 1964, 8; Canadian Union Messenger, 25 December 1968, 519.

CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015


18 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


20 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

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CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015 19

The New AUP College of Medicine Logo

By Dr. Doris Mendoza, MD, Founding Dean

Through Christ, Healing and Wholeness is

an appropriate theme for the newly founded
AUP College of Medicine ; and it is a Christcentered theme that emanates our service to
humanity. The Philosophy , the Mission and
Vision along with the CORE values are
explained below.
Philosophy: A Seventh-day Adventist health
science institution which adheres to the principles of integration of faith-and-learning, aiming
to restore man into of His maker, believing that,
to be an exemplary physician, one must emulate
the Master Physician, Jesus Christ, in the process
advocating a transforming healing ministry of
the whole personbody, mind, and spirit.
Mission: To provide excellent Christian education & training, producing Christian physicians
who possess: medical missionary spirit, medical
& clinical skills to achieve millennium development goals of the Philippines, medical knowledge, skills, and values in consonance with the
Adventist philosophy of whole person care, the
attitude of a life-long learner, the ability to work
and be leaders in any healthcare system.
Vision: To achieve national recognition in
medical education, ultimately becoming a training center for world-class Christian medical
professionals in the Asia-Pacific region.
CORE Values:
M Morality. This College adheres to principles
and standards of right conduct, a consistently
prayerful life, and a conscientious reading and
study of Gods Word, the Holy Bible.
I Integrity. This College upholds honesty and
commitment to ethical and moral conduct.
N Nobility. This College advocates nobility of
character, exemplified in professionalism and
rationality, and living out the principle: to walk
22 CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

ones talk.
I Innovation. This College puts a high premium on
innovativeness or the ability to create in the accomplishment of its mission.
S-Servant-Leadership. This College values the individual
who takes the lead in rendering compassionate service to
others. For Christ has taught that he who wants to be first
among men should be servant of all.
T Transformative Education. This College aims to
demonstrate excellence in a professional academic atmosphere, making use of all available transformative educational strategies and technologies, and thereby producing
quality graduates to serve the greater community.
R Responsiveness. This College pursues to contribute to
the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
by responding not only to the needs of the local and
national communities, but also internationally through
sending of skilled and dedicated medical missionaries
Y Yieldedness to Christ. This College believes that only
by totally yielding ones life to Jesus Christ, who is the
Source of all healing and wholeness, could the lost image
of God be restored in man.

Kuya Bennys Corner

By Benjamin Banaag ,MD

Friends, Break Through, And Set New Precedents

1 Chron. 20:4-8 And it came to pass after this, that there arose war at Gezer with the Philistines; at
which time Sibbechai the Hushathite slew Sippai, that was of the children of the giant: and they were
subdued. And there was war again with the Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair slew Lahmi the
brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear staff was like a weaver's beam. And yet again there was war
at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each
hand, and six on each foot: and he also was the son of the giant. But when he defied Israel, Jonathan the
son of Shimea David's brother slew him. These were born unto the giant in Gath; and they fell by the
hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.
When Saul was king of Israel, there were no giant
slayers in their midst; so when Goliath stood
against the armies of Israel, the Israelites trembled!
There was, however, a young shepherd, whose intimate knowledge of His God inspired and empowered him to fight the evil giant, and defeat him.
David's victory over Goliath paved the way for
those after him to slay the giant's offspring, who
were also giants. So when those giants arose to
fight, they already had knowledge that they could
be defeated. David's breakthrough had set a powerful precedent for all of Israel's "mighty men".
Friends, all around us there are "Goliaths", evil
giants...but none of them are "undefeatable". In
fact, we have an entire Bible full of examples of
saints who stood their ground and routed their enemies. Lets follow their example, and set new
precedents fighting the giants of our day. We too
can leave a legacy of victory, inspiring our children
and grandchildren to victory over the "sons of Goliath"!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
Kuya Benny
CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015



CYBERLINK / September 20, 2015

Coordinated/Edited by Edwin Araba
Please submit all news articles, letters ,and announcements to the next editor at his/her email address shown
Or feel free to get in touch with any of the Cyberlink Moderators:
Edwin Araba,
Romy Barrios,
Myrna Dial,
Edna Domingo,
Charles Fegarido,
Elmie Lynn Lagajino,
Romi Talento,
Willie Tortal,
Have a pleasant week!

CYBERLINK / September 8, 2015 19

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