Personal Narrative 2-3

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September 14, 2014


Can you find a few of your core characteristics below?

Pull out a piece of paper, scan the cluster below and jot down a few of the terms on this list that
might be considered your "defining quality". What's a defining quality? One way to find yours is to
think about how your parents or friends might describe you to someone who doesn't know you.


Now that you have a list of core qualities, we

are going to select one at a time and start
trolling your past for "the times" or moments
when you either 1. displayed that quality, 2.
developed that quality, or 3. tested that quality.
Once you find a "once" or a "time" to go along
with a defining quality, you probably also have a
story - and a potential essay topic!
Academic English IV

Why are these so


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