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Unit 1 Mastery Project

Daniel Luna

LO 1.A.1: Compare how various models of representative democracy are reflected through major
institutions, policies, events, or debates in the U.S.

Representative democracy is reflected through major

government institutions, policies, and events such as voting,
government programs like the public school system and pass

LO 1.B.1: Analyze and compare democratic ideals reflected in U.S. foundational documents.

The Bill of Rights reflects democratic ideas like

the right to bear arms, the freedom of speech,
freedom of religion, freedom of press, the right to
a trial by jury, etc.

LO 1.B.2: Compare and interpret Federalist and Anti-Federalist views on central government and

The Federalist wanted a big central government and the anti

Federalists opposed a big central government. Federalist
wanted government to be more in control and have a bigger
presence in people's lives, but the anti Federalists did not
want that.

LO 1.C.1: Explain the relationship between key provisions of the Articles of Confederation and the debate
over granting greater power to the federal government formerly reserved to the states.

The debate of State's powers vs Federal power has been

prevalent throughout United States history. Topics such as
the legalization of marijuana has been relevant as of recently
because it is against Federal law but certain states have
legalized marijuana.

LO 1.C.2: Analyze causes and effects of constitutional compromises in addressing political, economic,
and regional divisions.

Compromises in the Constitution, such as the Three-Fifths

compromise, caused many problems for the citizens of the
United States of America. Slaves were only counted as threefifths of a person so that slave states can count them towards
how many representatives they get in the House of

LO 1.C.3: Explain how the issues raised in the ratification debate are reflected in ongoing philosophical
disagreements about democracy and governmental power.

Ratification of the Constitution and the many amendments to

the Constitution, including The Bill of Rights, have been
subject to many debates. When abolition was passed in the
1920s the government thought it was a good idea but then
decided against that amendment years later and crossed out
the amendment later.

LO 1.D.1: Evaluate the relationship between separation of powers and checks and balances.

Separation of powers and checks and balances go hand in

hand because each branch of the federal government, such
as the Legislative branch, Executive branch, and Judicial
branch, so that one branch can not have more power than
another branch, and one branch can not make a decision
without another branch's approval.

LO 1.E.1: Assess how the distribution of powers among three federal branches affects policy making

Policy making is affected by distribution of powers by things

such as, the legislative branch not being able to pass laws
because the executive branch not signing off on it or the
judicial branch ruling certain laws unconstitutional.

LO 1.F.1: Explain how and why the appropriate balance of power between national and state
governments has been interpreted differently over time.

Certain issues, such as slavery are good examples of federal

vs state power because Abraham Lincoln overturned slavery
after the North and South fought each other in the Civil War,
but in cases like legalization of marijuana, is not as big of a
topic because it is not as serious.

LO 1.F.2: Analyze questions over the allocation and scope of central power within a federal structure.

Federal power should not be too big or too small because if

the government does not have enough power, then the
people will have too much freedom and more crimes against
personal freedoms will be committed but if the government
has too much power, people are giving up their personal
freedoms entirely.

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