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Science Study Guide

1. seed- a structure that can grow into a new plant

2. structure-a part of a living thing.
3. egg-a structure that protects and feeds young of certain kinds of animals
4. larva-the stage in some insects life cycles which comes after hatching
5. embryo- a young organism that is just beginning to grow
6. flower-a plant structure that makes seeds.
7. cone- a plant structure that make seeds
8. life cycle- how a certain kind of organism grows, changes, and reproduces
9. pupa-the stage of some insects life cycles before becoming an adult
10.metamorphosis- a series of very different body forms
11.heredity- the passing of traits from parents to young
12.learned trait- something you are taught or learn with experience
13.trait-a characteristic or feature of a living thing
14.offspring- an organisms young
Be able to answer the following questions:
1. How does a seed grow into a plant?
A seed grows into a plant by developing roots, which are structures that take in
water and hold a plant in place and take in nutrients. Next a plant grows a stem,
which is the structure from which leaves and flowers grow. It holds the plant upright
so it can get sun. The stem also carries water, nutrients, and food throughout a
plant. After that the plant usually develops leaves, which are the structures which
help the plant make food.

2. What happens to a seed after it germinates?

When a seed is planted in the soil, it can germinate, or begin to grow. A seed
needs water, nutrients, and the right temperature to germinate. It can wait to
grow for months or even years until conditions are right. When a seed begins
to germinate, it soaks up water. That makes it swell up and break through its
covering. The embryo grows out of the seed. It grows into a small plant called
a seedling. A seedling can grow into an adult plant.

3. How do conifers form seeds?

They form seeds inside of cones instead of flowers.
4. List the steps to the following life cycles: frog, butterfly, reptile/fish
Frog: egg, tadpole, becoming an adult, adult
butterfly: egg, larva, pupa, adult
reptile/fish: egg, young, adult
5. Will a human go through metamorphosis? no

6. What are two examples of an inherited trait? hair color, eye color
7. A ripe apple falls onto the ground. How can this help an apple tree reproduce?
The seeds from the apple can germinate in the ground and form a new tree.
8. How do plants and animals change as they go through their life cycles? As
animals go through their life cycles, they change by losing fat and growing
stronger. They change to look more like adults and eventually grow into
adults. Eventually they die. Plants change throughout their life cycles by
starting as a seed and growing into an adult plant, then they die.

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