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Curriculum Map: Health Literacy Lessons

Sasha Rincon
PPE 310
Arizona State University

Curriculum map

Curriculum Map: Health Literacy Lessons

Corona del Sol is a High School under the Tempe Union High School District; current
enrollment rate is 2,800 (CdS Fact Sheet). My intern-mentor teacher has 5 periods with a total of
25-35 students. The Spanish classes vary depending on grade level; Spanish 5-6 is for
sophomores and 7-8 is for juniors and seniors.
Standards for lessons:
Standard 1: Interpretive Listening (IL):
Understand, interpret and analyze what is heard or viewed on a variety of topics. The
student can:
a. Understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life.
b. Recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is
being communicated.
Standard 2: Interpretive Reading (IR):
Understand, interpret and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics. The
student can:

Understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related
to everyday life.

Standard 3: Interpersonal Communication (IC):

Interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, written or signed conversations to share
information, reactions, feelings and opinions. The student can:
a. Communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that have been
practiced and memorized.
Standard 4: Presentational Speaking (PS):
Present information, concepts and ideas to inform, explain, persuade and narrate on a variety of
topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners or viewers. The
student can:
a. Present basic information on familiar topics using practiced language, using phrases and
simple sentences.

Curriculum map


Sleep is a very important aspect that affects behavior, emotional stability, and focus if one
does not rest the appropriate hours. Sleep is part of our daily lives, vida diaria and should be
taken seriously in order to maintain a healthy balance. Applying the New York Times lesson on
sleep habits and modifying it with a personal lesson plan to incorporate the target language,
students will be able to analyze their sleep, journal their predictions, practice vocabulary, and
promote the importance of sleep to their peers. The material needed for this interactive activity
are: personal student journals, computers with internet access, weekly sleep log, and vocabulary
The lesson will begin by the introduction/ overview of what is sleep and its factors.
Presenting authentic facts such as statistics, visuals, and audio on sleep will capture the students
attention. Students will be asked to take a sleep survey to
identify their sleep habits and receive a score. Using the first level of Blooms Taxonomy

Curriculum map
Knowledge and survey results, students must use previous knowledge and answer the following
questions created by Cutraro and Ojalvo on sleep in Spanish:

How much sleep do you think you get each night?

Generally, how easy or hard is it for you to get to sleep? To wake up in the morning?

Do you generally feel tired or rested when you wake up in the morning?

Are you ever sleepy during the day?

Have you ever fallen asleep during a class?

Are there certain times of day when you feel especially sleepy? When do you feel the
most alert?

Are you just as sleepy on weekends or during school vacations as you are during the
school week? (2011)

Format for journal entry: Students must answer in Spanish and utilize vocabulary words (sleep:
dormir, night: noche, hours: horas)

How much sleep do you think you get each night?

Pienso que cada noche, yo duermo 5-7 horas.

As a class, students will follow the presentational speaking ACTFL standard present to
their peers their journal entries. Teacher will assign partners and together they must research:
1. According to your research, how much sleep do teenagers need every night? Does this
number surprise you? How are the sleep needs of teens different from those of younger
children and adults?
2. Describe the disconnect between the natural sleep rhythms of most teens and the start of
the school day in most school districts.
3. Describe some of the consequences of sleep deprivation.

Curriculum map

4. What are some of the changes school districts should implement to better sleep schedules
for students? (Cutraro and Ojalvo, 2011).
Students will track their sleep habits for a week and discover what needs to be changed in order
to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To complete the sleep lesson plan, students must promote positive
sleep tips for peers at Corona del Sol. The major part of their grade will require students to use
social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and post 5 sleep tips. Students
will screen shot posts and email them to teacher.

Health: Mental Happiness

Curriculum map

Students will be learning about la salud y el bienestar health and well-being by participating in
Quizlet activities, evaluating scenarios, choosing healthy habits to implement in their lives by
using Glogster, and creating an honest cigarette, alcohol and drugs ad. Teacher will begin using
the stand up, sit down strategy to introduce health topic. Some of the questions being asked for
this activity are:

How many exercise everyday?

How many are involved in sports (school or city sports)?
Who eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday?
Who believes they have a positive diet?
Who wants to improve their personal health and well-being lifestyle choices?

Teacher will briefly explain this weeks lesson and its components; students will begin by
learning the health and well-being vocabulary on Quizlet (
After being familiarized with the vocabulary, as a class, we will review different health
and well-being scenarios and identify the risk factors, negative habits, and create a solution for a
better health. Applying what they just learned students will use the Planning a Fitness Program
worksheet and create a Glogster ( with the new, positive, and
healthy choices they will apply in their lives. To conclude our salud y bienestar lesson, students
will design and present a video advertising the real consequences of engaging in smoking,
drinking, or drug use. Media and pop-culture play an important persuasive role in todays
generations. This strategy will create a positive engagement and response since this new
generation is inclined towards the use of technology (Teacher Vision Lesson Plan. Modified).

Curriculum map


Using Darla Ferdinand Lesson Plan on Una tierra sana a healthier world and
incorporating modifications, students will be learning about environmental health and persuading
peers to become eco friendly. The lesson will begin by students participating in an eco friendly
quiz to receive a score After receiving
their eco friendly percentage students will watch Creando conciencia creating conscious video
on YouTube After the video, a one-page
paper is required for students to reflect on the choices they make daily and how they affect our
eco system; students must use vocabulary words relating to naturaleza.
Students will watch video on sustainability and wellness tips, questions to consider for next activity:

How many miles of gas does the average person use?

What does eating and buying local foods mean?
Locally grown foods are higher in . . . ?
What is one sustainability fact?

Curriculum map

What is one wellness fact?

To insure and implement the tips and tricks students will be asked to engage in 3 eco friendly
decisions. Students can recycle for a week straight, buy locally grown food from store and
present receipt to teacher, pick up trash seen around school and neighborhood, take stairs for a
full week (no elevator). Environmental and sustainable weekly log will be used to document new
changes, positive advantages, etc. Lastly, students will design a persuasive poster to hang around
Corona del Sol and create eco friendly events (recycling after school, picking up trash at a local
park, etc.). Posters must be in Spanish and should include:

Why is this important?

Create a conscious of global responsibility for Corona del Sol
Provide a scanning link to an environmental/sustainable video

Curriculum map


Cutraro, J., Ojalvo, E. H. (2011). No Rest for the Weary? Analyzing Sleep Habits. The
New York Time. Retrieved from
Ferdinand, D. Naturaleza Lesson Plan Modified.
The World Sleep Survey. Retrieved from
Corona del Sol Fact Sheet. Retrieved from
Anonymous Author. Teacher Vision Lesson Plans. Adapted from: American Academy of
Pediatrics Division of Public Education. Retrieved from
Fuqua, Michael. La Salud y Bienestar. Retrieved from
L. How eco-friendly are you? GoToQuiz. Retrieved from
Well, H. Sustainability and Wellness Tips (2015). Retrieved from

Curriculum map


Curriculum map


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