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1. What investigation did you do/carry out? Why? Did you like it
and why?
2. Tell me some things about your investigation.
3. Did you find this investigation interesting to do and why? Why
not? Tell me, what did you find out doing this investigation?
4. There are some photographs included in your investigation.
Can you describe them? What is this? (referring to a picture in
their logbooks)
5. Ask your partner about his/her investigation.
1. What book did you read/did you choose to read and why?
2. What is the book about? What type of book is it? Who wrote it?
3. What did you like/found interesting about the book?
4. Would you recommend the book to your friends (variations)?
Why/Why not?
5. Would your book make an interesting movie?
6. When/Where is it set/does it take place? Does it take place in
the time it was written?
7. Who are the main characters? Who is your favourite?

Did you finish it? Did you like the ending? If not, how do you
think it will end? If yes, did you enjoy it? Are you enjoying it?

9. What would you like to ask your partner about his/her book?
10. Describe the cover of your book and say how it ties in with
the theme of your book. Did it help you to understand the
11. Was the information on the back of your book satisfactory?
Why? Why not? Explain. (Did the blurb help you? Why/Why
12. What lesson/moral does your book teach?
13. Can you think of an alternative title for the book?
1. What news story did you choose to read and why?

2. What did you learn from your news story? Did you enjoy it and
3. How do you think your news story will end/did it end? What do
you think will happen next? Why? How do you feel about this
4. Who would be interested in your news story?
5. Can you present its content? (Briefly summarise it)
6. What sources did you use to find the news story? Which were
easier to follow? (Or best?) / Why did you like/dislike them?
7. Would you suggest this news story to your friends
(variations)? Why / Why not?
8. What impressed you about/ attracted you / appealed to you
about your news story?
9. What would you like to ask your partner about his/her news

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