Packing To Planets Essay

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Packing to Planets

Shabrina Marchella Priadi, 8-9B

My first mathematics project on this term is Packing to Planets. My

role is as a traveller that will have a totally unforgettable experience
traveling through space. And my mission on doing this project is to
preparing and planning for this incredible journey, the things that I need
to be done is deciding the best way to get there through research,
calculate the speed, distance, and time to estimate how long it takes and
to find out how far away the planet from earth, and for the last, use
mathematics properties such as exponent and scientific notation to show
how large the planet is. My goals for the project is that I want to do the
project well, understand all the topics, do all tasks that should be done,
get HP for the project, and I want to finish this project on time. The
hypothesis that I make for this project is By researching, calculate (speed,
distance, and time) using radical, scientific notation, and exponent to
express the magnitude of an object in a solar system.
For this term, the topic is about scientific notation, exponent, and
also it is related to solar system. Because for the product, I have to make
planets from clay and make it with the right size (based on the scale). I
have to choose either one or two planets, and I decided to choose two
planets which was Mercury and Mars. I choose those planets because the
size is similar of the planets is similar and I like those planets. Mercury is
the closest planet from the Sun, the smallest planet in the solar system,
the second densest planet, and the second hottest planet. And Mars is the
fourth planet from the Sun, and it is described as the Red Planet due to
its reddish appearance.
On comparing the planets that I have been choose I have to
research about the sizes which are the mass, polar diameter, equatorial
diameter, circumference and orbital distance of Earth, Sun, Mercury, and
Mars. After I get those sizes and distance, I make all the mathematics








Mercury/Mars, all the magnitude of Earth/Sun divided by all the magnitude

of Mercury/Mars. For example, the orbital distance of Mercury (5.79 x
107km) divided by the orbital distance of Earth (1.4959787 x 10 7km), and
the answer is 3.87 x 10. So, orbital distance of Mercury compare to Earth
is 3.87 km. Same with another comparison, all the magnitude of mass,
polar diameter, equatorial diameter, circumference, and orbital distance
of a planet divided with the magnitude of the planet that you want to
compare. Another example of Mars mass compare to Suns, the mass of
Mars (6.39 x 1023kg) divided by the mass of Sun (1.989 x 10 30kg). The
answer is 3.21 x 10-7kg, so compare to Sun the mass of Mars is 3.21 kg
times smaller.
For the planning, I decided to research about spacecraft that can be
used to traveling through space with my group. And we decided to choose
New Horizon spacecraft, we choose this spacecraft because it is one of
spacecraft that can be used to traveling through space and have high
speed. So it takes time faster to traveling through space than the other
spacecraft. The speed of New Horizon spacecraft is 58,000 km/hour. Time
takes to go to Mercury and Mars and time takes to travel around Mercury
and Mars is also needed. For example, to get the time takes to go to
Mercury and Mars, distance of Earth to Mercury (91,100,000 km) divided
by the speed of New Horizon spacecraft (58,000 km/hour). The answer is
1,570 hours and I converted into days, so it will be 65 days and 0.41
hours. And to go to Mars, it takes 2.484 years. I get the time from the
distance of Earth to Mars (1,263,000,000 km) divided by the speed of New
Horizon spacecraft (58,000 km/hour). The answer is in hour which is
21,775 hours, and then I converted into years.
There are many examples of real life experience that is almost
similar with the project. The first example of the real life experience is
going to Jakarta to Bandung with car. The speed of the car is 30 km/hour,
with the distance 123 km. To know what time takes to go to Bandung is
the distance (123 km) divided by the speed of the car (30 km/hour). The
answer is that it only takes 4.1 hours to go to Bandung from Jakarta. The

second example is going to Jakarta, Indonesia to Seoul, South Korea with

an airplane. The speed of the airplane is 3,000 km/h and the distance
from Jakarta to Seoul is 5,293 km. The answer is that it only takes 1.0586
hours to go Seoul from Jakarta, because the distance between Jakarta to
Seoul divided by the speed of the airplane. And the third example is going
Jakarta to Bogor with car. The speed of the car is 29 km/hour and the
distance from Jakarta to Bogor is 50 km. So, it takes only 1.724 hours to
go to Jakarta to Bogor.
All those examples are real life experience that is almost with the
project, because based on the project I have to know what time takes for
the spacecraft to go to the planet and time takes to travel around the
planet. And it is same because calculation of the distance between the
place and the destination is needed.
The group focus question for this term is How can you express the
magnitude of Mercury and Mars through the use of math? and my answer
to the focus question is that the way to express the magnitude of Mercury
and Mars are using mathematics properties such as scientific notation
which is the division and subtraction (used for calculation of the real
distance between the Earth to Mercury and Mars), scale which are finding
the distance of the Earth to Mercury and Mars and the model size of
Mercury and Mars (both for the diorama), and for the speed are the time
takes to Mercury and Mars and time takes to travel around Mercury and
My individual focus question for this project is How the magnitude
of Mercury and Mars is useful on making the product? the answer to my
individual focus question is that by calculating the scale distance to find
out the distance between the Earth to Mercury and Mars and scale model
size to reduce the size of Mercury and Mars for the diorama, so now I find
out the approximate distance of the Earth to Mercury and Mars and the
approximate model size of Mercury and Mars.

Based on my hypothesis, the answer is quite similar to the answer

of my focus question. Because by calculating the distance, size, and time
using scientific notation, speed, and scale are the way to express the
magnitude of Mercury and Mars in making the solar system diorama.

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