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Monte Vista Elementary

September 8, 2015
Ms. Flores 1st Grade
Unit 1 Week 2 / Unidad 1 Semana 2
Literature / Literatura
The students will identify and describe the character, settings and
important events in a story. Los estudiantes identificaran y
describirn el personaje, ambiente y eventos importantes en una

Writing / Escritura
Students will use the retell rope to tell a story with characters,
settings and important events. Los estudiantes usaran la cuerda
para contar una historia e incluir personajes, ambiente y eventos

Math / Matemticas
We will be building on their understanding of numbers. Ex:
Counting and representing numbers to 120, combinations
of equations to build a number.
Los estudiantes construirn su entendimiento de nmeros.
Ej. Contando y representando nmeros a 120,
combinaciones de ecuaciones para un numero.

Todays Number

P honics / Fontic a

0 + 3 = 3
Short i, consonant x
1 + 2 =3
Silabas abiertas y cerradas con l
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 0 = 3
No School / No Hay Escuela
September 17 & 18, 2015


There is a spelling list that is to be used for the Homework for every week as this practices our phonics skills
for each unit. The high frequency word list that was given in the home/school folders are the words students
must know how to write and identify quickly in first grade. These words are also on the Spelling List given and
do not need to be repeated. We will be using the spelling list to complete Homework!

Our Classroom has a Website! Please feel free to look at our Weebly site to find information about our
classroom. This site is still under construction and updates are on going.

Parent / Teacher conferences will be held the days of September 11, 14, 15 and 16th. A sign up sheet has
been sent out today. Please send back as soon as possible to save your time. Conferencias de padre y
maestro sern los das 11-16 de septiembre. Una hoja con das y horarios fue mandada a casa hoy. Por
favor de escoger un tiempo y regresar la hoja lo mas pronto posible.

Our classroom will be sending information from Scholastic about buying books for your student! Buying can
be done online or by sending checks made out to Scholastic to school.

It is BoxTop time again! Please send in your boxtops and Prices milk caps.

she, take, up, what

casa, ella, estaba, no, se, su

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