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Stan J.

1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
717-459-7588 Fax
September 21, 2015
ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Releases Stan J. Caterbone's International
Signal & Control or ISC Whistleblowing History and Mind Control Relationships
Document of September 21, 2015. This is an all-inclusive document that provides
the evidence beyond a preponderance of doubt to prove the following (download in
pdf format on scribd for bookmarks). Turn to the ISC Timeline of Events and the
Lancaster Newspapers ISC Archives for a synopsis of events. The following is

Stan J. Caterbone was a Federal Whistleblower in 1987 regarding ISC

The 29 False Arrests and Prosecutorial Misconduct that Stan J. Caterbone was
subject to in 1987 through 2015 was an effort to cover-up the allegations
made by Stan J. Caterbone in the Spring and Summer of 1987 after the
Meeting of June 23, 1987 with ISC and United Chem Con Executive Larry

The ISC Fraud and Sales of Arms to Iraq Story by the ABC News Nightline
with Ted Koppel and the Financial Times of London in May, July, and
September of 1991 was most likely initiated by Lancaster Newspapers
reporter Thomas Flannary.

Thomas Flannary's mysterious death in February of 2004 was either murder

by poison or was a cover story to hide the fact that he was a CIA operative
used to control the flow of information, disinformation, and propaganda. It is
highly subject that he began his career with Lancaster Newspapers in 1987
and is not a native Lancastrian.

The ISC merger was not completed until December of 1987, 3 months after
the False Arrests of Stan J. Caterbone.

The official meeting with the Pennsylvania Securities Commission Agent

Howard Eisler in September of 1987, which was solicited by Agent Eisler was
an effort to illegally interrogate Stan J. Caterbone without a legal subpoena.

In the months after the June 23, 1987 meeting with ISC Executive Larry
Resch Stan J. Caterbone had personally solicited a vast array of local, state,
and federal officials, including the FBI and Congressman Robert Walker, PA
State Representative Gibson Armstrong for assistance in the retaliation and
slander campaign that was in progress.

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There is credible linkage between the ISC Scandal, U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control, Stan J. Caterbone's family VICTIMIZATION of the same, and the

The Zook Murder Appeal proves that Lancaster County Detective Michael
Landis, Judge James Cullen, and Judge Farina of the Lancaster County Court
of Common Pleas were all involved in U.S. Sponsored Mind Control before
2004 and before Stan J. Caterbone went public with his VICTIMIZATION of
U.S. Sponsored Mind Control.

Bobby Ray Inman, former director of the National Security Agency (NSA) was
on the Board of Directors of ISC and was involved in U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control Technologies through his company S.A.I.C. Corporation. Bobby Ray
Inman would later be selected by Former President Bill Clinton for his Director
of Defense, but would later remove himself due to allegations and public
scrutiny for his role in the ISC scandal.

In the Fall of 1991 Robert Gates was nominated for Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and during his televised confirmation hearings the
was subject to brutal array of questions concerning his participation in the ISC
scandal. He went on to be nominated and later would serve both the Bush
Administrations and the Obama Administrations as Secretary of Defense until
resigning in 2011.

There have been at least 3 documented attempts on the life of Stan J.

Caterbone; 1987, 1991, and 2004, all attempts at vehicular homicide.
Thomas P. Caterbone's passing in 1996 was the result of a wrongful death
claim by Fulton Bank. Samuel A. Caterbone was most likely an MKULTRA
murder tactic in Santa Barbara, California on December 25, 1984. Samuel P.
Caterbone was most likely the result of an MKULTRA murder tactic on July 20,
2001 in New York city.

The above finding of facts and evidence corroborates a vast conspiracy and
criminal enterprise that violates both civil and criminal RICO statutes and
antitrust statutes.

The above would constitute treble damages for Stan J. Caterbone and
Advanced Media Group in U.S. District Courts, specifically in the Eastern
District for Pennsylvania Case No. 05-2288, 06-4650, 14-02559, and other
related cases; and Case No. 08-13373 in the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas.

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17606

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Federal Whistleblower (Federal False Claims Act Violation in 1987 re ISC)
Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons

copyright 2009
Ya know what, I am beginning to analyze this War on Terror and am having difficulty understanding it all. To me
the most effective fundamental fight against Extreme Terrorism is to reduce the motive; or the Hatred Against America.
No one seems to talk about that subject. How do we reduce that Hatred Towards America and the West?
See, from my perspective, my situation is very disturbing. I mean we have the United States Torturing Me, a U.S. Citizen
for no good or valid reason. I have warned EVERYONE about using my situation to feed this HATRED towards America.
Low and behold a week or so ago I have had several Muslims sign up as Followers to my
online webspace, which I use to post documents. The following being the most prominent IKWAN Scope, "The Largest
Muslim Brotherhood's Scope on the Web":
There have also been several Muslim individuals who signed up as followers around the same time, a week or so ago.
They have also signed up as followers on my webspace.
You must understand, I am a VERY Patriotic Person and live a very patriotic life - I believe in the U.S.
Constitution and Our Founding Father's vision for America; I support Our Military and our Troops; I believe in
the Rule of Law; I am a Practicing Catholic, and have been my whole life; I Believe in the TRUTH; I believe in
Right v. Wrong; Good v. Evil; and finally I believe in God.
What do you believe in?

Date Completed:
Date Initiated:

Fulton Bank Stock Message Board, January 7, 2010

July 28, 2009

July 8, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

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In 1987 Stan J. Caterbone went public with allegations of fraud within International Signal
and Control, or ISC as they were commonly referred.

After discussions with ISC and United

Chem Con officials (an ISC/James Guerin straw company), and as a shareholder of record since
1983 of ISC, Stan J. Caterbone had a meeting with an ISC executive on June 23, 1987, which
resulted in a 22 year legal odyssey. The discussions involved a joint venture with his company,
Financial Management Group, Ltd., or FMG, Ltd., but ended in disclosure of his recent public
allegations of fraud. Four years later, ISC founder and chairman James Guerin, and other officials
and companies pleaded guilty to a $1 Billion Dollar Fraud and export violations including the
selling of arms through South Africa to Iraq and Sadaam Hussein.

However, money, power,

influence and public corruption had been used to cover-up the activities and Federal False Claims
Act violations of Stan J. Caterbone for the next eighteen years. There ensued a total blockade of
all United States Courts for all redress and remedy available in accordance with federal, state, and
local laws.

This included recovery of his business interests; intellectual property; real estate;

personal and business real property; his unblemished and impressive reputation; and his most
valuable asset - the ability to produce income. This might be legally referred to as the Right-ToWork under federal statutes.

Notwithstanding, Stan J. Caterbone has never made a bad

investment or developed a business that did not make a profit over the next 22 years.


includes two real estate properties that were illegally seized through foreclosure proceedings.

Since 1987 Stan J. Caterbone has been a prisoner and enemy of the state.

ISC was a

Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor and a partner with United States Intelligence Agencies
since it's beginings in the early 1970's. One of it's first contracts was Project X with the National
Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade, Maryland.
In summary, the following are facts and







Once the third (3rd) largest employer in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with
over 5,000 employees.

James Guerin, founder and CEO was once the largest philanthropist to charitable
organizations in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The ISC/Ferranti Scandal was the third (3) largest white-collar fraud within the United
States as of 1992.

The following are some of the public officials and politicians associated with ISC:
George H.W. Bush, former U.S. President, and Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA).

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Robert Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and current
Secretary of Defense.

Bobby Ray Inman, former Board of Directors if ISC, former Director of the NSA, and
currently associated and directly involved with Mind Control Research organizations.

Alexander Haig, former U.S. Secretary of State, and ISC lobbyist and Board of Directors?

Joseph McDade, former Pennsylvania House of Representative and Chair of the

Appropriations Committee who was later investigated for the United Chem Con scandal.

Carlos Cardoen/Cardoen Industries, a joint venture partner with ISC and arms
merchant for the cluster bomb who eventually sold to Iraq and other Middle Eastern
Countries under U.S. sanctions.

ISC was credited with the design of the cluster bomb, and has patents filed in the U.S.
Patent Office.

In 1987 ISC completed the merger with the 3rd largest defense contractor of Great
Britain, Ferranti International; who paid $1 billion dollars for ISC and all of it's subsidiaries.

ABC News/Financial Times aired 3 episodes on ABC Nightline with Ted Koppel regarding
the ISC/CIA defense weapons; technologies; and cluster bombs to Iraq story and lead into
the allegations that then nominee for the Director of CIA Robert Gates was involved with
ISC and the selling of arms to Iraq.

ABC News 20/20 aired a story on the ISC/CIA efforts to sell cluster bombs to Saadam
Hussein and Iraq on February 1, 1991 days after the start of the Persian Gulf War I, with
the initial bombing raid destroying a cluster bomb factory built in Iraq by Carlos Cardoen.

On July 1st and 2nd of 1987 Stan J. Caterbone solicited the legal counsel of Lancaster
Attorney Joseph Roda for counsel regarding, FMG, Ltd., International Signal & Control
(ISC); Commonwealth Bank, etc., and was billed for his services. Joseph Roda did
absolutely nothing but refute Stan J. Caterbone's claims and would not believe him.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas), Lancaster

Attorney Joseph Roda represented William Clark, ISC's in-house legal counsel, and never
mentioned any conflict to Stan J. Caterbone in 1987.
In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas), James
Guerin deposited $1.75 million dollars into an escrow account at Fulton Bank, Lancaster,

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Christopher Underhill of Harman, Underhill & Brubaker, represented James Guerin. In
2005 Christopher Underhill represented the Manheim Township Police Department (05-cv2288 U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania) CATERBONE v. Lancaster
County Prison, et. al.,

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In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Philadelphia Attorney Joseph Tate represented James Guerin and ISC, and in 2007 Joseph
Tate represented Scooter Libby during his federal prosecution by U.S. Special Prosecutor


Not only did the allegations of fraud within ISC have to be silenced at a time when merger
negotiations were ongoing with Ferranti, but all of the fraud; extortion; public corruption;
burglaries; civil rights violations; anti-trust and intellectual property right violations; lender
liability torts; false arrests; false imprisonments; as well as other civil and criminal activities had
to be covered up and buried in bureaucratic red tape.
uncovered and discovered to this day.

Information and findings are still being

Contrary to popular belief, up until 1996 a grand jury

investigation into ISC was still ongoing. It is not known whether it has closed or not. All of these
activates constitute a RICO crime due to the pattern and organization of the perpetrators. The
pattern and source of the activities can be traced back to 1987, with subgroups changing over
time, but still engaging in the same practices. The following plan of action was followed in order
to perpetrate the cover-up:

Totally discredit Stan(ley) J. Caterbone and any and all allegations in every way

Fabricate a history of mental illness.

Fabricate a criminal record.

Attach his character and honesty with rumors and propaganda.

Extort and maintain his net worth to $ zero or load him with debts.

Keep him out of any profession and or occupation when and where possible.

Totally isolate him and disenfranchise him from his friends, colleagues, and family
into a life of solitaire.

Somehow persuade the community of Lancaster County to buy into this plan of
action through money, favors, etc.,

Always keep attorneys and anyone remotely involved with the legal community
away at times when efforts for justice are pursued.

When attempts to enter the U.S. legal system arise, isolate, harass, and extort any
monies and/or possessions of value.

Change the history of events and the truth.

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For eighteen years, (from 1987 until 2005) it has always been fairly easy to keep these
issues from court dockets and judges. During these years Stan J. Caterbone had solicited at least
twenty attorneys, some from large firms with national recognition in their respective fields of
specialties. Attorneys from New York City to Santa Barbara and San Diego California were visited
and consulted as well as a group of ex FBI agents who specialized in white collar crime that are
now globally recognized. However, the money and influence of persons and entities that wanted
these issues silence always prevailed. The issues were so complex and convoluted, and involved
such high profile politicians and U.S. agencies, it was far easier to state that there was no case, or
their were no claims that would result in remedy or redress. Between the Republican Party and
the Department of Defense, the CIA and the NSA, there was not an attorney that could not be
influenced. The obstruction of justice and due process in this case is most likely unprecedented in
nature and in malice.

However in 2005 that all changed when Stan J. Caterbone appeared as a pro se litigant
representing himself, without any counsel, in the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. The Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or case no. 05-cv2288.

This case is still not settled and has been withdrawn by plaintiff Stan J.

Caterbone in October of 2008 after a successful ruling in the U.S. Third Circuit Court of
Appeals (07-4474) in September of 2008. The case will be continued upon the security
of evidence and the cease and desist of obstruction of justice and due process. On May
16, 2005 at the Federal Courthouse in Philadelphia, Stan J. Caterbone filed the case under seal.
One week later in the United States Bankruptcy Court for Eastern Pennsylvania in Reading,
Pennsylvania, again appearing as pro se, Stan J. Caterbone filed a petition for protection under
the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Code, in case no. 05-23059.

These acts of entering the United States legal system with these issues triggered yet
another round of attempts to keep these cases from the courts and judges - Organized Stalking
with Directed Energy Devices and Weapons, built on a foundation of mental telepathy or total
Mind Control.


Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the public allegations of fraud
within ISC. This organized stalking and harassment was enough to drive an ordinary person to
suicide. As far back as the late 1980's Stan J. Caterbone knew that his mind was being read, or

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"remotely viewed". This was verified and confirmed when information only known to him, and
never written, spoken, or typed, was repeated by others. In 1998, while soliciting the counsel of
Philadelphia attorney Christina Rainville, (Rainville represented Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie
Show murder case), someone introduced the term remote viewing through an email. That was
the last time it was an issue until 2005. The term was researched, but that was the extent of the

Remote Viewers may have attempted to connect in a more direct and continuous way

without success.

In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an all-out assault of mental
telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and torture through the use of directed energy devices
and weapons that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the targeted victim.
This assault was no coincidence in that it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal action
in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288.


assault began after the handlers remotely trained Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy. The
main difference opposed to most other victims of this technology is that Stan J. Caterbone is
connected 24/7 with a person who declares that she is Interscope recording artist Sheryl Crow of
Kennett Missouri. Stan J. Caterbone has spent 3 years trying to validate and confirm this person
without success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment.

See attached documents for

more information.

In 2006 or the beginning of 2007 Stan J. Caterbone began his extensive research into
mental telepathy; mind control technologies; remote viewing; and the CIA mind control program
labeled MK ULTRA and it's subprograms.

If you listen to the propaganda machine and the community of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, including professionals, the family history of Stan J. Caterbone goes something like
the following:

Father, Samuel Caterbone, Jr., Schizophrenic who ran out on his family because
of nervous breakdowns while trying to run a small dry cleaning business.


traveled the world looking for the Blessed Mother Mary and Space Aliens. He ended
up living in government subsidized housing broke and with a severe mental illness.

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Brother, Samuel A. Caterbone, suffered from the very same illness has his
father, Schizophrenia, who finally killed himself trying to live in California.

Brother, Thomas W. Caterbone, suffered from the very same mental illness as
his brother, Stan J., Bipolar Mood Disorder, who ran a lawn business and finally
committed suicide at an early age.

Stan J. Caterbone, suffered from Bipolar Mood Disorder, or Manic Depression and
had a nervous breakdown in 1987 trying to compete in the financial services

When he has his nervous breakdowns, he always threatens to sue

everyone in court and is deeply paranoid in thinking the whole world is against him.
He always spends all of his money during his fits of mania and has delusions about
his success as a businessman.

The Family History was formulated back in the 1960's when Samuel Caterbone, Jr.,
father of Stan J. Caterbone, became engaged in a black budget mind control program that began
during his service in the United States Navy as a radioman and air gunner.

Samuel Caterbone,

Jr., was most likely a direct product of MK ULTRA or one of it's subprograms. His brother, Samuel
A. Caterbone, was most likely part of the LSD experiments of MK ULTRA. Stan J. Caterbone is
most likely part of a program sponsored by the Department of Defense Agencies, such as DARPA
or the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The facts of Stan J. Caterbone's intimate discussions
with both his father and brother over the years before they died, the totality of documents that
were preserved in thier estate, including service records; letters; official court papers; high school
documents; and the like - all will prove that they were in fact part of MK ULTRA or one of it's

The following are the facts and the real record of the family history:

Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., (Father) served in the Navy from 1943 to 1946 and
graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in Jacksonville, Florida. He was an exceptional
student/athlete while attending Lancaster Catholic High School, participating in the band as well
as sports. He was also his senior class secretary/treasurer. After the Navy, he went on to build a
successful dry cleaning business, which he is credited with inventing a filtration system for the

He also developed a very good investment in real estate along the Manheim Pike,

owning several properties. By his own writings and from his personal accounts to me, he was
definitely a remote viewer for some U.S. Agency with telepathic abilities.

His viewing is

documented to have begun back in the early 1970's. He also suffered from organized stalking,
and was considered an enemy and prisoner of the state.

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Back in the 1960's, he was a world

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traveler, this is documented by his passports. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., may have been a covert
carrier for someone in intelligence. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., had his mental health history laced
with electro shock therapy.

Electro Shock Therapy Experiments is another subprogram of MK

ULTRA. In addition, and especially disturbing is his criminal record with the Lancaster City Police
Department and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. In 1973 Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr.
was convicted of forging a 2 checks from the Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., checking account. The
one check to Joe the Motorists Store at the Manor Shopping Center was never entered into
evidence, it was for a total of $70.00.

The other check was made out to Lancaster Attorney

James Coho for $200.00 with "divorce proceedings" written in the memo.
criminal record.

This was his only

Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., was sentenced to one year probation by President

Judge William Johnstone.

However, on August 29, 1973 after nine months, Judge Johnstone

wrote an ORDER releasing him from probation and ordering him to "leave the vicinity of the
County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania". The President Judge of Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas literally threw my father out of Lancaster County for forging 2 checks from his own
corporation. In 1987 I was arrested for stealing my own files from my own company, Financial
Management Group, Ltd., You can research the life of Candy Jones and Kate O'Brien to learn more
on this topic. Samuel Caterbone, Jr., has left enough writings and documentation to know that his
life fits the model for targeted individuals, complete with economic ruin, isolation, disenfranchised
from family and friends, and of course a fabricated mental illness history. You can view most of
his record online.

Samuel A. Caterbone, (Brother) served in the United States Air Force in 1968 to 1970.
In 1991, Stan J. Caterbone accused the United States Government of using his brother, Samuel A.
Caterbone for part of the LSD experiments on mind control, or MK ULTRA. A notarized letter of
October 23, 1991 was sent certified mail to the California Attorney General on the subject matter,
with a return letter from the California Attorney General on January 14, 1992.

By his own

admission before his death, Samuel A. Caterbone disclosed to Stan J. Caterbone of the "bad LSD"
trips while in the Air Force. Since his death of December 25, 1984, Stan J. Caterbone and others
questioned the classification of suicide, and made allegations of foul play that was ultimately
responsible for his death. Finally in a meeting in Santa Barbara, California with the Santa Barbara
Public Guardian's Office, an office admitted that the death was more likely due to foul plan than

Samuel A. Caterbone was also an exceptional student and athlete while attending

Lancaster Catholic High School.

After playing varsity football as a sophomore, he had an

unfortunate accident while deer hunting the following November.

While in the woods in

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, his hunting pants caught fire trying to stay warm.

It left him in the

Lancaster General Hospital for months, going through painful skin grafts and isolation.

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hunting accident interrupted his athletic career and scared his legs for life.

The Schizophrenia

diagnosis was a combination of LSD flashbacks and organized stalking and harassment.
Thomas P. Caterbone, (Brother) had an unfortunate transaction at Fulton Bank that set
a course of action that resulted in a suicide. Although diagnosed with Bipolar Disease and Manic
Depression -- embezzled and extorted monies were most likely the reason for his suicide in 1996.
Fulton Bank was involved in a fraud that took $72,000 from a real estate settlement closing and
lead to his total financial ruin and collapse in June of 1995. The funds were never recovered and
Fulton Bank is a defendant for a wrongful death claim in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., 05-cv-2288.
FULTON BANK triggered a severe and lethal death blow to Thomas P. Caterbone, and as of this
day has refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing or remorse. Thomas P. Caterbone was also an
exceptional athlete. Playing for Lancaster Catholic High School, Franklin and Marshall College, the
Harrisburg Patriots, and even the Philadelphia Eagles. Tom also coached football at J.P. McCaskey
and Franklin and Marshall College.

Thomas P. Caterbone had a very successful lawn and

landscaping business before joining forces with John DePatto of United Financial Services and
selling residential mortgages.

John DePatto was the former head of Parent Bank, owned by

James Guerin and ISC. Parent Bank, owned by ISC also foreclosed on 2323 New Danville Pike,
Conestoga, Pennsylvania in 1988, which was owned by Stan J. Caterbone. Thousands of dollars
of equity was extorted in the process, despite still being short sold for a profit to Mr. Keith
Kirchner, an executive of Lancaster Newspapers and former graduate of Lancaster Catholic High

Stan J. Caterbone is a remote viewer, is telepathic, and a federal whistleblower with an

exceptional entrepreneurial record in spite of all of his adversaries and their assaults. In spite of
the U.S. Sponsored mind control and torture, he has endured and will prevail. Legally, Stan J.
Caterbone has been able to preserve his claims, and progress his legal challenges and claims
through both the federal and state court system appearing pro se, without the aid or expense of
additional legal counsel. Some of his claims and briefs will most likely be landmark decisions in
years to come. Stan J. Caterbone was a 2-Sport MVP at Lancaster Catholic High School, in both
football and track. Stan J. Caterbone never received less than a B grade in his four years of high
school and had an 87+ average. Stan J. Caterbone excelled in computer technologies, taking his
first full term course in 1975, while in high school and continuing into college at Millersville
University, graduating with a degree in business administration in 1980.

Stan J. Caterbone

excelled profoundly at building his companies, first beginning with Financial Management Group,
Ltd., then working with Tony Bongiovi of Power Station Studios and the "Digital Movie"; then
building Advanced Media Group, Ltd..

Over the years, despite the illegal seizures and

foreclosures, Stan J. Caterbone has amassed a portfolio of impressive real estate deals that have

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always paid off in profits, no matter how or when they were sold.

The same was true of his

Financial Management Group, Ltd., was a $20,000 dollar investment in 1986 and

was still sold for approximately $100,000 two years later, despite the false arrests and the
extortion of most of it's real value and equity.

The mental health history and the criminal records were completely fabricated, and a
close review and investigation into the actual court records and hospital records can prove that in
very short fashion.

There are TWO (2) ways to quickly dispute the Mental Health History and

One - Review the word "Delusional; delusions; etc.,;

every instance of the word

used by mental health professionals, and the false reports by friends and family were associated
with facts, and matters of the official record, the complete opposite of the meaning of the word
"delusional". And they still exist to this very day.
Two - Review the 3 Fabricated Suicide Allegations of the following dates: August
10(?), 1987 at Burdette Tomlin Hospital (Cape May County New Jersey); February 18th(?), 2005
by Kerry Egan and the Southern Regional Police Department; and July 19, 2009 for the 302
Commitment by the Lancaster City Police Department at Lancaster General Hospital.
The Criminal Record is very similar, since 1987 Stanley J. Caterbone has had 31 false
arrests; formal charges and convictions dismissed prior to court proceedings or won on summary
appeals in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; most of which Stan J. Caterbone appearing as
pro se (representing himself). These have resulted in civil complaints filed in 2008 in CATERBONE
v. The County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of


The Public Record is comprised of court filings and exhibits in U.S. Federal Courts;
Pennsylvania State Courts; and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. In all some 40,000
pages of documents are now filed and electronically scanned or microfilmed in prothonotary
offices. In addition in both the U.S. Federal Courts and the Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas there are more than 11 hours of audio recordings; some 3,000 scanned images; and
several video broadcasts of the ISC News broadcasts all stored on a CD-ROM and filed as an
exhibit to some of the law suits filed by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, as
plaintiffs. Stan J. Caterbone has over 100 court docket sheet numbers in federal, state, and local

There are also Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation records; Department of Welfare

and Lancaster County Assistance Office records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County

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Tax Assessment records; Social Security Administration Benefits records; Lancaster Catholic High
School transcripts; Millersville University transcripts; all for Stan J. Caterbone, in addition to his
court filings.

For Samuel A. Caterbone, my brother, there are United States Air Force service
records; Lancaster Catholic High School transcripts; Millersville University transcripts; Social
Security Administration records; Santa Barbara County Guardian and Public Defender records;
and papers and documents persevered from his estate.

For Samuel P. Caterbone, my father, there are United States Naval records, Lancaster
Catholic High School transcripts; Social Security Administration records; Lancaster County
Assistance Office records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County Tax Assessment
records; Samuel Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., corporate records; Real Estate Deeds and Mortgages;
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas civil and criminal records; and of course papers and
documents persevered from his estate


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** It is important to note that as of this writing, Remote Viewing has recently
been commercialized by corporate America, and certain Fortune 500 companies are
using Remote Viewers as consultants for trend analysis and market forecasts. This is
often the evolution of most technologies born out of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Top Secret experiments and the resulting technological advancements can stay
secretive for so long.

This has recently been used in a NBC story of the Television

drama "Medium" this last season.

On July 9, 2008 I had recorded an AM radio live

broadcast on WHAN Coast to Coast with a guest that was one of the leading Physicist
turned Remote Viewer and expert that testified to this same notion.

Dated: July 28, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

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I, Stanley J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual or TI, residing at: 1250 Fremont Street,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17603, do hereby state that I am at least 18 years of age, that I am
a citizen or a legal resident of the United States of America, that I am of sound mind, and that I
am the person whose signature follows on this Affidavit. The purpose of this document is (1) to
advise Congress as well as state and local officials of organized stalking and electronic and mind
manipulation torture being committed against me and (2) to request a state, local, or
Congressional investigation and hearing on the use of remotely-operated directed energy attacks
and mind control technologies on Americans in this country.
Our Government is responsible for protecting its citizens from elements that
covertly harass, torment, murder, and cause victims to commit suicide through
organized stalking and remote electronic torture. Yet, unbiased research indicates that
certain elements of Government either engage in these activities or protect those who perform
them. I seek the complete dismantling of any officially-sanctioned covert Government torture
programs, the passage of legislation specifically outlawing that high-tech torture, and the full
prosecution of any person, regardless of his rank or position, who has violated my civil rights and
my most basic human rights. The assaults on my mind and body have been occurring for 24
year(s) and include, but are not limited to the following victimization's:


Blanketing my dwelling and surroundings with electromagnetic energy.

Bombarding my body with debilitating electronic and mind manipulation effects.
Directed Energy Weapons Causing Severe Pain to Body and Brain. Began in at least 2005
and still continuing, with complaints to Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, FFCHS
in 2009, and in cited in various state and federal court cases over the past several years.
Attacks causing severe artificial pain most likely from Directed Energy Devices synchronized with
telepathic harassment and organized stalking and harassment have been logged and reported to
law enforcement and medical professionals since 2008.
Prior to 2008 the attacks were
experienced and reported to medical professionals but the sources were not known. Also reported
attacks of pain to a family physician, emergency room personnel and psychiatrists.

Invading my thoughts via remote sensing technologies. Was sent an autonomous
email in 1998 introducing the term remote viewing. Various technologies and tactics are being
used to create emotional signatures that induce various emotional states; a systematic complete
hacking of my mind.

Making me mentally hear others' voices through the microwave hearing effect.
Synthetic and/or Mental Telepathy. First started to experience telepathy/synthetic telepathy
in 2005 with full-time 24/7 connection during the same time to present. When full-time telepathy
started a male conducted interrogations lasting several hours at a time concerning a wealth of
subjects including ISC/CIA Knowledge. Cannot disconnect from continuous conversations at all
times with one female person. The handlers know everything I know and experience in real time.
During 2006 and 2007 have been telepathic with some 10 or more persons, both male and female
for short durations. Can recall most conversations and subject matter with identities of who they
said they were. Interrogation type harassment is still being used telepathically to harass and for
some sleep deprivation. Made first complaints to DARPA, the FBI, and U.S. Senator Arlen Specter
in 2007. Some conversations by the persons that are telepathic with me elude to some program
similar to the DARPA datalog program where they record your entire life. Everything that you try
to do on a daily basis is subject matter for conversation and harassment. Interference with
thought, harassment, and interrogation is used often times with electromagnetic weapon attacks
to the brain or body.

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Depriving me of sleep due to neurological intervention. Mostly Experienced Sleep
Deprivation Techniques during periods of time in 2008 to 2010. Mostly with attacks of pain from
Directed Energy Weapons to back, neck, head (brain); and heart on a few occasions; and with
harassment from telepathy.

Introducing poisonous gas and radiation toxins into my home. First experienced
toxic gases (Chloroform?) in heavy doses in 2006-2007. Made complaints to the Lancaster City
Police Department and the Southern Regional Police. Experienced attacks that would cause
dizziness at home, in automobile and in public. Was informed it was being released through a
distribution system the size of fishing line. To counter attacks used cotton in nostrils and gas
mask. In 2009 experienced attacks of what is said to be sleeping gas, when attacked could not
open eyes. Took Pictures during some attacks.

Having me stalked en masse on foot and in vehicles. vandalizing my home and/or
car. Gang Stalking or Organized Stalking began in 1987 and continues today. It includes
strangers using gestures such as finger under eye; various forms of harassment; and public
mobbing. Complaints have been filed in 1987; 1992;1998 and 2005 to 2010. Complaints were
made to various public officials and local, state, and federal agencies as mental duress. The terms
organized stalking, gang stalking, targeted individual, etc., was not learned until a few years ago.
The organized stalking and harassment followed in several states, some while traveling from
Lancaster, Pennsylvania to California. Tracking technologies may have been used and most likely
are still being used. Police were involved in most places.

Tapping (Bugging) my phones. Complaints of phone tapping/tampering were made to

New Jersey Bell in 1987 with a service call to Stone Harbor, New Jersey to check lines and phones.
The same was done by a Bell Atlantic repairman in Conestoga, Pennsylvania in 1998. In 2004 a
complaint with a report number was filed with the Pennsylvania Attorney General Office in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Agent Amy Zelnick) regarding interference with phone calls and
impersonations by perps intercepting and rerouting calls. Computer Hacking complaints were filed
to local authorities in the County of Lancaster and the Cyber Crime unit of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation in 2005 to 2010.

Blacklisting me in the labor market. Filed complains of employment discrimination with
the Pennsylvania Attorney General in 2006 and the Lancaster County Human Relations
Commission in 2008.

Workplace mobbing. Experienced in 1987 at Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

American Helix of High Industries in 1991 and Pflumm Contractors, Inc., in 1997/1998. Filed
complaints and logs as mental duress and harassment. Was forced out of all 3 organizations as a
result of the mobbing and harassment.

10. Public Mobbing. Public type mobbing and organized stalking and harassment was
perpetrated heavily in the years 2005 to 2010 in the following places: The Lancaster County
Courthouse, The Lancaster County Public Library, the Pennsylvania Career Link, and the Millersville
University Library and University Offices. I was given suspicious and illegal No Trespass Notices
in some 18 public places in Lancaster County in the years 2005 to 2009 without just cause. I was
complaining of stalking and harassing in most all of those public places. The Lancaster County
Public Library and the Millersville University took away my access to a computer after my personal
computers were vandalized and/or hacked inoperable. Fulton Bank took away my safe deposit
box. Others included my church of worship, various bars and restaurants and one attorneys office.
Complaints have been filed regarding the same in courts and with various authorities.

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Attempted Murder. Experienced with an attempt of vehicular homicide in 1991 after

National News Media reported ISC/CIA-NSA connection of Arms to Irag. The incident involved a
vehicle changing lanes and direction and heading directly toward me in the wrong direction
running me off the road, narrowly missing a tree. I Filed the incident in federal courts and used
as a motion to seal federal case no. 05-2288 in 2005 in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.


Pet Killing. Cat was killed in 2005 with complaints to the Lancaster County Humane
Shelter and the Southern Regional Police Department.


Illegal Entries of Home/Properties. First in 1987 in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, then
again in 1991; 1997-1998; and most serious in 2005 to 2010. Filed Police Reports and insurance
claims, most with the Southern Regional Police Department of Conestoga, Pennsylvania , State
Farm and Harleysville Insurance Companies.

14. Illegal Repossessions.

Airplane in 1987 containing legal and business files.
Home/Property and Contents in 2006 also containing legal and business files and documents.

Physical Assaults. One attack and filed complaint with police report in Los Osos California
in 2005 and one in the City of Lancaster. Police reports were filed and obtained for both.

16. False Arrests. Experienced 7 in 1987 and more than 20 in 2005 and 2006 in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. The false arrests were
charges that were all dismissed prior to court hearings.
17. False Imprisonments. Spent 7 to 10 days in Lancaster County Prison in 1987 with all
charges dismissed and again for some 60 days in 2006 with all charges dismissed. The 60 Days of
imprisonment of 2006 was triggered with a false report of missing a bail supervision meeting,
which was confirmed to be false in court; however bail was maliciously and purposefully reinstated
as secured instead of unsecured. The appropriate appeal was filed which secured my release after
some 60 days of false imprisonment. There were no charges that resulted in any convictions.

Psychiatric Abuses with False Suicide Allegations from Perpetrators/Stalkers. One

in 1987 resulting in a forced hospitalization for several hours by police in Stone Harbor, New
Jersey. And one again in February of 2005 resulting in police restraining me in my home and
abusing me. This one was a fraudulent and phony email sent to police by a perp. The Southern
Regional Police had to vacate after the email was proven to be a fraud.

19. Vandalism to Property. First in 1987 in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, then again in 1991;
1997-1998; and most serious in 2005 to 2010. Filed Police Reports and insurance claims, most
with the Southern Regional Police Department of Conestoga, Pennsylvania and Harleysville
Insurance Company. 3 computers have been rendered inoperable since 2005 along with various
electronics equipment; dvd recorders; printers; household items; appliances; etc., Most insurance
claims have been paid. In the past years a wave of purchased items, online and in stores, were
received broken or the wrong item and all had to be returned. Some included items to secure my
property, and others included computer related items, others were household and clothing items.
20. Gas Lighting. The illegal entering of home and causing psychological duress by moving
items and or hiding items. First reported in 1998 to the Conestoga Police and continued to
present. Clothing was also manipulated and altered. The term gas lighting was only learned in
2010, although it was reported to police as harassment by neighbors of friends. The daily draining
of my hot tub was also used as a psychological warfare tactic and used to run up utility bills.
Numerous complaints were made to police in 2008 to 2010.

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Thefts of Property. Not Yet Completed.

22. Vandalism to Car/Truck. Since 2005 have experienced years of gas siphoning, battery
outages, letting air out of tires, and wetting of inside of floor mats as psychological warfare tactics
by perps and stalkers. Made numerous complaints the Lancaster City Police Department.

Toxic Chemical Causing Running Nose. Experienced on regular basis in 2009 when in
public places. Was not in conjunction with cold/flu symptoms. Research states it is a tactic used
in organized stalking.


Computer Hacking. Computer Hacking complaints were filed to local authorities in the
County of Lancaster and the Cyber Crime unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2005 to
2010. Numerous complaint numbers have been secured. Complaints of cell phone hacking was
also reported in 2010. Websites and blogs were regularly hacked and sometimes taken off-line.
Electronic calenders, court documents, and financial records were often hacked causing many
problems of the years, including having to withdraw civil complaints.

25. Cyber Stalking. Most in 2005 to 2010.

Message Board, and the FBI Cyber Crime Unit.

Complaints to Microsoft legal counsel, Yahoo


Interference/Delay/Theft of U.S. Mails. First reported to U.S. Postmaster of mail

tampering and illegal changing of address in 1987. In 2008 to 2009 have made several more
complaints to the U.S. Postmaster Inspector General who claim to have begun investigations.
Some caused missed court hearings and other missed appointments and or meetings.


Electromagnetic Weapons Causing Severe Muscle Spasms/Cramps.

experienced in 2006 to present. One experience in 2006 was while I was in my hot tub and the
pain and cramp was so severe in my left calf muscle (you automatically bend over to rub it out,
which placed my head underwater) I had to crawl out of the hot tub before almost drowning.


Electromagnetic Weapons Causing Sexual Stimulation. First experienced in 2005.

29. Forced Hospitalizations. Forced Hospitalizations in 1987 (2) one for 6 hours and one for
5 days; 2006 one for 3 days; 2009 one for several hours while in intensive care for emergency
surgery; and 2010 one for 8 days. Filed complaints to Citizens Commission for Human Rights in
1991 and 2008.

Manipulation and Theft of Documents. Numerous thefts and manipulation of all legal
and business documents both in paper and in electronic format have occurred since 1987.
Microfiche/Microfilming began in 1987 and other measures to secure documents have been
ongoing to present. Numerous complaints have been filed with law enforcement since 1987.

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Statement: I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the
whistle (public Allegations and Complaints to State and Federal Authorities of Fraud during merger
negotiations with British Defense Contractor Ferranti International) on an international defense
contractor named International Signal & Control, or ISC, who was selling arms (Everything from
Telemetry Systems to Cluster Bombs) to Iraq via South Africa and was convicted of a $1 Billion
dollar Fraud in 1992 by the United States Attorney and several other federal agencies. See
ABC/News 20/20 and Nightline in 1991. They were founded and headquartered in my hometown
of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I was a shareholder and was solicited by a top ISC Executives
(Convicted as a Mastermind of the Billion Dollar Fraud) to help finance some of their operations
through an affiliate called United Chem Con. ISC was a Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor
and a partner with United States Intelligence Agencies since it's beginnings in the early 1970's.
One of it's first contracts was Project X with the National Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade,
Maryland. Former Secretary of the Navy, Bobby Ray Inman was on the Board of Directors of ISC
and was also on the Board of Directors of Science Applications International Corporation, or SAIC.
SAIC was a huge defense contractor that was the recipient of the Defense Intelligence Agency, or
DIA, program on Remote Viewing, which SAIC named Project Stargate. It was reported that
Bobby Ray Inman declined the nomination for Secretary of Defense under the first Clinton
Administration because of the ISC and Trecor scandals. In the early 1990's I was a subcontractor
on a project for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, or DARPA, with the National
Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST called TIMIT.
The project developed speech
corpora for the development of computer based speech recognition systems. I was also involved
in the bidding of other Department of Defense contracts dealing with information technologies. In
1998 I was stalked and approached by an employee of the National Security Agency, or NSA in
York, Pennsylvania who said my problems were not with the NSA, but the good ole boys. In
2005 I was detained by 2 Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA officers in a museum on a military
base in Austin, Texas and was questioned and interviewed regarding my civil actions filed in
federal court for several hours. I was released and told to stay off of all military bases. My
brother, a Family Physician in Austin Texas had to verify my travel plans and the fact that I was
staying with him prior to my release.
My father alleged he was part of U.S. Navy experiments in the 1940's and experienced
synthetic telepathy in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's as outlined in memos and documents he had
authored; and from my personal conversations with him prior to his death. Ms. Amy Fuchs of the
Disclosure Project confirmed that he was most likely given an ET experience via synthetic
telepathy. He died in 2001 in New York City of cancer. My brother was in the U.S. Air Force in the
late 1960's and I allege was a victim of the LSD experiments relating to MKULTRA in the late
1960's and a victim of murder (Suspicious Suicide with tainted medical reports) in Santa Barbara
California in 1984; Notarized Complaints were filed to the California Attorney General in 1991. He
made a declaration type statement prior to his death that he got bad LSD while in the U.S. Air
Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the public allegations of fraud
within ISC. As far back as the late 1980's I thought that my mind was being read, or "remotely
viewed". During the times that legal Counsel and attorneys were solicited in 1987, 1991, and
1997 Organized Stalking and Harassment and other forms of attacks experienced by Targeted
Individuals were severely increased. In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an allout assault of mental telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and torture through the use of
directed energy devices and/or electromagnetic weapons. This assault was no coincidence in that
it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal action in U.S. District Court, of CATERBONE v.
Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288.
This targeting has ruined every aspect of my life.

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Some Perspectives
The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental barbarism which obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of a dial the history and civilization of
mans mental development. It is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of
meaning. For anyone who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort
to stay sane is beyond the scope of tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary
mind cannot encompass the horror of it. We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now have the prospect of systematic control authorized by men who issue instructions through satellite communications for the destruction of
societies while they are driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and going to the opera.
"On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive
Technology"by Carole Smith
Global Research, October 18, 2007; Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.
People have no comprehension of how lethal only one aspect (aside from the obvious of driving
the victim completely insane) of telepathy technology can be in disrupting and ruining an individual's life through the sabotaging of his/her daily activities. Everything an individual does begins
with a momentary thought. From the split second that thought is learned by the person on the
other end (telepathically) - the individual's right to privacy is not the real threat or loss. The real
lethal weapon is the advantage in disrupting or preventing the individual from accomplishing
whatever he/she is going to do before they actually do it. With a simple cell phone call or instant
message, the Advanced Team is in place to subvert; sabotage; manipulate; propagandize;
smear; disrupt; or even prevent the task or activity from being accomplished in any successful
manner. The perps are skilled at creating scenarios that are covertly arranged to simulate everyday occurrences to make the victim at fault for the loss or failure. Imagine the consequences
when these activities have legal and financial implications. With telepathy technology the need for
tracking and surveillance technology is greatly diminished and may even become obsolete. This is
not merely Mind Invasive Technology, as Carole Smith so eloquently wrote this is LIFE Invasive Technology. Say Goodbye to any true sense of capitalism and free enterprise in the not to
distant future unless of course someone stops these illegal and disastrous technology transfers
and leaks.
Stan J. Caterbone
Organized or Gang Stalking
A system of organized psychological terror tactics used against a person who has become an enemy of an individual or a government. Subtle but effective techniques of stalking by multiple individuals and psychological intimidation and manipulation are used to slowly but surely drive the
target to make complaints to authorities who will see the complaints as bogus because of the
methods used against the target. As a result, the target gets labeled as mentally ill.
There are as many stalking tactics as there are targets as the multistalkers will tailor the stalking
to the individuals habits and individual personality. Some common examples or organized stalking
are: following the target on foot, by car and public transportation, crowding the target's space in a
public place, murmuring insults under the breath so only the target can hear, sitting in the car
outside the target's residence, starting "fights" in public with the target, doing "skits" on the
street which involves information only the target should know but has been found out via surveillance of the target, stealing and vandalism of the target's possessions.
Organized Stalking Website
Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to
reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus
investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a ganging up by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic terrorizing of an
individual. Mark M. Rich

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The acts described above violate many laws aimed at protecting Americans. Some of these laws
include but are not limited to the following:
10 USC 921, Article 121 -- Larceny and wrongful appropriation
10 USC 920A, Article 120a -- Stalking
18 2340 USC -- Torture
18 USC 241 -- Conspiracy against rights of sovereign, free, God created, spirit and soul
18 USC 213 -- Illegal Surreptitious entry
18 USC 242 -- Deprivation of rights under color of law
18 USC 35 -- Imparting or conveying false information
18 USC 1117 -- Conspiracy to Murder
18 USC 1111 -- Murder
18 USC 1905 -- Disclosure of information generally
42 USC 1983 -- Civil action for deprivation of rights
42 USC 1985 -- Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
31 USC 5328 -- Whistleblower protections
18 USC 1512 -- Engaging in misleading conduct
18 USC 1503 -- Intimidating a witness/victim
18 USC 1512 -- Tampering with a witness/victim
18 USC 1513 -- Retaliation against a witness/victim
18 USC 1510 -- Obstructing a criminal investigation, conflict of interest roles in
18 USC 1509 -- Impeding due exercise of rights by attempting to prevent, obstruct,
impede and Interfere with same
18 USC 1622 -- Subordination of perjury by procuring another to commit perjury
(Optional) I have attached a personal message _______ (check).

I affirm that the statements in this Affidavit concerning my torture and the results of
that torture are true and correct. I further affirm that those statements are based on
my own direct knowledge, personal experience, research, and known and published
historical fact.

Stan J. Caterbone
Affiant (signature) ______________________________________
Stan J. Caterbone
Name (print): __________________________________________
June 19, 2015
Date: _________________________________________________
State of __________________________
County of
Sworn before me this _______
day of _______________________,
Stan J. Caterbone - I was a notary from '94-'98
Notary Public Exp.:
& Seal:

Don't Know When

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance. All rights reserved. Copyright 2010 (This is an amended
form of the original Affidavit of September 2010 from Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance.)

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
717-459-7588 Fax
September 21, 2015
ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Releases Stan J. Caterbone's International
Signal & Control or ISC Whistleblowing History and Mind Control Relationships
Document of September 21, 2015. This is an all-inclusive document that provides
the evidence beyond any doubt to prove the following (download in pdf format on
scribd for bookmarks):

Stan J. Caterbone was a Federal Whistleblower in 1987 regarding ISC

The Arrests in 1987 were an effort to cover-up the allegation made by Stan J.
Caterbone in the Spring and Summer of 1987

The ISC Fraud and Sales of Arms to Iraq Story by the ABC News Nightline and
Ted Koppel in May, July, and September of 1991 was initiated by Lancaster
Newspapers reporter Thomas Flannary

Thomas Flannary's mysterious death in February of 2004 was either murder

or he was a covert CIA agent and the death was a cover story

That there is credible linkage between the ISC Scandal, U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control, Stan J. Caterbone's family VICTIMIZATION, and LANCASTER COUNTY,

The Zook Murder Appeal proves that Lancaster County Detective Michael
Landis, Judge James Cullen, and Judge Farina of the Lancaster County Court
of Common Pleas were all involved in U.S. Sponsored Mind Control before
2004 and before Stan J. Caterbone went public with his VICTIMIZATION of
U.S. Sponsored Mind Control

The ISC merger was not completed until December of 1987, 3 months after
the arrests

Bobby Ray Inman, former director of the National Security Agency, NSA was
on the Board of Directors of ISC and Bobby Ray Inman was involved in U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control Technologies



The above would constitute treble damages for Stan J. Caterbone and
Advanced Media Group in U.S. District Courts

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US District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvana

Property of Advance Media Group

Section 3189 Federal False Claim Act

Page 2107 of 2953

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21, 2015

ABC News Nightline - September 12, 1991

[Ted Koppel] incidentally the function of the senior review panel is to advise one man, the
director of central intelligence. And at least part of the period in question there was an acting
director of the CIA Robert Gates. Well attempt to pull some of these threads together when we
come back.
Commercial Break
[Ted Koppel] When all is said and done, why should your or your representatives in Congress
care, eventually after all President Bush spoke and acted against Sadaam Hussein more forcefully
than anyone could have expected.
[Former President George H. Bush Speech] Were dealing with Hitler revisited, a
totalitarianism, a brutality, that is neglect and unprecedented in modern times.
[Vidoe-Gary Milhollin, Director, The Wisconsin Project] The more we gave Sadaam, the
more dangerous he got. And ultimately we had to go to war to destroy what we sold him.
[Ted Koppel] But its not a question of holding the Bush or Reagan Administrations to account
for having made mistakes with regards to their policies toward Iraq The issue is how those
policies were implemented.
As we reported over the past few months, The Atlanta Branch of an Italian Bank, BNL, was able to
funnel $Billions, some of it in U.S. Credits to Iraqs Military Procurement


The U.S.

Government knew, and turned a blind eye. Sophisticated Military Technology was illegally
transferred from a major U.S. company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (International Signal & Control),
to South Africa,

and Chile, and from there onto Iraq.

The Iraqi borne designer of a chemicals

weapons plant in Lybia, set up shop in Florida, producing and shipping to Iraq chemical weapon

The CIA, FBI, and other U.S. agencies were made aware of the operation and did

nothing to prevent it.

During the 1980s and into the 90s senior officials of both the Bush and Reagan Administration
encouraged the privatization of foreign policy, certainly towards Iran and Iraq. The policy may have

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had merit - but there werent willing or in some instances werent successful in fighting it out in
Capital Hill so they found other ways. They made a mockery of the Export Control System, and
they found ways of encouraging foreign governments to do what our laws prohibited. They even
knew or if not were guilty of the grossest incompetence that U. S. companies were collaborating
with foreign Arms merchants in the illegal transfer of American Technology that helped Sadaam
Hussein build is formidable arsenal.
This week, the CIA again told ABC News Nightline that our allegations over the past few months
regarding covert operations to supply Iraq with U.S. Arms and weapons technologies simply were
not true.
The CIAs Inspector General said a statement from the Agency [On Screen] - Has found to factual
support whatsoever for such an operation or for the involvement of Mr. Gates.
[Ted Koppel] At least one member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bill Bradley of New
Jersey, feels that there may be reason to doubt both those claims, and hell raise the issues next
week during the Gates Confirmation Hearings, next week.

The CIA also told us that its Inspector General has found no evidence of any off-thebooks illegal activity.

But the CIA concedes, off-the-books activities, are not

documented. Precisely so that deniability can be preserved.

One thing is undeniable, this gun sight video of a stealth fighter bomber from the 32nd


Fighter Wing, last February attacking a bomb factory, on the outskirts of Bagdad U.S. Technology
in the air, destroying U.S. Technology on the Ground. The factory was built by Carlos Cardoen.
For all of us here at ABC News, Good night.

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ABC News Nightline - July 1991

[Ted Koppel] Carlos Cardoens role in shipping arms to Iraq has been known for years.


connection with Robert Gates has not. By the mid 1980s Cardoen was the largest private supplier
of weapons to Iraq. In all he has believed to ship a half billion dollars worth of arms and advanced
technologies to Bagdad.

At a factory 500 miles north of Santiago, Cardoen produced tens of

thousands of bombs and other equipment, absolutely essentially to Iraq during its eight year war
with Iran.
The material would be loaded aboard regular Iraqi airway flights flown from Santiago to Bagdad.
Cardoen did not simply ship weapons, he set up entire factories capable of producing bombs and
other explosives the components would be shipped from all over the world and then assembled in
Iraq. One of those factories turned out Cluster Bombs.
As we first reported on the 24th of May, much of the sophisticated military technology that Cardoen
was shipping to Iraq came from the United States.

This company in sleepy Lancaster,

Pennsylvania, is believed to be the source for some of the Cluster Bomb technology. But there was

Nasser Bedouin is also an arms dealer. He acted as a middleman between Carlos Cardoen

and Iraq.
[Nasser Bedouin on Video] I am aware of Carlos Cardoen getting some type of technology
from the air fuel bomb from the United States. I believe Iraq has a viable fuel air explosive.
[Ted Koppel] These explosives are designed to explode just above ground level like miniature
atomic bombs, literally sucking all available oxygen out of the air. It is clear that Carlos Cardoens
special relationship with the United States was not known by all Departments. When the Commerce
Department inquired about that relationship in early 1987, it received a cable from the U.S.
Ambassador to Chile saying although Cardoen is involved with the sale of armaments, and he has
made his fortune from it, he is considered to be a responsible recipient of U.S. products. In fact by
1987, the covert relationship between the CIA and Cardoen was already well established.
In 1983 the Reagan Administration had become alarmed at how poorly the Iraqi military was doing
against Iran. A decision was made at the highest level of Government to begin helping Iraq.

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Indeed ABC News has learned only today, that around that time, in 1983 Ronald Reagan issued a
highly classified Presidential Finding stating that it was important to the National Interests that
arms and technical assistance be covertly funneled to Iraq and with the help of the CIA. More on
the significance of that Presidential Finding in a moment.
What it unleashed was a flood of US help to Iraq. A former CIA operative who was involved in the
program has told us of a series of covert operations, in which loads of 727s were flown into Iraq.
On one such mission in 1987 our source tells us he accompanied a planeload of Soviet built one
hundred twenty-two missiles.

The Soviet equipment was shipped because it would be compatible

with what the Iraqis already had. By 1987, there was at least one such flight a week into Bagdad.
Our former CIA source recalls bringing in $100 dollar bills in a bowling bag, they would also carry
whiskey, cartons of cigarettes and copies of Penthouse magazines to speed up the unloading
process, which usually took place at night.

Once the White House has authorized the Covert

Assistance Program to Iraq, the CIA took over. In effect the former CIA operative told us the covert
operation amounted to here is what we want you to do, and we really dont want to know too much
about how you do it.
Our source tells us that he has at least one meeting in 1986 in Florida between Robert Gates and
Carlos Cardoen, the Chilean Arms Dealer. Other sources have told us of other such meetings. Here
in the United States and in Europe.

Which brings us to an unsolicited statement that was

telephoned in to Nightline from the Central Intelligence Agency almost a month ago on June 17th.
Allegations, the statement read that Robert Gates facilitated illegal shipments to Iraq during the
1980s are totally without basis. Since we had never requested a statement of Mr. Gates, we didnt
know quite what to make of it at the time. But then today we learned of that Presidential Finding,
authorizing the Covert shipment of arms to Iraq.
It would be true then that Robert Gates did not facilitate illegal shipments to Iraq, under the
Presidential Finding, the shipments would have been quite legal.

But during this last set of

confirmation hearings, back in 1987, Robert Gates assured the Senate Confirmation Committee that
he would always keep the Committee current on ongoing covert operations.

Indeed the CIA is

supposed to provide the Intelligence Committee with quarterly reports. According to well-informed
sources on the Committee it has had no briefings on the Covert arms pipeline to Iraq.

6 of 168

That, said

Monday, September 21, 2015

one Senator on the Committee would be a total breach of trust. What would it do to the Gates
Nomination? I asked. It would probably be enough said the Senator, to derail the Nomination.
Again, an excerpt from Mr. Gates Testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1987:
[Robert Gates 1987 on video] If you cannot have a system in which you can have some
confidence between A the branches of government, and confidence between the senior officials of
the Government, A that they abide by the rules, and B that they will deal with one another
honestly, then I think the system begins to collapse.
[Ted Koppel] Late this evening, the Whitehouse communicated its response to the charges
contained in this report, the Whole story is unfounded.

There were never any sales; covert or

overt to Iraq or Iran through a third country. And Mr. Gates never met with Carlos Cardoen.
Well be back with more, in a moment.
[Ted Koppel] For the viewers, this is Alan Freidman, New York Correspondent for the Financial
Times of London, and a member of the team investigating Robert Gates. Alan Id like to begin by
repeating a statement, and let me put my specs on for a moment, the White House. This story is
unfounded and there were never any sales covert or overt to Iraq or Iran through a third country.
And Mr. Gates never met with Carlos Cardoen.
Ah, ah a fairly carefully drafted statement one would think.
[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London] Yes Ted, I
think that is right, I would agree with the statement that there were never any sales Iraq through a
third party.

Indeed what we found was that some of the cluster bomb technology and fuel air

technology was given smuggled down to Chile, for use that were used and made and shipped on
through to Iraq.

In terms of the um statement by the White House that there were never any

meetings between Mr. Gates and Mr. Cardoen, we have a number of sources, some of them
personally involved in these operations, one of them who was personally and physically an eye
witness present at a meeting, in Florida, with Mr. Gates and Mr. Cardoen in 1986. And who was
told my Mr. Gates, about other meetings that he had with Mr. Cardoen.

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Monday, September 21, 2015

[Ted Koppel] Now Congressman Gejdenson, I realized that we sort of unleashed an awful lot of
material on you today, but to what degree does this fit in with those thousands of documents that
you subpoenaed with the information that you have?
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] Well we
just got the documents after a several month battle with the Administration to pry them loose and
it took the vote of a subpoena by the subcommittee to start the flow of those documents, but its
certainly consistent with the information that we got with Committee staffs with some of those
people that said they were at those meetings, ah as well.

I think that the important thing to

remember here is that the United States in 1982 under the Reagan Administration took Iraq off the
terrorist list at a time when some of the worst terrorist of the world were being harbored by
Saddam Hussein, and we suddenly changed our policy and continued to keep Iraq off the terrorist
list, enabling the export of dual use, ah items that can be used for dual use from the United States
to Iraq, as well as these sales that went indirectly to Iraq.
So, all through a time when they were harboring terrorists, and they killed 5,000 Kurds in 1988,
and as recent as six days before the invasion of Kuwait, when I and several members of Congress,
tried to stop the subsidy of grain sales to Iraq, the Bush Administration continued to impose any
sanctions against Iraq.
[Ted Koppel] Well of course theres a huge difference between grain sales and the shipment of
entire plants for the building of a cluster bomb factory.
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] Except
for what I think you find is that a pattern by both the Bush and Reagan Administrations to trying to
assist Saddam Hussein.

What we found at one Hearing was a document from the State

Department, ah that said that the United States was ready to sell weapons to Iraq as long as they
were for the personal protection of Saddam Hussein. A policy that ignored all the outrages, a policy
that ignored I think the intent of the Congress and the American People. And that the allegations
that weve gotten from a number of sources seem to be consistent with that. The United States did
everything it could under the Reagan and Bush Administrations to assist Saddam Hussein.
[Ted Koppel] Alan, I know that one of the things that we discovered in our investigations was
and Id like you to elaborate on it a little bit was that frequently there was Federal Agencies, Law

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Enforcement Agencies that was trying to uncover what was going on we found that they were
stymied at every turn. Can you talk about a that a little bit?.
[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London] Yes I think
that if we look back at other discoveries that we made, you can say that when we found ISC, the
company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that was, that had cluster bomb technology, shipped down to
Chile that was part of this covert operation for Iraq, we found that the CIA had detailed knowledge
over a period of 4 years of all sorts of shipments from ISC to South Africa, some of which were
later trans shipped to Iraq, we found that Federal Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies were
unable to do anything about it because they just werent told. Likewise, we were just told of the
case that the man that built the Rapta Chemical Weapons plant in Libya, who ah, even though the
CIA were tracking him very carefully here in the United States, was allowed to build a chemical
weapons plant here in Florida, and shipped dangerous cyanide with the help of CIA Contract
Shippers to Iraq.

All of these things were going on and the investigators seem unable to do

anything about any of these things. We seem to have part of the Government trying to investigate,
and part of the Government trying to ship.
[Ted Koppel] Congressman Gejdenson Id like to get your reaction to that and see if your
experiences have been similar in some of the findings that ah or some of the conclusions that you
have reached, but well take a break first and be back in just a moment.
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] Well we
saw it ah from across all of the agencies. We had Dennis Kloskey who was then in charge of export
licensing at Commerce testify before our committee in April that he suggested to Mr. Gates and
others that ah meetings at White House to stop the export of dangerous technologies to Iraq. The
following day ah Mr. Kloskey resigned from the Government. We were told by Mr. Kloskey that the
White House, the people in that room representing the President argued for a policy that assisted
Saddam Hussein in getting dual use technologies. We had Congressman Rose who I know has been
on your show testifying about the grain sales being tied up with funding weapons to Iraq as well.
So across the government, this thing went on. Its hard to believe that somebody like Mr. Gates in
his position didnt know about it.
[Ted Koppel] We are suggesting a lot more that he knew about it. Were suggesting that he was
actively involved in it let me just pass on a little information that we have gathered today, having to

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Monday, September 21, 2015

do with the Confirmation Hearings and was told earlier this afternoon. Alan Fryers, Senior Officer
with the CIA and Clair George are not likely to be testifying voluntarily, indeed Alan Fryers said he
will not be testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The White House, as we have all
heard throughout the day is putting on some pressure to get those Hearings underway before the
August recess, August 2nd, of course, the Senate goes into recess. Ah, and there are indications
now that a week from Monday, indeed the Hearings will begin, Mr. Gates will be asked to testify at
that time, but Ive been also told that there is no way that the Hearing will no way be completed
before the August recess. And that Mr. Gates will be told that he will be recalled again after other
witnesses have testified, after the August recess. So these Hearing now, are destined to go into
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] I think that is
terribly important, because we have to what we have to remember here, unlike other appointees of
the President, what the head of the CIA does is not transparent. If youre the Secretary of Housing,
like Jack Kemp is, and I disagree with one of his programs, not only do I know about it, but the
average citizen knows about what Jack Kemps doing. Sometimes you agree with it and sometimes
you disagree with him.

In the case of the Director of the CIA, as is clear from repeated

experiences, often times even the people in Congress were suppose to know about these activities
are not informed. This has to do with National Security the standard ought not be somebody that
can get by the Hearing process with White House pressure. The White House ought to be with us
on this one, we ought to make sure that we have someone fully discloses what is going on to the
appropriate committees and to Congress. Not someone involved in Iran Contra and not someone
who hasnt told the entire truth. And not someone who is in question about these activities. This
has to be a definitive decision by the Congress, that this individual will come clean with the
Congress and fulfill not just the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law.
[Ted Koppel] Alright, let me just interrupt here for a moment, because were down to our last
minute and a half or so, Alan, it is inevitable in this kind of investigation that you run into a lot of
sleazy characters and I just want to get from you for our audience some sense of how much of the
information that we have compiled here comes from the sleazy characters and how much comes
from the few that we can really rely upon?
[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London] I think, ah
Ted the important thing to remember here is that we have had all kinds of allegations for the last

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Monday, September 21, 2015

three months when our team has interviewed dozens of people, weve been acidulously cross
checking and weve waited to go ahead with this story until weve had very credible witnesses.
Those who were documented CIA operatives and those who were physically with Mr. Gates during
those meetings, and we asked some of them why would Mr. Gates take the risk and go out and
meet with Mr. Cardoen and get directly involved and get his hands dirty in these operations,
especially as he was deputy director of the CIA at the time himself. We were told that he went out
because he wanted to give his improtore in order to make sure the job got done. Weve talked to a
number of top people and cross checked.
[Ted Koppel] Alright, Alan Friedman thank you very much, Congressman Gejdenson, thank you
very much, Ill be back in a moment.

11 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015




x2609 Air Date: May 23,1991

Arms Sales Report

[volce+verI Iraqi Scud missiles. a ~ d ein,
imffwtive. But the Iraqi
v t e ~ d for, the
was well on its way to developing a far more
and accurate ballistic missile, one that
incarry nuclear warheads, and federal i n v e s t i ~



well covers of T h W m h y Evening Post.

Lancaster. Pennsylvania was also the home of International signal and Control, a homegrown business
that was a major regional employer and whose founder
and chairman, James Garren, was a generous regional
~ . n ~urb~ t bew ~e :
G a m n was pmbably the p a t e s t philanthropist in the
decade of the '8Os that Lancaster has ever known.
JON LYONS, kwrCity Councilmur: There
mmething u&lowable about the nature of the
business, but it was sort of thought to be, "Okay, that's

ed to learn that that

[on camera] But it's not what ISC made or supplied

a t has made it the target of federal prosecutors for

b t to illustrate a cover-up, but try to be patient with us.

; What we're going to report tonight is part of an ongoing
b t i g a t i v e effort by ABC News Nightline and T h Fiwid Times of London. It is only one piece of what we
Weve to be a much larger fabric, but let's focus on what a
w b e r of sources, both inside and outside the C.S. govmrdent, have already confumed for us.

knuary 16th, when U.S. aircraft began

Third, these shipments went on, for years, with the

]edge of Central Intelligence Agency officials.
[on c m m ] What's more, federal investigators say
they have gwd reason to believe that some of t h s
technology, including ballistic missile tschnoloa
shipped illegally from ISC to South Africa, was in turn
sold to Iraq, where it wound up as part of Saddam Hussein's military machine that the U.S. fought against in

BEEtMAN, Defense Foreign Policy

If these reports are true, and I take it

of this, the radar backing system, the cluster bomb

bolo^, the ballistic missiles components, were sold by

lhrth Africa to Iraq, but most of what they sold the South
&cans had purchased from a company here in the United
O ~ ~ ofr the
s CIA h e w about those sales from the
'w States to South ~ f r i e aknew
going, knew
it W a s p t t i n g there. Even though such sales were and
8Ragainst the law, the CIA did nothing to stop them.
Nightline mmspondent Jeff Greenfield has details of
u o that
~ Was compiled by reporters from ABC News
m d The Financial Times.
ABC News: [voke-OL'erl m e n
about the Ameriean heartland, you're talking
'but a place like h c a r t e r , Pennsylvania. It's Amish
count^. It's small-town Main Street. It's Norman Rock-

a1 of evidence to suggest that they are,

renegade operation on our hands for
whom the rule of law means nothing, for which the
representatives apparently have no control,
have no ability to direct policy, have no abiliry to say
what they
legally, if

covertly, back in 1974. That's when the National

intellipnce -t,
Agency, a
asked ISC help it complete b j & & a chain of el=mnic fistebg
at s U t h fiUIY


Simonstown Naval Station. South Africa was using

o~ he
posts to follow soviet lub-ne
To ensure swecy,ISC and the NSA made sure the
shipmenb could not be traced back to them. They creat,-.-.]led G~~~~ systems
Associates. In
ed a
fa& this company wm nothing more than a post offiffice



12 of 168
Page 1 of 4




Monday, September 21,

- 2015


at John F. f C e ~ e d Auport.
Gamma was a cutout.

law enforcement, rignt up until the ?nd of 1988.

Mr. VAN RAAB: I wodd be shocked and I would feel
that I had been lied to if any sort of operation were
going in which the agency or any other intelligence organization was trying to abuse Customs by going
around it or going through it.
GREENFEW: luoiceoverl Indeed, the laws on the
books, passed by the Congress, couldn't have been
clearer in banning the sale of American military
tecfiaology to South Africa.
[on m r a l But there's another, more disturbing
twist to this tale of illegal arms shipments. Once the
American-made hardware went to South Africa, it
didn't stop there.
[voice-over] South Africa, after all, has a major arms
industry and, as former ambassador Herman Nickel
says, it was an industry in the mid-1980s very hungry
for customers.
HERMAN NICKEL, former Ambassador to South
Africa: I think that the South Africans at that stage,
you know, were quite keen to sell almost anywhere.
GREENFIELD: [voice-over] Including Iraq. For instance, ISC sold South Africa fuses for cluster bombs,
one of the most effective killing machines around. South
Africa took that technology and in turn sold hundreds of
ousands of bomb fuses to Iraq, a deal brokered by
Ch' ean arms merchant Carlos Cardun, one of the bigs t suppliers of weapons to a grateful Saddam Hus-

a,VAN RAAB: In other words, it's a straw-man comp m ~ which

is technically not part of a government, but

to the wishes of the government.

GREENFIELD:[voice-owr) But this sanctioned covert

stopped in 1977 when President Carter, a


In other instances, American technology went direct-

!ly from South Africa to Iraq. What kind of technology?

Well, look again at this incredible footage from the

bombing of Baghdad on January 16th. That, sap one
American law enforcement oficial, that was some of the
stuff that got throu& to Iraq through the ISC shipments to South Afiica, in this case electronic components of a South African radar system guiding Iraq's
anti-aircraft guns.
[on camera] Finally, federal investigators say, even
American missile bdmology made its way from Lancaster, Pennsylvania to South Africa to Iraq. Had the
Gulf war not intervened, Saddam Husaein would have
been well on the way to developing an operational Con, used to monitor a missile's performance.
dor 2 missile, giving him, with the critical help of
MILHOLUN, The Wisconsin Project: This
American-born technology, the power to deliver chemical or even nuclear weapons anywhere in the Middle
East. I'm Jeff Greenfield for Nightline.
KOPPEL: We contacted the CIA this morning and gave
them the broad outlines of the story you've just heard and
seen, and requested a reaction. At 7:15 this evening, the
agency faxed to u s the foilowing statement: 'The Central
Intelligence Agency declines to comment on these allegations concerning the activities of the International Signal
and Control Corporation, however, it ia the CIA'S policy to
cooperate fully with the Department of Justice on matters
relating to possible vioIatious of U.S. laws. We suggest that
Xightline' contact the Department of Justice r e w n g
these allegations."
have n oSeptember
t i d , is silent
13 That
of 168statement, as you mayMonday,



Page 2 of 4

: 05.04.2007



le allegations of CIA misconduct but, as suggested, we technology would flow fro. n e United S t a t e to South Af~ntactedJustice. I t was by then, of course, a f k r business rica. Ia that correct?
- ours, but a Justice Department spokesman returned our STEPHEN BRYEN, former Pentagon
all. His statement was even simpler than the CIA'S: 'It is I'm more skeptical about it flowing to Iraq. I worked on the
,or somethmg we would comment on one way or the Condor case. In fact, I tried to block it. And I think we mortally wounded that project. And I never heard of any
- ther."
When we come back, well discuss the implications of technology coming out of South Africa. The primary source
was West Germany and Italy and, to a lesser extent, Arhis story.
&mmercral b r e d ]
- IOPPEL: Joining u s now here in our Washington bureau KOPPEL: But what about the notion of this kmd of
r e Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who served on technology flowing from the United States to South Africa?
b e Senate Intelligence Committee during the years when Mr. BRYEX: Well, we tried very hard during this period
;he weapons transfer took place, Jeffrey Kemp, a member to interdict any technology that we knew of going to South
,f the Reagan administration's National Security Council Africa or to any other country that was blocked from
and author of a forthcoming book on the global arms race, receiving military technology &om the United States. And
Stephen Bryen, former deputy undersecretary of defense this is a story that I never have heard before.
- whose job was to stop the transfer of weapons technology, KOPPEL: Does it surprise you that weapons technology
and one of the principal reports in this investigation, would flow, perhaps even without the knowledge of senior
officials a t the Defense Department?
Lionel Barber of The F i r m i d Times of h n d o n .
Senator Specter, as I just noted, you were a member of Mr. BRYEN: Nothing ever surprises me nowadays, but
the Intelligence Committee during this period. Should such it's certainly not a story that we knew of at the time that I
an operation, had it been sanctioned, have come to the at- served in the Reagan administration.
,tention of your committee or some other congressional com- KOPPEL: Dr. Kemp, give us your sense of what
justification- because indeed, the whole notion, (A), of
- mittee?
Sen. ARLEN SPECTER (R), Pennsylvania: If in fact weapons technology flowing from the United States to
and l'm answering a hypo- South Africa and then (B), as Mr. Bryen suggests, that
there was such an operation
theticd question because we only have the allegation
it technology flowing from South Africa to Iraq, on the face of
would be the responsibility of the CIA to tell the In- it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The South Africans
telligence Commit- under applicable law. They'd have to and the Israelis, for example, are very close. The Israelis
and the Iraqis are and have been for a long time bitter
,give a timely notification.
How could one justify something like that, even
fication was made?
from a purely logical point of view?
Sen. SPECTER: No, I would not be free to telI you one GEOFFREY ECEMP, Carnegie Endowment for Interway or the other, because all of that would be secret, but I national Peace: Well, I have no idea what the real story
- can give you this generalization that in the period from De- is, but certainly in the '709, remember, we were concerned
cember of 1986, after IranIContra broke, there was a very about the Cape route, the flow of oil around the Cape route
intense effort made by CIA to be extremely careful on noti- and Soviet warships, so that could be a reason for having
fiestion of coven activities.
some understanding with the South Africans. I think that
KOPPEL: You and I spoke the other day and we were dis- was the reason. In the 1980s, it could- it might have had
cussing in general terms the inclination of the Bush ad- something to do with us wanting to know what the South
ministration now to be responsive to this kind of thing, in M i c a n s knew about Lsraeli nuclear weapons and what the
- other words, to make sure that Congress has known, and if cooperation was, if any, between South Africa and Israel.
memory serves me correctly, you were suggesting that the That's purely hypothetical on my case but, you know, in
administration really is disinclined to do that.
the past technology has been used as a hard currency to
Sen. SPECTER: Well, I believe that the President is in- get things or to persuade governments to do things that it
clined to make known covert operations. There has been a might not otherwise want to do. This may be a case where
refusal on the part of counsel to the President, and I'll be that was going on.
specific. Boyden Gray, the lawyer who is counsel to the EOPPEL: All right. We're going to take a break. When we
Resident, who very strenuously resisted an effort to have come back I'd like to go to my colleague Lionel Barber and
a statutory notification put into law. The oficials around nail down a few loose ends here. Well continue our conthe President and the National Security Counal, according versation in a moment.
to my understanding
and I've had it from very [Commercial break]
authoritative sources
were willing to have a statutory KOPPEL: Continuing now with Lionel Barber of The Fi48-hour notice, but Mr. Gray, Boyden Gray, the counsel to ruzncid Times.
the President, was adamant in refusal on the ground that
Lionel, some of our guests here are skeptical, which is
it would impinge on the President's constitutional understandable, becaw so were you and I when we frrst
began getting wind of this story. Speak for a moment, if
KOPPEL: Mr. Bryen, I know you're somewhat skeptical you would, about the documentaxy evidence that rela~es
just of the general notion that this kind of weapons
specifically to the transfer
of September
the technology
from the
14 of 168
21, 2015




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a break and we'll continue in a moment.

















ICommercd break]

XOPPEL: Stephen Bryen, let's bring our discussion

around to M a y ' s events and the general spread of
weapons technology. There is a move afoot now to lower
some of the b a m e r s in trading with Communist countries.
So if you would, perhaps you could bring us around to a
concluding point having to do just with the general spread
of technology and how, when we transfer weapons to one
country, we have very little control over what happens to
those weapons then.
Mr. BRYEN: Well, right at the moment, in fact tomorrow,
we will be releasing with our allies an incredible array of
technology that can be used to make weapons. Itll be
released to the Communist countries like theSoviet Union
and China. As as you are well aware, the Soviets supplied
Iraq with the bulk of their weapons, and the Chinese have
been selling missiles and other sensitive equipment in the
Middle East. So where we're going is utterly in the wrong
direction, it seems to me, in terms of developing a coherent
control regime over weapons and particularly over
weapons technology that threatens, I think, the world
XOPPEL: And Dr. Kemp, a closing comment from you on
the same subject, if you would.
Dr. KEMP: We can't control everything. We've got to decide what are the most dangerous and most important
items. Nuclear weapons, surface-&surface missiles, let's
focus our efforts on those. I think we can get cooperation
with the Russians and possibly the Chinese and certainly
the Europeans. If we try to cover everything, we're not
going to get anywhere, we're going to antagonize a lot of
people and we'll end up much worse than we are today.
KOPPEL: Senator Specter, 30 seconds.
Sen. SPECTER: I think we ought to do our best to cover
everything. I wouldn't accept that assertion at all, that we
can't cover everything. If it can be used for weapon
proliferation, it ought to be stopped and it's an absolute
outrage, what has happened in the past and what continues to happen. And we ought to try to stop everything
related ro the proliferation of weapons.
KOPPEL: Gentlemen, I thank you all very much, Dr.
Kemp, Mr. Bryen, Senator Specter, Lionel Barber. As I indicated a t the top of this broadcast, this is part of a continuing puzzle that we are trying to piece together. Well
have further reports in the future.
That's our report for tonight. I'm Ted Koppel in
Washington. For all of us here at XBC News, good night.



Copyright 0 1991 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.










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Monday, September 21, 2015






Quotes from a recorded transcript between Stanley J. Caterbone and

Howard Eisler, Agent of the Pennsylvania State Securities and Exchange
Commission. This transcript was recorded with the approval of all present

Date of

September 6 1987



2323 New Danville Pike

Conestoga, PA 17512

Relationship to
James Guerin:

ISC Shareholder
Debtor to Parent Federal Savings and Loan

The following transcriptsd represent a few of the converstions recorded during the meeting.
Stan Caterbone

Stan Caterbone

"Jim Christian owned it now I hear rumors that I was tied to ISC and I am
close to several people in that organization. Why they sent someone'in to
California to see me, I don't know. They wobt answer me."

Stan Caterbone -

"they wanted me to talk to a guy from D.C., New York, a guy from the
Caribbean. I don't know what the hell is going on."

" Chem Con is the big local minority-held corporation that was doing a lot
of Defense contracts-it was associated with ISC. They went under last
spring, beginning of the summer, and there was a lot of criminal auegations
made, none of them substantiated. And I was connected with that. They
sent a board member in to see me a week before this happened. Why. I
don't know."

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Howard Eisler

"the supposition was - I don't know how true it was a front for ISC."

Stan Caterbone -

"It was, I'll tell you why. Because when Chem Con was started, back to their
inception, you look at ISC's books. They didn't have any money. Well, the
f i s t thing Chem Con did was they went and got all that free money from the
government and you look where that money went. I bet I know where it

Stan Caterbone

"this guy named Geurin, James Geurin. And I know that they were selling
contracts back. He runs ISC and he also has his fmgers pretty deeply into
Chem Con. He's the one who started Chem Con, Guerin is the one who
started it."

" Wasn't there some allegations about a tie to Wedteck?" (Defence

Howard Eisler

Contractor of New York)

Stan Caterbone Stan Caterbone


Stan Caterbone Stan Caterbone


"You bet. They were tied, you'd better believe they were tied with Wedtech.
The same guys in Wedtech were invoked with ISC and Chem Con."
"ISC is sold over the London Exchange. (I bought my shares from Gib
Armstrong) I owned a thousand shares."

" I sold it when things started to hit the



iust did a multimillion dollar merger with a company in London.

They probably think this is going to cover their tracks.',

Stan Caterbone -

"What they did was, they fronted all that money and started the contracts,
went bankrupt, and now the government is stuck for $18,000,000."

Stan Caterbone -

"I know right now in this town's viewpoint, I stole money, I am insane, and
I am a lunatic I tell you I will not condemn Jm
Christian until he tells to
my face what happened."


Stan Caterbone

Stan Caterbone -

"I was framed and set up...-....."

"I don? know maybe Jim Christian doesn't have the money. Maybe Guerin
has it or somebody else"

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$.fibne of


the items in the column (newspaper column) is the reporting of your

- somehow

somebody associated with - oh, someone associated - in your District Office? Yea. Of
course you were also one of the principals in the - I still am the minor one
Financial Management Group

- there is about 50 names I am dealing

- yes, the

with here and they

are all very similar so I have to be --- Financial Management Group Ltd. filed for 202B
exemption. Now all the security sold in PA had to be registered. Some securities are
exempt but you have to apply the detention type of thing. It is a registration, not a
registration that

so the 203D exemption was filed for. Of course we have

added the security statement

- explanation of

where the money is going to be spent, how

it is going to be run, who runs the corporation and all that sort of thing. Now under
the umbrella of this Financial Management Group there is a whole (now I a m repeating
what is in the 203D which I spent some time Friday reading)

- there is about

15, 14 - I

guess under that there is about 5 other corporations which are going to be an insurance
agency, an investment advising agency, a group

- now a lot of

these things have not

come about. Well we simplified it. What do you mean simplified it? They are operating
but because of the accounting procedures they would have been a nightmare with all
those stubs. So, they a r e operating

- the only one that's

separate distinction is the IRA.

Everything else is operating under Financial Management Group Limited. So these other

corporations have not really come into being. Technically, legally, no.
I seen also; I guess there is an application for a n investment advisor. Now, if you are

selling securities or dealing with

Now that came in under your name

that time I was President, but now there is another application i n that is being acted on
now by somebody else. There is? I don't know who. Is that for the advisor? Yes, the
investment advisor.
Do your current records in Harrisburg indicate that he is still an executive with FMG?
Yes, because this offering memorandum was given back last March I think,

- last August

when I initially did it. Oh, no, pardon me. We are talking about two different

things. You a r e talking about your application for the investment advisor. No, I a m
talking about FMG

- the offering memorandum was done last August because that's


I started raising the money. August of 1986 is when I did the initial filing for the
offering memorandum

- the


Coming up this October is the 203D. 15 months

after conception. Alright, yea. There is a report that is due a year after
that's what is coming up

- Right,

- to explain how much money was raised and where it was

spent with the idea then of protecting investors. The idea of the

your are

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limited to like 35 investors. You can't sell to 105 - you are limited. What the state
does is comes in and says, how are you going to raise the money in your offering
they comc i n

memorandum. Then a year after it is raised, or a year after

and say, now what did you do with the money. You raised 4 hundred and some odd
thousand, now how did you spend it? Now that has not been filed yet. It is due, in
fact I think it is overdue. It is due October 20. I got the letter right here. They just
sent me the letter. You guys just sent me the letter, I have it right here.
I have nothing to do with that end of it. I just came. well whenever I called you

I didn't get a hold of you the next day; it was the following day which was
Friday t h a t w e made contact.
Our idea in coming here was to let you ask whatever questions you had in terms of the
investigation. Of my limited knowledge of the type of securities these guys deal with
and securities in general, the things that came t o interest me was the fact that there

, that there

are stock certificates in here in force with names on them that

are with the annual report, his name is forged by someone else. This gentleman has
some involvement with the original group and the President suggested that he make false
reports to the bonding company so that he can get money back. They are the three
things that stuck out to me as a regular criminal attorney, that I thought you might be
interest in because, but like I say. we a r e here to have you ask questions of anything
that you might.
O.K., this offering then

- when Financial Management Group limited applied for


203D, I get the idea they were going to raise four hundred and some odd thousand
dollars. At that time, they listed Bob Kauffman a t 60,000 shares and you and Hartlett
40,000 a piece. So, Kauffman a t this point is the main factor? Or, when 1 was talking
to you, it was really your idea that put this whole thing together. I put i t all together.
I brought him up from Atlanta to be president because I have a lot of business interests
and I didn't want to be tied down to the day-to-day operation. Plus, I never had any
management experience. Most of my work was consulting, business deals, this and that,
so I actually brought him up from Atlanta to be president. And, Hartlett

- is he a

complete local person. He's local. We all started together in IDS back in 1982. That's
your connection with Kauffman. you know him through IDS? He's the one that got me
started in business. I am the one who took him to FSC, that was our broker/dealer and

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we started putting it together. Are they registered as FSC? Yes, that's John Keegel.
This similarity in names is a hassle; you are going to have to bear with me because you
throw these names out at me


So then, you had the public offering which you were going to sell another 120,000 shares
and raise $435,000. That would be in addition to what yon people put in. We put in 20
grand a piece. Well, we had 5 people. You were allowed 5 shareholders

- so we put in

5. Five put in 100,000 - five a t 20,000 yon mean? No, it was a little bit more than
that. Three of us put in 20; two put in 25. What we are talking roughly is one half
million dollars? Right. Financial Management Group now is responsible for maintaining
proper control over that money and it would be invested as 5
many people

- there is roughly

- now I don't

know how

18-25 - that was sold as a result of the public offering.

I have that here. Do you mind if I look at it. That's 0.k. I went through a half hour

of frustration to get here. I wasn't running late until I got caught in the


way you described it, I assumed it was going to be in the country and I knew ...I stopped
a t the Post Office. I said where is 2300 New Danville Pike. I don't know. I was here
on Friday and I drove past it this morning. You'll bear with me then.

This is interesting. I've got about 40 shareholders. Is this as a result of the 203 deal?
Yes. Did you know about that. These are all the ones that are forged by the other
guys? No, no, just one is forged.
Now, yon people were acting as your own sales

. Were those funds all

properly accounted for? Were they all collected and put in the bank and the people
received their stock certificates. Uh, huh. Who all would have been in charge of that.
Mainly me. I was in charge of just about everything. Now, we have one-half a million
dollars or there about in the bank account. Where? They never would show me the

- my partners - never.

They never showed anyone the books to this day. I got

shut out literally. What brought that about? They were trying to take the company
from me from day one. I had too much power, too much control. They wanted to cheat
and be dishonest and I wouldn't. What happened was we had to acquire a n interest in a
broker/dealer to assume our equity, to realize our equity potential. So back in January,
we drummed u p this deal with a broker/dealer called

and Brown out of DC.

The deal was we were going to acquire 20% of their broker/dealer in return for aligning
our group with them. What I found was

- I went down there after about 3 weeks of

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them not doing what we needed, I got scared. I had so much money and time into this
company. I went down there myself and found an empty shell

- nothing.

Now, as a

corporate office, I know how liable I am, for everything, personally. Then what I find
out is that Hebron is a born-again, just like Kauffman. Oh, Kauffman is - yes. And,
is a Jehovah Witness. I get pissed off, so I swing the whole bore, change
everything and I line us with Planner's Security Group in Atlanta
that group is Wade Webster. Bill Carter

- Bill Kaker.

- all the former IFP presidents.

International Association for Financial Planners

- the big guys.

Now, in


So, I swing everything

around, turned the whole board over, aligned up with them. The day after I get back
from Atlanta, Kauffman calls me into his office and goes through this spiel with I
thought I was president, who's running the company? I said 1 don't care who runs it, it
just got to be run right and for the right reason. Two weeks later, I am in New Jersey
working on a movie and doing some things

- I had my lock changed in my office for

security reasons. I find that they have all these stock certificates and everything that
were in my office. You had the locks changed? You had them changed yourself, but
they still got into your office? I don't know how. They stole my files. July 1, I went
in and took all my files out of the office and went to an attorney, Joe Roda, and
explained what happened. Nothing. I met with attorneys in New York, New Jersey,
Boston. I found all these security violations and everything else, but no one could help
me. Then, about four weeks later. I called the FBC, the NAFC, the FBI, the Attorney
General, Senator, Governor, everybody. And, they all think I am bluffing.
Actually, they all thought he was crazy. They all thought I was crazy. And that was
started because of Robert Kauffman. That's what he did. The day after I went out and
got my files out, he spread rumors that I left the company, that I was thrown out, that
I was mentally unstable, that I was spending money. At that same time, I get

blackballed by all the local lending institutions. They repossessed my claim three weeks
before my first payment, with the files in it, of which a brother of the broker in FMG
is one of the lending officers. It gets ugly. That was before he spent the 5 days in
jail. I tried to get arrested. I had to. Then after you were arrested, you were in the
hospital at St. Joseph. I was coerced into going there.
No, that was my idea. I wanted him in a place where we were going to satisfy the
victim so to speak, and the police a t one point, that he would still be able to work with
them. In reality, he was in the hospital but had his car in the parking lot. He was

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going to play basketball and come back. He was not committed. He was just there. I
walked in to satisfy the bail. Are you on medication? No.
One of the police officers mentioned to me that he was

and that you are

alright now. Again, this might be one of these stories coming from FMG. What
Kauffman did was, back when they started doing this I had a psychiatrist that was my
client. I was depressed. I mean they were making a fool out of me in public; they were
firing people that were very close to me for no reason other than they were close to
me. So I went to A1 Schultz, a psychiatrist, because I was depressed. Very normal,
given the environment I was thrown in after putting this big thing together then having
these guys slam i t in my face, then take all the credit for what I did. He diagnosed me
as having biphola, depression. My father was schizophrenic and my brother committed
suicide two years ago. The reason he diagnosed that was because I was on a low, and
a t previous'times he thought I was on a high when I put this company together. So,
what I did was, three weeks before July 1, this previous July 1, I told Kauffman that I
went to see a psychiatrist because of how depressed I was because of what he and
Hartlett were doing. They fed on that, and tried to use that to use as their alibi for


what they have done to me.

Again, t h e r a y 1 am getting this

- I didn't

know anything to start with

- I just


to make inquiry a t the police office and one said that you were taken

I was

See, that was all started by Kauffman. He actually h e had meetings

with my family to have me committed and take guardianship over my assets so he could
buy the stocks from them a t what ever price he felt like it.
Incidentally, you may want to point out that as late as mid-August of this year,
Kauffman wanted t o buy you out for $2.50 a share or something like that. We have that
documented. Eight weeks prior t o that, I was working with the attorneys to do a 5 to 1
split. That makes the stock worth $25. Either he is ripping me off or he is ripping the
people off who are paying $25 a share.
The offering as you people had it was 3
issue completely sold

- that

prices. It was $5 a share. Was that

120,000 shares? No. Was the best part of it? There was

4 hundred and some thousand sold. Did you buy any of that stock? No, I was in the

organizational sale. You don't know how that money is being accounted f o r now. I have

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the corporate books. When I went in there June 30, I mean I was in there. I mean it
is not like I went in from the outside; I had a plane and was flying back and forth for
me. In fact, what happened was, I was granted a 60-day leave of absence late June with
pay. Really, what I wanted to do was meet with legal counsel and find out how I was
going to resolve all these problems that I was finding. What happened was, in June I
copied everything in that office (June 30th). and I copied the books. You see, I
developed a computer system. So I just took one of the copies

- it was a big system.

I've got the books. I don't know how accurate they are because the way that the guys
kept the records, the accounting is all screwed up too. I have an idea, but I found a
lot of money going to people that should not have been. In what way? What they did
was, there was a lot of Jehovah Witnesses that were hired in that firm

- receptionist,

cleaning, etc. Then what they did was replace all the staff people that I brought in
with their own. Then, there was money going out to a fellow by the name of Tom
Turner in Minneapolis. Now Tom Turner was the biggest divisional manager in IDS. Hc
was terminated by IDS in February because of religious convictions

- another born-again.

Then I find this guy was making $750,000 a year with IDS and I find FMG loaning him
money? Is that what they are going after

- in the form of loans?

Yes. And, how much

money are we talking about going to Tom. 12-15 grand. Then. I find checks going to


Kauffman's wife. Large amounts? Are you talking a hundred dollars? No, a thousand
here, $800 here.
FSC, which is a registered broker/dealer, was an entity started by you? No. What
happened was, back in 1983 I had a dinner meeting

- I was running the local chapter of

the IAFC - and I drummed up a business meeting and had Alex Armstrong. Do you know
who Alexandria Armstrong is? Yea. She was one of the most prominent financial
planners in the company, a woman from DC. I brought her up to speak a n d I told her
that I wanted to get out of thc proprietary business. She said, go talk to John
FSC. Now, this is when Kauffman, Hartlctt, everybody was still a t IDS. So, I went a n
had a meeting a t FSC in Atlanta. At this time, Bob Kauffman was the Divisional
Manager for IDS in Atlanta. The next thing I know. I left; then he was hired by FSC to
be an officer and to run their sales force.
Then the idea of the company you a r e forming up here is to invest other people's
money? No, it is a one-stop financial entity

- provides services in mortgage backing,

investment backing, insurance, real estate, taxes, lending, portfolio management,

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everything. I had it researched legally by a leading patent law firm in Phila. It is

definitely the most innovative in the country. There is not a firm in the country
offering all the services that we offer.
Now, just up the street from your place

They are

that line. I mean big. We're talking an office of 10,000 sq. ft. right here and 35
people; then we travel all over the country. When I say offering services, we have 2
attorneys in there, we have 2 realtors, 4 insurance people, a portfolio manager, 8
financial planners, 5 brokers

- I mean, in depth.

Before I left, I was working on

mortgage banking. I had started a mortgage banking operation and the minimal loan I
wa looking a t was $3,000,000. 1 bet you I bid on S150,000,000 in the first 6 months of
1987. These were loans that you were going to provide the people with? You bet.
Where was those funds going to come from? They were coming from the largest biggest
insurance companies, the largest pension funds, and some of the largest banks. 0 . K . you
were going t o be a s a mortgage banking type of thing. That is right. You were not
lending the money; you were putting the lenders together with the borrowers and you
get a finders fee, or whatever. Yes.


did you get into this? You were an initial investor? No. I've been with Stan
since he started in business in 1982. I had come into some money and I was investing. I

had lent Stan some money and things got really screwed up with

and all. FMG

told me that they were responsible f o r the money because Stan was an officer of the

company and that they would

Then, after several me

with them, they more or less asked me to say to the bonding company (that they took
out after June 30th of this year) - t h e y wanted me to tell the bonding company that I
gave Stan the money to invest for me and

with the funds, which I flat our

refused to do. As a matter of fact, I damn near punched Kauffman in the mouth when
he was asking me to commit a very serious crime.
Now, Kauffman's background, is decent, is it not? Clean on paper. I mean he worked

- clean on paper;

there's a lot of people after that man. What he did to FSC was,

he was double dipping. He was telling FSC that we were going to stay with FSC the
rest of our lives; in reality, he was telling me that we were telling them what I wanted
them to hear that we were going to do our own broker/dealer so we could obtain our
own equity. And then, I find out that he is receiving a salary from FSC up until

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February this year. Plus, his salary is in violation of the offering memorandum. Two
weeks before I left, he had the Board approve a salary of about 2-3 times what is in the
offering memorandum.
Maybe this is why the 203D

- they're dragging their feet on this.

They don't know

what to do. I did all that legal work; they don't know how to do it. This offering
memorandum we are talking about

- I just

copied this. This is just happens to be page

9 and 10 because the type of information that is in it. That is the only thing we do
not have a copy here of. Well, we have a copy in the office if you need one. It is
public information; there is no problem with it. So are the books public - I got thrown
in jail for trying to get them. Well, we will try to resolve this; it is not going to
happen overnight.
Who is Kauffman connected with here. He called up everybody I know and told them I
left the company; told them I was stealing money from clients; told them I was mentally
insane. I was doing business everywhere. I was doing business with the Japanese; I was
doing business with the President, Stoney; I was doing business with High at New York,
Boston, Houston. Everybody all over the country heard that I was insane. Everybody.


I've been 4 months without money. I haven't paid a bill since June 30. What do I do?
No one believes me. I tried going to the unemployment office. Do you know what they
did? When 1 was in the hospital, that was over $3,000. They called up the insurance
carried and told them to terminate me

- my hospitalization.

I have nothing. The only

thing I have is what is in this house.

Well, Kauffman comes up here from Atlanta, and he's a born-again Christian, so he
comes together with a group up here somehow. You see. he's hiring born-again people ...
Jehovah Witnesses. Hartlett is a Jehovah. There were more Jehovah Witnesses than
there was anybody. But Hartlett was somebody you brought in though, wasn't he? Well,
what happened was I put everything together. But would it not be right to say that
Hartlett would be your person as opposed to Kauffman's person. Well, it is those two
against me. They are the two that are trying to take the company from me. See, I
controlled everything. Everyone went with what 1 said because I did things that were
right for business and right for people. I treated people fairly and honestly. People
respected me more than anybody.

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Did Kauffman in the initial offering that you had, the preorganizational offering - each
of you put up $20,000

- did Kauffman put up 20?

He got more stock; he never paid the

other 10 for the remainder of the shares. He was supposed to put in 30 for his 50 $50 a share. The three of you put in 20. Then, he had a back agreement with me to
sell me 10; so we both would have 50,000 shares. I got that contract and he never
fulfilled that. I said no way are you getting more shares than me when 1 put it
together. I said you can be equal with me. But how did that come about? We signed a
back agreement so Hartlett wouldn't get mad. I had to write to buy about 10,000 shares
from Kauffman, 50, to give us both 50 a t anytime a t $.50 a share. You have that
agreement? Yes, he never signed it after he got his 50. It was a bad move on your
part. There is nothing wrong with the idea but do you think a t that point he was
conniving to d o

- he was conniving from day one.

When we put this thing together, I

was in the middle constantly between Kauffman and Hartlett. In fact, a t one time
Kauffman was going over an idea

- this was over a year ago before we moved

into the

office - about how he could set Hartlett up to get him out. Then, when he couldn't get
Hartlett out then the two of them tried to get me out.
Now, everything is in place and it is operational? But obviously you have a lot of


contacts to make this thing go. I'm out. I haven't talked to anybody? But you did
have initially. You already made them and they now have the

- yea, spent 5 years.

But now they've picked up your contacts really, so to speak? Exactly right. They are
acting as mortgage bankers, etc. The whole bit

- everything I put into place,

they just

stole away from me. See, I never communicated with people. I couldn't, only because I
couldn't find competent legal counsel to tell me what to do. All they did, was send me
bills. I didn't even want to send a letter to everyone explaining the situation until I got
a competent legal counsel to tell me what is right, what is wrong, and what to do. I
went to 3 attorneys and they tell me there is no violation

- and I'm

in jail for 5 days

for what they did to me 3 months previous.

Even according to FMG, Stan was with the company until July 1, is that right?

Here are 2 certificates, June 25th, signed by Bob Long, Secreta~

I wasn't Secretary, I was a Board Member. And, this is April 24th. 1987 Semi-Annual
Report in which someone

- forged my name.

I never even saw that. They never even

had an Annual Shareholder's Meeting; they never let people examine the books that have
wanted to.

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Of course, all of this would boil down to their getting money from somewhere, extracting
money. Either they are cheating somebody and putting it in their pockets or taking
exorbitant salaries

- is business that good that it could stand that?

We are paced to do

$4,000,000 PC1 a year, that's a lot of money passing through your hands.

, doesn't it affect those people? Are they

Now the people that are

skeptical of what's happening? I have no idea. I know the clients that 1 have talked to
to, that came down from New Jersey to find out what really went on ran the other way
as soon as they talked to me. In fact, one woman got so sick, she went downstairs and
threw up when I told her.
Well, you know the corporation, regardless of what the situation is when there is a
problem like this with you, or anyone, the corporation has to continue to function? The
fact that somebody has signed your signature to a financial management semi-annual
report. I don't know if that is a security violation, in that end of it. If it would be
corporate law, it may be, but not at the security end of it. Well, someone changed my
address. Who knows who gets my mail? I never changed it. From where? From 1755
Oregon Pike, FMG. It goes here; it goes down to New Jersey. 1 never did it; who did
it. They go through all my mail

- open all my mail, then send i t to me in bunches 10

days later. This is the Financial Management Group that does this? Of course, it is
coming to you as one of the principals in the corporation, and if i t comes in from their
standpoint, they wouldn't know if it had to do with corporate business or your business
personally. The fact that they opened it may not be ethical, but I don't know that


If you change my address, that is forgery. You got to go to the Post Office and sign to
change an address, don't you? Well, I don't know. If you are no longer associated with

- who says, I am no longer associated

with them. The Post Office doesn't know

that. If somebody comes in and says you are no longer here, you're over there - I don't
know that the Post Office - somebody there should not have done it.
These are things that show this is not fabricated or something; they are actually
happening. I got so desperate I already wrote 60 Minutes.
How much money are we talking? Millions. That they have taken? I was Executive
Producer of the first digital movie ever, in the world. I was to get 40% of the profits.

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I could have made 100-200 million dollars. I was ready to do a deal with the owner of

Turkey Hill. I was supposed to receive a check in July for $200,000; after he heard the
rumor, he backed off. How much have they squandered? How do I know? I can't get
at their books.
These stock certificates that you

Scott Robinson, for instance, bought

42,000 shares. Stock certificates wouldn't

In June of 1987, he bought

2,000 shares of stock. Now the signature that is forged on yours is the secretary. It
should have been yours, but there is nothing wrong with the certificate as such

- aside

from the secretary signing the certificate? There is something shady about that stock
deal too. You see this is a year, not quite a year. Would this be part of the of 203
offering? Yes, everything is. All stock is part of the 2030. What I a m saying is, Scott
Robinson bought the 2,000 at $5 a share or whatever; he put up $10,000 and he was
entitled to get a certificate. If you weren't there to sign i t
Telephone call


- someone for Bob Kauf f man

If Scott Robinson put up the money and Peter Ponderose put up 8,000 shares, if he paid

$5 a share

- they didn't

pay $5; they paid $2.50. Regardless, they were entitled to the

shares. If they can't get at you to sign the shares

-- why couldn't

they get me? I was

in that office. Oh, you were still there in June. Yes. Even according to them. When
were you actually locked out? July 1. That's when I went in there and took my files,
when I found out they were doing that. Because they only way they could get the
certificates was to break into my office, because I had them. You had the stock
certificate book? Yes, I did everything

- they didn't

even know how to d o any of that

stuff. That's how I caught them. I knew the law because I did it. I did the
memorandum and everything.
The thing that is wrong with these certificates basically is the fact that Long is signing
as secretary and at that point, on the 25th of June, you're the secretary. As f a r a s we
know, these things could have really been negotiated a t the end of July a n d backdated.
I am not trying to beat you down. I got them July 1 - my attorney copied them for me.
That's how I got those copies. What you are saying, prior to your being locked out of
this place, they were already bypassing you. They found out that I was talking to an
attorney. Now what would they be afraid of when you were talking to the attorneys.


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What they were doing. Of course, they do have control of the corporation

- between

Hartlett and - I did, I controlled the Board. That is why they threw me out. When I
made a decision, the Board followed it. But now, they are gaining control of the Board
I have no idea. I have never heard of a Board Meeting. Who is on the Board of

Directors? Me, Bob Kauffman, Mike Hartlett, Bob Long and Alan Loss. I heard those
names; I can't remember where. They were the signatures on the semi-annual report. Is
Long a born-again Christian. No, he is the accountant who hired from Main Herdman.
Were you a party to hiring all of these. Everybody. Pete

was terminated by

Shearson and I was the only person in time to give him a job. He already had some
trouble with the NASD. He was suspended; it took about 5 months just to get him

- they had charges against him, allegations - forgery - in fact what he did


June was he went and used another persons rep number a t FSC to do options trading and
that person supposedly reported him, or wanted to report him
from Lancaster?

- Greek.

- Dick Sherbach.

Is he

But he is from Lancaster? Yes, but he was working in

Harrisburg a t Shearson. They fired him in November. I saw his name but I can't
connect it. So many names came up as a result of this

- I'm

sort of swimming trying to

get everybody straight. It's not easy, believe me. Time is one thing that I have a lot

- so do I.

I can't d o anything else, what can I do?

Did you ever hear of a

some outfit


organization? Some years ago, there was

- New Environmental Technology - Remember when that was floating around.

They had a big shindig down a t the Strasburg Inn. A lot of people from New York came
in. The whole thing fell through although Environmental Technologies are is a local
corporation in business a n d they were trying to merge with
Corporation out of New York. I a m not familiar with it.

Again, it was a lot of born-

again people that would meet; they would push on the idea that all things stock up.
Well, I know h e is running advertisements on the radio that deals with the religious
Now, that they are set up, does the Financial Management Group need money or do they
have enough money to operate. No, they've got money. They are a self-sustaining
operation then; anything they get from selling securities they will pick up the
commission, if there is brokers mortgages they will pick up the commission on the
mortgages, and that's enough to keep them going, right? Oh, yea. They a r e not pressed
for money? No. Have the handled the customers/investor's money correctly. No. You


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have mentioned they've given money to Tom Turner and Kauffman's wife, what else
have they mishandled? I know the Federal people wanted to investigate Kauffrnan's
books, of his stock book that he was managing. This is when he was down at Atlanta?
No, this is now. That's why they wanted him to liquidate his mutual funds so he could
manage it f o r him. They wanted you to liquidate your mutual funds? I told him that 1
was a little unhappy with the performance of the mutual funds that I had; he wanted me
to liquidate it and go into the stock market and let him work it for me. He was going
to act as your financial planner? I would imagine, yea, broker, buy and sell stock.
Have they acted as financial planners?
Is the one that you
last year

- illegally.

- Now there license has not

- there is over $100,000

been approved yet.

of our RIA fees that they have collected

Did you say IRA? Registered Investment Advisor. Do you want to

see it? Yea, let me. Who is registered now? No one is registered. I was that close to
getting it registered when I got shut it. It was all ready set to go; I got the papers. I
think it was just some questions. Were you working with Jamino? Yea, he is the
corporate attorney that I got

- and I think he is very

He is good. There's

no problem with him. No, Jeff's a good guy. He taught me securities law. I am trying
to think, this application here? Paul Short is who I was working with. I asked to see
the file quickly on Friday


- I didn't

know it was there. Now I am still President of

FMG Advisory. O.K., now wait a minute

- let me see, FMG Advisory comes in yet.

They threw me out of the Financial Management Group; they never mentioned FMG
Advisory which I was President of. Is this the one that applied to

- oh, alright, you're

using the initials FMG. that's Financial Management Group? Right. I set up an umbrella
so it would be consistent. What threw me off was. when Financial Management Group
was registered there was a whole lot of other entities involved which used the initial
FMG Advisory Service, Accounting Service. That was for continuity. O.K., then FMG
Advisory Service was never really, up to now. was never really registered a s an
investment advisor, right? Correct. They were registered

but not with the


But, now, during this time

- from the time they are in business, from August of


until now. they have done investment advisory services a n d these a r e the fees that they
collected? I charged some. You are allowed to charge up to, what is it

- 14 people?

think it is only 5. I was careful about that one. I know I only charged 5 clients, I am
sure of it. T h e FCC really gave me a rough time getting that thing filed

- I couldn't

even understand their questions half of the time. They are a mess, they really are. I

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must have spent 100 hours. I agree with you, there is a lot of attorneys work in the
Harrisburg, and the question is the application

- the question is about that long and


answer is Not Applicable. Yea, it takes you 3 hours to figure out that you don't answer
it. I agree with you. I have a tendency to want to throw it away. Well, after 5
months of fooling with it myself, I called Jeff up and said, Jeff, you got to help me get
through this thing. I got to get this registered. I called Jeff on the RIA probably in

- no, probably

February or March.

So, June 1987 was the last correspondence you had. Yea, right there it is. Right there,
it was done on June 23. I am going to want a copy of this. I need to get a copier in
here and copy it for you. I can't leave these out of here without copying them. These
files are just to valuable to me

- if

they get lost or whatever. You can attach it to

whatever you want, but I want to get a copier in here and make copies f o r you and you
can just run. I don't know where I am going to get money for a copier but


these files have been literally all over the country. In fact, most of these files are in 2
law firms in California and New Jersey. I was all over the place.
This is the application for your registration as an investment advisor. I would like to
see what the new one says on it. As you can see, they are all like a standard form.
Like I said, I have difficulty looking a t these things. If I am looking a t something I can
find it, but~justto look over and say its alright or whatever. But I would like to see
who they have listed on as officers. I just looked at it Friday and didn't take particular
notice other than I knew that Kauffman and Hartlett were some of the people. My name
wasn't on it. Oh, no, no, your name wasn't on it. Well if they are using FMG
Advisory, I am still President of that company. Well, I don't know in corporate law
what it takes to do away with a President at the Board of Directors meeting. I'll tell
you what it takes.

----- that's

exactly right, but they didn't have a Board of Directors

Meeting. No, the shareholders must vote on the Board. Shareholders must vote and
approve, and shareholders must exempt people on the Board. Shareholders have to vote
to remove someone from the Board. Yes, but the Board of Director would be elected for
a year to two years, whatever the situation would be. So that corporate officer would
be there for that entire period. The three of us were elected to the board for a period
of 3-5 years. The initial Board members

- this was one of

Kauffman's move to gain

control over a one-year term. Me, Kauffman, and Hartlett were 3-5 year terms. When
did that take place? We did that back in June of 86 when we started the company.


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Your only connection with the company now is the fact that? I have no connection.
They will not let me

- and I have personal

belongings in that office, and they owe me

money. That is something that you two are going to iron out. See, my involvement is
criminal charges

- that's

how I am involved. And my involvement is going to be the

mishandling of investor's money.

Well, all of these other financial management groups are 100% stock holders
Advisory Inc


100% stockholders? Yea, what it is, the shareholders own Financial

Management Limited; Financial Management Limited owns all the other subs. O.K., 100%

there is no other involvement? That's right.

- I think there would be some

give it to anybody - not even me. You

Financial Management Group's Semi Annual Report

financial information

- that's

right, they won't

had mentioned that there are offices throughout the country. How are those people
connected here? Shareholder and they are aligned with us through the broker/dealer.
They go through us to the brokerjdealer, rather than direct. We own 5% of Planner's
Security Group in Atlanta. We get the same deal that we 're supposed to with
Brown with this outfit in Atlanta. They are a fairly large broker/dealer. They are
doing about 15-20 million dollars a year right now, gross commission and
Is it Heubert? No, they are the born-agains that I left, I moved away from. What's the
name of the Atlanta Group? Planners Security Group

- Bill Kegler.

There's nothing

wrong with that group? Yea. they terminated me for no reason. As a registered rep?
Yep. I am sure they will come up with a reason; there is a reason why they did i t
because with the NFAC they had to file. I would like to know why? You know, you
were termed because you were sick or, you know there is going to be a reason.
Whether it is true or not. Lying has become a n accepted norm for all of this. Well, in
their compliance department, all of these broker/dealers should and generally do keep
very good close track of their sales people. How can they when 1 did the deal? But
Financial Management Group owns 5% of Planners Security? Bill Kegler was with FSC
and got angry when he couldn't run FSC 3 years ago. Then he started his own
broker/dealer. This is with Planners Security? That's right. He left John Keebel
because of a power struggle with them.

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But now, other than terminating you when they shouldn't have, they are not doing
anything bad? How do I know? Do you suspect they are? Yea, they terminated me,
you bet. You better believe I suspect. If they are doing that to me, what are they
doing to the poor clients who don't know anything. The same thing with FMG

- if


are doing all this to me, what are they doing to the clients that don't know anything.
My clients are pissed.
So, what they could do is withdraw their money from the organization whether its in the
form of stock or whatever, but there is nobody making investments
? I've got the former Medical Director

Your money is invested through

St. Joseph Hospital that owns 10,000 shares with FMG that is very upset about all of
this. He,is away; I couldn't get him last night to come to the meeting. They got 35,000
of his. He went through everything from that company

- but he still owns the stock?

What did they offer you $2 a share or something? They didn't offer me anything. But
in that letter they did. They offered me when it came time for me to get the check
because they knew what I was going to do. Well, you wouldn't have taken the $2 a
share would you, because you were talking about a 5-1 split. I would have taken i t but
I would have pursued my civil and legal rights and sued them for the rest. I went 5
days without food

- I was starving.

I had no money - 5 days without food

- people

look at me a n d laugh. Did you ever go 5 days without food? when you are worth a
considerable amount of money?
Kauffman told me that he was going to offer Stan $1-1.25 a share to settle it out, to
buy his

and out of the proceeds of that he was going to pay me the money

that is owed to me first, right off the top, I was his first consideration

- that he

wouldn't buy the stock unless my note was satisfied. You have a note with First
Financial Group claiming they are liable for it. So you took the money and put it into ?
No, I don't know who has the money. A bank either has it or Lancaster Aviation. It
was embezzled from me, I don't know who has it. But they are acknowledging that they
have custody of it? They were acknowledging liability for it. We don't know who has
it. Either Commonwealth Bank has it or Lancaster Aviation, I don't know. But you put
it in the bank? No, I didn't put it anywhere. He gave you the money, what did you do
with it? I gave it to Lancaster Aviation for the airplane. Then they repossessed the
airplane before my first payment for, I don't know why. And I don't know where the
$25,000 down payment is. He don't have it and I don't have it. But the $25,000 went to

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him, not as an officer of the corporation? To me personally. The airplane is not part
of this corporate complex? No. But now Financial Management Group is saying they
will pay you back that $25,000? Uh, huh. They sent letters to all my creditors. They
told me that on 3 different occasions

- before they suggested I go to the bonding

company. Then they gave me a letter saying basically that if 1 wanted to talk about it,
talk to their attorney. Well, did you tell him about the bonding company? Yea. They
wanted you to sort of make the allegation that I gave Stan the money to invest f o r me
and that he had scuffled the money

- they wanted me to tell the bonding company


which I refused to do. They took out the bond after July 1. I got a thing in the mail
about a bond; I thought what is going on. Then he told me about a week later
that's what that is

- a $4,000,000 bond.

- I said

You know the bonding company? Fidelity.

Of course, I a m thinking from their standpoint

- Financial Management Group has not

seen the $25,000. No, I don't know, maybe they have it. They might have it. Well, the
only way they could get it is if it were a reimbursement made on the airplane. They
were the ones calling the bank and the Aviation Company about the plane, asking what I
was doing with it, where I was going? They were the ones that initiated all the
conspiracy with the lending institutions. My credit rating was excellent up until August

01 down the line, never owed anybody anything.

I : (

This-is going to drag out; I will keep in touch with you. Now. you also have
investments through mutual funds through Financial Management Group? And how much
money are we talking about roughly? About 170,000. Now. do you have the certificates
for this. No, they were never issued. They are held in

with the broker, and

the broker in this case was? His probably weren't transferred yet, it was probably FSC.
So, it would still be a monthly statement from them

- so there is no problem with it

disappearing. I don't get anything from FSC, I get it from Keystone

- FSC is noted as

the broker/dealer, I a m sure. I doubt that they were yet to Planners Security. I get
the interest off that money, I get a check every month. But your investment is not in
jeopardy now, as f a r as you know.? No, but he is on disability a n d 25 grand meant a lot
to him.
Now, Kauffman wants you to sell these the mutual funds a n d give him t h e $100,000 to
invest as a broker? Right. Of course, you are reluctant to do that because you still
have confidence in Stan. I have confidence with Stan and I am not very comfortable

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dealing in the stock market just now. I like more settled investments - the stock
market idea and I don't get along very well. I am looking for safety of my investments.
Like Stan said, I a m on disability a n d I d o need income. And K a u f f m a n promised you a
fortune if you made this transaction? He didn't come right out and promise me a
fortune but he insinuated that I could d o a lot if I let him work the stock market.. He
was doing all options, that's all he does. Well, I don't want no d a m n parts of options.
You look a t his client files; they are all option accounts. All of them, little old ladies
down to


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Here again, which you know, the broker when he is talking to you, or the registered rep
when he is talking to you, should file a form as to what you want. Now you just
mentioned to me that you are a conservative of man. I had him in government

- And

they should have these on file. Now, if you are conservative and you

give him the moncy and he starts dealing in options, he is really violating the trust that
the government and the NAFC is trying to establish between the client. I tell you what.
I feel sorry f o r you guys. You guys got a hell of a nightmare. Stan always backed me
up; there were times I pulled my investments out and put them in CDs for a while
because I was just not comfortable with what was happening. And, I tell him what CDs
to buy a t local banks. I have the utmost confidence in Stan. Mr. Kauffman tried
extremely hard to shake that confidence.
He tried to shake up my own family. He had my own family believing. Do you want to
know something. I n August, I was on my way to Hollywood to the film studio and to
see some legal clients I was working with one day
to get a night's rest. I get thrown in

- that

night I come back to my house

- I go to the police station to get a restraining

order against my family that didn't understand what was going on - I get retained in the
police station f o r two hours, get taken to a hospital. That day, someone called the
Stone Harbor police and said I had a gun and was running to the beach to kill myself.
This thing is ugly.
As a matter of fact, I would believe I am the only one left to believe Stan is still sane.
Well, I caught on real ~ u i c k . I don't believe he had anyone to talk to except me. I
didn't. 1 could talk to him every other day since April; someone had to believe what
was going on. I have tapes
client of mine

- I have a tape of Bob Kauffman July 3 telling a, supposedly

- it was actually my brother - that I was mentally ill, spending money

that I shouldn't been, and wasn't taking care of my clients. He told me the same thing.

that Stan had wasted away somewhere between $45,000 and $70,000 of his own money,

just throwing it away on frivolous things.

Every minute I have ever spent and every dollar I have ever spent, I've made money on
anything. I got my brothers in profootball

- held my own free agent camp.

And, they

were both picked up last week, as a matter of fact. I was involved in that too. Right
there. I thought I heard

- is he connected with

the Eagles? Eagles and Dauphins. I

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just heard it on the news

- one of

those things - I heard the name mentioned, it is not

that common a name, and I heard the name mentioned in the newscast of the NFL strike
and it was like - what was that, but it was too late. That Thursday, right after I called
you, was when I got the call.
Stan held his own free agent camp so that the players who didn't get chances in the
bigger camps had an opportunity to do it. 50 people showed up, from all over the
country. The most innovative camp

- I taped

the camp, sent the tape to all 3 leagues

55 teams. When was that, 84? Yes, right there it is. And some of them got picked up
as a result of this? Only one, my brother. I guess they had to have some body. Yea,
that was a fun day that day. That camp cost me 5 grand and generated so f a r
$200,000.00 in salaries for my brother.
That airplane that 1 bought would have made me $3,000 net profit a month, leasing it
out. I had a t least 20 hours of leasing every month for 350 a month a t $7,000, and my
payment was $1500.00. You were leasing it to? My contacts, my network. With you as
a pilot, you mean? No. It's a big plane. I hired my own pilot. When I'm doing
business all over the country I can't fly commercially. I three weeks, my charter bill
was 4 grand for using another person's plane 5 times. Then, you bought this. and before
the first payment was due they grabbed it back. Can they do that? No they can't.
Why do you think I've got a large lawsuit against 3 banks. One of the reasons they said
they did it was because it wasn't properly insured, but he had insurance. The other
reason they said, he took it to Florida. Now I don't know why you would buy $100,000
airplane and leave it a t the airport. Do you know why I was taking it to Florida? I
bought a place on a n island, another very good investment. Now they are suing me
because I couldn't settle because I got blackmailed 2 months later. They said I was
going to Florida to run away and hide. I was going to Florida to settle my property.
They had to come up with a reason so that's the reason that was around I guess. But,

brother works for Commonwealth National Bank. Plus, do you know

anything about United ChemCon? They are being investigated right now by the FBI and
Attorney General. Chemcon is the big local minority-held corporation that was doing a
lot of defense contracts

- it was associated with ISC.

They went under last Spring,

beginning of the summer, and there was a lot of criminal allegations made, none of them
substantiated. And I was connected with that. They sent a Board Member in to see me
a week before this happened. Why, I don't know. Is this Lancaster based. Yes, Jim

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Christian owned it

- now I hear

rumors that I was tied to ISC and 1 am close to several

people in that organization. Why they sent someone to California to see me, I don't
know. They won't answer me. Who is this, the FBI? No, this is Chemcon. I said if
you ever come back or you have someone else call me, I want a $10,000 retainer fee.
Never heard from them since. Then, two weeks ago, Jim Christian called me while I
was in the hospital. That guy hated my guts for five years. Why, he called me, I don't
know. What did he want? I don't know. You didn't speak to him to find out? I spoke
to him, he said nothing. The same thing the Board Member said when he came from
California. Asked if I could go get ChemCon another building; asked if I would be
interested in saving the company from bankruptcy

- I was working with a

guy from

Belgium, they wanted me to talk to, a guy from DC and New York, a guy from the
Caribbean. I don't know what the hell is going on. Then I find out the Commonwealth
Bank went and nailed ChemCon. Commonwealth Meridian said Christian personally signed
for the $18,000,000 that was invested or lost of the governments money for these
contracts. I don't know. I am sick of asking questions and people lying to me.
You don't have any connection with that, other than you knew some people? No, I've
got their files, I got their financial statement, everything

- they wanted

me to do

something. But you're not connected with the company? You're not an investor? No, 1
sold my ISC stock June 8.
A lot of people were saying that ChemCon. which is a minority - Christian is a black

- was getting all the minority government contracts because he was one of the

leading minority defense contractors around, and actually the supposition was
know how true it would be

- is that it was a front for ISC.

- I don't

It was, I'll tell you why.

Because when ChemCon was started, back to their inception, you look at ISC's book.
They didn't have any money. Well. the first thing ChemCon did, was they went and got
all that free money from the government and you look and see where that money went.
I bet you I know where it went.
This guy named Geurin, James Geurin. And I know that they were selling contracts
back. He runs ISC and he also has his fingers pretty deeply in ChemCon. He's the one
who started ChemCon, Geurin is the one who started it. Wasn't there some allegations
about a tie with Wedtack You bet. They were tied, you'd better believe they were tied
with Wedtack. The same guys in Wedtack were involved with ISC and ChemCon. ISC is


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that an over the


ISC is a London Exchange. International Signal

and Control? I owned a thousand shares. I sold it when things started to hit the

Now they just did a multibillion dollar merger with a company in London

They probably think it is going to cover their tracks. You mean United ChemCon is a
local corporation. Yes, they went bankrupt as of this last 3 months. What was it,
$18,000,000 in liabilities? What they did was, they fronted all that money and started
the contracts, went bankrupt, now the government is stuck for $18,000.00. They weren't
paying employees, they weren't producing the product. they weren't paying their
unemployment and everything else. Did they pay the withholding taxes? No. It turns
out that Christian, who I have had a few dealings with, had a n office that would be

would be suiting of any AT&T

office. 4 or 5 cars, thousands

Amazing. Had these racquetball things in his

- let me tell you about Jim Christian now.

I know right now in this town's viewpoint, I stole money, I am insane, and I am a

lunatic. I tell you I will not condemn Jim Christian until he tells me to my face what
happened. I was framed and set up and I know (I see what you mean, your experience).
I don't know, maybe Jim Christian doesn't have the money. Maybe Geurin has it or
somebody else. $18,000,000 is a lot of money and he is broke because he lives with one
of my best friends,

I mean they don't have money. And, I would think that

if he took it, he would have something. You're pretty nice, Stan, to somebody who has
hated your guts for 5 years. I know what I am going through, a n d who knows, maybe
he was innocent too. Is this Christian you are talking about. Yes.
You were going to make copies of these. I can't make copies. I can f a x them to you.
I will make copies for you, in fact, what I should do is get everything copied for you.
Well, no, because that is a tremendous expense. I would rather, if you have the time, or
can stick me in the corner somewhere, maybe say, this and this, a n d this, I a m sure we
can eliminate half of it. O.K.but you should tell me what you want and I will make
copies. I just don't want this stuff to leave my hands anymore. I can get them to you
overnight. Well, there is nothing we can do overnight. I can't elevate your problem as
far as being out of the corporation

- oh, I thought

you were going to give me a check

before you leave. So, anything that I would be involved in is going to be long and
drawn out; it is not going to be a n answer to your immediate problem.
I know, but I had to get someone involved. I had to get authorities to start taking
action for me.

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the FCC

- well, he is the one I am talking about mostly.

They said

they were sending 2 guys up here last week for 2 days. Did you talk to them about
what was going on? How did you happen to talk the FCC. I was just trying to get m y
money back. They promised me my money and they didn't come up with it. So, I called

. If

them. So basically, you have

would be well,


they came there, I think their attitudc

no, they were curious as to some of the other things that were

going on. I talked to them a couple of times. They were curious for one thing,
Kauffman wanting to take my investment and putting i t in the stock market and working
it for me, they were curious about that. They were curious about the allegations of
Stan's alleged insanity and forcing him out of the corporation, and I think they were a
little confused about why they would accept liability for the money if it wasn't there
liability. That would be a question that I would ask. I think that aroused their
curiosity, but he also said that they have never been checked, and they are about due,
so we might just as well go up there and dig into it and find out what was going on.
As f a r as I know, that is what they did, what they call a compliance examination. I
don't know that they were there looking

-. Sincc your allegations were made, I am sure

they looked into some items like that, but I think basically it was just a compliance
examination. What did they find? I don't know. They were there though? There was
two people supposed to be up there. Were they there last week? Well, it was recent,
the report isn't even written, but the report I think will be more on the lines that they
don't have a client complaint form filed

- compliant type examination.


procedures, etc.

I am still interested as to how you wcrc alerted to it. I have yet to get it

- I was

coming down as an appointment last Tuesday o r Wednesday, which ever day, it was the
next day I called you. I had an appointment here i n Lancaster. I had gotten a call
about 4 3 0 in the afternoon from the Phila office, and my supervisor down there said
there is a newspaper clipping of your break-in of the Financial Management Group. I
don't know whether to make a n investigation out of it or not. It seems there are some
securities involved. The only 2 articles that appeared are right over there and none of
them say anything about it. They just know my name, right? They just knew that I
was involved with the company?

- it doesn't

say anything about securities there.

Nothing a t all? Then how it came to our office I don't know, unless somebody sent it.
Even if they sent the articles, there is nothing i n there to indicate who

40 of 168

- they just

Monday, September 21, 2015

called me an ex-worker. That is the interesting thing about it. "burglary, theft,
unlawful restraint, robbery, unlawful use of computer, criminal mischief, and terroristic
threats." I've never seen the article. There it is, pull them down. No, that's alright.
They were supposed to send it up to me and they didn't. I'm leasing that building and
accused of burglarizing his own building.
See, he called me and said, you are going down to Lancaster. See if we should start an
investigation. Stop up to the

-- exemployee.

Christian, I think was the arresting

officer? Mathias, they said Lancaster Detective Mathias. He's not, he's Manheim Twp.,
fortunately I found that out. I called Township 2 months ago and they didn't help me.
Then they throw me in jail when my partners call.
So anyhow, I stopped up that evening, Tuesday or Wednesday night, the next day I called
you but did not get you until Thursday or Friday, so that is my association. They were
supposed to send up the newspaper clipping or whatever it was they had. But the only
thing I know is that your name was associated in our office computer file with Financial
Management Group. Your not telling me anything new. But you see I was supposed to
have this. Why I don't, I don't know because they were supposed to send it up. But
the state in their own way to save a .40 postcard, they have a messenger service to
Harrisburg. So, its alright if you get it in the mail, like if I was in the office this
morning and put it in the mail before 10:OO it goes to the central office and gets

- then the next day i t goes down and would

be there the next day. But if

you miss that 10:OO mail, it don't leave our office until the next day then the next day
in the central file. then somebody drives it down to Philadelphia. I should buy you
guys some stamp. I had to deal with the State that long so you know these are just
little quirks that keep popping up every now and then.
1'11 tell you an interesting part that I had when I went out to view - they had to

- a n d Manheim Twp. called in t o Hartlett as I was there.

I was there to

get property returned to Stan, and Hartlett started going through things and paying a lot
of attention to what was there, and had already admitted wasn't his. There was a lot of
correspondence there, he was very interested in, and the policeman even came to my aid
and made him not be nosey. even its yours or it isn't, and he released everything to me.
Do you know what I took out of the office was on the books, everything that I wanted

41 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

to see. Did they let you keep that? No, no, in fact the inventory from the service
warrant, just about everything on here is Stan's files, even labeled as such. Then I
found a

checking account, K & H Enterprises, Kauffman-Hartlett Enterprises,

they returned that to Kauffman. K & H, what do you think that stands for? Kauffman
and Hartlett. Well, that's what the initials stand for but what type of business? I
never heard of it. You don't know what it would be? I can imagine what it would be.
A brokers business somehow? It's something fishy. I can't remember the bank, I think

it was Hamilton Bank., Probably Hamilton or Farmers First.

In looking a t these, the only thing I can say, as far as I know Philadelphia is the only
information they had. Now maybe i t came in anonymously. I know a lot of people in
Philadelphia. This involves Financial Management Group or something or involves
securities, because the guy I talked to said, you know, should we be involved in it at
all? Ask what it is, see if there is securities involved? And that's what I did and

that's when I came up Mathias and of course he mentioned

Well, who mentioned to you about medicine. I t wasn't Mathias; Seigler was involved.
Why, how did they get wind of that? Harlctt and I were there and Hartlett was talking

, that's a bunch of crap.

about you taking your medicine. What medicine?

That's what Hartlett was telling him. And Hartlett was saying is he taking care of
himself and all of this stuff. That son of a bitch. He is really painting a nice picture.
Well, the cops didn't really buy it because they asked Hartlett to leave and they gave me
the information that they told Hartlett they weren't going to give me.
Yea, well they mentioned the things that you had taken, a couple of items, that they had
given back and allowed you to have them. They gave all the files back to FMG before
we were involved and then he gave me the personal correspondences, but they kept his
camera. Apparently, Stan was doing the policeman's work when he was in there the
night he was accused of burglarizing the place. He took pictures of all his files i n their
office and they said they had better keep that.
This is June 30th. It is my files in their office. That's the night I left. Who's taking
the pictures? A friend of mine. You were with someone? This was 3 o'clock in the
morning. Oh, you weren't arrested on the premises, were you? No, but this is when I
was in the office. This is when they stole my files out of my locked doors. He was

42 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

arrested September 3rd I believe it was

- this is June 30th.

They don't know he was in

there then, I guess. These aren't the films that you are talking about? No, the films he
is talking about I took of my files again in their office, and attorneys say they didn't do
anything wrong

- explain why 1 was in jail

for 5 days.

This is the stock certificate book here, this big black book? Yea. You are still
connected with the company here? This is June 30th. The funny thing is, even the
second one is not breaking in

- well, the girl left me in and she's a friend of mine.


is still President and a t the time he was still Secretary I guess. I don't think the police
feel too awfully strong that they have a burglary type charge. I know. Well, I tell you
what, they abused me the night they arrested me.

Well, the cop that picked

me up here left me ride on the front seat and everything. When I get to Township,
handcuffed me, put my hands to the belt, threw me in a cell, bounced me around the
car. They wouldn't even listen to who I was. I had all the documents to hold them
that I was lease holder of the building

- wouldn't

even look at it. They didn't ask me

anything. I know why they a r e acting nice now. They are going to hear from my

I don't know who even made the complaint, whether it was the girl who made the
complaint. You were arrested the next day? No, that night. I told 5 people that I
wanted to arrested that night: I had to. But then somebody had to call the Manheim
police. Do you know what they did? They called up the police that day and said 3 days
previous t o that, that I made a bomb threat to that building
picked me up for. Oh. really?

- that's

what the police

That's what the police picked me up

for. Then, while I was there they charged me with the burglary. They initially picked
me up for a terroristic bomb threat, that took FMG three days to report, they couldn't
even remember when the phone call was, and the person that reported it, I don't even
know who she is

- never saw her, never heard of

her. You were a t the premises there

roughly what time? I went there about 10:30 Thursday night; you were there an hour?
Not even that, about a half hour. I left and dropped off at

, had a drink,

and got a girl to take the car I had, I borrowed somebody's car because my cars were in
New Jersey

- I flew back,

and got this girl to drive me here and as soon as I pulled in

Conestoga police were right behind me. I said, great, they're here. And when the
Conestoga Twp. cop, I said, let me take all these files with me so I can show you guys
who I a m and what I was doing. Well, they just took everything and threw me in the


43 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

cell and that was it - arrested.


Well, let me get started. I didn't read these letters yet. Read that one letter right
That's right we have that other thing now. Yea, he's being sued civilly f o r this office
furniture here which was purchased from FMG. But FMG then tells the Office Supply
Store that he has not connection with us. When they have my suite of furniture in that
building. Oh, that what the pictures, is that your personal furniture? You bet. I
purchased this in June to go down to Stone Harbor; see the movie that I was working
on, FMG was to get 15% of the profit f o r my endeavors down there. This was purchased
as a n agent of Financial Management Group.

44 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

US District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvana

Section 3189 Federal False Claim Act

45 of 168
Property of Advance Media Group

Page 2699 of 2953

Monday, September 21, 2015


i 112th Year- NO.35,331




for $500-a-plate Haig dinner.

Guerin: Clark said he could

I put me in prison for 50 years

lll@al fund
to Haig by

Era Stan Wrller

Former defensecompany chief

James H. Guerin has testified
that his ex-attorney claims "he
has enoughon me to put me away
for50 years!'
(;uer~nhays he agreed lo pay
$2 75 m ~ l l ~ o"blackmail"
that threat and because of concern about uthcr thrcats to his
employees and his company's refinancing plan.
In a detailed account of his
"vivid and burning" memory of
, alleged
0 . -.:,I:..A

employees and a TV media consultant.

Clark refused to show Guerin
the supposed evidence of wrongdoing because Clark said he
feared for his life, Guerin testified in documents filed late Tuesday in LancasterCounty Court.
Guerin added, "He said he was
going lo keep some of the packages even after I paid him off hecause he didn't know, with the
friends that I had overseas,
whether or not I might ask some
of them to kill him.
of 168
"My response to that
know, in all of this, Bill, I can't
. , ., . refardles,s
,. of all the

ney's allegations, whether true

or not, would wreck his plans to
obtain critically needed funds for
m ~ i -~
~-- e
International 1
"When he (Clark) alleged he
Control illegally re
had information on them. I didn't
employees who bo
know what information he had."
ets to a 1987 fundGuerin testified. "I didn't know
presidential candi
how valid it was.
ander Haig, acc,
"But I knew he could have such
court documents f
information. even not knowine
what the informationwas."
James H. Guerir
The mere suggestion that his
tional Signal's foi
lop legal adviser would talk
chairman, reve
about suspected wrongdoing
21, 2015
"would carry enough
testimony for a !
that (financial sources) hearing
E?Y disoute with 1
about thip would stop us" from


US District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvana

Section 3189 Federal False Claim Act

Will Become One of 1argest British Defense Contractors

$1.5 Billion Merger wit



, -



in 1971. ~ e ' i its

s largest stockholder. owning 10.5 percent of
its common stock. Guerin
; also will be the largest individual stockholder of the new
: combined company, owning
4.4 percent.
Sir Derek Alun-Jones. exi ecutive director and chief executive officer of Ferranti.
will be executive chairman of
the new company. Guerin will
be its deputy chairman.
merger agreement
: callsThe
for International Signal
stockholders to receive nine
Ferranti shares for every five
, International Signal shares.
each Ferranti share will
be exchanged for one share in

officials said the

merger will not bring any immed~atelocal impact, such as
plant expansions or rrlocations. But the hope it eventuwiu leaLl to more business for 1 s ~operating
' ~
Under the terms of the
agreement, International Sig- -.
nal stockholders will own 41
percent of the combined new
company. ti stockhold.
59 Percent.
"This one merger quickly
achieves most of ISC Group's

Lancaster County's largest

employers, said today it has
agreed to merge with another
English electron~csand defense com any in a combina
tion value,$at $i,%
based in London, said it in- ,
tends to merge with Ferranti
pLC of Cheshire. The com- :i
bined company will he one of
the largest English defense
contractors and will be based
in London.
International signal
in certain specific areas,"
headquarters for
said James H. Guerin, execuholding company, ISC G~~~~
tive chairman of InternationInc., in Lancaster, ISC ema1 Signal.
ploys 1,702 people in LancasGuerin, of Manheim R7,
ter, out of a total 5.266 emfounded
International Signal
ployees worldwide..




the new combined company.

The result will be an 83 per, cent increase in International
Signal's annual dividend of
3.6 cents per share.
The value of outstanding

47 of 168
Property of Advance Media Group

Page 2630 of 2953

Monday, September 21, 2015


115th Year - No. 35,880



Home Delivered
$2 10 a week


U.S. ind

Price 358

s Guer
d dace 66 years
in prison for illegal
sale of armaments
by Tim Mekeel
and Ernest Sehrelber
New Era Staff Wr~ters

William L. Fleisher, deputy special agent with the U.S. Customs Service, stands in the federal courthouse in Philadelphia today with some
of the equipment impounded in the Guerin investigation.

.-. .

48 of 168


PHILADELPHIA-The Justice Department today charged

former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin and associates with a $1 billion fraud and illegal sale of U.S. military
technology to South Africa.
Guerin, once one of Lancaster's most prominent industrialists and philanthropists, faces up to 66 years in prison and $3.75
million in fines, if convicted of the charges, federal prosecutors in Philadelphia said.
Six other men who worked at Guerin's International Signal
& Control, near Mountville, also face charges in the alleged
In addition, the government is charging Armscor, South
Africa's state affiliated weapons maker, two of its subsidiaries and seven South African nationals with involvement in the
smuggling scheme. (See accompanyinglist of indictments.)
In two indictments, containing 75charges agalnst 17 people,
the Justice Department portrayed Guerin as the architect of
the intertwining fraud and illegal export schemes.
Today's long-awaited indictments culminate a three-year
probe into ISC. Athough Guerin and his associates have been
named in many previous court proceedings, they were not
formally charged until
today. September 21, 2015
According to the 51-page fraud indictment, ISC executives
created $1billion worth of fake business to pump up the value
of ISC.


l of




49 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

Former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig dies - WPMT

2 of 2

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Former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig dies

The retired general, whose brash and opinionated personality made him a
controversial figure among Washington insiders, had the ear of several presidents.
By James Oliphant
10:17 AM EST, February 20, 2010

Reporting from Washington - Alexander M. Haig's life threaded

through some of the most tumultuous episodes of the second
half of the 20th century. An Army officer in Vietnam, a
presidential advisor during the Watergate scandal and a key
Cabinet member during the attempted assassination of
President Reagan, he was a combat warrior who found himself a
diplomat, a career military man who became the consummate
political insider.
He died Saturday at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore from
complications associated with an infection, the Associated Press
reported. He was 85.

Related links
Alexander Haig | 1924-2010

Voices -- Alexander Haig, 1924 - 2010

Haig is probably best remembered by many Americans as the

man who asserted his authority in the White House after
Reagan was shot outside a Washington hotel in 1981 -- despite
the fact that, as secretary of State, he was well down the line of
presidential succession.

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Full Speech:
Tiger Woods
Press Conference

The gaffe sparked a small-scale firestorm. But Haig had been a

controversial figure in Washington circles for years, chiefly for his role as President Nixon's chief of staff as the
administration buckled beneath the weight of the Watergate investigation. Haig was credited by many for holding the
White House together as its walls closed in on the president.

Bizarre UFO-Like
Cloud Stuns

Haig, who attained the rank of four-star general, was that rare Washington species: a product of the armed forces who
adapted seamlessly to the byzantine workings of executive power. Brash, steely, opinionated, he fought on the battlefield
and navigated the corridors of the Pentagon and White House with equal aplomb, and his progress became linked with
those of other notable figures of the period such as Douglas MacArthur, Robert McNamara, Henry Kissinger and, later,
Nixon and Reagan.

Jimmy Kimmel
Remake: 'I Am
The World'

So enmeshed was he in Nixon's inner circle that for years he was widely suspected of being the celebrated "Deep Throat,"
the anonymous source who fed reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward information on Watergate -- ultimately
revealed to be FBI official W. Mark Felt.
After Nixon resigned, Haig returned to the military as the supreme commander of allied forces in Europe before Reagan
tapped him as his first secretary of State, a post he occupied for just 18 months. The self-proclaimed "vicar" of American
foreign policy, he struggled among the shifting turf battles of that administration's early years and soon became their
He would unsuccessfully run for the Republican presidential nomination in 1988. Later in his career, he turned his eye
toward business, becoming an advisor to several corporations, serving as a founding board member of America Online, and
commanding a hefty fee on the lecture circuit.
Alexander Meigs Haig Jr. was born Dec. 2, 1924, in Bala Cynwyd, Pa., a suburb of Philadelphia. His father was a
Republican lawyer who died of cancer when Haig was 10.
Raised Roman Catholic, Haig attended the University of Notre Dame before receiving an appointment to the U.S. Military
Academy at West Point. He graduated in 1947 as the United States was settling into its new role as the global bulwark
against communism.
He became a junior aide to Gen. MacArthur in Japan, where he met his wife, Patricia, the daughter of an Army officer. He
had a tour of duty in Korea, serving in seven campaigns, including the Battle of Inchon, and was awarded two Silver Stars
and a Bronze Star.

Zebra Caught On

Isaiah Canaan
Hits Miracle
Half-Court Shot

Artist's Life-Like

Olympian To
Reporter: "Are
You Stupid?"

Such began an inside-outside pattern of advancement within the Army. After the Korean War ended in 1953, he served in
a variety of administrative posts both in the U.S. and Europe, while also setting the stage for his future career by securing
a master's degree in international relations from Georgetown University, where he studied the intersection of the military
and policy.

Panettiere Strips
Down For Self

His career began to move forward when he was appointed a top aide to Defense Secretary McNamara at the Pentagon, just
as the Vietnam War was heating up. But Haig again sought the theater of combat and, as a lieutenant colonel, took
command of a battalion of the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam.

Massive New Set

Of UFO Files
Made Public

In 1967, his battalion was pinned down by the Viet Cong near Ap Gu. Haig flew to the scene in a helicopter, which was
subsequently shot down. For three days, his soldiers, outnumbered 3 to 1, fought off waves of enemy troops, inflicting
severe casualties. Haig was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the country's second-highest honor for heroism, by
Gen. William Westmoreland.
Back in the States, the now-Col. Haig's life took a life-changing turn when he was appointed to the staff of President
Nixon's national security advisor, Henry Kissinger. For four years, Haig ran Kissinger's office with military efficiency,
impressing Kissinger and Nixon alike. He was dispatched to Paris to oversee the first round of peace talks with the North
Vietnamese and later was part of the team that paved the way for Nixon's historic outreach to China.

Glenn Beck
Barks Like A Dog
On TV Show

But there were less savory endeavors: Haig also helped Kissinger and Nixon wiretap the phones of 17 people, including
members of Kissinger's staff and reporters, suspected of involvement in leaks of government information.
Nixon, who placed loyalty and trust above all, wanted to keep Haig close, and promoted him ahead of 240 other generals

50 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

2/20/2010 2:22 PM

Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56 - Intelligence...

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Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter,

dies at 56
Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA
June 26, 2004 | Lori Van Ingen | Copyright

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Thomas L. Flannery, an award-winning Intelligencer Journal investigative reporter,

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died unexpectedly Thursday night, just hours after filing what was to be his last story
for the newspaper. He was 56.

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Flannery, of 10 Upper Green, was stricken ill at home and died of natural causes at

Fax Server Software

Lancaster General Hospital. Earlier in the day, he had covered a court case.

Popular publications
A court reporter at the time of his death, Flannery began his journalism career as an
intern with the Intell in 1987 and joined the staff as a reporter in June 1988 after a
brief stint with the Pocono Record in Stroudsburg. Flannery previously worked at

on HighBeam Research
The Nation
Political magazines

Carolina's Heart Institute and taught at Boston University.

"We are grievously shocked and saddened by Tom's death,'' said Charles Raymond
Shaw, editor of the Intell.
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NPR All Things Considered

News transcripts
Harper's Magazine
Cultural magazines
National newspapers
The Christian Science Monitor
Religious magazines

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on HighBeam Research
Man guilty in northern Lancaster County crime spree

Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA; November 14, 2002

Thomas L. Flannery, 56

Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA; June 26, 2004


Central Penn Business Journal; March 22, 2013

Jordan's Fate In Jurors' Hands ; Npanel Must Decide If Defendant Acted In
Self-Defense Or Stabbed Victim As Act Of Revenge.

LNP; November 16, 2010

Man Convicted Of 3Rd-Degree Murder

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Monday, September 21, 2015

9/21/2015 2:07 AM


FEB, 1987

MAY, 1987

June, 1987

Mortgage Banking
Activities Are Started
Meet With Power
Station Studios For
Digital Movie

Take Control of
Board of Directors
Beat Commonwealth
Bank on $5 Million Mtg.
Meet with Movie Producers
Develop SONY Proposal
& PSDMS (Power Station
Digital Movie System)

Purchase Airplane
$25,000 Down
FMG 2 Years Ahead of Plan
Value Approx. $5 million
Named Executive Producer
Of Digital Movie

June 23, 1987

June 25, 1987

June 29, 1987

10:30 Meet with

ISC, My Office
Fraud Allegations

Receive Patent
Research for
Digital Movie/FMG

Dave Cook/Bennet
Williams Deal, Kauffman
Tries to Steal Deal

Reviewing Merger

Kauffman & Company

Burglarize My Office
& Forge Stock Certificates

Meet w/Romar Aviation

To Move Plane From
Lancaster Aviation

2:00 pm Have My
Locks Changed To
My Office

Kauffman Tells Me Via

Telephone of Stock
Certificate by Mistake

4:30 Fly to Phil for

Meetings, Fly to
Stone Harbor
Lancaster Aviation
Grounds Plane

54 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


July 2, 1987

July 3, 1987

July 4, 1987

Remove All Files

From My Office
At Night.

Visit With Joe

Roda, Offers No
Help, Suggests
I Get Some Rest
After Hearing My

Early In AM Pilot
Calls And Said The
Bank Repos Plane
In The Middle of The
Night With All Files
On Board/23 days before
1st Payment/Loose $25,000

Kauffman tells client

John Green that Stan
Is Having Mental

Load Files On Plane

For Stone Harbor.
Drive to Stone Harbor
Romar Aviation Is To
Fly Files To Stone Harbor
The Next Mourning.

Call Joe Roda, He Told

Me To Quit Fabricating
Hire Pilot To Fly To Lanc.
To Get Files From Plane.

July 5-10, 1987

July 6th , 1987

July 14, 1987

Meet With Attorneys

Commonwealth Bank
Sends notice of Repo
4 days after it was taken.

PSG Revokes Securities

Licenses, No Reason Given.

Try To Salvage Dave

Cook Deal/Heard I
Am Having Problems.

Meet With Tony Bongiovi

in Wildwood re: Digital
Movie, rumors of insanity
have reached everyone.

Dr. Umiker removes

me as Trustee Of Estate.

55 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


July 16, 1987

July 14th

Kauffman Sends
Letter To All Clients
Notifying Them That
I Am No Longer With
FMG, Ltd., And I May
Not Handle Investments
At All.

Contact The Following

Authorities For Help:
Fed SEC; NASD, Atlanta
Bennett Ripole; SEC John
Nocella; Cong. Robert
Walker, Sen Gib Armstrong
Manheim Twp. Police, Etc.,
Fred Martin (FBI Harisburg.
Travel To Sulfolk Library To
Research Lender Liability,
In Boston, MA.

Pay Atty Lew Schweller

Of NJ $500 Retainer Fee.


July 22, 1987

July 24th, 1987

Dave Cook Decides Not

To Do The Bennett Williams
Deal And States That I Have
Been Advised By My
Attorney Not To Associate
With You.

Mike Hartlett Sends Letter

To All FMG Creditors Stating
That I Never Had Authority To
Make Corporate CommitmentsTake
On Behalf Of FMG Or Make Any
Financial Decisions On
Behalf Of FMG.

56 of 168

July 21st, 1987

Travel To Santa Barbara
CA To Law Firm Of Cappelo
& Foley, Who Specializes
In Lender Liability Fraud
With Banks. See Invoice.
Visit With Gamillion Studios
Of Hollywood CA To Discuss
Restructuring The Debt Of
The Studio. Meet With
Austin Properties For MTG
Banking. Allegations Of
Insanity Had Reached My
Hollywood CA Contacts.
August 7, 1987
Contact Dr. Marshall
Levin Of Northfield, NJ
For Psychiatric Evaluation.
MMPI Test For $250.00
In An Attempt To Subdue The
Allegations Of Insanity.

Monday, September 21, 2015


August 11th , 1987

August 14th, 1987

August 28th, 1987

Family Members Abduct

Me & I Am Taken To The
Stone Harbor Police Station
And Then To The Burdette
Tomlin Hospital Where A Phone
Phone Call Was Made Earlier
That Day Saying Stan Had
A Gun And Was Going To
The Beach To Kill Himself.
I Was Released After I Would
Sign A Suicide Letter.

Family Members Again

Invade My House In Stone
Harbor Trying To Get A
Confession Of Wrongdoing.
I Travel To Avalon To Try To
Get A Restraining Order, But
I Am Arrested On The Way To
The Police Station For Speeding.
The Avalon Police Impounded
My Car, And Kept Me In Prison
For 4 Hours.

In A Desperate Plea For Help,

After All Authorities Ignored Me,
I contact Dianne Sawyer, Of
CBS News 60 Minutes.
See Receipt.

Receive My Credit Report

From the Lancaster Credit
Bureau Reporting That Up Until
July 30, My Credit Report was
Flawless, With All Accounts
Paid Within 30 Days.

Receive Letter From FMG Board

Threatening To File Criminal
Charges And Refusing To Discuss
Any Talks Regarding My Past

57 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


September 1st, 1987

September 3, 1987

September 3, 1987

I Call A Meeting With

Bob Long and Alan Loss
of FMG, Ltd., in Lancaster.

I Board At The Cape May

Airport at about 1:30 pm.
To Lancaster.

Romar Aviation Owes Me

A Flight, So I Schedule A
Charter Flight For September
3rd, From Cape May To

FMG, Ltd., Calls The Manheim

Township Police And Reports
That I Had Made A Bomb Threat
Two Days Earlier, On September
1st. Manheim Township Police
Issue A Warrant For My Arrest For
Terroristic Threats, Just Before I
Am Scheduled To Land In Lancaster.

I End Up In Jail With

The Following Charges:
Burglary, Theft,
Unlawful Use Of A
Computer, Terroristic
Threats, Robbery,
Criminal Mischief, And
Unlawful Restraint.

I Borrow A Friends Car To Go To

Play Basketball. I See One Of My
Secretaries And She Is Crying
Hysterical. Insinuating That I Had
Committed A Horrendous Crime.
I Politely Ask For The Keys To FMG

The Conestoga Police

Let Me Ride In The
Front Seat, The Manheim
Twp. Police Physically
And Mentally Abused
Lancaster Nespapers
Prints Ex-Worker
Charged In Burglary
At Firm and Conestoga
Man Linked To Theft

Later That Night I Went Into My Office

And Removed My Lost Files.

58 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


Sept 4th To Sept 9th 1987

Sept. 9th To Sept. 15th 1987

Sept. 15th, 1987

Committed To Lancaster
County Prison. Placed In
Psychiatric Cell Unit.
Plead For Someone To
Post Bail. After Posting
Bail, I Am Coerced Into
The St. Joseph Hospital
Psychiatric Ward, As The
Only Way I Can Get Out Of
Jail, By Robert Byer, Atty.

Involuntarily Committed To The

Psychiatric Unit of The St. Joseph

Attorney Robert Byer

Admits That I Am Not
Legally Committed To
The Psychiatric Ward.

September 21st, 1987

September 28th, 1987

September 29th, 1987

Lancaster Newspapers
Headlines Reports The
ISC/Ferrantti Merger,
Said To Be Worth A
Billion Dollars.

St. Joseph Hospital

Demands Payment Of
$3,064.66 For The Seven
Days of Hospitalization
In The Psychiatric Unit.

Investigator Howard
Eisler Of The PA
Securities Commission
Conducts A Five Hour
Interview In My Home
With Attorney Robert
Beyer, And Client
Bill Johnson. I Discuss
ISC Allegations In

I Immediately Order
For My Discharge And
Walk Out Of The
Hospital And Go Home.

59 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


October 2, 1987

October 5, 1987

October 7, 1987

District Justice Murray

Horton Presides Over
Preliminary Hearing For
All Charges. Transcript
Provides Evidence of
Perjury By Almost All
Witnesses Testimony.

Sir Speedy Printing

duplicates 1103
Images Billed To The
Law Firm Of Arnold,
Beyer & Homsher

Farmers First Bank

And Hamilton Bank
Refuse To Cash A
Check From FSC
Agency, In Atlanta
At The Park City

Several Creditors File

Judgments For Non
Parent Federal Bank
(ISC Owned) Proceeds
With Foreclosure Against
My House.
Unemployment Compensation
Review Board Denies Benefits
Due To Criminal Wrongdoing.

60 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


October 10, 1987

November 9, 1987

November 20, 1987

Meeting With Intercon

Special Services, Which
Specializes In White
Collar Crime. The
Meeting Was In New

The Pennsylvania
Unemployment Compensation
Review Board Denies Me
Benefits Due To Willful
Misconduct When
To My Own Property

Attorney Robert Byer

Corresponds Regarding
The Preparation Of
My Defense Against
All Charges Pending

November 25, 1987

November 30, 1987

November 31, 1987

Pennsylvania Securities
Commission Sends Notice
That Complaint Must Be
Submitted In Writing In
Order To Be Considered.

Attorney Lew Schweller

Of New Jersey, Demands
Payment of $1460 For
Legal Services In The

Law Firm Of Capello

And Fol.ey, Of Santa
Barbara, CA Returns
3 Binders Of Documents
Which I Delivered In

I Submit 9,079
Documents For
Processing Into
Diazode Microfiche
At Good Sheppard
Industries, Reading.

61 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


December 1, 1987

December 19, 1987

January 8, 1988

I Personally Deliver
Evidence To Senator
Gib Armstrong and PA
Securities Commission
Investigator Howard
Eisler In Harrisburg.

I File Complaint No.

08662 With The U.S.
Postal Inspector Which
Refereed To The Changing
Of My Address By FMG

The Pennsylvania
Compensation Review
Board Again Denies

January 14, 1988

January 15, 1988

January 26, 1988

Purchase Mobile Home

To Travel To California
To Meet With Attorney
Sandra Gray, In San

Secretar-Al Transcribes
10 Microcassette Tapes
To Electronic Word Format.

The Pennsylvania
Housing & Financing
Agency Denies
Benefits Under The
Emergency Assistance

62 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


February 4, 1988

March 14, 1988

March 21, 1988

Lancaster Aviation Files

A Civil Complaint For
$3,411 Allegedly From
Repair Work On My

Parent Federal
Bank Files Formal
Foreclosure Notice
For My Home. In

The Lancaster
County District
Attorneys Office
Formally Drops
All Criminal Charges
After $2,000 In
Restitution Is Paid.

October 25, 1988

October 30, 1990

October 31, 1990

Mr. Robert Kauffman

Purchases 40,000
Shares Of FMG, Ltd.,.
For $60,000

Congressman Robert
Walker Reports The
Status Of My Complaint
Involving A $2.5 Million
Department of Defense
Contract For The Defense
Mapping Agency (DMA) To
Digitize And Publish On
CD-ROM Medium.

Department Of
Defense Agrees
To Reopening The
Bidding, Which
Included Me, Sony,
Phillips DuPont, and
Disc Manufacturing

63 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


October 23, 1990

November 18, 1990

December 12, 1990

The Assistant Secretary

Of Defense Dave Gribben
And Brigadier General
Kelly, Intervene In Contract

The National Institute

Of Standards And
Technology, NIST, Approves
An Article Written By Me
And Computer Scientist
John Garofolo Escaping The
Unix Tar Pit Printed In DISC

Travel To Captiva
Island To Program
And Produce The
Information For The
AMG Legal System
CD-ROM, Containing
All Of My Evidence.

February, 1991

April 16, 1991

May 16, 1991

Mr. Jay Curtis Solicits Me

Me To A Joint Venture For
The Department of

The Audio CD Containing

The Evidence Is
Mastered and Replicated
At American Helix.

At the Tech Lab

At Commodore
Computer, In West
Chester, PA, I
PreMaster and Master
One-Off CD-ROM of
AMG Legal Systems.

Mr. Curtis Became

Increasingly Interested
In The CD-ROM, And
Began To Interrogate
Me As To What I Was
Going To Do.

64 of 168


Monday, September 21, 2015


May 23, 1991

May 24, 1991

May 28th, 1991

Mr. Jay Curtis Calls

And Interrogates Me
Extensively About The
CIA Activities With ISC
And Tells Me That The
Authorities Have My

I Travel To Stone
Harbor, New Jersey
And In A Newspaper, I
Learn Of The CIA And
ISC Story.

The Stone Harbor

Police Pull Me Over
And Arrest Me For
Drinking And Driving,
However, I kept Passing
The Breathalyzer Tests.
I Ended Up In Prison,
Again, For Nothing.

In Fear For My Life, I

Pack My Bags.
That Night On ABC
News Nightline, Ted
Koppel Featured The
Story About The CIA
And ISC.
Allegations Of Insanity
Have Already Begun.

I Plant Several CD-ROMs of

The AMG Legal Systems In
Various Strategic Places.

There was one attempt

on my life.
October 12, 1991
I Meet Ted Koppel At
The Dulles Airport In
Washington, D.C. And
Ask Him If He Knew Mr.
Jay Curtis, And Told Him
How I Was Interrogated Just
Hours Before The CIA and
ISC Sell Arms To Iraq.

65 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


November 12, 1997

November 23, 1997

December 2nd , 1997

I E-Mail Lancaster
Newspapers About
ISC And My Story.

I Write For A Legal

Opinion From Attorney
Christina Rainville, And
Attorney Mat Samly, Of
Xekallis, Reese, & Pugh.
Mr. Samley promises to
have a 6 page opinion
Immediately after the holidays.

I receive via certified

mail return receipt
materials & letter from
Ms. Rainville stating her
Firm will not take any
new clients from
Lancaster County.

December 22, 1997

I send letter to Dr. Shulz
describing my need to
resolve all issues due to
my inability to bear the
fruits of my labor due to
The mitigating

December 29th, 1997

I Send Letter And Evidence
Ted Kopple of ABC News

December 31st, 1997

I Deliver Evidence To
Chambers Of U.S.
District Judge Stewart
Dalzall in Philadelphia

I also begin to make

a diary of the mental duress
at Pflumm Contractors, Inc.,

I receive a threat from Jim

Christian via telephone who
said if you raise these issues
again, your life will be much
worst off than it is now, let it be.
He continued to try to threaten me
from raising these issues.

66 of 168


Monday, September 21, 2015


January 13, 1998

In a desperate plead
for intervention with
the mental duress at
Pflumm Cont., and the
invasion of my privacy
all trying to stop my
pursuit of justice I call
Fr. Lavelle at the Office
Of the Bishop for help
and advise. A meeting
is set for the next morning
at 9:00 am.
Coincidentally Dr. Al Shulz
calls me to reschedule my
Quarterly checkup soon after
following my meeting with
Fr. Lavelle, in Harrisburg.
Pam Pflumm arrives at my
house in the evening trying to
confuse me and annoy me
before my meetings.

January 14, 1998

I meet with Fr. Lavelle
who mysteriously would
on suggest that I continue
to talk to my therapist
and would not call Dave
Pflumm to alleviate the
incidents of mental duress
unless Al Shulz would tell
him to do so.
Pam Pflumm call me on
My car phone as soon as
I leave the Bishops Office
crying hysterically that
she needs to see me and
wants to go to Dr. Shulzs
office with me. She demands
To go with me to my appointment
but I make her wait in the car.
I sense wrongdoing, and tape
record my session with Dr.
Shulz, who

January 14th Cont.

before I speak one
word tells me Stan
you are sick, you are
not well, you need to
take different medicine
you need help. The last
time that I saw Dr. Shulz
in September, I was fine.
Someone apparently
called Dr. Shulz prior to
my arrival. See Tape.
January 15th, 1998
I send a certified letter
to Dr. Al Shulz notifying
him that I am leaving his
Everyone makes an
ordeal of my session
with Dr. Shulz as if
I was some lunatic, it
is a violation of my right

67 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


January 16, 1998

Due to the inflammation
of further mental duress
I take my 1 st sick day and
take my 2 week vacation
in an effort for a cooling-off
period at Pflumm
Contractors, Inc., in order
to protect my sanity.

February 5, 1998
In a desperate plead to
resolve the issues I file
a formal complaint to the
PA Chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
in Philadelphia, PA.

February 171998
ACLU responds that
they do not have the
available resources
to look into my case.

February 19th, 1998

At 11:30 pm Pam Pflumm
arrives at my home, and
after I request her to leave
Several occasions, she tries
to convince me that my mother
is dying - she said Your
mother Is dying, and you
dont even care.

February 20th, 1998

Immediately upon
entering my office
I confront Dave Pflumm
and ask him if my mother
is dying, He had no

See Diary of Mental

Duress filed with the PA
Unemployment Comp. Office.

February 17, 1998

Immediately prior to the
telephone call from the ACLU
I had mailed a personal letter
to Bishop Dittilo of the Dioc.
of Harrisburg pleading for
help and intervention
regarding all matters.

68 of 168


Frank Kent of the ACLU

had called me at my
Office to inform me
that they did not have
the resources to
consider my case.
which I had politely

Monday, September 21, 2015


February 20th, 1998 (Cont)

Extremely distraught and
upset I went home at lunch
and called Mr. Kenneth
Burnette, Stepfather of
Pam Pflumm, and Chaplain at
Lancaster General Hospital
and asked him to talk to Pam
That evening I had dropped
a copy of the letter to Bishop
Dittilo into his mailbox.

February 28, 1998

Coincidentally, more than
2 months late, I receive
a legal opinion from
Mr. Matt Samley of Xekallis,
Reese, and Pugh. Which
Was totally without any
legal merit.

February 22, 1998

Mr. Keneth Burnette comes
to visit me at my home to discuss
my note. He said that Pam
never said my mother was dying
but rather that she was sick. He
states that my situation is over
his head . I told him that work
has been like Hell for the past
Several months and asked him
to help. He repeated to me, so
work is like Hell?. He said he
would check on me. And I
Distinctly told him that I will call
him if I wanted to see him.

March 17, 1998

Mr. Ken Burnette continued to
come to my home on at least 5
more occasions despite my polite
way of saying, dont call me Ill call

February 25, 1998

I file a claim for
Compensation on the
grounds of quitting due
to mental duress caused
Mr. David Pflumm and
several key employees,
that had begun when
be began to pursue
my claim for justice for
the issues of the past
ten years.

I am again denied
Compensation for the
3rd time in my life.

69 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


March 24, 1998

April 13, 1998

April 21, 1998

I file an appeal with the

Lancaster Job Center for
Unemployment Comp.

A hearing is held at
the Lancaster Job Center
for UC Benefits with D.D.
Hukill presiding as Referee
and myself and Dave Pflumm
in attendance. My testimony
is my diary of mental duress.
We ate lunch afterwards at
P.J. Mathews in Place Marie

My appeal for UC
Benefits is again
denied for illegitimate
reasons including
discrimination for
going to Fr. Lavelle
to intervene into the
problems at Pflumm

I reject the offer

from her due to
questionable motives.

April 27, 1998

I file another appeal
to the UC Board of Review
for my UC benefits.

70 of 168


Monday, September 21, 2015


I, Stanley J. Caterbone being duly sworn according to law, make the following affidavit concerning the years during which I was
maliciously and purposefully mentally abused, subjected to a massive array of prosecutorial misconduct, while enduring an exhaustive fight
for the sovereignty of my constitutional rights, shareholder rights, civil liberties, and right of due access to the law. I will detail a deliberate
attempt on my life, in 1991, exhibiting the dire consequences of this complaint. These allegations are substantiated through a
preponderance of evidence including but not limited to over 10,000 documents, over 50 hours of recorded conversations, transcripts, and
archived on several digital mediums. A Findings of Facts is attached herewith providing merits and the facts pertaining to this affidavit.
These issues and incidents identified herein have attempted to conceal my disclosures of International Signal & Control, Plc. However, the
merits of the violations contained in this affidavit will be proven incidental to the existence of any conspiracy.

The plaintiff protests the courts for all remedial actions mandated by law. Financial considerations would exceed $1 million. These violations
began on June 23, 1987 while I was a resident and business owner in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and have continued to the present.
These issues are a direct consequence of my public disclosure of fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc., of County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, which were in compliance with federal and state statutes governing my shareholder rights granted in 1983, when I purchased
my interests in International Signal & Control., Plc.. I will also prove intentional undo influence against family and friends towards
compromising the credibility of myself, with malicious and selfserving accusations of insanity. I conclude that the courts must provide me
with fair access to the law, and most certainly, the process must void any technical deficiencies found in this filing as being material to the
conclusions. Such arrogance by the Courts would only challenge the judicial integrity of our Constitution .

1. The activities contained herein may raise the argument of fair disclosure regarding the

scope of law pertaining to issues and activities

compromising the National Security of the United States. The Plaintiff will successfully argue that due to the criminal record of International
Signal & Control, including the illegal transfer of arms and technologies to an end user Iraq, the laws of disclosure must be forfeited by
virtue that said activities posed a direct compromise to the National Security of the United States.; the plaintiff will argue that his public
allegations of misconduct within the operations of International Signal & Control, Plc., as early as June of 1987 ;demonstrated actions were
proven to protect the National Security of the United States.. The activities of International Signal & Control, Pls., placed American troops in
harms way. The plaintiffs actions should have taken the American troops out of harms way causing the activities of the International Signal
& Control, Plc., to cease and desist.

71 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

All activities contained herein have greatly compromised the National Security of the United States, and the laws of jurist prudence must
apply towards the Plaintiffs intent and motive of protecting the rights of his fellow citizens. Had the plaintiff been protected under the law,
and subsequently had the law enforcement community of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the County of Lancaster administer
justice, United States troops may have been taken out of harms way, as a direct result of ceasing the operations of International Signal &
Control, Plc., in as early as 1987.

2. The plaintiff will successfully prove that the following activities and the prosecutorial misconduct were directed at intimidating the plaintiff
from continuing his public disclosures regarding illegal activities within International Signal & Control, Plc,. On June 23, 1998, International
Signal & Control, Plc was negotiating for the $1.14 billion merger with Ferranti International, of England. Such disclosures threatened the
integrity of International Signal & Controls organization, and Mr. James Guerin himself, consequently resulting in adverse financial
considerations to all parties if such disclosures provided any reason to question the integrity of the transaction, which later became the
central criminal activity in the in The United States District Court For The Eastern District

3. The plaintiff will prove that undo influence was also responsible for the adverse

Of Pennsylvania.

consequences and fabricated demise of his business

enterprises and personal holdings. The dire consequences of the plaintiffs failed business dealings will demonstrate and substantiate
financial incentive and motive. Defendants responsible for administering undo influence and interference in the plaintiffs business and
commercial enterprises had financial interests. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a taxing authority, Lancaster County had a great
investment whos demise would facilitate grave consequences to its economic development. . Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon) would
have less competition in the mortgage banking business and other financial services, violating the
lender liability laws . The Steinman Enterprises, Inc., would loose a pioneer in the information technologies industries, and would protect the
public domain from truthful disclosure. The plaintiff will also provide significant evidence of said perpetrators violating common laws
governing intellectual property rights.

72 of 168


Monday, September 21, 2015

4. Given the plaintiffs continued and obstructed right to due process of the law, beginning in June of 1987 and continuing to the present,
the plaintiff must be given fair access to the law with the opportunity for any and all remedial actions required under the federal and state
statutes. The plaintiff will successfully argue his rights to the courts to rightfully claim civil actions with regards to the totality of these
activities, so described in the following Findings of Facts, regardless of any statute of limitations. Given the plaintiffs genuine efforts for
due process has been inherently and maliciously obstructed, the courts must provide the opportunity for any and all remedial actions
deserving to the plaintiff.

5. Under current laws, the plaintiffs intellectual capacity has been exploited as means of discrediting the plaintiffs disclosures and
obstructing the plaintiffs right to due process of the law. The plaintiff has always had the proper rights under federal and state laws to enter
into contract. The logic and reason towards the plaintiffs activities and actions are a matter of record, demonstrated in the Findings of
Facts, contained herein.. The plaintiff will argue and successfully prove that the inherent emotional consequences

to all of the activities

contained herein have resulted in Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

The evidence of the stress subjected to the plaintiff, will prove to be the direct result of the activities contained herein, rather than the
exhibited behavior of any mental deficiency the plaintiff may or may not have. The courts must provide for the proper interpretations of all
laws, irrespective of the plaintiffs alleged intellectual capacity. The plaintiff successfully argue that his mental capacity is of very little
legal consequence, if any; other than in its malicious representations used to diminish the credibility of the plaintiff.

6. The plaintiff will demonstrate that the following incidents of illegal prosecutions were purposefully directed at intimidating the plaintiff
from further public disclosure into the activities of International Signal & Control, Plc., consequently obstructing the plaintiffs access to due
process of the law. Due to the fact that these activities to which the plaintiffs perpetrators were protecting were illegal activities, the RICO
statutes would apply. To this day, the plaintiff has never been convicted of any crime with the exception of 2 speeding tickets. The following
report identifies 34 instances of prosecutorial misconduct during the prosecutions and activities beginning on June 23, 1987 and continuing
to today.

73 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

Given the preponderance of evidence associated with this affidavit, the courts must conclude that In The United
States District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Federal Judge Stuart Dalzalls findings of April 14, 1997,
in the Lisa Lambert case identifying acts of prosecutorial Misconduct, now, by virtue of this affidavit, now discloses
evidence of a bona fide pattern of prosecutorial misconduct, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and in the County of
Lancaster. Criminal law must now determine if these disclosures would warrant investigations of a possible criminal
enterprise. This affidavit is of material interest to the Lambert case, for the very fact that this affidavit compromises the
very same integrity of the court, which would tip the scales of justice even further from the peoples deserving rights..
In the truthfulness of this affidavit, The Commonwealth must concede Lisa Michelle Lambert to balance the scales of
justice, which no other act could accomplish. Commonwealth must yield the criminal culpability of Lisa Michelle
Lambert to the superior matter of restoring the integrity to the courts; by its own admission of wrongdoing, assuring
the peoples of its commitment to administer equalities of justice, not inequalities of justice. Balancing the scales of
justice. Anything less, would take the full scope of jurisdiction out of the boundaries of our laws, negating our
democracy and impugning the Constitution of the United States. The plaintiff must be restored to whole.

Authored and Produced on September 17, 2015 by,

Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
717-459-7588 Fax

74 of 168


Monday, September 21, 2015

Gmail - RE: Bobby Ray Inman, ISC & Telepathy - FFCHS Conference Ca...

1 of 13

Stan Caterbone <>

RE: Bobby Ray Inman, ISC & Telepathy - FFCHS Conference Call
News 11/27/10
1 message
Stan J. Caterbone <>
Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 6:35 PM
To: Derrick Robinson <>, Advanced Media Group <>, "Stan J.
Caterbone" <>, Stan Caterbone <>
November 28, 2010 6:30pm EST
Just to provide you with more background on the ISC/NSA connection, they were alleged by ABC News and the Financial
Times of London in 1991 to have been involved in black ops programs with the NSA and CIA in the exporting of arms to Iraq.
Tedd Koppel of Nightline did the reporting in segments from May to September of 1991. ABC News 20/20 did a segment in
February of 1991.
Also in September of 1991, Robert Gates, the current Secretary of Defense, was questioned in detail about his involvement
and knowledge of ISC, Lancaster, and the alleged arms sales during is confirmation hearings for Director of CIA (I have the
CNN Broadcast). This was all reported by Ted Koppel in 3 different segments in the summer of 1991 ( I have all of the
broadcasts). ISC was indicted a few months later for a massive fraud and the illegal arms sales. They (ISC) were apparently
used and left to take the fall. On a side note, Robert Gates was here in Lancaster just last year for the wedding of his niece
who lives here.
It is just too suspicious that all these mind altering/controlling victimization's and torture, including 24/7 telepathy went robust
and in high gear in 2005, the same year I filed a federal civil action (I withdrew the complaint including information of ISC and
their related activities). I have some suspicions that they were doing some type of remote monitoring back to 1987, but
nothing I can put a finger on compared to what started in 2005. Of course the stalking related victimization's began in 1987.

For what it is worth, ISC/Ferranti had many capabilities for developing technologies. I wish I knew if they were involved in any
of the non lethal weapons that terrorize us.
Also, I may have listed Bobby Ray Inman's career wrong, he was not secretary of the Navy, but Director of the NSA. Here is
part of his (Bobby Ray Inman) wikipedia: (click here) He served as Director of Naval Intelligence from September 1974 to July
1976, then moved to the Defense Intelligence Agency where he served as Vice Director until 1977. He next became the
Director of the National Security Agency. Inman held this post until 1981. His last major position was as the Deputy Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency, a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982.
He was also listed in this document by Thomas Porter "Brief History of MK-ULTRA" Click Here To Link To Document Some
of the Players-"S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Parapsychological Association meeting arrangements, via their
'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is a big time defense contractor, has held the
largest number of research contracts of any defense contractor. Bobby Ray Inman is on its board of directors, among
Stan J. Caterbone
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 16:34:19 -0500
Subject: Re: Bobby Ray Inman, ISC & Telepathy - FFCHS Conference Call News 11/27/10
Hi Stan. Thanks so much for writing! I also noticed the article about Bobby Ray Inman in this collection because he was
director of NSA in the late 70's and early 80's when I was there! So I must have a look at that soon.

75 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

11/29/2010 11:24 AM

Gmail - RE: Bobby Ray Inman, ISC & Telepathy - FFCHS Conference Ca...

2 of 13

Also, I had no idea that you had connections and information that connect to NSA. Your case may tie into ours somehow.
Hopefully, you could be a plaintiff with us. We have had no clear connection to the federal spy agencies, such as NSA. I'll
check into this. This is valuable information.

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Stan J. Caterbone <> wrote:
November 27, 2010


I was trying to write a statement of my targeting since November 4th and at that time included
some information on U.S. Secretary of Navy and former Deputy Director of CIA and Board of
Directors of ISC, the company I blew the whistle on in 1987, Bobby Ray Inman. It just so
happens that in your link to the Document Archive of ICOMW - It covers Bobby Ray Inman and
discusses synthetic telepathy and his research on paranormal activities. I have known about
Bobby Ray Inman for years but thought it was important to let you know since he was included
in your link. It is highly probable that this has something to do with my targeting as it relates to
telepathy and electromagnetic weapons attacks. The following is (1)my unfinished statement,
(2)the document contained in your links on Bobby Ray Inman, and a (3)related news article
about Bobby Ray Inman that confirms his ISC relationship.

I think this might be of interest to you and FFCHS as far as sourcing telepathy technology with
the CIA and Navy, as well as other DOD agencies.

1-November 4, 2010 Statement: I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since
1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and Complaints to State and
Federal Authorities of Fraud during merger negotiations with British Defense
Contractor Ferranti International) on an international defense contractor named
International Signal & Control, or ISC, who was selling arms (Everything from
Telemetry Systems to Cluster Bombs) to Iraq via South Africa and was convicted of a
$1 Billion dollar Fraud in 1992 by the United States Attorney and several other federal
agencies. See ABC/News 20/20 and Nightline in 1991. They were founded and
headquartered in my hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I was a shareholder and
was solicited by a top ISC Executives (Convicted as a Mastermind of the Billion Dollar
Fraud) to help finance some of their operations through an affiliate called United Chem
Con. ISC was a Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor and a partner with United
States Intelligence Agencies since it's beginnings in the early 1970's. One of it's first
contracts was Project X with the National Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade,
Maryland. Former Secretary of the Navy, Bobby Ray Inman was on the Board of
Directors of ISC and was also on the Board of Directors of Science Applications
International Corporation, or SAIC. SAIC was a huge defense contractor that was the
recipient of the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA, program on Remote Viewing,
which SAIC named Project Stargate. It was reported that Bobby Ray Inman declined
the nomination for Secretary of Defense under the first Clinton Administration because

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Monday, September 21, 2015

11/29/2010 11:24 AM

Gmail - RE: Bobby Ray Inman, ISC & Telepathy - FFCHS Conference Ca...

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of the ISC and Trecor scandals. In the early 1990's I was a subcontractor on a project for
the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, or DARPA, with the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, or NIST called TIMIT. The project developed speech corpora for the
development of computer based speech recognition systems. I was also involved in the bidding
of other Department of Defense contracts dealing with information technologies. In 1998 I was
stalked and approached by an employee of the National Security Agency, or NSA in York,
Pennsylvania who said my problems were not with the NSA, but the good ole boys. In 2005 I
was detained by 2 Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA officers in a museum on a military base
in Austin, Texas and was questioned and interviewed regarding my civil actions filed in federal
court for several hours. I was released and told to stay off of all military bases. My brother, a
Family Physician in Austin Texas had to verify my travel plans and the fact that I was staying
with him prior to my release.
Stan J. Caterbone

2-Document Archive of ICOMW 1982 Central Intelligence Agency

/Admiral Bobby Inman (click here)
The Wall Street Journal of April 22, 1982 reported the resignation of Admiral Bobby Inman as
Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, "a move that government sources believe
was prompted by a dispute over plans for domestic intelligence activities". The report goes on to
say that Admiral Inman objected to a new directive the White House had approved on
counterintelligence operations. "He reportedly felt the new procedures allowed intelligence
agencies to get too heavily involved in spying activities in the U.S. Also, sources said, that he
was miffed because the White House didn't allow him a greater voice in shaping the intelligence
From our present vantage point, it seems as if Admiral Inman was in conflict with Vice
President George Herbert Walker Bush, who apparently thought it part of his portfolio
to stage-manage the CIA from his office in the White House because he was a former
director of the Central Intelligence Agency. However, at the time we found this article
(some years after it was published) we were only interested in whether the

new procedures Inman objected to included the use of synthetic

telepathy to entrap persons suspected of spying, and possibly even the
use of synthetic telepathy and other electronic affects to torture
peaceful citizens intosuicide or crimes of violence in order to prove that
the Central Intelligence Agency controlled their minds.
With the intention of resolving the issues behind Admiral Inman's departure from the Central
Intelligence Agency, we telephoned Gerald Seib at the Washington, D.C. office of the Wall
Street Journal. He greeted us quite cordially (for remembering an article he had written years
earlier), but as we proceeded to the matter-at-hand he became vague as to what, if anything,
he could add to the story he had written. We decided to call Admiral Inman himself. We found
Admiral Inman at his new job with a public-private initiative to make the United States
pre-eminent in the manufacture of semi-conductors, and managed to get through to the
aide-de-camp he had brought with him from the Navy. That man certainly could listen. He
promised to discuss the questions we had laid before him and to get back to us regarding our
request to speak with the Admiral. Several weeks later, we telephoned the aide-de-camp again
and he responded that he had, indeed, discussed our conversation with Admiral Inman. Then he
gave us the Admiral's response in a manner which was so precise that we imagined he was
reading it word-for-word from a slip of paper on which he had written it down: "Admiral Inman
is not prepared to discuss that matter - at this time".
Therefore, dear visitor, we give you Gerald Seib's article itself to see what you can make of it.
However, we wish to remind you that from 1983 to 1986 there were a plethora of arrests of
Soviet spies in Washington culminating with the kidnapping in Rome and transport to
Washington of Vitaly Yurchenko, one of the senior officers of the KGB. Yurchenko had the
misfortune of being stationed in the Soviet Embassy in Washington at the time George Herbert
Walker Bush was DCI, and apparently had incurred his enmity.

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11/29/2010 11:24 AM

Gmail - RE: Bobby Ray Inman, ISC & Telepathy - FFCHS Conference Ca...

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(click for full article)
So let's stop the juvenile psychoanalyzing of Bobby Ray and cut to the content. The charges
about to surface against Inman in the hearings included possible financial and even criminal
peccadilloes in the private sector, centering around two companies. One was Inman's

role as a member of the board of International Signal and Control, a firm

found by a federal district judge to be a criminal enterprise engaged in
illegal arms dealing, money laundering, and business fraud on a
massive scale. The other firm was Tracor, Inc., an Austin, Texas military contractor of
which Bobby Ray was chief executive, but not before Inman received nearly $1 million in
executive compensation. Then, of course, there was Inman's Nannygate, in which he hastily
paid $6,000 in back Social Security taxes for an aged part-time housekeeper only after he
had been nominated for secretary of defense.
Stan J. Caterbone

Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 17:14:28 -0500

Subject: FFCHS Conference Call News 11/27/10
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78 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

11/29/2010 11:24 AM

Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 of 2

Bobby Ray Inman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bobby Ray Inman (born April 4, 1931) is a retired United States admiral who held several influential
positions in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

Bobby Ray Inman

1 Career
2 Nomination for Secretary of Defense
3 International Signal and Control (ISC) Scandal
4 Statements
5 See also
6 References
7 External links

He served as Director of Naval Intelligence from September 1974 to July 1976, then moved to the Defense
Intelligence Agency where he served as Vice Director until 1977. He next became the Director of the
National Security Agency. Inman held this post until 1981. His last major position was as the Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence, a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982.
Inman has been influential in various advisory roles. Notably, he chaired a commission on improving
security at U.S. foreign installations after the Marine barracks bombing and the April 1983 US Embassy
bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. The commission's report has been influential in setting security design
standards for U.S. Embassies.

Inman's official CIA photo, 1983

April 4, 1931
Rhonesboro, Texas


United States


United States Navy

Years of service




After retirement from the Navy, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in
Austin, Texas for four years and Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Westmark Systems, Inc., a privately owned electronics industry holding
company for three years. Admiral Inman also served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 1987 through 1990.
Admiral Inmans primary activity since 1990 has been investing in start-up technology companies, where he is a Managing Director of Gefinor Ventures and
Limestone Ventures. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Massey Energy Company and of several privately held companies. He serves as a Trustee of
the American Assembly and the California Institute of Technology. He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
President Clinton nominated him as Secretary of Defense, but he withdrew his nomination (see below).
Inman also was on the board of SAIC.[1]
Since 2001, Inman has held the LBJ Centennial Chair in National Policy at The University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and
in 2005 and again in 2009 was the school's interim dean.[2] Inman graduated from Texas with a bachelor's in history in 1950.
Inman has also served on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dell Computer, SBC Corporation (now AT&T)[3] and Massey Energy.
In 2011 he became head of the board of directors of Xe Services, formerly Erik Prince's Blackwater and now known as Academi.[4] As of 2013, he sits on the
Board of Directors of Academi.[5]

Nomination for Secretary of Defense

Inman was announced as President Bill Clinton's choice to succeed Les Aspin as Secretary of Defense on December 16, 1993, initially receiving broad
bipartisan support. He accepted the post at first, but withdrew his nomination during a press conference on January 18, 1994.[6]
During the press conference, Inman made angry remarks about comments by New York Times columnist William Safire.[7] Safire wrote paragraphs on Inman's
"anti-Israel bias shown", and ended in a four point list of other negative qualifications. In reply, Inman suggested that Safire had recruited Senator Bob Dole of
Kansas to engage in a "vitriolic attack" on Inman, and also claimed that Dole and Senator Trent Lott were planning to "turn up the heat" on his nomination.
Dole's reaction was to state that "I have no idea what's gotten into Bobby Inman... Admiral Inman's letter doesn't make any sense to me." Lott appeared even
more surprised, saying that "I am floored by [Inman's] bizarre press conference", while an unnamed White House aide added: "Most of us were glued to the
tube, our mouths open in shock."[8]

International Signal and Control (ISC) Scandal

In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Defense Secretary, his critics speculated that the decision was motivated by a
desire to conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a member of the board of directors of the company, which was allegedly either negligent or approved illegal

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9/21/2015 6:57 AM

Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Originally called ESI (Electronic Systems International), the company manufactured sub-assemblies for the AGM-45 Shrike and RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles
in 1974, and just after the Vietnam war which was part of a standard arms contract for the US defense administration (DCAS). The company also had a
commercial repair facility of two meter portable amateur ("ham") radios from a company in New Jersey called Clegg,[2] and manufactured communications
helmet radios for firemen, and electronic outdoor bug zappers.
ISC was involved in two major indiscretions, for which CEO James Guerin received a 15-year prison sentence:
It defrauded and caused the collapse of the British company Ferranti, which acquired it in 1987.[3] It exported classified military technology to South Africa,
which was then forwarded to third countries, notably Iraq.
From 1984 to 1988, ISC sent South Africa more than $30 million in military-related equipment, including telemetry tracking antennae to collect data from
missiles in flight, gyroscopes for guidance systems, and photo-imaging film readers, all of which would form the "backbone" of a medium-range missile
system. Some of this technology was reportedly transferred to Iraq.[7] Another link to Iraq was the supply of the specifications for the Mk 20 Rockeye II cluster
bomb through Chilean defence company Carlos Cardoen, which was able to build an almost identical weapon that was subsequently used against coalition
forces in the Persian Gulf War of JanuaryFebruary 1991.[8]

In 2006, Inman criticized the Bush administration's use of warrantless domestic wiretaps, making him one of the highest-ranking former intelligence officials to
criticize the program in public.[9][10]

See also
1. James Bamford, The Shadow Factory, Doubleday, 2008, p201
2. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. Biography of Bobby R. Inman (, retrieved 2015-06-14.
3. Pletz, John. "Michael Dell's view from the top", ( Austin American-Statesman, 2004
May 2.
4. Former Blackwater Security Firm Gets New Leaders in Image Makeover ( By Justin Fishel March 09, 2011,
5. Academi Board of Directors (
6. Bobby Inman Withdrawal Press Conference (
7. William Safire column on December 23, 1993
8. Adm. Inman Asks Clinton To Withdraw Nomination - The Tech (
9. Shachtman, Noah. "Ex-NSA Chief Assails Bush Taps (", Wired News, 2006 May 9.
10. "Ex-NSA Head Bobby R. Inman on the National Security Agencys Domestic Surveillance Program: This Activity Was Not Authorized (
/",, 2006 May 17.

External links
Biography of Bobby R. Inman (
University of Texas Biography (
Government offices
Preceded by
Lew Allen, Jr.

Director of the National Security Agency


Succeeded by
Lincoln D. Faurer

Preceded by
Frank Charles Carlucci III

CIA Deputy Director


Succeeded by
John N. McMahon

Retrieved from ""

Categories: 1931 births Living people Directors of the National Security Agency Deputy Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency
People from Upshur County, Texas People of the Defense Intelligence Agency United States Navy admirals University of Texas at Austin alumni
Academi Directors of the Office of Naval Intelligence
This page was last modified on 14 June 2015, at 07:34.
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of
Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

80 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

9/21/2015 6:57 AM

ICOMW - 1982 Central Intelligence Agency /Admiral Bobby Inman

1 of 2


1982 Central Intelligence Agency /Admiral Bobby Inman

Log Out
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The Wall Street Journal of April 22, 1982 reported the resignation of Admiral Bobby Inman as
Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, "a move that government sources believe
was prompted by a dispute over plans for domestic intelligence activities". The report goes on
to say that Admiral Inman objected to a new directive the White House had approved on
counterintelligence operations. "He reportedly felt the new procedures allowed intelligence
agencies to get too heavily involved in spying activities in the U.S. Also, sources said, that he
was miffed because the White House didn't allow him a greater voice in shaping the
intelligence procedures".
From our present vantage point, it seems as if Admiral Inman was in conflict with Vice
President George Herbert Walker Bush, who apparently thought it part of his portfolio to
stage-manage the CIA from his office in the White House because he was a former director of
the Central Intelligence Agency. However, at the time we found this article (some years after it
was published) we were only interested in whether the new procedures Inman objected to
included the use of synthetic telepathy to entrap persons suspected of spying, and possibly
even the use of synthetic telepathy and other electronic affects to torture peaceful citizens into
suicide or crimes of violence in order to prove that the Central Intelligence Agency controlled
their minds.
With the intention of resolving the issues behind Admiral Inman's departure from the Central
Intelligence Agency, we telephoned Gerald Seib at the Washington, D.C. office of the Wall
Street Journal. He greeted us quite cordially (for remembering an article he had written years
earlier), but as we proceeded to the matter-at-hand he became vague as to what, if anything, he
could add to the story he had written. We decided to call Admiral Inman himself.
We found Admiral Inman at his new job with a public-private initiative to make the United
States pre-eminent in the manufacture of semi-conductors, and managed to get through to the
aide-de-camp he had brought with him from the Navy. That man certainly could listen. He
promised to discuss the questions we had laid before him and to get back to us regarding our
request to speak with the Admiral. Several weeks later, we telephoned the aide-de-camp again
and he responded that he had, indeed, discussed our conversation with Admiral Inman. Then
he gave us the Admiral's response in a manner which was so precise that we imagined he was
reading it word-for-word from a slip of paper on which he had written it down: "Admiral
Inman is not prepared to discuss that matter - at this time".

81 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

30/08/2006 16:57

ICOMW - 1982 Central Intelligence Agency /Admiral Bobby Inman

2 of 2


Therefore, dear visitor, we give you Gerald Seib's article itself to see what you can make of it.
However, we wish to remind you that from 1983 to 1986 there were a plethora of arrests of
Soviet spies in Washington culminating with the kidnapping in Rome and transport to
Washington of Vitaly Yurchenko, one of the senior officers of the KGB. Yurchenko had the
misfortune of being stationed in the Soviet Embassy in Washington at the time George Herbert
Walker Bush was DCI, and apparently had incurred his enmity.
ICOMW 2006
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82 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

30/08/2006 16:57

Brief History Of MK-Ultra

Page 1 of 4

Mind Control
CIA MK-Ultra Program

Brief History Of MK-Ultra

CIA Program On Mind Control
By Tom Porter 1996
All Rights Reserved
Started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation, secure courier duties, and reducing
fatigue. Also research into effects of primitive drugs like barbiturates and cannabis as far as drugassisted interrogation goes.
George Estabrooks was the leading proponent of hypnosis as the be-all and end-all of manipulating
peoples minds. His book, 'Hypnotism', published in the early forties, has been decried as too fantastic
and improbable in terms of describing the capabilities of hypnosis with certain very suggestible subjects,
but his arguments and examples remain valid to this day.
Start of Cold War and Korean War in particular gave a big boost to mind control research with the
emergence of 'Brain Washing' as a common term. Supposedly a development of the dastardly ChiComs, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later found to be on the CIA payroll as an
agent of influence. Postulating a 'brainwashing gap' The CIA got the go-ahead for research into
countering communist mind control efforts and developing their own to aid in the espionage wars.
Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the
ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her
mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them
in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as
LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as
methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for
days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient's own voice through helmet-mounted headphones
was a notorious Canadian researcher's recipe for mind control.
One of the most remarkable cases of mind control involves a famous model of the late 40's and 50's
named Candy Jones. In the book, "The Control of Candy Jones" the author reviewed hours of tapes
made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed a systematic program to create and manipulate
alter personalities as the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary
personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried. The information could be
summoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue.
Research continued into early 70's by CIA's own admission during the Church hearings. John Marks,
author of the best study of CIA mind control experiments, makes the subtle differentiation that the CIA
congressional witnesses might truthfully say that all research done by the TSS Directorate had ended,
since the programs were moved into other areas once operational techniques had been developed. Many
of the names mentioned in reference to mind control research turn up in the few references to supposed
dead-end research in ESP.

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Brief History Of MK-Ultra

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There have been persistent rumors of Navy research involving attempts at telepathy from submarines
under water, the Nautilus being the most famous of these. Detection of enemy submarines, and
communicating with our own, has continued to be an important area of conventional research for the
Navy, so it is no surprise that researching the use of ESP for these purposes would be of interest.
Communicating with a submerged submarine is the only kind of communications where the very act of
receiving puts the receiver in danger, since submarines must normally stick an antenna out of the water
for high speed radio traffic, or rely on trailing a long wire antenna under water relatively near the surface
to receive very slow speed traffic using ELF radio waves. Newer techniques may involve the use of
blue-green wavelength lasers, but evidently penetration to any depth is still a problem.
If you look at telepathy as a problem in the transfer of information in a very noisy environment, then
certain existing solutions suggest themselves: There have already been experiments in the transmission
of five distinct symbols via telepathy, namely Zener card symbols. I suggest that there is already a way
of transmitting information using two symbols only, namely Morse Code. Current ELF or VLF radio
transmission methods for communicating with fleet ballistic missile submarines to issue them their
launch orders involve very low data transfer rates, on the order of 3 to 30 bits per minute, if I am not
mistaken. Messages are very short, consisting of pre-formulated action or targeting codes. I suggest that
telepathic 'Zener Morse' is an operational technique for information transfer under severe signal to noise
conditions. In fact the use of five Zener symbols would increase data transfer rates, but at the expense of
a higher error rate due to the problems in discriminating between five and just two symbols.
Reports of Project SCANNATE in 70's, most likely done by Swann, since his method for RV is very
similar to that reportedly used in this project; namely providing latitude and longitude coordinates and
telling what is there. Later changed to assigning random number for unique session number and Swann
picked up location anyway.
"The New Age Army:" Over the past 10 - 15 years a number of military personnel, most in significant
positions in Military Intelligence, have expressed interest in and directed programs or projects that have
explored paranormal activities and capabilities. Several government studies on Enhancing Human
Performance took place during this time. Most, if not all of them, were savaged in the NRC study on
Enhancing Human Performance, but recent critiques and rebuttals of this study have indicated severe
irregularities in the evaluation procedures for papers submitted to the NRC study, suppression of
favorable results, and a definitely one-sided evaluation panel.
Much modern research in parapsychology tends to support the idea that Enhanced Perception is a
survival-related trait from our distant past, not the tip of the iceberg as far as new emerging human
powers go. This is supported by the observation that many psychic episodes center around catastrophic
or traumatic events. Studies of Siberian and Eskimo shamans also show the development of ESP or
similar shamanic powers due to injury, exposure to cold, and isolation. Dissociation with tendencies
towards Multiple Personality Disorder also occurs in these Shamans due to their ordeals. This is in
contrast to the experiences of most tropical shamans who tend to find their powers through exposure to
mind-altering drugs.
The Vietnam war, with its exceedingly stressful combat environment of no clear-cut enemies combined
with ambush being the normal way of making contact, produced a large body of individual reports
stressing enhanced perception and awareness. This showed up as detecting ambushes and booby-traps
before they were sprung; detecting the presence of enemy soldiers without any conscious sign of them;
time dilation when bullets could be seen slowly traveling around the battlefield, and even reports of
soldiers avoiding those bullets by jumping out of their paths as they were shot at.
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Brief History Of MK-Ultra

Page 3 of 4

Dr. Ian Wickramasekera of Eastern Virginia Medical School has studied the expansion of sensory input
during trauma which would lead to time dilation, etc. This gentleman has also studied the effects of
sensory deprivation on hypnotic susceptibility in young women.
In a recent article in U.S. News & World Report, John Gittinger, a CIA psychologist associated with a
CIA front organization, the Human Ecology Society admitted to knowledge of experiments in
developing ESP by giving electric shocks to subjects when they gave wrong answers.
Recently, a Russian researcher in psychotronics, Dr. Igor Smirnov, has helped to start up a new Virginia
company, called Psycho-Technologies, I believe. It is supposed to conduct research on various kinds of
LTL technology, with a concentration on Soviet-developed psychotronic warfare capabilities involving
the use of electromagnetic and sonic waves to influence and disable individuals or crowds. Supposedly
this ranges from simply falling to influencing peoples thoughts via audio or visual subliminal messages.
The Monroe Institute, located near Charlottesville, Virginia. Bob Monroe, author of many books on Out
of Body experiences, has long and close ties with the C.I.A. James Monroe, Bob's father, if I'm not
mistaken, was involved with the Human Ecology Society, a C.I.A. front organization of the late 50's and
60's. The Monroe Institute has done research on accelerated learning and foreign language learning
through the use of altered states of consciousness for the C.I.A. and other government organizations.
Government interest in the more radical research going on at the institute remains only tantalizing
speculation. Official classified document storage boxes have been seen at their mail-order outlet located
in Lovingston, VA.
Albert Stubblebine and John Alexander. Both retired Army officers, a General and Colonel respectively.
Both worked at U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command, or INSCOM, Stubblebine as its head at
one time. Stubblebine has publicly stated that an enlisted man under his command inadvertently
'mentally fried' an intelligence gathering computer located in Augsberg Germany. This was Lynn
Buchanan, discussed later.
Alexander wrote the rebuttal to the NRC paper on Enhancing Human Performance. He used this rebuttal
as the basis for a book he co-authored called "The Warrior's Edge" which describes various techniques
for enhancing performance and perception utilizing the power of the mind. (Alexander headed up
research on Less Than Lethal weapons at Los Alamos National Laboratories until 'retiring.')
Jack Houk, Aerospace Engineer, and his Spoon bending parties, done for last 12 - 15 years. Stubblebine,
Alexander, and others have attended and hosted these parties. While even Houk admits that much of the
bending activity that occurs is due to hysterical strength, people getting excited, etc. there are always a
few really perplexing feats of bending at each party. Curled and twisted hacksaw blades comes to mind,
since these normally snap if they are bent.
S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Parapsychological Association meeting arrangements, via their
'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is a big time defense
contractor, has held the largest number of research contracts of any defense contractor. Bobby Ray
Inman is on its board of directors, among others.
Startup of TREAT, Center for Treatment and Research into Experienced Anomalous Trauma, by Rima
Leibow. Leibow is a psychiatrist who started studying trauma associated with alien abductions, noting
its similarities to PTSD. She has hosted open and closed meetings for the past six years. Leibow is a

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Monday, September 21, 2015


Brief History Of MK-Ultra

Page 4 of 4

close friend of/or married to Stubblebine, which certainly raises some interesting questions. Another
abduction researcher and friend is Victoria Lacas, who happens to be married to Alexander.
One other TREAT hanger-on, and friend of Stubblebine's, is Lynn Buchanan. Buchanan offers services
similar to PSI-TECH and has worked with Ed Dames on a contract basis. He taught a Remote Viewing
workshop at the latest TREAT conference. Also offers continued training in RV skills to those whom he
decides to work with. Veteran of INSCOM, and the famous 'computer frier' mentioned by Stubblebine.
A real mystery man in all of this is C.B. Scott Jones: Ex-Navy Intelligence officer, one time aide to
Senator Claiborne Pell, founder of the Human Potential Foundation; Jones appears to have his fingers in
every 'weird' pie around. He has been involved with several UFO research organizations, dolphin-human
communications research, served on the boards of several scholarly parapsychological research
organizations. Jones strikes many people as a 'Cardinal Richelieu' figure, manipulating events behind the
scenes, but rarely emerging into the spotlight.
There is literally no conference on parapsychology that he does not attend. He has traveled and done
research with Alexander and Rima Leibow. He works at keeping very well informed about the 'pulse' of
the New Age community and about UFO and parapsychological research in particular. He rarely writes
anything for print, but keeps in contact with many of the players in the fields. He has presented papers to
many conferences, most of the examples I have seen are complex, lengthy, and elaborate pieces of disinformation which leave the listeners more confused than when he started. This is an individual who
bears watching.
Back To Top Secret Projects

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Monday, September 21, 2015



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No. 293 CAP
Appeal from the Order of the Court of
Common Pleas of Lancaster County

entered on November 18, 1999 and the Adjudication entered May 6, 2004
at No. 1700-1985.

SUBMITTED: December 11, 2000


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Appellant claims that he cannot effectively communicate with

counsel any longer due to his fixed delusional belief that a radio
transmitter has been inserted in his brain which monitors his every
move and which can prove that he is innocent of the charges. At the
competency hearing, Dr. Robert Sadoff, M.D. and Dr. Larry Rotenberg, M.D.
testified on behalf of the defense and Dr. Timothy Michals, M.D. testified on
behalf of the Commonwealth. Appellant also testified.
Appellant testified regarding his belief that the Department of
Corrections implanted a radio transmitter in his head that enables
them to control his thoughts, pump conversation into Appellants
head, and project images into his field of vision. Additionally,
Appellant claims that his counsel is involved in a number of illegal
activities and is part of a conspiracy to defraud his family of large
sums of money which initially started in 1979.1
Appellant testified that in 1979, there was a drug raid in counsels law office
involving members of the Pagan motorcycle gang and Appellants mother. He
claims that during this raid, a radio transmitter, similar to the one he claims
is implanted in his head, was removed from his mothers abdomen with a
knife. Appellant is disturbed that his counsel will not litigate this issue of the
radio transmitter. He believes that some type of technology would enable the
prosecution and/or the defense to explore the actual crime scene via the
radio transmitter and that, therefore, the issue of the radio transmitter must
be explored in the [J-205-2000] 5 pending PCRA proceedings.7 Appellant
insists that he is not mentally ill and that he is innocent of the murders. He
also believes that his counsel actively is seeking to have him executed.
The court explicitly disagreed with counsels claim that Appellants delusional
beliefs interfere with his ability to trust and work with his counsel. In support
of that conclusion, the court noted that Appellant has not terminated his
relationship with counsel despite his attempts to advance his theory
regarding the Transmitters; he was extremely polite and respectful to
counsel during the hearing and demonstrated no hostility or animosity
towards either of his counsel; and that if Appellant honestly believed that his
attorneys were working to have him executed, or that they had defrauded his
family in the past, he would not treat them so congenially. The court
ultimately concluded that Appellant was not mentally ill and not incompetent
to proceed.2

No. 293 CAP Appeal from the Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster
County entered on November 18, 1999 and the Adjudication entered May 6, 004 at
No. 1700-1985. SUBMITTED: December 11, 2000

From Page 9, Footnote 11 of From Page 4 of [J-205-2000] IN THE SUPREME COURT

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At trial and on direct appeal, Appellant was represented by Attorneys James

Cullen and Vincent Quinn of the Office of the Public Defender, both of whom
also represented Appellant at his first trial and first direct appeal.4
2 Appellant initially was tried and convicted for these two murders in 1986.
This Court, however, reversed those convictions and sentences of death and
granted Appellant a new trial after determining that Appellants statements
made to police after he had invoked his Miranda rights improperly had been
admitted into evidence. Commonwealth v. Zook, 553 A.2d 920 (Pa. 1989)
(Zook I). 3 With respect to each murder, the jury found two aggravating
circumstances, that Appellant committed a killing while in the perpetration of
a felony, and that Appellant had been convicted of another murder,
committed either before or at the time of the offense at issue, which it
determined outweighed the one itigating factor, that being mercy. 42 Pa.C.S.
9711(d)(6); (d)(11), and (e)(8), respectively.
4 At the time of both trials, Attorney Cullen was an assistant public defender
for the County of Lancaster. However, prior to the time of the PCRA hearing,
he ascended to the bench of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County.

For purposes of this appeal, however, we will refer to Judge Cullen as Attorney
Attorney Quinn recalls Attorney Cullen having told him that the records
referenced a head injury and that Attorney Cullen would consult with Dr.
Gottlieb on the matter. However, Attorney Cullen testified that he could recall
no specifics discussed with either Dr. Gottlieb or Dr. John. Attorney Quinn
testified at the PCRA hearing that evidence of organic brain damage, indeed,
would represent significant mitigating evidence. Dr. Jerome Gottlieb, a
psychiatrist, testified at the PCRA hearing that he was contacted by the

defense in 1985, prior to the initial trial.

No. 293 CAP Appeal from the Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster
County entered on November 18, 1999 and the Adjudication entered May 6, 004 at
No. 1700-1985. SUBMITTED: December 11, 2000

No. 293 CAP Appeal from the Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster
County entered on November 18, 1999 and the Adjudication entered May 6, 004 at
No. 1700-1985. SUBMITTED: December 11, 2000
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You may review article at:

It's a memory aid! A robotic assistant! An epidemic detector! An all-seeing,
ultra-intrusive spying program!
The Pentagon is about to embark on a stunningly ambitious research project
designed to gather every conceivable bit of information about a person's life,
index it and make it searchable.
What national security experts and civil libertarians want to know is, why the
hell would the Defense Department want to do such a thing?
The embryonic LifeLog program would take every e-mail you've sent or
received, every picture you've taken, every web page you've surfed, every
phone call you've had, every TV show you've watched, every magazine
you've read, and dump it into a giant database.
All of this -- and more -- would be combined with a GPS transmitter, to keep
tabs on where you're go ing; audio -visual sensors, to capture all that you see
or say; and biomedical monitors, to keep track of your health.
This gigantic amalgamation of personal information could then be used to
"trace the 'threads' of an individual's life," to see exactly how a relationship
or events developed, according to a briefing from the Defense Advanced
Projects Research Agency, LifeLog's sponsor.
Someone with access to the database could "retrieve a specific thread of past
transactions, or recall an experience from a few seconds ago or from many
years earlier by using a search-engine interface."
On the surface, the project seems like the latest in a long line of DARPA's
"blue sky" research efforts, most of which never make it out of the lab. But
Steven Aftergood, a defense analyst with the Federation of American
Scientists, says he is worried.
With its controversial Total Information Awareness database project, DARPA
already is planning on tracking all of an individual's "transactional data" -like what we buy and who gets our e-mail.

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Aftergood said he believes LifeLog could go far beyond that, adding physical
information (like how we feel) and media data (like what we read) to this
transactional data.
"LifeLog has the potential to become something like 'TIA cubed,'" he said.
My Wired News article has details on the LifeLog program.
THERE'S MORE: The idea of committing everything in your life to a machine
is nearly sixty years old. In 1945, Vannevar Bush -- who headed the White
House's Office of Scientific Research and Development during World War II -published a landmark Atlantic Monthly article, "As We May Think." In it, he
describes a "memex" -- a "device in which an individual stores all his books,
records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be
consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility."
Minicomputer visionary Gordon Bell, now working at Microsoft, sees his
"MyLifeBits" project as a fulfillment of Bush's vision.
There are other commercial and academic efforts to weave a life into
followable threads, including parallel processing prophet David Gelernter's
"Scopeware" and "Haystack," from MIT's David Karger.
AND MORE: LifeLog may eventually dwarf Total Information Awareness,
DARPA's ultra-invasive database effort. But "TIA" could wind up being pretty
damn large on its own, with 50 times more data than the Library of
Congress, according to the Associated Press.
AND MORE: Lovers of civil liberties, you now have nothing to fear.
Henceforth, the creepy "Total Information Awareness" program will be known
as "Terrorism Information Awareness."
Feel better?
AND MORE: DARPA's report to Congress on TIA is online here.
May 20, 2003 10:06 AM | Data Diving

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Vannevar Bush

Internet Pioneers
Vannevar Bush
Vannevar Bush was never
directly involved with the
creation or development of the
Internet. He died before the
creation of the World Wide Web.
Yet many consider Bush to be
the Godfather of our wired age
often making reference to his
1945 essay, "As We May Think."
In his article, Bush described a
theoretical machine he called a
"memex," which was to enhance
human memory by allowing the
user to store and retrieve
documents linked by associations. This associative linking
was very similar to what is known today as hypertext.
Indeed, Ted Nelson who later did pioneering work with
hypertext credited Bush as his main influence (Zachary,
399). Others, such as J.C.R. Licklider and Douglas
Engelbart have also paid homage to Bush.
Bush's innovative idea for automating human memory
was obviously important in the development digital age,
but even more important was his influence on the
institution of science in America. His work to create a
relationship between the government and the scientific
establishment during WWII changed the way scientific
research is carried on in the U.S. and fostered the
environment in which the Internet was later created.
Bush's Early Years
Bush was born on March 11, 1890, in Chelsea,
Massachusetts. He had two sisters. His father was a
Universalist minister. As a child, Bush was sickly and was
occasionally bedridden for long stretches of time. Still, he
was self-confident and sometimes got into fights with
other boys. He once said, "all of [my] recent ancestors
[before my father] were sea captains, and they have a
way of running things without any doubt. So it may have
been partly that, and partly my association with my
grandfather, who was a whaling skipper. That left me
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with some inclination to run a show once I was in it."

(Zachary, 23).
Bush did well in school where he showed an aptitude for
math. When he graduated he went off to Tufts College to
study engineering. Half of his
expenses were paid by a
scholarship. He worked as a tutor
and aid in the math department to
pay the other half. Bush studied
earnestly and earned a master's
degree in the time it usually takes to
earn a bachelor's degree. His
academic success fueled his desire
to do things his way not depending
on others' rules. This trait would
become increasingly evident later in his life.
While at Tufts Bush enjoyed his first experience as an
inventor. His invention was a land surveying device he
called the profile tracer. It looked something like a
lawnmower. As it was pushed over land it automatically
calculated elevations and drew a crude map. It allowed
one man to do the work usually done by three. Bush
thought it would be commercially successful, but it never
caught on. He learned from this failure. He learned that to
become a real engineer he needed to learn more than
math and physics. He needed to learn how to effectively
deal with people.
After graduation from Tufts, Bush went to work for
General Electric testing electrical equipment. He was laid
off after a fire broke out in his plant. He then took a
position teaching math at Tufts' sister college-Clark
University in Massachusetts. That was in 1914. The next
year he decided to return to school himself. He was
offered a large fellowship of $1,50o to pursue his
doctorate under a professor named Arthur Webster.
Webster wanted Bush to devote his doctoral work to the
study of acoustics. Bush, who did not care to be told what
to do, declined the fellowship. Instead, he went to MIT
where he earned his doctorate in engineering in less than
a year ad then returned to Tufts as a assistant professor.
World War I
Bush had paid little attention to the war before the U.S.
entered into it in 1917, but then he wanted to aid the
effort. Other scientists also wanted to lend their services,
but the military and government mostly declined their
offers. In 1916, a group of interested scientists formed

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the National Research Council (NRC). The council's main

purpose was to produce innovations in weaponry. One of
its main tasks was to improve submarine detection.
Bush had an idea for a device that would use magnetic
fields to detect submarines. In May 1917, he traveled to
Washington to meet with the director of the NRC. The
director liked Bush's idea and thought it was worth
pursuing. Bush convinced the director to let him handle
the research personally without interference. It was
important to Bush that he be in control of his project. His
device proved to be successful in testing, but Navy
officials, who generally viewed Bush as somewhat of a
maverick, did not deploy the device correctly and it
proved virtually useless in combat. Bush again learned
that a successful engineer also had to be a good politician.
Between the Wars
In 1919, Bush left Tufts and went to MIT's electrical
engineering department. By the 1930's Bush was working
on analog computers. These were large mechanical
devices that looked quite different than today's digital
machines. They actually used large gears and other
mechanical parts to solve equations. In 1931, he
completed the first differential analyzer-a machine that
was used to solve differential equations.
Bush's Differential Analyzer
Bush also
worked on
that would

Specialization in just about every field of academia was

creating a glut of information. Something was needed to
help sort through the growing store of accumulated
knowledge. In the 1930' s microfilm, which had been
around for nearly a century, was growing in popularity as
a storage device, especially among librarians. Bush, a
photography enthusiast, was quite interested in this
resurgent technology. He proposed to build a machine for
the FBI that could review 1,000 fingerprints a minute.
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They turned him down. But he continued to pursue his

latest vision.
Bush called his device a rapid selector. It would be
housed in a desk and could store huge amounts of
information on microfilm. The user could rapidly select
documents which would then be projected on screen. In
the late 1930's, Bush oversaw the building of four rapid
selectors. They were plagued with technical problems
and hindered by the state of current technology, but he
was among the very first to attempt to build a personal
information processor, and these early experiences
provided a solid base for his landmark article, "As We
May Think."

In 1937, Bush became the president of the Carnegie

Institution. The institution spent $1.5 million annually on
research. The presidency of the institution came with a
lot of prestige. The president influenced the direction of
research in the U.S. and informally advised the
government on scientific matters.
World War II
The U.S. was not prepared for the second world war.
Little was spent on military research. The military
research that was done was done by military personnel
and often duplicated between the different branches. The
military looked down on engineers as little more than
salesmen. By 1940, Bush and other American scientists
felt that the country needed a new organization to
conduct military research. Scientists and the
government/military, as well as business would need to
cooperate in the event of American involvement in the
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On June 12, 1940, Bush met with President Roosevelt
and detailed his plan for mobilizing military research. He
proposed a new organization he called the National
Defense Research Committee (NDRC). The committee
would bring together government, military, business,
and scientific leaders to coordinate military research.
Roosevelt quickly agreed and thus the NDRC was
created. Bush was made chairman and given a direct line
to the White House. In mid-1941, The Office of Scientific
Research and Development was set up. The NDRC had
been funded by presidential emergency funds and was
often short on money. The OSRD was congressionally
funded. The NDRC was subsumed under the OSRD as its
chief operating unit. Bush became director of the OSRD.
The NDRC and then the OSRD were originally set up to
support and augment Army and Navy research, but by
the end of the war the OSRD was leading military
research. Many useful innovations resulted from OSRD
research and development including improvements in
radar, the proximity fuse, anti-submarine tactics, and
various secret devices for the OSS (the precursor of the
CIA). Bush was also very closely involved in the
Manhattan Project which developed the first atomic
bomb. Of course most of OSRD's work was top secret
during the war, but Bush as its leader became something
of a celebrity. Colliers magazine hailed him as the "man
who may win or lose the war" (Ratcliff, 1942).
Bush's work with the NDRC and OSRD definitely helped
the U.S. and its allies win the war. Bush also changed the
way basic scientific research was done in the U.S. He
proved that technology was key to winning a war and this
created a new respect for scientists. He institutionalized
the relationship between government, business, and the
scientific community. Paul Ceruzzi, curator of the
Smithsonian Institutions says, " Bush is responsible for
the whole architecture of government support for
science" (Ceruzzi in Zachary). It was this government
support of research that would later foster the creation of
the Internet.
The War Ends
By late 1944, Allied victory was inevitable. Bush began to
look to the future. He believed that after the war the
nation would still need permanent support for research.
In March 1945, Bush drafted an article entitled,
"Science-The Endless Frontier." He outlined the

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importance of continued support for research. He called

for a National Research Foundation that "should develop
and promote a national policy for scientific research and
scientific education, should support basic research in
nonprofit organizations, should develop scientific talent in
American youth by means of scholarships and
fellowships, and should by contract and otherwise
support long -range research on military matters" (Bush,
28). His dreams for were never fully realized, but in 1950
the National Science Foundation (NSF) was created. The
NSF did not quite fulfill Bush's expectations. It was not as
powerful as his proposal called for. Nonetheless, the
marriage between science and government was secured.
"As We May Think"
In 1945, Bush also published an article in the Atlantic
Monthly called, "As We May Think." He had written
earlier drafts of this article years before he actually
published it. His main purpose in writing the article was
to influence "thinking regarding science in the modern
world" and to "emphasize the opportunity for the
application of science in a field which is largely neglected
by science" (Bush in Nyce & Kahn, 81). That field was the
automation or augmentation of human thought.
In the article he describes a theoretical machine called a
"memex." It was an obvious extension of Bush's earlier
work with the rapid selector. The memex was also to be
a storage and retrieval device using microfilm. It would
consist of a desk with viewing screens, a keyboard,
selection buttons and levers, and microfilm storage.
Information stored on the microfilm could be retrieved
rapidly and projected on a screen. The machine was to
extend the powers of human memory and association.
Just as the human mind forms memories through
associations, the user of the memex would be able to
make links between documents. Bush called these
associative trails and offered this example in his article:
"The owner of the memex let us say, is interested in
the origin and properties of the bow and arrow.
Specifically he is studying why the short Turkish bow
was apparently superior to the English long bow in
the skirmishes of the Crusades. He has dozens of
possibly pertinent books and articles in his memex.
First he runs through an encyclopedia, finds an
interesting but sketchy article, leaves it projected.
Next, in a history, he finds another pertinent item, and
ties the two together. Thus he goes, building a trail of
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many items. Occasionally he inserts a comment of his

own, either linking it into the main trail or joining it by
a side trail to a particular item. When it becomes
evident that the elastic properties of available materials
had a great deal to do with the bow, he branches off
on a side trail which takes him through textbooks on
elasticity and physical constants. He inserts a page of
longhand analysis of his own. Thus he builds a trail of
his interest through the maze of materials available to
him." (Bush, 15).
This system is remarkably similar to modern hypertext.
In fact, Ted Nelson, who coined the term "hypertext" in
the 1960's, acknowledges his debt to Bush. "Bush was
right," says Nelson (Nelson in Nyce and Kahn, 245).
Vannevar Bush died on June 30, 1974, years before the
Internet became widely popular or the World Wide Web
even existed. With the growing popularity of the Internet
many now look back through its history and see Bush as a
visionary. Even when Bush was alive he seemed to
always be looking toward the future, or perhaps he saw
the present a little differently than most othershe was
fond of saying, "It is earlier than we think" (Zachary,

For Further Reading

Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American
From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's

Home| Vannevar Bush | J.C.R. Licklider | Larry Roberts | Paul

Baran |
Bob Metcalfe | Doug Engelbart | Vint Cerf | Ted Nelson | Tim
Berners-Lee |
Marc Andreesen | Epilogue | References |

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105 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

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106 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015


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107 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

September 7, 2009
Stan J. Caterbone
Advance Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
Derrick Robinson
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Phone 1-800-571-5618
Fax 1-866-433-4170
Re: Is County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Ground Zero for Organized Stalking and Covert
My pleasure. Derrick, I was trying to get group rates at our new Lancaster Convention Center
Marriot Hotel last week, just as a little fact finding mission. I have a theory that I would like to send
your way. I thought it would be very fruitful to bring some TI's together for a conference, unless you
think the exposure would be harmful.
I believe that they try new models for harassment; organized stalking and surveillance on me here
in Lancaster. Remember, Lancaster is now one of the most "Watched Communities" in the country.
"With those cameras, the Safety Coalition will operate and monitor 165 cameras across Lancaster
City making Lancaster the most watched city of its size in the nation." See article attached,
Watching you: City to add 105 more cameras.
I believe that Lancaster may be ground zero for some of the models of organized stalking and
harassment that we TI's experience and wanted to get some reaction from Lancaster. Some history
on the Lancaster Convention Center. Dale High of High Industries is the lead partner in our new
convention center/hotel. It is first class all the way. Now in the late 1980's I was a joint venture
partner with Dale High in American Helix Technology Company/Advanced Media Group. American
Helix was a cd manufacturer and I and my company Advanced Media Group was the CD-ROM
division of American Helix. I was one of a handful of CD-ROM manufacturers in the domestic United
States back then. Also in 2005 I filed a civil action against the lead hotel, the Eden Resort Inn, for
trying to block the development and building of the Hotel/Convention Center, see attached.
Now, some history about Lancaster and the intelligence community. Back in the 1980's there were
several defense contractors located in Lancaster, the main being International Signal & Control,
which I, of course, blew the whistle on a billion dollar fraud and arms to Iraq.
Click here for an overview of ISC.
Click here to see the Lancaster Newspapers Archives regarding International Signal & Control, or
Click here to view the live video of the WGAL-TV News Broadcast of October 31, 1991 the evening of
the ISC indictments. The U.S. Department of Justice and other U.S. Agencies held a Press
Conference in the Philadelphia Federal Courthouse to announce the indictments and $ Billion Dollar

108 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

Click here for Part 2 of the WGAL-TV 8 Broadcast.

Now politically, Lancaster is and has always been predominately Republican. Lancaster is one of the
oldest cities in the country and our courthouse was one of the first in this country. Lancaster has one
of the oldest fraternities of the Masons. Lancaster and the George W. Bush administration has a
close and very "interesting relationship". George H. Bush had a very close relationship with ISC, and
of course the NSA and CIA all had a very "close" relationship with International Signal & Control, or
ISC. The following are some transcripts for Ted Koppel and ABC News Nightline regarding ISC and
Arms to Iraq and the intelligence community. The transcripts are contained in my Amicus for Case
No. 2006-cv-2160 filed in the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.
Now, Robert Gates, presently the Secretary of the United States Defense Department, and his
relationship to Lancaster. First of all, the attached video is the authentic transcript of Robert Gates'
confirmation hearing in September of 1991 for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
If you fast forward to approximately 9:00:00 you will see the back and forth questions from Senator
Murkowski to Robert Gates regarding the allegations by several members of the U.S. Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence regarding his alleged involvement with ISC and the Arms deals with
Carlos Cardoen and the shipping of cluster bombs through South Africa and on to Iraq. Of course, he
denied all of the allegations.
Robert Gates also has relatives that live in Lancaster County, if fact he attended a wedding here a
few months ago, on May 3, 2009 at St. John Neuman Catholic Church in Manhiem Township,
Lancaster County. His wife has a niece that lives in Manheim Township.
Now, I'll give you the ABC News Nightline May 23, 1991 excerpt regarding ISC and the NSA,
National Security Agency:
"It all started legally, if covertly, back in 1974. That's when the National Security Agency, a supersecret U.S. Intelligence unit asked ISC to help complete project X, a chain of electronic listening
posts based at South Africa's Simonstown Naval Station. South Africa was using these posts to
follow Soviet submarine traffic off of the Cape of Good Hope. To ensure secrecy, ISC and the NSA
made sure shipments could not be tracked back to them. They created a company called Gamma
Systems Associates. In fact, this company was nothing more than a post office box at John F.
Kennedy Airport. Gamma was a cut-out. ... But this sanctioned covert operation was stopped in
1977 when President Carter, a strong opponent of South Africa's apartheid regime, told U.S. firms to
stop any military-related business with Pretoria. But ISC continue shipping electronics, some civilian,
some military, to South Africa. The in the early 1980's, South Africa began to intensify its efforts at
ballistic missile development. For ISC, that was a golden opportunity because on of its top
executives was a man named Clyde Ivey, an American electronics expert who has been the father of
South Africa's missile program. Ivey had extraordinary contacts in the nations defense structure.
Beginning in 1984, federal investigators say, senior ISC executives, including Ivey, began regular
contacts with CIA officials." You can read the rest. The entire transcript of the May 23, 1991 ABC
News/Nightline broadcast.
Now remember, George H. Bush was director of CIA. "He served in this role for 357 days, from
January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977.[22] The CIA had been rocked by a series of revelations,
including those based on investigations by Senator Frank Church's Committee regarding illegal and
unauthorized activities by the CIA, and Bush was credited with helping to restore the agency's
morale.[23] In his capacity as DCI, Bush gave national security briefings to Jimmy Carter both as a
Presidential candidate and as President-elect, and discussed the possibility of remaining in that
position in a Carter administration[24] but it was not to be," according to Wikipedia.
Now, lets get to Bobby Ray Inman, former Navy, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA),
former Director of International Signal & Control (ISC), and currently part of the Mind Control
industry. The following appears on the Welcome page of my website:

109 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

"S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Para psychological Association meeting arrangements, via
their 'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is a big time
defense contractor, has held the largest number of research contracts of any defense contractor.
Bobby Ray Inman (ISC Board of Directors) is on its board of directors, among others."
by John Porter, CIA Program on Mind Control copyright 1996. In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman
requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Bill Clinton's first Defense Secretary, his critics
speculated that the decision was motivated by a desire to conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a
member of the so-called "shadow board" of the company which was allegedly either negligent or
approved the exports." by Wikipedia on International Signal and Control, (ISC).
Now, lets list the former Navy personnel:
George H. Bush, former President of the United States, former Director of CIA.
James Guerin, President and Founder of International Signal & Control.
Bobby Ray Inman, former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Director of
International Signal & Control, (ISC).
My father, Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr.
His father, Samuel J. Caterbone, Sr.
George Noory, of Coast to Coast Radio (just anecdotal, nothing assumed or alleged).
George W. Bush flew with the Navy.
James Cross
I will Finish later and add more.
Next we get to Jim Guerin's attorney back in 1989 through at least 1992. His name was Joseph
Tate, of Philadelphia. This link will take you to a document regarding Joseph Tate, James Guerin and
Joseph Roda, Esq., of Lancaster, my former attorney who said I fabricated everything back in 1987.
The document contains a letter of September 12, 2005 from Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald
regarding Scooter Libby, Former Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. the letter involves
Scooter Libby's Grand Jury Indictment for leaking Covert CIA Operative Valerie Plame and eventually
outing her.
Now in Austin Texas in July of 2005 I was detained by 2 Agents from The Defense Intelligence
Agency. I was merely visiting a Military Museum, that had old and vintage helicopters and airplanes.
near where my brother, Dr. Phillip Caterbone lived. I was visiting on my way to California. While
inside the museum 2 Agents from the Department of Defense Intelligence Agency escorted me
outside to my Honda Odyssey and interrogated me making me confirm that I was visiting and
staying with my brother. They caused a problem for my brother's Medical Practice by shaking up
one of his secretaries. The reviewed my court documents for CATERBONE v. Lancaster County
Prison, et. al., Case No. 2005-cv-0288 filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania. The demanded that I stay off all military bases before releasing me.
In 2006 I was telepathic with an older NSA executive on many occasions who wanted to meet me at
the Clipper Stadium who told me he wanted to rent a facility in Lancaster for a training exercise. I
told him to to and see Dale High and the High Group for space at the Greenfield Industrial Park. He
said he was retiring and that our discussions were keeping him a few weeks longer than expected.
We had intimate discussions of my history and the Chesapeake Bay Area. We also discussed Sheryl
Crow, and he told me his wife was a fan. I turned him on to her new album, Wildflower, and he said
she liked it. We had to disengage because he was being harassed by other telepathic assailants.
My former secretary (Susan Bare) at Pflumm Contractors, Inc., where I was controller and was hired
to rescue the company from near bankruptcy in 1993, told me that her husband, Ross Bare, who
grew up just some 10 or so doors from me, worked for the NSA. She disclosed this soon after I hired
her in 1994 or 1995.

110 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

I will finish later and add to this allegation. This is a work-in-progress.

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group, Targeted Individual
Member Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance Organizations
Pro Se Litigant, U.S. District & Commonwealth of PA
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
888-533-3606 Facsimile

111 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the 2009 Senate Investigations into CIA Interrogation Programs

September 7, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advance Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
Derrick Robinson
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Phone 1-800-571-5618
Fax 1-866-433-4170
Re: Is County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Ground Zero for Organized
Stalking and Covert Surveillance?
My pleasure. Derrick, I was trying to get group rates at our new Lancaster
Convention Center Marriot Hotel last week, just as a little fact finding mission. I
have a theory that I would like to send your way. I thought it would be very
fruitful to bring some TI's together for a conference, unless you think the
exposure would be harmful.
I believe that they try new models for harassment; organized stalking and
surveillance on me here in Lancaster. Remember, Lancaster is now one of the
most "Watched Communities" in the country. "With those cameras, the Safety
Coalition will operate and monitor 165 cameras across Lancaster City making
Lancaster the most watched city of its size in the nation." See article attached,
Watching you: City to add 105 more cameras.
I believe that Lancaster may be ground zero for some of the models of organized
stalking and harassment that we TI's experience and wanted to get some
reaction from Lancaster. Some history on the Lancaster Convention Center. Dale
High of High Industries is the lead partner in our new convention center/hotel. It
is first class all the way. Now in the late 1980's I was a joint venture partner with
Dale High in American Helix Technology Company/Advanced Media Group.
American Helix was a cd manufacturer and I and my company Advanced Media
Group was the CD-ROM division of American Helix. I was one of a handful of CDROM manufacturers in the domestic United States back then. Also in 2005 I filed
a civil action against the lead hotel, the Eden Resort Inn, for trying to block the
development and building of the Hotel/Convention Center, see attached.

Advanced Media Group

112 of 168

Page 722 of 727

Monday, September 21, 2015

October 2, 2009

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the 2009 Senate Investigations into CIA Interrogation Programs

Now, some history about Lancaster and the intelligence community. Back in the
1980's there were several defense contractors located in Lancaster, the main
being International Signal & Control, which I, of course, blew the whistle on a
billion dollar fraud and arms to Iraq.
Click here for an overview of ISC.
Click here to see the Lancaster Newspapers Archives regarding International
Click here to view the live video of the WGAL-TV News Broadcast of October 31,
1991 the evening of the ISC indictments. The U.S. Department of Justice and
other U.S. Agencies held a Press Conference in the Philadelphia Federal
Courthouse to announce the indictments and $ Billion Dollar Fraud.
Click here for Part 2 of the WGAL-TV 8 Broadcast.
Now politically, Lancaster is and has always been predominately Republican.
Lancaster is one of the oldest cities in the country and our courthouse was one of
the first in this country. Lancaster has one of the oldest fraternities of the
Masons. Lancaster and the George W.Bush administration has a close and very
"interesting relationship". George H. Bush had a very close relationship with ISC,
and of course the NSA and CIA all had a very "close" relationship with
International Signal & Control, or ISC. The following are some transcripts for Ted
Koppel and ABC News Nightline regarding ISC and Arms to Iraq and the
intelligence community. The transcripts are contained in my Amicus for Case No.
2006-cv-2160 filed in the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.
Now, Robert Gates, presently the Secretary of the United States Defense
Department, and his relationship to Lancaster. First of all, the attached video is
the authentic transcript of Robert Gates' confirmation hearing in September of
1991 for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). If you fast forward
to approximately 9:00:00 you will see the back and forth questions from Senator
Murkowski to Robert Gates regarding the allegations by several members of the
U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding his alleged involvement
with ISC and the Arms deals with Carlos Cardoen and the shipping of cluster
bombs through South Africa and on to Iraq. Of course, he denied all of the
Robert Gates also has relatives that live in Lancaster County, if fact he attended a
wedding here a few months ago, on May 3, 2009 at St. John Neuman Catholic
Church in Manhiem Township, Lancaster County. His wife has a niece that lives in
Manheim Township.
Now, I'll give you the ABC News Nightline May 23, 1991 excerpt regarding ISC
and the NSA, National Security Agency:

Advanced Media Group

113 of 168

Page 723 of 727

Monday, September 21, 2015

October 2, 2009

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the 2009 Senate Investigations into CIA Interrogation Programs

"It all started legally, if covertly, back in 1974. That's when the National Security
Agency, a super-secret U.S. Intelligence unit asked ISC to help complete project
X, a chain of electronic listening posts based at South Africa's Simonstown Naval
Station. South Africa was using these posts to follow Soviet submarine traffic off
of the Cape of Good Hope. To ensure secrecy, ISC and the NSA made sure
shipments could not be tracked back to them. They created a company called
Gamma Systems Associates. In fact, this company was nothing more than a post
office box at John F. Kennedy Airport. Gamma was a cut-out. ... But this
sanctioned covert operation was stopped in 1977 when President Carter, a strong
opponent of South Africa's apartheid regime, told U.S. firms to stop any militaryrelated business with Pretoria. But ISC continue shipping electronics, some
civilian, some military, to South Africa. The in the early 1980's, South Africa
began to intensify its efforts at ballistic missile development. For ISC, that was a
golden opportunity because on of its top executives was a man named Clyde
Ivey, an American electronics expert who has been the father of South Africa's
missile program. Ivey had extraordinary contacts in the nations defense
structure. Begining in 1984, federal investigators say, senior ISC exeutives,
including Ivey, began regular contacts with CIA officials." You can read the rest.
The entire transcript of the May 23, 1991 ABC News/Nightline broadcast.
Now remember, George H. Bush was director of CIA. "He served in this role for
357 days, from January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977.[22] The CIA had been
rocked by a series of revelations, including those based on investigations by
Senator Frank Church's Committee regarding illegal and unauthorized activities
by the CIA, and Bush was credited with helping to restore the agency's
morale.[23] In his capacity as DCI, Bush gave national security briefings to
Jimmy Carter both as a Presidential candidate and as President-elect, and
discussed the possibility of remaining in that position in a Carter
administration[24] but it was not to be," according to Wikipedia.
Now, lets get to Bobby Ray Inman, former Navy, Director of the National Security
Agency (NSA), former Director of International Signal & Control (ISC), and
currently part of the Mind Control industry. The following appears on the
Welcome page of my website:

"S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Para psychological Association meeting

arrangements, via their 'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science Applications
International Corporation is a big time defense contractor, has held the largest
number of research contracts of any defense contractor. Bobby Ray Inman (ISC
Board of Directors) is on its board of directors, among others."
by John Porter, CIA Program on Mind Control copyright 1996. In 1994, after
Bobby Ray Inman requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Bill Clinton's
first Defense Secretary, his critics speculated that the decision was motivated by
a desire to conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a member of the so-called

Advanced Media Group

114 of 168

Page 724 of 727

Monday, September 21, 2015

October 2, 2009

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the 2009 Senate Investigations into CIA Interrogation Programs

"shadow board" of the company which was allegedly either negligent or approved
the exports." by Wikipedia on International Signal and Control, (ISC).
Now, lets list the former Navy personnel:
x George H. Bush, former President of the United States, former Director of
x James Guerin, President and Founder of International Signal & Control.
x Bobby Ray Inman, former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA)
and Director of International Signal & Control, (ISC).
x My father, Samuel P. Cateronne, Jr.
x His father, Samuel J. Caterbone, Sr.
x George Noory, of Coast to Coast Radio (just anecdotal, nothing assumed or
x George W. Bush flew with the Navy.
x James Cross
x I will Finish later and add more.

Next we get to Jim Guerin's attorney back in 1989 through at least 1992. His
name was Joseph Tate, of Philadelpha. This link will take you to a document
regarding Joseph Tate, James Guerin and Joseph Roda, Esq., of Lancaster, my
former attorney who said I fabricated everything back in 1987. The document
contains a letter of September 12, 2005 from Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald regarding Scooter Libby, Former Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of
Staff. the letter involves Scooter Libby's Grand Jury Indictment for leaking
Covert CIA Operative Valerie Plame and eventually outing her.
Now in Austin Texas in July of 2005 I was detained by 2 Agents from The Defense
Intelligence Agency. I was merely visiting a Military Museum, that had old and
vintage helicopters and airplanes. near where my brother, Dr. Phillip Caterbone
lived. I was visiting on my way to California. While inside the museum 2 Agents
from the Department of Defense Defense Intelligence Agency escorted me
outside to my Honda Oddesey and interrogated me making me confirm that I was
visiting and staying with my brother. They caused a problem for my brother's
Medical Practice by shaking up one of his secretaries. The reviewed my court
documents for CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., Case No. 2005-cv0288 filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The
demanded that I stay off all military bases before releasing me.
In 2006 I was telepathic with an older NSA executive on many occasions who
wanted to meet me at the Clipper Stadium who told me he wanted to rent a
facility in Lancaster for a training exercise. I told him to to and see Dale High and
the High Group for space at the Greenfield Industrial Park. He said he was
retiring and that our discussions were keeping him a few weeks longer than
expected. We had intimate discussions of my history and the Chesapeake Bay
Area. We also discussed Sheryl Crow, and he told me his wife was a fan. I turned

Advanced Media Group

115 of 168

Page 725 of 727

Monday, September 21, 2015

October 2, 2009

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the 2009 Senate Investigations into CIA Interrogation Programs

him on to her new album, Wildflower, and he said she liked it. We had to
disengage because he was being harassed by other telepathic assailants.
My former secretary (Susan Bare) at Pflumm Contractors, Inc., where I was
controller and was hired to rescue the company from near bankruptcy in 1993,
told me that her husband, Ross Bare, who grew up just some 10 or so doors from
me, worked for the NSA. She disclosed this soon after I hired her in 1994 or

Advanced Media Group

116 of 168

Page 726 of 727

Monday, September 21, 2015

October 2, 2009

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the 2009 Senate Investigations into CIA Interrogation Programs

I will finish later and add to this allegation. This is a work-in-progress.

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group, Targeted Individual
Member Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance Organizations
Pro Se Litigant, U.S. District & Commonwealth of PA
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
888-533-3606 Facsimile

Advanced Media Group

117 of 168

Page 727 of 727

Monday, September 21, 2015

October 2, 2009 Archives search for isc AND date(all)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 11 of 149, 10224806


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on January 3, 2005, Lancaster New Era Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.

Guerin 'home' to complete sentence

Former ISC chief will serve final months of his 1992
sentencing for directing illegal arms scams in home
confinement here.


Visit the Marketplace


Market Cone
Light #39
Olde Mill

Woman's Minnetonka
Pile-Lined Mule Slipper
C o y o t e T r a i l s $28.99

Sterling Silver
White Satin
Ring-Size 9

Sterling Silver Pipe Cut

Spinner Ring-Size 14

In 1989, local business icon James H. Guerin moved from Lancaster to

Florida, defiant as a storm gathered around him.
Soon he'll come back under quieter conditions.
Guerin, 74, will return in late January to serve the last six months of his
1992 sentence for directing illegal schemes at his International Signal &
Guerin, who admitted running ISC's $1.14 billion fake-contract scam and
$50 million smuggling ring, will complete his sentence
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1369 words)

Article 12 of 149, 10205546

Published on July 6, 2004, Lancaster New Era


LGH in top 50 in 2 specialties

Hospital cited for care of heart and hormonal disorders in
new survey.
Lancaster General Hospital has been named one of the 50 best hospitals in
the country in two specialties, according to U.S. News and World Report's
15th annual "America's Best Hospitals" survey.
The hospital ranked 26th in the area of heart and heart surgery care and
34th in the area of hormonal disorders and endocrinology, according to the
rankings appearing in the July 12 issue.
Taking such things as reputation, mortality ratio, nursing
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (454 words)

Article 13 of 149, 10204256

Published on June 26, 2004, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)

Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56

Thomas L. Flannery, an award-winning Intelligencer Journal investigative
reporter, died unexpectedly Thursday night, just hours after filing what was
to be his last story for the newspaper. He was 56.
Flannery, of 10 Upper Green, was stricken ill at home and died of natural
causes at Lancaster General Hospital. Earlier in the day, he had covered a
court case.
A court reporter at the time of his death, Flannery began his journalism
career as an intern with the Intell in 1987 and joined
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (837 words)

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Article 14 of 149, 10200504

Published on May 24, 2004, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)

Larry A. Schick, 62, engineer, CEO

Larry Allan Schick, 62, of 120 Buck Run Road, Conestoga, died Friday at
Essa Flory Hospice Center after a long illness.
He worked 17 years for the former International Signal and Control Inc. of
Lancaster and was chief executive officer of the former ISC Educational
Systems Inc.
A graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in electrical
engineering, he received his master's degree from Florida Institute of
Schick worked for the former Pan American
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (295 words)

Article 15 of 149, 10168098

Published on August 3, 2003, SUNDAY NEWS


Local players help Keating's win state 'B' softball title

Several Lancaster County players helped Keating's Fitness Center of
Wilkes-Barre win the Class B Fast-Pitch Pennsylvania state championship
last weekend at Lebanon's Prescott Field.
Keating's was 4-0 in winning its third straight state championship.
They defeated Kreider & Flick of Bedford twice in the tournament, 9-5 in the
second game and 8-0 in the championship game.
Art Devoe of Wakefield and Dave Stokes of Holtwood
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (347 words)

Article 16 of 149, 10151920

Published on March 20, 2003, INTELLIGENCER


Helen L. Kiehl, 72, ISC Corp. retiree

Helen L. Kiehl, 72, of 411 Pheasant Ridge Circle, died Tuesday at Essa Flory
Hospice Center. She was under the care of a physician.
A retiree of the former International Signal & Control Corp., she previously
worked at the former L.P. Henderson Umbrella Factory.
Mrs. Kiehl was a member of Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ.
She enjoyed traveling, flowers and music.
Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late Phillip and Pearl
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (143 words)

Article 17 of 149, 10151776

Published on March 19, 2003, INTELLIGENCER


Solomon Lasof, 85, RCA physicist

Solomon Lasof, 85, of Eden Road, formerly of Trenton, N.J., died Tuesday
at Lancaster General Hospital after a brief illness.
He worked 29 years as a physicist and engineer for the former RCA Corp.
He also worked for the former ISC/Ferranti Inc.

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Lasof graduated from Trenton High School, Cornell University and the
University of Pennsylvania.
An avid flyer, he was a member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
He also belonged to Phi Beta Kappa and the
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (160 words)

Article 18 of 149, 10151866

Published on March 19, 2003, LANCASTER NEW


Solomon Lasof, 85, RCA physicist

Solomon Lasof, 85, of Eden Road, formerly of Trenton, N.J., died Tuesday
at Lancaster General Hospital after a brief illness.
He worked 29 years as a physicist and engineer for the former RCA Corp.
He also worked for the former ISC/Ferranti Inc.
Lasof graduated from Trenton High School, Cornell University and the
University of Pennsylvania.
An avid flier, he was a member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
He also belonged to Phi Beta Kappa and the
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (155 words)

Article 19 of 149, 10151142

Published on March 13, 2003, LANCASTER NEW


Sold cluster bombs

Editor, New Era:
The other morning I was in the barbershop and the guy in the next chair was
joking about his former employer, ISC. Someone mentioned Pakistan and
he said, "We used to sell them cluster bombs. We sold cluster bombs to all
those countries. Our motto was, "We sell third-rate weapons to
second-rate countries at first-rate prices."
Perhaps, if all previous administrations had focused a bit more on trying to
make the world safer
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (211 words)

Article 20 of 149, 10149773

Published on March 2, 2003, SUNDAY NEWS


In defense of Guerin
I read the editorial in Sunday's paper (Feb. 23) called "A tainted
nomination," and I think it's time to stand up and be counted in support of
Jim Guerin. I take issue with your first and second sentences --"Jim Guerin
had a talent for dirtying everything he touched. Especially reputations."
I was an employee of ISC for five years, managing the employee fitness
center, and Mr. Guerin impacted my life positively.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (218 words)

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Displaying 10 articles
Article 131 of 149, 1996030196


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on January 30, 1996, Lancaster New

Era (PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.



Ferranti International Inc. has sold the last of its 16 businesses in the United

Visit the Marketplace


States, completing the divestiture of its operating companies.

Lancaster-based Ferranti sold Mountain Optec Inc. of Boulder, Colo., to
Phillips Services Industries Inc. earlier this month. The price was not
disclosed, but it consists of an initial payment plus future payments based
on the firm's performance over the next two years.
Mountain Optec toughens or "ruggedizes"
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (436 words)

Article 132 of 149, 1996020237

Mule Slipper
Coyote Trails

O l d e M i l l H o u s e $0.00

Published on January 20, 1996, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Edward A. Davis, a former Navy captain and Vietnam-era prisoner of war,
said Friday he won't seek the endorsement of Republican committee people
for the congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Robert S. Walker.
However, Davis said he still might run in the Republican primary.
Davis, 56, serves on the Penn Manor School Board and is facility manager
for Summit Aviation at the Lancaster Airport. He previously worked for
Ferranti International PLC and ISC Corp. Eight

Keys Fitness
Exercise Bike

Silver Ball and Gemstone

Bead Earrings-onyx

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (521 words)

Article 133 of 149, 1995328030

Published on November 24, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


James H. Guerin, who stole $189.9 million from Ferranti International,
believes he's entitled to his pension from the company too.
Now serving a 15-year sentence for his crimes, Guerin filed court papers
last month to initiate receipt of his $2,800-a-month pension. But Ferranti,
which has won court judgments against Guerin for the $189.9 million,
contends the pension payments should go to the company instead.
"We've collected something close to $3
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (491 words)

Article 134 of 149, 1995313084

Published on November 9, 1995, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Acting on the recommendation of prosecutors, a federal judge dismissed tax
evasion and false filing charges against a former executive of International

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Signal & Control Corp.

Thomas P. Jasin, 50, of 2473 Butter Road, was indicted by a federal grand
jury in August on two counts of violating the U.S. Tax Code - one for filing a
false income tax return in 1988 and one for tax evasion for allegedly hiding
taxable income he and his wife, Mary Jane, earned in 1987. If federal
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (485 words)

Article 135 of 149, 1995313031

Published on November 9, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


A timing technicality has led to the dismissal of a pair of federal tax charges
against former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin.
The tax evasion and false filing charges were thrown out Oct. 31 by U.S.
District Judge Franklin S. Van Antwerpen in Philadelphia. Federal
prosecutors thought they had secured a further extension of the six-year
statute of limitations for the case, according to a source familiar with the
But, due to an error in the paperwork, the extra extension was
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (381 words)

Article 136 of 149, 1995286010

Published on October 13, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


When ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin claimed on a 1988 expense account
that he took business prospects to hear the Orlando Symphony, two
problems arose.
There was no Orlando Symphony, and Jasin's $974 in receipts were for
weekend passes at Orlando's Disney World and meals at Epcot Center.
Discovery of such discrepancies led to the conclusion that Jasin embezzled
more than $350,000 from International Signal & Control and its successor,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1094 words)

Article 137 of 149, 1995223033

Published on August 11, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


A former executive of International Signal & Control has been indicted
again, this time for allegedly cheating on his income taxes.
Thomas P. Jasin, who was convicted of smuggling conspiracy in December
1992, was accused Tuesday of two counts of tax wrongdoing. If convicted of
the tax violations, Jasin faces up to five years in prison, three years of
probation and a $250,000 fine.
He has been free on bail pending sentencing of his 1992 smuggling
conspiracy conviction, which
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (632 words)

Article 138 of 149, 1995138100

Published on May 18, 1995, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


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Harry D. Heist, 37, of 6726 Kings Highway South, Zionsville, Lehigh County,
died Tuesday at Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, Salisbury Township, as the
result of a motor vehicle accident.
Heist had worked for the former International Signal and Control Company,
Lancaster, for 14 years. At the time of his death he was employed as an
electrical maintenance technician by Luther Crest, Allentown.
Born in Allentown, he was a son of Floyd N. and Loretta E. Dunstan Heist of
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (206 words)

Article 139 of 149, 1995138025

Published on May 18, 1995, Lancaster New Era



Harry D. Heist, 37, of 6726 Kings Highway South, Zionsville, Lehigh County,
died Tuesday at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown.
He had been in the hospital since he was involved in a motor vehicle
accident in April, a family spokesman said. Heist had worked for the former
International Signal and Control, Lancaster, for 14 years.
At the time of his death he was employed as an electrical maintenance
technician by Luther Crest, Allentown.
Born in Allentown, he was a son of Floyd N. and
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (213 words)

Article 140 of 149, 1995135098

Published on May 15, 1995, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


Growing up, Les Lipman was often benched for wreaking havoc at the pool
he belonged to, sometimes before he even got into the water.
"As soon as I walked in they'd say, "Hey, how are ya doing? Let's have a
seat," says Lipman. When he protested that he hadn't even done anything,
the lifeguards replied, "You will." That was the early 1970s. Today, Lipman is
a business partner with one of those
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1079 words)

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Article 121 of 149, 1997044280


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on February 13, 1997, Lancaster New

Era (PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.



Visit the Marketplace


3 Watt Large
Silicone Bulb
Olde Mill
L i g h t i n g $1.65

Penn State Tailgate Grill

S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00

James H. Guerin - admitted smuggler, tax cheat, money launderer and

phony-contract author - is being suspected of a new offense:

Fraudulent divorce. In the ongoing battle over who gets Guerin's

$2,700-a-month pension, the pension plan administrator says Guerin's
divorce might be an attempt to preserve the money for his ex-wife, Helen.
"The case is the latest installment in a 15-year fraud perpetrated by James
H. Guerin against his former employer,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (867 words)

Article 122 of 149, 1997032211

Published on February 1, 1997, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


18-kt. Gold
CZ Dangle
GeoSystems Global Corp. will occupy the vacant 62,000-square-foot,
one-story office building this May, said David R. Bowen, corporate
Gold over SS
manager of human resources and facilities. GeoSystems will vacate its
leased 25,000-square-foot office at 53 W. James St., where 60 employees
CZ Dangle
work, and its leased 22,000-square-foot office at 227 Granite Run Drive,
where 85
A city-based mapmaking firm will move into the former headquarters of
International Signal & Control outside Mountville.

14-kt. Yellow Gold

Fashion Ring-Size 8

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (626 words)

Article 123 of 149, 1996358068

Published on December 23, 1996, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Muriel R. "Midge" Horton, 60, of 509 Koser Road, Lititz, died at home
Saturday after a long illness.
She was the wife of Bruce R. Horton. They observed their 40th anniversary
in July. Born in Patton, Maine, she was the daughter of Virginia Kennedy
Glidden of Lancaster and the late Chester Glidden.
She worked as a receptionist for the former International Signal and Control
Corp. for 17 years, retiring in 1993.
Mrs. Horton was past treasurer of the ISC Credit
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (195 words)

Article 124 of 149, 1996356037

Published on December 21, 1996, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin could have

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completed almost all of his prison term by now.

Instead, four years after a jury found him guilty of conspiring to smuggle
arms to South Africa, the Manheim Township resident has yet to start it.
Jasin, 51, who faces a five-year sentence, remains free on $100,000 bail
while a federal judge weighs his 1993 request to see classified Central
Intelligence Agency documents.
The secret documents are believed to answer the largest
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (880 words)

Article 125 of 149, 1996284014

Published on October 10, 1996, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Timothy N. Reist had been pondering for a long time whether to go into
business for himself.
Then his employer, Bulova Technologies, nudged him into a decision - by
laying him off after eight years on the job. Reist, a machinist, opted to
start his own company. Now, five years later, it seems that he made a
wise choice.
Reist and his wife, Joanne, have bought a Mountville area building so they
can expand their firm, Reist Precision Machine.
They bought a 3,500-square-foot building
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (450 words)

Article 126 of 149, 1996261179

Published on September 17, 1996, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster resident Richard E. "Dick" Hoffman, 73, of 8351-B S.W.
93rd Lane, Ocala, Fla., died Saturday at Lancaster General Hospital.
An employee at RCA and International Signal & Control, Hoffman retired in
1987 and moved to Ocala. He and his wife of 52 years, Dorothy J. Stuart
Hoffman, were formerly of 362 Ruth Ridge Drive.
Born in Steelton, he was the son of the late Clark and Carrie Hoffman. A
graduate of Steelton High School, he earned his
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (288 words)

Article 127 of 149, 1996139081

Published on May 18, 1996, Lancaster New Era



Ten Lancaster New Era staff members were honored today for excellence
in journalism in statewide newspaper award ceremonies in State College.
A team of reporters took a first place prize in the New Era's division in the
Keystone Press Awards, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society of
Newspaper Editors. The top honor was for best deadline news reporting for
coverage of the February 1995 fire at Reifsnyder's music store on South
Queen Street.
The Keystone awards
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (985 words)

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Article 128 of 149, 1996119194

Published on April 28, 1996, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


In remote areas of Laos, villagers sometimes plant herbs in shell casings
left over from the Vietnam War.
Some of the casings still have manufacturer's tags on them, said Titus
Peachey, of Lancaster. Brush the dirt away and you will find the names of
American towns and companies. "It was always for me a feeling of sadness
to see my own country represented in that way."
Part of a worldwide campaign to ban land mines and other anti-personnel
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (406 words)

Article 129 of 149, 1996081169

Published on March 21, 1996, Lancaster New Era



PHILADELPHIA - A federal prosecutor wants accused spy Robert Stephan
Lipka to undergo a psychiatric examination.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Barbara J. Cohan asked a federal judge today to
order tests to establish that the Manor Township man is competent to stand
trial. Also today, an FBI agent disclosed that Lipka once claimed to have
laundered money for Oliver L. North and James H. Guerin, and to have
seen evidence that Richard M. Nixon was a Soviet spy.
In her court filing, Cohan noted
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1007 words)

Article 130 of 149, 1996032198

Published on February 1, 1996, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Ferranti International Inc. has sold the last of its 16 businesses in the United
States, completing the divestiture of its operating companies.
Lancaster-based Ferranti sold Mountain Optec Inc. of Boulder, Colo., to
Phillips Services Industries Inc. A price was not disclosed, but it consists of
an initial payment plus future payments based on the firm's performance
over the next two years.
Mountain Optec toughens optical disk drives that gather, store and play data,
so they
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (333 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

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Article 111 of 149, 1991203248


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on April 30, 1997, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.



Visit the Marketplace


Men's & Ladies
Coyote Trails

Real Men Fry Turkeys

S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00

To the Editor:

What is our United States coming to! Michelle Lambert and O. J. Simpson
are both murderers, but are free. Robert Clyde Ivy and Jim Guerin are
architects of a $1.14 billion scam at ISC to put Ferranti International out of
business and put thousands of honest workers out of jobs. Ivy got six
months in jail and six months of home detention. Guerin got 15 years in
prison for one of the worst U.S. financial crimes ever committed in this
country. Our president is in a scandal every
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (175 words)

Article 112 of 149, 1991132950

Published on April 23, 1997, Lancaster New Era



Editor, New Era:
14-kt. White
What is our United States coming to!!! Michelle Lambert and O.J. Simpson
Gold 3/4-ct.
are both murderers, but are free. Robert Clyde Ivy and Jim Guerin are
architects of a $1.14 billion scam at ISC to put Ferranti International out of
Three Row
business and put thousands of honest workers out of jobs. What did they get
in prison? Clyde Ivy got six months in jail and six months of home
detention. Guerin got 15 years in prison for one of the worst U.S. financial
Band-size 7
crimes ever committed in this

14-kt. Yellow Gold

Diamond Pink
Tourmaline Pendant

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (200 words)

Article 113 of 149, 1990962489

Published on April 6, 1997, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


In what may be the final chapter of the long-running ISC court case, a
former ISC top executive, Robert Clyde Ivy, admitted in federal court
Friday that he smuggled arms to South Africa.
Facing 52 counts of corporate crime and the potential of 515 years in prison
and a $44 million dollar fine, Ivy opted for a plea bargain with federal
prosecutors after a series of setbacks in his defense. Prosecutors agreed
to lessen the charges to one count of smuggling conspiracy in exchange for
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (648 words)

Article 114 of 149, 1990951690

Published on April 5, 1997, Lancaster New Era



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Robert Clyde Ivy, the former top ISC executive who eluded trial for 5 1/2
years, admitted in federal court Friday that he smuggled arms to South
The Lancaster resident pleaded guilty to one count of smuggling conspiracy,
bringing the prosecution of one of America's largest corporate crimes nearly
to a close. Of 20 companies and individuals indicted in the ISC case in
October 1991, Ivy faced the most charges - 52 counts, posing up to 515
years in prison and a $44 million
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (950 words)

Article 115 of 149, 1997066321

Published on March 7, 1997, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


Ruth N. Friedel, 67, of 761 Stoney Battery Road, died Thursday from injuries
sustained in a car crash, according to Lancaster County coroner Dr. Barry
She was found in cardiac arrest following a five-vehicle accident along
Rohrerstown Road late Wednesday night. Born in Lancaster, she was a
daughter of the late Jack and Naomi G. Erb Patterson.
A lifelong resident of the Lancaster area, she had attended McCaskey High
She had worked at Willow Valley Market as a deli clerk
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (238 words)

Article 116 of 149, 1997066248

Published on March 7, 1997, Lancaster New Era



Ruth N. Friedel, 67, of 761 Stoney Battery Road, died unexpectedly
An autopsy has been ordered. Mrs. Friedel was found in cardiac arrest
following a five-vehicle accident along Rohrerstown Road late Wednesday
night. Born in Lancaster, she was a daughter of the late Jack and Naomi G.
Erb Patterson.
A lifelong resident of the Lancaster area, she had attended McCaskey High
She had worked at Willow Valley Market as a deli clerk for two years and,
prior to that, at ISC
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (232 words)

Article 117 of 149, 1997059329

Published on February 28, 1997, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Three South African companies that were part of an
international arms smuggling operation masterminded by International Signal
& Control were fined a total of $12.5 million Thursday.
The plea agreement in federal court here is another sign that the Republic of
South Africa and the United States are taking positive steps toward
normalizing relations. Both governments have sought for the past five
years to resolve charges of arms smuggling brought by the U.S.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (769 words)

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Article 118 of 149, 1997059266

Published on February 28, 1997, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - When South Africa went shopping for high-tech arms in
the 1980s, former ISC executive Robert Clyde Ivy was virtually a
Wal-Mart of weaponry, federal prosecutors allege.
The Lancaster resident helped smuggle into South Africa dozens of kinds of
sophisticated electronic parts for the country's fighter aircraft, helicopters,
missiles and artillery shells, they say. Now, following events here
Thursday, federal prosecutors hoping to convict Ivy of smuggling,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1009 words)

Article 119 of 149, 1997058304

Published on February 27, 1997, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - International Signal & Control's corporate arms smuggling
partners in South Africa finally came to justice here today.
More than five years after their indictment, three South African weapons
companies appeared in U.S. District Court this morning on charges they
participated in the $50 million scheme. One company pleaded guilty and two
pleaded no contest.
The three firms agreed to pay a total of $12.5 million in fines.
As part of a plea
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (862 words)

Article 120 of 149, 1997045298

Published on February 14, 1997, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Imprisoned arms smuggler James H. Guerin has apparently come up with a
new scam while spending his 15 years behind bars.
This time, a fraudulent divorce to ensure his ex-wife, Helen, gets his
disputed $2,700-a-month pension, said the pension plan's administrator and
former Guerin employee, James P. Shinehouse. "The case is the latest
installment in a 15-year fraud perpetrated by James H. Guerin against his
former employer, Ferranti International Inc.,"
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (695 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 101 of 149, 1998198117

Published on July 17, 1998, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA - After waiting almost six years to be sentenced, a former


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Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.


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executive with International Signal & Control Corp. was allowed to remain
free when a federal judge finally meted out his punishment Thursday.
U.S District Judge Jan E. DuBois, after listening to hours of impassioned
remarks from Thomas P. Jasin's defense attorney, departed from the
federal sentencing guidelines mandating five years in prison and sentenced
the Manheim Township man to two years in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (875 words)

"Border Crossing"
Wall Sconce 27
Stainless Steel Knife with
Olde Mill
L i g h t i n g $60.00
C o y o t e T r a i l s $12.50

Article 102 of 149, 1998198035

Published on July 17, 1998, Lancaster New Era



PHILADELPHIA - For eight hours here Thursday, federal judge Jan E.
DuBois sounded like he'd throw the book at Thomas P. Jasin.
As defense attorneys raised argument after argument for leniency, time
and again DuBois agreed with prosecutors in rejecting them. Until the ninth
hour came.

Suunto Cross
Sports Heart
Rate Watch

Sterling Silver Hoop

Fashion Earrings

Instead of sentencing the former ISC executive to five years in prison, as

prescribed by federal sentencing guidelines, DuBois used his discretion to
sentence Jasin to two years.
DuBois then
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (957 words)

Article 103 of 149, 1998197101

Published on July 16, 1998, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


A former executive of International Signal & Control Corp. who was
convicted in December 1992 of conspiring to smuggle arms to South
Africa will finally be sentenced today in a Philadelphia federal courtroom.
Thomas P. Jasin, 53, of 2473 Butter Road, faces a five-year prison
sentence mandated by federal sentencing guidelines when he appears
before U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois at 10 a.m. Jasin's crimes were
discovered during a federal investigation into
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (390 words)

Article 104 of 149, 1998197001

Published on July 16, 1998, Lancaster New Era



PHILADELPHIA - It's been nearly seven years since Thomas P. Jasin was
indicted in the International Signal & Control case.

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It's been 5 1/2 years since a federal court jury convicted him of conspiring
to help ISC smuggle weapons to South Africa. Now, a baffling series of
delays apparently has run its course.
The Lancaster man was scheduled to be sentenced in federal court here
today. He faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (559 words)

Article 105 of 149, 1998175132

Published on June 24, 1998, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


The developer of a massive food distribution center has finally revealed
who will occupy the East Cocalico complex: Acme Markets.
Thomas D. Smithgall, director of development for the real estate arm of
High Industries Inc., announced Tuesday that American Stores Co., the Salt
Lake City-based owner of Acme Markets, bought the land in the Turnpike
21 Business Park. It's been two years since "Project 264" hit the drawing
board, and as expected with
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (391 words)

Article 106 of 149, 1998109071

Published on April 19, 1998, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)
The following is a look back at local news events during the past week.
April 13 - In the ongoing story of Lisa Michelle Lambert and her quest to be
released from prison and from her murder conviction in the death of Laurie
Show, Lambert's attorneys argued that they should be paid out-of-pocket
expenses by Lancaster County. They said the cost could be more than
$100,000. Tuesday, Judge Lawrence Stengel modified his gag order to
allow relatives and witnesses to talk to the
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (538 words)

Article 107 of 149, 1998107114

Published on April 17, 1998, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


A federal judge has agreed to hold a hearing concerning former Lancaster
businessman James H. Guerin's contention that he was ineffectively
represented when he pleaded guilty in 1991 to a number of crimes, including
money laundering and illegal arms sales.
Guerin, 68, is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence in a federal
prison in Florida. He was once one of Lancaster County's most prominent
philanthropists and business leaders. The hearing will be held
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (478 words)

Article 108 of 149, 1998015016

Published on January 15, 1998, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


A Lancaster company plans to develop a $3.2 million warehouse and

2 of 3

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distribution center at the Ferranti International Inc. campus in West

Hempfield Township.
D. Kasun Associates has purchased 10 acres at Hempland Road from
Ferranti for $562,500. Kasun's company, Kasun Development Corp.,
intends to build a 140,000-square-foot warehouse on the tract, according to
Vice President Lee Kasun. The structure will have 30-foot-high ceilings to
allow for tall storage space.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (686 words)

Article 109 of 149, 1997225504

Published on August 13, 1997, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin - who is serving a 15-year
prison sentence after pleading guilty in 1991 to a number of crimes,
including money laundering and illegal arms sales - has asked a federal
judge to free him.
Guerin, 67, who is incarcerated in a federal prison in Florida, was once one
of Lancaster County's most prominent philanthropists and business leaders.
Guerin's motion before Chief U.S. Judge Louis C. Bechtle accuses Joseph
Tate, his
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (982 words)

Article 110 of 149, 1997155392

Published on June 4, 1997, Lancaster New Era



Susan E. Savage and Shaun Balani can tell you about surprises on the
route to success.
Savage, now president of Abel/Savage Marketing and Communications Inc.,
discovered she was pregnant shortly before she started her freshman year
at Franklin and Marshall College. Balani, president of Travel Time Travel
Agency Inc., said a business broker stole his family's savings while helping
him look for a company to buy.
On Thursday, the two will receive awards from The Lancaster
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (924 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 91 of 149, 1998261094

Published on September 18, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Six years ago the attorney for James H. Guerin called his client "the


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Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.


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Marketplace >>

embodiment of the American dream and the American tragedy."

As Guerin was about to be sentenced for fraud, money laundering and illegal
arms sales, Joseph A. Tate spoke of Guerin's "zeal" to expand his
Lancaster-based company, his many philanthropic works in the community,
his deep spiritual beliefs and his loving family. "We ask you to fashion a
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (615 words)

Golf Balls
Porcelain Feather
LancasterOnline Jewelry "Half Wolf Face"
C o y o t e T r a i l s $18.00

Article 92 of 149, 1998260097

Published on September 17, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA - James H. Guerin took the witness stand in a federal
courtroom Wednesday and admitted that he lied to his defense attorneys
one or two times from 1989 to 1991.

14-kt. Yellow
Gold Heart

14kt White Gold 3/8-ct

Diamond and Citrine

Guerin, 68, also told Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Goldman that there
were six times when the government "showed me a conflict" in information
he provided as part of a plea agreement he signed in 1992. Wednesday
marked the second and final day of a hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1357 words)

Article 93 of 149, 1998260035

Published on September 17, 1998, Lancaster

New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Deceit is what landed former Lancaster businessman
James H. Guerin in federal prison for 15 years.
Now a federal judge will decide in the coming weeks whether Guerin is using
his old tactic to try to get out. Guerin, the founder of now-defunct
International Signal & Control, testified for two hours here Wednesday,
concluding a two-day hearing on his bid for a reduced sentence.
At issue was essentially just one thing:
Whether Guerin was truthfully
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1105 words)

Article 94 of 149, 1998259163

Published on September 16, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


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PHILADELPHIA - Two of James H. Guerin's former attorneys testified

Tuesday that their ex-client was just what federal prosecutors have called
him for nearly 10 years: a habitual liar.
Philadelphia attorneys Joseph A. Tate and Stephen D. Brown testified in
federal court that Guerin told one lie after another to federal prosecutors
probing criminal wrongdoing within his Lancaster-based defense contracting
firm, International Signal & Control Corp. The attorneys said
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1010 words)

Article 95 of 149, 1998259035

Published on September 16, 1998, Lancaster

New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin never
grasped a simple concept, his ex-attorney testified here Tuesday:
Honesty is the best policy. In a remarkable three hours in federal court,
Joseph A. Tate said his one-time client frequently lied not only to
government investigators, but to his own defense attorneys as well.
"Jim and I had a falling out over my view that, very often, Jim would rewrite
history," said Tate.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1191 words)

Article 96 of 149, 1998258077

Published on September 15, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin will be back in federal
court today to try to convince a judge his attorney was ineffective in 1991
when Guerin pleaded guilty to fraud, money laundering and illegal arms
The 68-year-old Guerin, once one of Lancaster County's most prominent
philanthropists and business leaders, is serving a 15-year sentence in
Florida. Guerin was the founder of International Signal & Control Corp.,
which employed 1,800 people in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (431 words)

Article 97 of 149, 1998258002

Published on September 15, 1998, Lancaster

New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - The last time James H. Guerin appeared in federal court
here, he was dispatched with a 15-year prison sentence.
Today, six years into that sentence, the former Lancaster businessman
came back to argue that his penalty was too harsh. Guerin's request to be
resentenced was getting under way at presstime. He was expected to
testify at length in the courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Judge Diane M. Welsh.
The founder of the now-defunct International Signal &
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (750 words)

Article 98 of 149, 1998248062

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Published on September 5, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Joseph F. Mickoseff, 44, of 6088 Sundra Circle, East Petersburg, died
Thursday afternoon at home after a lengthy illness.
He was an assembler of automatic machines for the last three years at
Synergistech, Lewisberry. From 1983 to 1995, he worked for the former
ISC Corp., Lancaster, as a tool maker. A 1972 graduate of Nativity High
School, Pottsville, he earned an associate's degree in art from Penn State
University and an associate's degree from Williamsport Area
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (194 words)

Article 99 of 149, 1998199066

Published on July 18, 1998, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.
She worked at International Signal Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc., Lancaster, for 24
years. She was of the Protestant faith.
Born in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and
Mary Gamber Adams.
She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.
Surviving are a grandson, Shawn Beam
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (156 words)

Article 100 of 149, 1998199013

Published on July 18, 1998, Lancaster New Era



Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.
She worked at International Signal and Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc. for 24 years. Born
in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Mary
Gamber Adams.
She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.
Surviving are a grandson and a sister, Anna G. Sweigart of Ephrata.
She was
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (144 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 91 of 149, 1998261094

Published on September 18, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Six years ago the attorney for James H. Guerin called his client "the


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Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.


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embodiment of the American dream and the American tragedy."

As Guerin was about to be sentenced for fraud, money laundering and illegal
arms sales, Joseph A. Tate spoke of Guerin's "zeal" to expand his
Lancaster-based company, his many philanthropic works in the community,
his deep spiritual beliefs and his loving family. "We ask you to fashion a
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (615 words)

Golf Balls
Porcelain Feather
LancasterOnline Jewelry "Half Wolf Face"
C o y o t e T r a i l s $18.00

Article 92 of 149, 1998260097

Published on September 17, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA - James H. Guerin took the witness stand in a federal
courtroom Wednesday and admitted that he lied to his defense attorneys
one or two times from 1989 to 1991.

14-kt. Yellow
Gold Heart

14kt White Gold 3/8-ct

Diamond and Citrine

Guerin, 68, also told Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Goldman that there
were six times when the government "showed me a conflict" in information
he provided as part of a plea agreement he signed in 1992. Wednesday
marked the second and final day of a hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1357 words)

Article 93 of 149, 1998260035

Published on September 17, 1998, Lancaster

New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Deceit is what landed former Lancaster businessman
James H. Guerin in federal prison for 15 years.
Now a federal judge will decide in the coming weeks whether Guerin is using
his old tactic to try to get out. Guerin, the founder of now-defunct
International Signal & Control, testified for two hours here Wednesday,
concluding a two-day hearing on his bid for a reduced sentence.
At issue was essentially just one thing:
Whether Guerin was truthfully
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1105 words)

Article 94 of 149, 1998259163

Published on September 16, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


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PHILADELPHIA - Two of James H. Guerin's former attorneys testified

Tuesday that their ex-client was just what federal prosecutors have called
him for nearly 10 years: a habitual liar.
Philadelphia attorneys Joseph A. Tate and Stephen D. Brown testified in
federal court that Guerin told one lie after another to federal prosecutors
probing criminal wrongdoing within his Lancaster-based defense contracting
firm, International Signal & Control Corp. The attorneys said
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1010 words)

Article 95 of 149, 1998259035

Published on September 16, 1998, Lancaster

New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin never
grasped a simple concept, his ex-attorney testified here Tuesday:
Honesty is the best policy. In a remarkable three hours in federal court,
Joseph A. Tate said his one-time client frequently lied not only to
government investigators, but to his own defense attorneys as well.
"Jim and I had a falling out over my view that, very often, Jim would rewrite
history," said Tate.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1191 words)

Article 96 of 149, 1998258077

Published on September 15, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin will be back in federal
court today to try to convince a judge his attorney was ineffective in 1991
when Guerin pleaded guilty to fraud, money laundering and illegal arms
The 68-year-old Guerin, once one of Lancaster County's most prominent
philanthropists and business leaders, is serving a 15-year sentence in
Florida. Guerin was the founder of International Signal & Control Corp.,
which employed 1,800 people in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (431 words)

Article 97 of 149, 1998258002

Published on September 15, 1998, Lancaster

New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - The last time James H. Guerin appeared in federal court
here, he was dispatched with a 15-year prison sentence.
Today, six years into that sentence, the former Lancaster businessman
came back to argue that his penalty was too harsh. Guerin's request to be
resentenced was getting under way at presstime. He was expected to
testify at length in the courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Judge Diane M. Welsh.
The founder of the now-defunct International Signal &
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (750 words)

Article 98 of 149, 1998248062

2 of 3

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Published on September 5, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Joseph F. Mickoseff, 44, of 6088 Sundra Circle, East Petersburg, died
Thursday afternoon at home after a lengthy illness.
He was an assembler of automatic machines for the last three years at
Synergistech, Lewisberry. From 1983 to 1995, he worked for the former
ISC Corp., Lancaster, as a tool maker. A 1972 graduate of Nativity High
School, Pottsville, he earned an associate's degree in art from Penn State
University and an associate's degree from Williamsport Area
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (194 words)

Article 99 of 149, 1998199066

Published on July 18, 1998, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.
She worked at International Signal Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc., Lancaster, for 24
years. She was of the Protestant faith.
Born in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and
Mary Gamber Adams.
She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.
Surviving are a grandson, Shawn Beam
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (156 words)

Article 100 of 149, 1998199013

Published on July 18, 1998, Lancaster New Era



Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.
She worked at International Signal and Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc. for 24 years. Born
in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Mary
Gamber Adams.
She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.
Surviving are a grandson and a sister, Anna G. Sweigart of Ephrata.
She was
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (144 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

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Displaying 10 articles

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.

Article 81 of 149, 1998289083

Published on October 16, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)




Katherine Heigl Collection Now At

Uniform Solutions.


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Marketplace >>

Thursday marked the end of 10 years of criminal probes and prosecutions of

employees of defunct Lancaster defense contractor International Signal &
Control Corp.
U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois sentenced the last two of six former ISC
employees who pleaded guilty to helping ISC founder James H. Guerin
smuggle arms to South Africa during the 1980s and/or mastermind a $1.14
billion fraud that destroyed a British defense contractor. Robert Resch, now
living in California, was
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (524 words)

Logo Hat

"American Tradition"
Steel Knife Gift Boxed
C o y o t e T r a i l s $7.99

14-kt. Yellow
Gold Hoop

Sterling Silver Spring

Flower Anklet

Article 82 of 149, 1998289028

Published on October 16, 1998, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


A federal judge explained Thursday why it took so long to give such short
sentences to six defendants in the International Signal & Control fraud and
smuggling case.
U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois in Philadelphia made the comments while
sentencing the last of the six to come before him this week - seven years
after their 1991 indicments. Anthony J. Stagg of Fountain Hills, Ariz., was
sentenced to three months of home confinement, three years probation and
ordered to pay
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (589 words)

Article 83 of 149, 1998288093

Published on October 15, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


A Marticville man will spend the next three months confined to his home for
his role in illegal arms sales to South Africa by a former Lancaster defense
Terrance P. Faulds, a former procurement specialist for International Signal
& Control Corp., was sentenced Wednesday to three months of confinement
and three years' probation by U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois. Also
sentenced Wednesday was Gerald Schuler of New York, who operated a
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (408 words)

Article 84 of 149, 1998288029

Published on October 15, 1998, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Two key players in International Signal & Control's smuggling operation were

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Need a

sentenced Wednesday for their roles in the scheme.

Terrance P. Faulds of Pequea was sentenced to three months of home
confinement and three years of probation. Gerald E. Schuler of West Islip,
N.Y., was sentenced to three months in jail and three months of home
confinement. He also was fined $3,500.
Both were sentenced in Philadelphia federal court by U.S. District Judge
Jan E. DuBois,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (457 words)

Article 85 of 149, 1998287167

Published on October 14, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Calling him "deceitful," a federal judge has recommended that former
Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin's request for a reduction in his
15-year prison sentence be denied.
Magistrate Judge Diane M. Welsh has forwarded her 25-page opinion,
issued Thursday, to Chief U.S. District Judge Louis C. Bechtel in
Philadelphia for final disposition. It was Bechtel who sentenced Guerin in
1992, after the former Lancaster business icon pleaded guilty to money
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1057 words)

Article 86 of 149, 1998287174

Published on October 14, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Two former employees of now-defunct International Signal & Control Corp.
were sentenced Tuesday in a Philadelphia federal court room.
Wayne K. Radcliffe of Holtwood was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Jan
E. DuBois to six months in prison, followed by three months of house arrest.
He was also fined $7,500. Robert L. Shireman, a West Virginia resident who
was the Lancaster defense contractor's chief financial officer, was
sentenced to house arrest for six months,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (602 words)

Article 87 of 149, 1998287023

Published on October 14, 1998, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Two former executives at International Signal & Control were sentenced
Tuesday for their roles in the company's massive fraud and smuggling
Lancaster resident Wayne K. Radcliffe received six months in prison, three
years probation and a $7,500 fine, a federal prosecutor said. Former
Marietta-area resident Robert L. Shireman received six months of home
confinement, three years probation and a $7,500 fine, according to the
Assistant U.S.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (615 words)

Article 88 of 149, 1998286072

2 of 3

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Published on October 13, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


After a seven-year wait, six former employees of the defunct Lancaster
defense contracting firm International Signal & Control Corp. will be
sentenced this week in a Philadelphia federal court room.
All have pleaded guilty to various roles in ISC's elaborate arms-smuggling
operation and/or to aiding ISC founder James H. Guerin in masterminding a
$1.14 billion fraud against former British defense giant Ferranti International
plc. And, according to court documents, all
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (795 words)

Article 89 of 149, 1998270014

Published on September 27, 1998, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


Jim Guerin belongs in jail.
And since the federal judge in charge of his case isn't named Stewart
Dalzell, there's a chance he'll stay there. Mr. Guerin, the fallen angel of the
Lancaster County business community, is busy trying to persuade Judge
Louis Bechtle that his 15-year sentence for fraud, illegal weapons sales and
money laundering ought to be overturned. He was ill-served, Mr. Guerin
argues, by his own lawyers, who were in collusion with federal
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (508 words)

Article 90 of 149, 1998263083

Published on September 20, 1998, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


The following is a look back at local news events during the past week.
SUNDAY Sept. 13 - Fires continued to burn around the Pinnacle Overlook in
southern Lancaster County, but firefighters had them contained. Eight
firefighters were treated for exhaustion. The fires were brought under control
`Police in West Virginia arrested John Dennis Grubb, who is wanted for 27
bank robberies in 10 states, including the Fulton Bank branch on Fruitville
Pike in Manheim Township. The break
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (550 words)

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Article 71 of 149, 1999158117

Published on June 7, 1999, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


Newspaper Advertisements
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Visit the Marketplace

They came to power in the 1930s, and their vision of how business and
government should function played no small role in defining how Lancaster
County viewed itself - not just in those years but for decades afterward.
Henning Webb Prentis built Armstrong Cork Co. into a leading national
industry, then became a crusader for the free enterprise system. Ideas he
advanced 60 years ago still echo in the speeches of today's political and
business leaders.
Guy Graybill Diehm took

Olde Mill

Lancaster Newspapers
Logo Hat
L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $8.15

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1839 words)

Article 72 of 149, 1999158118

Published on June 7, 1999, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


They came to power in the 1930s, and their vision of how business and
government should function played no small role in defining how Lancaster
County viewed itself - not just in those years but for decades afterward.

Jeweled Heart
14kt White Gold Over
Dangle Curved
Sterling Silver Ring
(option)-Light Blue/Size

Henning Webb Prentis built Armstrong Cork Co. into a leading national
industry, then became a crusader for the free enterprise system. Ideas he
advanced 60 years ago still echo in the speeches of today's political and
business leaders.
Guy Graybill Diehm tood
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1454 words)

Article 73 of 149, 1999158006

Published on June 7, 1999, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


They came to power in the 1930s, and their vision of how business and
government should function played no small role in defining how Lancaster
County viewed itself - not just in those years but for decades afterward.
Henning Webb Prentis built Armstrong Cork Co. into a leading national
industry, then became a crusader for the free enterprise system. Ideas he
advanced 60 years ago still echo in the speeches of today's political and
business leaders.
Guy Graybill Diehm took
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2765 words)

Article 74 of 149, 1999157001

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Published on June 6, 1999, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


The stock market had crashed two months before, but as far as Lancaster
was concerned on New Year's Day 1930, the collapse of prices on Wall
Street had no more significance than a penny nail falling on a stable floor.
Lancaster was growing as fast as it ever had, expanding its links to east
and west, erecting new public buildings, easily taking care of its poor. As the
decade opened, Lancaster County residents had no premonition that the
worst economic period in American history
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (4895 words)

Article 75 of 149, 1999104273

Published on April 14, 1999, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


The wife of a former employee of defunct Lancaster defense contractor
International Signal & Control Corp. has been sued in county court for
allegedly keeping $1.1 million her late husband was laundering for ISC
founder James H. Guerin.
Helen W. Snyder of McMinnville, Ore., stands accused of helping her
husband, Harley, move money from four Panamanian front companies,
and one U.S. firm, through Swiss banks and Farmers First Bank of Lititz
into accounts controlled by their
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (511 words)

Article 76 of 149, 1999104106

Published on April 14, 1999, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


The wife of a former employee of defunct Lancaster defense contractor
International Signal & Control Corp. has been sued in county court for
allegedly keeping $1.1 million her late husband was laundering for ISC
founder James H. Guerin.
Helen W. Snyder of McMinnville, Ore., stands accused of helping her
husband, Harley, move money from four Panamanian front companies,
and one U.S. firm, through Swiss banks and Farmers First Bank of Lititz
into accounts controlled by their
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (511 words)

Article 77 of 149, 1999079092

Published on March 20, 1999, Lancaster New Era



Yo, are you stoked? I am. Let me school you about slang.
Check it out, G. By reading this week's column, you'll know the phat 4-1-1
so you won't be 4-0-4. No one will call you old skool. You'll be da bomb! So,
just kick it and chill while I floss. CONFUSED? ME TOO.

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Most people over the age of 25 couldn't decipher my opening paragraphs. I

didn't know what the words meant either - that is, until I asked several of my
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (873 words)

Article 78 of 149, 1999022081

Published on January 22, 1999, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin's bid for freedom or a
reduced sentence has been denied by a federal judge.
Chief U.S. District Judge Louis C. Bechtle Dec. 29 upheld the October
recommendation of a lower court judge who said Guerin's request for some
form of relief should be denied. "This should be the end of litigation with Mr.
Guerin," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Goldman, who prosecuted
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (719 words)

Article 79 of 149, 1999019070

Published on January 19, 1999, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Harold W. McCurdy, 82, of 670 Gentry Drive, died Monday morning at Shady
Grove Adventist Hospital, Gaithersburg, Md., after a lengthy illness.
A graduate of Stevens Trade School, he was a retired machinist with
International Signal and Control Corp. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World
War II.
McCurdy was a member of First United Methodist Church, Lancaster, and
Masonic Lodge 43 Free & Accepted Masons.
Born in Pottstown, he was the son of the late Harry and Bertha Summons
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (175 words)

Article 80 of 149, 1998291062

Published on October 18, 1998, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


The following is a look back at local news events during the past week.
Oct. 11 - A seven-hour standoff with police ended when 18-year-old Shane
Sweigart surrendered in Brownstown. Apparently drunk, Brown had called
911, saying he wanted to kill people. MONDAY Oct. 12 - The shutdown of
Fruitville Pike to remove the eastbound Route 30 bridge was postponed by
PennDOT when the contractor changed demolition plans.
`It was announced that "The Friends of the Rocky Springs
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (526 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 61 of 149, 1999362111


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on December 28, 1999, Lancaster New

Era (PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.



Visit the Marketplace


Vanity Light
Olde Mill

Golf Balls
L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $13.30

A "House of Horrors" in southern Lancaster County? A murderer who blows

up his victims or a con-artist who pulls off an international scheme?
What are the most sensational crimes that happened in Lancaster County
during the past 100 years? Were they the crimes involving brave
policemen who died fighting murderers, bank robbers or gangsters? Or the
innocent young victims who sparked massive manhunts?
Edward Gibbs, the capital murder case from Franklin
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2211 words)

Article 62 of 149, 1999313086

Published on November 9, 1999, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


The saga of International Signal & Control Corp. founder James H. Guerin -his meteoric rise to international prominence and final fall from grace -Traditional
shocked and polarized people from Pennsylvania to Great Britain and
14-kt. Gold &
beyond as it unfolded in the late 1980s.
3/4-carat TW
To many, he seemed the American dream incarnate. For more than 10
years, Guerin was lauded internationally for his business success and his
philanthropy. He credited his success to old-fashioned American values:
Gold Size 8
risk, hard

Diabetic Bruise Relief


C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (3030 words)

Article 63 of 149, 1999313118

Published on November 9, 1999, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


The saga of International Signal & Control Corp. founder James H. Guerin -his meteoric rise to international prominence and final fall from grace -shocked and polarized people from Pennsylvania to Great Britain and
beyond as it unfolded in the late 1980s.
To many, he seemed the American dream incarnate. For more than 10
years, Guerin was lauded internationally for his business success and his
philanthropy. He credited his success to old-fashioned American values:
risk, hard
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (3030 words)

Article 64 of 149, 1999284057

Published on October 11, 1999, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Patsy J. Roschel, 69, of 214 Greyfield Drive, died Saturday morning at
Lancaster General Hospital following a lengthy illness.

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Mrs. Roschel was employed at the former Schick Inc. for 25 years, where
she had been a group leader in the shipping and receiving department. She
later worked at the former ISC Corp. as a first-class government-certified
solderer, retiring in 1990 after nine years.
She was of the Protestant faith.
Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late Frank K.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (180 words)

Article 65 of 149, 1999239032

Published on August 27, 1999, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


The last portion of the suburban campus where International Signal & Control
collapsed will be revived by Clipper Magazine Inc.
The magazine's owners have bought the 28-acre property off Donnerville
Road from ISC successor Ferranti International Inc. for $3.5 million.
Following renovations, the local Clipper staff of 250 employees will move in
December to 3725 Electronics Way from its current headquarters at 1650
Manheim Pike.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1339 words)

Article 66 of 149, 1999234005

Published on August 22, 1999, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


Seven years after he was convicted of selling military technology to the
South African government, a Manheim Township man must begin serving
his 2-year prison term.
Thomas P. Jasin, of the 2400 block of Butter Road, former president of ISC
Technologies Inc. - part of the the now-defunct International Signal & Control
Corp. - had appealed his 1992 conviction on conspiring to violate the Arms
Export Control Act and the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act. ISC folded
in 1989.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (737 words)

Article 67 of 149, 1999227028

Published on August 15, 1999, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


Margaret L. Hiepler, 72, of 440 E. Grant St., died Friday afternoon at her
daughter's home in Quarryville after a brief illness.
Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late William and Pearl
Halderman Mentzer. She was the widow of Cornelius F. Hiepler, who died in
December 1992.
She retired from the International Signal Control in Lancaster, where she
worked as a supervisor of inspectors for 15 years.
She was of the Methodist faith.
She was a member of
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (239 words)

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Article 68 of 149, 1999178030

Published on June 27, 1999, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


Jailed Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin filed a new motion for his
release with the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on June 11, reiterating his
claim that his former attorney misled him into pleading guilty.
Guerin, 69, who founded the now-defunct International Signal & Control here,
was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 1992 after he confessed to
masterminding ISC's $1.14 billion fake-contract scheme and $50 million
smuggling operation. Assistant U.S.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (306 words)

Article 69 of 149, 1999177054

Published on June 26, 1999, Lancaster New Era



Jailed businessman James H. Guerin spent the past two years failing to
convince a federal judge to free him.
Now the former Lancastrian is trying to persuade the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals to let him go, by reiterating his claim that his former attorney
misled him into pleading guilty. Guerin, who founded now-defunct
International Signal & Control here, filed a notice that he was appealing to
the 3rd Circuit on June 11, two days after his 69th birthday.
In 1992,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (521 words)

Article 70 of 149, 1999159011

Published on June 8, 1999, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)


While most Americans remember the 1930s as the era of the Great
Depression, life in Lancaster or any other U.S. community was far richer
and more complex than the hardships of that economic catastrophe.
Amidst the financial turmoil, Lancaster County residents built the core of
the county's public works - bridges, water and sewer lines, an airport and
bus system. They grappled with legal and moral issues - the return of
drunken driving after the repeal of Prohibition, the
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (3682 words)

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Article 51 of 149, 2000071143

Published on March 11, 2000, Lancaster New Era



Ferranti International Inc. has hit the "eject" button on its Los Angeles


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Penn State
B r o t h e r s $11.99

Golf Balls
L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $13.30

10kt Yellow
Gold 1/4-ct
Three stone

Sterling Silver Skulls

Spinner Ring-Size 12

television and movie studio.

Lancaster-based Ferranti agreed Thursday to sell the 36-acre property to a
Dallas-based real estate development firm, Trammell Crow Co., for $23
million. So the place that was graced by Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood,
Robert DeNiro and other stars will become an office and light-industry
"The studio business is now over," said James
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1074 words)

Article 52 of 149, 2000071047

Published on March 11, 2000, Lancaster New Era



Ferranti International Inc. has hit the "eject" button on its Los Angeles
television and movie studio.
Lancaster-based Ferranti agreed Thursday to sell the 36-acre property to a
Dallas-based real estate development firm, Trammell Crow Co., for $23
million. So the place that was graced by Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood,
Robert DeNiro and other stars will become an office and light-industry
"The studio business is now over," said James
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1074 words)

Article 53 of 149, 2000071166

Published on March 11, 2000, Lancaster New Era



Ferranti International Inc. has hit the "eject" button on its Los Angeles
television and movie studio.
Lancaster-based Ferranti agreed Thursday to sell the 36-acre property to a
Dallas-based real estate development firm, Trammell Crow Co., for $23
million. So the place that was graced by Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood,
Robert DeNiro and other stars will become an office and light-industry
"The studio business is now over," said James
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1074 words)

Article 54 of 149, 2000007087

Published on January 7, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)



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Seven years after his conviction, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin
has yet to spend a day in prison. Federal prosecutors want that to change.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was among 20 individuals and companies
indicted in 1991 for their roles in ISC's $1.14 billion contract fraud and $50
million smuggling scheme. Jasin was convicted in late 1992 of conspiracy
to smuggle weapons to South Africa. By now he could have served his
entire two-year prison sentence 3 times. But
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (564 words)

Article 55 of 149, 2000007133

Published on January 7, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Seven years after his conviction, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin
has yet to spend a day in prison. Federal prosecutors want that to change.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was among 20 individuals and companies
indicted in 1991 for their roles in ISC's $1.14 billion contract fraud and $50
million smuggling scheme. Jasin was convicted in late 1992 of conspiracy
to smuggle weapons to South Africa. By now he could have served his
entire two-year prison sentence 3 times. But
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (564 words)

Article 56 of 149, 2000006127

Published on January 6, 2000, Lancaster New Era



By now, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin could have served his
entire prison sentence 3 times.
But Jasin, who was convicted in December 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle
weapons to South Africa, has yet to start the two-year sentence he
received in July 1998. Wednesday, in a pair of court filings, federal
prosecutors renewed their efforts to get a federal judge to order the
Lancaster man to report to prison immediately.
"Over seven years since conviction, 17 months after
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (789 words)

Article 57 of 149, 2000006050

Published on January 6, 2000, Lancaster New Era



By now, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin could have served his
entire prison sentence 3 times.
But Jasin, who was convicted in December 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle
weapons to South Africa, has yet to start the two-year sentence he
received in July 1998. Wednesday, in a pair of court filings, federal
prosecutors renewed their efforts to get a federal judge to order the
Lancaster man to report to prison immediately.
"Over seven years since conviction, 17 months after
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (789 words)

Article 58 of 149, 2000003093

2 of 3

149 of 168

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Published on January 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


It's been a decade of extremes in Lancaster County's financial arena. A
recession ushered in the 1990s. The economy recovered, and the decade
ended with the longest stretch of prosperity in 30 years. The Internet gained
mainstream acceptance for much more than surfing in cyberspace.
In between the recession and the online boom, we've experienced a new
era of shopping with the opening of "big box" retailers, the transformation of
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1861 words)

Article 59 of 149, 2000003129

Published on January 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


It's been a decade of extremes in Lancaster County's financial arena. A
recession ushered in the 1990s. The economy recovered, and the decade
ended with the longest stretch of prosperity in 30 years. The Internet gained
mainstream acceptance for much more than surfing in cyberspace.
In between the recession and the online boom, we've experienced a new
era of shopping with the opening of "big box" retailers, the transformation of
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1861 words)

Article 60 of 149, 1999362044

Published on December 28, 1999, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


A "House of Horrors" in southern Lancaster County? A murderer who blows
up his victims or a con-artist who pulls off an international scheme?
What are the most sensational crimes that happened in Lancaster County
during the past 100 years? Were they the crimes involving brave
policemen who died fighting murderers, bank robbers or gangsters? Or the
innocent young victims who sparked massive manhunts?
Edward Gibbs, the capital murder case from Franklin
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2198 words)

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Article 41 of 149, 2000341190


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on December 6, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.



Visit the Marketplace


Ankle Boot
Coyote Trails

Zippo Logo Lighters Mpl

S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00

Purple Crystal
Ring-Size 5 Small

Columbia Sportswear
Crooked Butte Lumbar

After eluding jail for eight years, convicted smuggling conspirator Thomas
P. Jasin has been ordered for the second time to begin serving his
Jasin, the former International Signal & Control executive, was ordered to
report to a yet-to-be-selected federal prison by Tuesday to start his
two-year sentence. The Manheim Township resident has avoided jail longer
than any convicted felon in memory.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was convicted by a federal court jury in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (528 words)

Article 42 of 149, 2000298106

Published on October 24, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Ernest J. Schreiber will become editor of the Lancaster New Era effective
Saturday, it was announced by John M. Buckwalter, president of Lancaster
Newspapers Inc.
Schreiber, who is now the New Era staff editor, succeeds Robert J. Kozak,
who is retiring after a 44-year career at Lancaster Newspapers. Other staff
promotions include:
`Peter C. Mekeel will become managing editor of the New Era, a newly
created position. He is now the paper's news editor.
`Randall L.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1070 words)

Article 43 of 149, 2000276105

Published on October 2, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


To the Editor:

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So, when is the Lancaster press going to allow Jim Guerin an opportunity to
address the spurious claims made in your reports? News flash, y'all -- this
rotten carcass is now 10 years old and there's nothing left to feed on. All
you are doing is giving false hope to the remaining corporate parasites at
Ferranti/ISC who are squandering remaining stockholder wealth in an
attempt to justify a rather pointless existence. As a former ISC employee
who felt

Live Support

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Article 44 of 149, 2000266072

Published on September 22, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


151 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:22 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Need a

John "Jack" W. Brubaker, 62, of 12 Willis Lane, died Thursday morning at

Essa Flory Hospice Center after a brief illness.
Brubaker was a contract administrator for the former GEC Marconi, the
former Ferranti, the former ISC, Bulova Technologies, the former General
Defense in York and Hamilton Technology. He also was a private pilot, a
former emergency medical technician for East Lampeter Ambulance
Association and a former paramedic for Ephrata Community Hospital.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (228 words)

Article 45 of 149, 2000238102

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.
But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.
Meanwhile, his
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 46 of 149, 2000238037

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.
But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.
Meanwhile, his
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 47 of 149, 2000221038

Published on August 8, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas L. White, 46, of 3229 Maplecrest Terrace, died Sunday at Lancaster
Regional Medical Center. He had been ill with cancer for a year, according
to a family spokesman.
White was a service technician with Terminex International for three years,
until late July. He was a technician for the former ISC/Ferranti Corp. from
1979 to 1995. A U.S. Navy veteran, he served from 1974 to 1978 aboard
the aircraft carrier USS Kennedy as a third class aviation fire control
technician with squadron VA
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (268 words)

Article 48 of 149, 2000216111

2 of 3

152 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:22 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.
According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from
an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 49 of 149, 2000216089

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.
According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from
an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 50 of 149, 2000172011

Published on June 20, 2000, Lancaster New Era



Tim Mekeel, New Era staff writer, has been appointed business editor of the
New Era, effective June 19.
Mekeel joined the New Era in 1977 as a general assignment and sports
reporter. He became a full-time business reporter in 1979. A graduate of
Hempfield High School and Penn State University, Mekeel is 44 and
resides at 313 Rhoda Drive.
His wife, Alison, is an adjunct instructor of voice at Elizabethtown College
and a music associate at First Presbyterian Church. They have a son,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (363 words)

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Displaying 10 articles
Article 41 of 149, 2000341190


Newspaper Advertisements
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.

Published on December 6, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.



Visit the Marketplace


Ankle Boot
Coyote Trails

Zippo Logo Lighters Mpl

S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00

Purple Crystal
Ring-Size 5 Small

Columbia Sportswear
Crooked Butte Lumbar

After eluding jail for eight years, convicted smuggling conspirator Thomas
P. Jasin has been ordered for the second time to begin serving his
Jasin, the former International Signal & Control executive, was ordered to
report to a yet-to-be-selected federal prison by Tuesday to start his
two-year sentence. The Manheim Township resident has avoided jail longer
than any convicted felon in memory.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was convicted by a federal court jury in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (528 words)

Article 42 of 149, 2000298106

Published on October 24, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Ernest J. Schreiber will become editor of the Lancaster New Era effective
Saturday, it was announced by John M. Buckwalter, president of Lancaster
Newspapers Inc.
Schreiber, who is now the New Era staff editor, succeeds Robert J. Kozak,
who is retiring after a 44-year career at Lancaster Newspapers. Other staff
promotions include:
`Peter C. Mekeel will become managing editor of the New Era, a newly
created position. He is now the paper's news editor.
`Randall L.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1070 words)

Article 43 of 149, 2000276105

Published on October 2, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


To the Editor:

Care Center
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So, when is the Lancaster press going to allow Jim Guerin an opportunity to
address the spurious claims made in your reports? News flash, y'all -- this
rotten carcass is now 10 years old and there's nothing left to feed on. All
you are doing is giving false hope to the remaining corporate parasites at
Ferranti/ISC who are squandering remaining stockholder wealth in an
attempt to justify a rather pointless existence. As a former ISC employee
who felt

Live Support

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (409 words)

Site Map
RSS Feeds

1 of 3

LancasterOnline Keyword

149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Article 44 of 149, 2000266072

Published on September 22, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


154 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:21 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Need a

John "Jack" W. Brubaker, 62, of 12 Willis Lane, died Thursday morning at

Essa Flory Hospice Center after a brief illness.
Brubaker was a contract administrator for the former GEC Marconi, the
former Ferranti, the former ISC, Bulova Technologies, the former General
Defense in York and Hamilton Technology. He also was a private pilot, a
former emergency medical technician for East Lampeter Ambulance
Association and a former paramedic for Ephrata Community Hospital.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (228 words)

Article 45 of 149, 2000238102

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.
But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.
Meanwhile, his
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 46 of 149, 2000238037

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.
But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.
Meanwhile, his
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 47 of 149, 2000221038

Published on August 8, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas L. White, 46, of 3229 Maplecrest Terrace, died Sunday at Lancaster
Regional Medical Center. He had been ill with cancer for a year, according
to a family spokesman.
White was a service technician with Terminex International for three years,
until late July. He was a technician for the former ISC/Ferranti Corp. from
1979 to 1995. A U.S. Navy veteran, he served from 1974 to 1978 aboard
the aircraft carrier USS Kennedy as a third class aviation fire control
technician with squadron VA
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (268 words)

Article 48 of 149, 2000216111

2 of 3

155 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:21 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.
According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from
an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 49 of 149, 2000216089

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.
According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from
an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 50 of 149, 2000172011

Published on June 20, 2000, Lancaster New Era



Tim Mekeel, New Era staff writer, has been appointed business editor of the
New Era, effective June 19.
Mekeel joined the New Era in 1977 as a general assignment and sports
reporter. He became a full-time business reporter in 1979. A graduate of
Hempfield High School and Penn State University, Mekeel is 44 and
resides at 313 Rhoda Drive.
His wife, Alison, is an adjunct instructor of voice at Elizabethtown College
and a music associate at First Presbyterian Church. They have a son,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (363 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 31 of 149, 2001154125

Published on June 3, 2001, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


Carl H. Dreyer, 71, of 1061 Stillwood Circle, Lititz, died unexpectedly Friday


Newspaper Advertisements
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.


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Marketplace >>

at Lancaster Regional Medical Center.

He and his wife, Lucy M. Collins Dreyer, celebrated 45 years of marriage on
May 27. Dreyer retired in 1988 as vice president of ad ministration for
International Signal and Control. Prior to joining ISC, he worked at Hamilton
Watch Co. in the quality control management area. He was a former
member of Lancaster West Rotary Club; the board of directors of the Urban
Golf Balls
League of
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (450 words)

O l d e M i l l H o u s e $0.00

Article 32 of 149, 2001152059

Published on June 1, 2001, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)
Estil L. Vandament, 62, of 1995 Mine Road, Paradise, died unexpectedly of
Blue 7/16
natural causes Tuesday at Lancaster General Hospital.
Vandament was a consultant for various engineering firms, including RCA
Corp., Bendix, Burroughs, GE and ISC/Ferranti Inc. He successfully
implemented many International Standards Organization systems in the
quality engineering industry. He served four years in the U.S. Navy
aboard USS Des Moines' "Daisy Mae." He completed his


14-kt White Gold 3/8-ct

TDW Diamond Ruby

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (270 words)

Article 33 of 149, 2000350095

Published on December 15, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


It can come without ribbons. It can come without tags. It can come without
packages, boxes or bags. And amid all the noise, noise, noise, noise, Tom
Fasnacht still knows that the spirit of Christmas does not have to come
from a store.
He and a small army of others are again helping to spread the word. On
Dec. 23, for the 14th time in as many years, hundreds of full hands will
reach out to even more empty ones and offer food to fill their tables and
good wishes to fill their hearts.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (809 words)

Article 34 of 149, 2000348135

Published on December 13, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


157 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:20 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

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Thomas P. Jasin, the last executive from defunct International Signal &
Control Corp. facing a federal prison sentence, is behind bars.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, reported to the Federal Correctional
Institution Schuylkill in Minersville about 3 p.m. Tuesday to begin serving a
2-year sentence, Assistant U.S. Attorney David Hall said. "He was, of
course, late," Hall said. "But, in Mr. Jasin's case, better late than
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (588 words)

Article 35 of 149, 2000348184

Published on December 13, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas P. Jasin, the last executive from defunct International Signal &
Control Corp. facing a federal prison sentence, is behind bars.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, reported to the Federal Correctional
Institution Schuylkill in Minersville about 3 p.m. Tuesday to begin serving a
2-year sentence, Assistant U.S. Attorney David Hall said. "He was, of
course, late," Hall said. "But, in Mr. Jasin's case, better late than
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (588 words)

Article 36 of 149, 2000344033

Published on December 9, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Victor H. Frey, 84, of 106 South Trails End Court, formerly of River Road,
Conestoga, died Friday at Mennonite Home after a brief illness.
Frey was an electronics technician for the former Bendix Co., York, for 20
years. He last worked at ISC, retiring in 1982. He also worked for the
railroad, Armstrong World Industries Inc., and Safe Harbor Power Corp. A
U.S. Army veteran, he served during World War II.
Frey was a member of Green Hill United Methodist Church, Conestoga, the
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (274 words)

Article 37 of 149, 2000341150

Published on December 6, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Patricia J. Heinley, 63, of 2294 Albern Blvd., died of natural causes Tuesday
at Essa Flory Hospice Center.
Mrs. Heinley was a line supervisor for the former International Signal Corp.
She was a member of Ross Street United Methodist Church.
She enjoyed crocheting, camping, bowling and vacationing in Atlantic City,
Delaware Park and Branson, Mo.
Born in England, she was the daughter of the late William J. and Gwendolyn
Stone White.
She was married 47 years in June to Donald E.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (210 words)

Article 38 of 149, 2000341222

2 of 3

158 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:20 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Published on December 6, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal & Control Corp. executive
convicted in 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle missiles to the Republic of
South Africa in the mid-1980s, has a date with the jailer.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was ordered to report to a yet-to-be-named
federal prison no later than 2 p.m. on Dec. 12 to begin serving the 2-year
sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois in July 1998. If
a prison has not been assigned by that date, Jasin
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (692 words)

Article 39 of 149, 2000341176

Published on December 6, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal & Control Corp. executive
convicted in 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle missiles to the Republic of
South Africa in the mid-1980s, has a date with the jailer.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was ordered to report to a yet-to-be-named
federal prison no later than 2 p.m. on Dec. 12 to begin serving the 2-year
sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois in July 1998. If
a prison has not been assigned by that date, Jasin
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (692 words)

Article 40 of 149, 2000341023

Published on December 6, 2000, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


After eluding jail for eight years, convicted smuggling conspirator Thomas
P. Jasin has been ordered for the second time to begin serving his
Jasin, the former International Signal & Control executive, was ordered to
report to a yet-to-be-selected federal prison by Tuesday to start his
two-year sentence. The Manheim Township resident has avoided jail longer
than any convicted felon in memory.
Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was convicted by a federal court jury in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (528 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

Displaying 10 articles
Article 21 of 149, 10149395

Published on February 27, 2003, LANCASTER NEW


Keith Martin: Poor choice for key post

Improving security at home has been the nation's priority since Sept. 11,


Newspaper Advertisements
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.


Visit the Marketplace


Sheepskin Pug
Boots 9" & 14"
Coyote Trails

Real Men Fry Turkeys

S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00

2001. To coordinate the effort, President Bush created a new Department of

Homeland Security which has undertaken the most extensive
reorganization of the federal government in half a century.
The president chose Tom Ridge to lead that department because, among
other qualifications, Pennsylvania's former governor has military
experience and a strong record of leadership in Congress and the
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (762 words)

Article 22 of 149, 10149296

Published on February 26, 2003, LANCASTER NEW


Martin supporter says background is not a problem

The state Senator who first recommended that Gov. Ed Rendell appoint
Keith Martin as director of homeland security said he knew beforehand about
14-kt Yellow
the former anchorman's abrupt departure from WGAL-TV in 1990.
Gold .47-ct
And he had no problem with it.
Three Stone
"I knew the reason he left WGAL. There was no charge ever filed against
Ring-Size 8
him," Senate Minority Leader Robert J. Mellow, a Democrat from
Lackawanna County, said in an interview with the New Era today.

14-kt. White Gold 1-ct.

TW Diamond Cultured
Freshwater Pearl

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (973 words)

Article 23 of 149, 10148931

Published on February 23, 2003, SUNDAY NEWS


A tainted nomination
Jim Guerin had a talent for dirtying everything he touched. Especially
The Guerin touch is resurfacing now in the oddest way, in the nomination of
former WGAL-TV news anchor Keith Martin to be the state's homeland
security director.
Gen. Martin, as the administration calls the retired Army National Guard
brigadier general, got soon-to-be-governor Ed Rendell's attention during a
campaign debate; Martin was the anchor at northeastern
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (725 words)

Article 24 of 149, 10148155

Published on February 17, 2003, INTELLIGENCER


Good and bad choices

As Gov. Ed Rendell goes about filling the major posts in his administration,
he has made some good selections -- Lancaster schools superintendent
Vicki Phillips to be state secretary of education, for one -- and, well, some

160 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:19 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Need a

apparent less-good ones.

In particular, there's Benjamin Ramos, a former state legislator and deputy
mayor of Philadelphia under Rendell. Ramos has been picked to be
Pennsylvania's secretary of state and is currently serving in the post on an
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (598 words)

Article 25 of 149, 10147814

Published on February 14, 2003, INTELLIGENCER


Ex-WGAL anchor gets state post

Keith Martin is new security director
A former news anchor for a Lancaster television station has been named
the state's new homeland security director.
Gov. Ed Rendell on Thursday picked Keith Martin, a former WGAL-TV
newsman, to head the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security.
Martin, a retired brigadier general with the 28th Division, Pennsylvania Army
National Guard, has worked as a television news anchor for 30 years,
including 10 years at WGAL, where he was managing editor and senior news
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (723 words)

Article 26 of 149, 10129788

Published on September 13, 2002,


M. Joyce Beaner, 70, ISC assembler

M. Joyce Beaner, 70, of 21 S. Ann St., died unexpectedly of natural causes
Wednesday at Community Hospital of Lancaster.
Mrs. Beaner was an assembler for Sechan Electronics for the last seven
years. She previously was an assembler for the former ISC/Ferranti for 25
She was a graduate of the former Sacred Heart Academy.
Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late Louis Carello and Ada
Witmer Steinruck.
Her husband, Donald C. Beaner, died in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (215 words)

Article 27 of 149, 2001288116

Published on October 15, 2001, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 has expanded and consolidated
some of its operations by leasing space on Manheim Pike.
IU 13 has leased 41,000 square feet at 1650 Manheim Pike, most recently
home to Clipper Magazine Inc. The remaining 3,000 square feet there
continue to be leased by Gannett Flemming Inc. About 175 IU 13
employees now work in the Manheim Pike building, near Delp Road, said
spokeswoman Marci Davis.
Through its five-year lease, IU 13 has consolidated nearly all of
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (362 words)

Article 28 of 149, 2001288038

2 of 3

161 of 168

Monday, September 21, 2015

12/25/2007 10:19 AM Archives search for isc AND date(all)

Published on October 15, 2001, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 has expanded andconsolidated
some of its operations by leasing space on ManheimPike. IU 13 has leased
41,000 square feet at 1650 Manheim Pike, most recently home to Clipper
Magazine Inc. The remaining 3,000 square feet there continue to be leased
by Gannett Flemming Inc. About 175 IU 13 employees now work in the
Manheim Pike building, near Delp Road, said spokeswoman Marci Davis.
Through its five-year lease, IU 13 has consolidated nearly all of its
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (354 words)

Article 29 of 149, 2001222084

Published on August 10, 2001, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal &
Control Corp. executive who eluded prison longer than any convicted felon
in U.S. history, wants a new trial, claiming his attorney was ineffective.
Jasin, 55, was convicted in 1993 of conspiracy to smuggle South
African-made missiles destined for the People's Republic of China. But it
took seven years before Jasin saw the inside of a jail cell as he flooded the
courts with appeals of his conviction,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (608 words)

Article 30 of 149, 2001222123

Published on August 10, 2001, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal &
Control Corp. executive who eluded prison longer than any convicted felon
in U.S. history, wants a new trial, claiming his attorney was ineffective.
Jasin, 55, was convicted in 1993 of conspiracy to smuggle South
African-made missiles destined for the People's Republic of China. But it
took seven years before Jasin saw the inside of a jail cell as he flooded the
courts with appeals of his conviction,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (609 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.


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Katherine Heigl Collection Now At

Uniform Solutions.

Article 1 of 149, 677490000000.961155

Published on March 9, 2007, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)

Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At

The Bedstead.

Robert E. Meck


Visit the Marketplace


Market Cone
Light #39
Olde Mill

Woman's Minnetonka
Pile-Lined Mule Slipper
C o y o t e T r a i l s $28.99

Robert E. Meck, 72, of Manor Twp., passed away Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at
Lancaster Regional Medical Center. He was born September 9, 1934 in
Lancaster, son of the late Paul and Mae Meck. He was a Navy veteran of
the Korean War and also served in the Air Force. He retired as an engineer
from ISC. He is survived by his loving wife of 20 years, Lillie E. Meck; two
children, Valerie Shirley and Robert K.; three step-children, Jeff and Frank
Rietschey, and Susan Perugini; brother, Paul; three
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (137 words)

Article 2 of 149, 677490000000.904095

Published on October 15, 2006, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)

Robert C. "Clyde" Ivy

Robert C. "Clyde" Ivy, 76, formerly of 3318 Cochran Dr., Lancaster,
passed away Wednesday at Moravian Manor in Lititz. He was the husband of
Irene Bundas Ivy, with whom he celebrated 48 years of marriage, this past
Sterling Silver
February 28th. Born in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Clyde was the son of the late
White Satin
William and Wilma Henry Ivy. An electrical engineer, Clyde had worked for
Ring-Size 9
ISC- Ferranti PLC of Lancaster, for 12 years, until his retirement in 1989.
Prior to this he had worked in

Sterling Silver Pipe Cut

Spinner Ring-Size 14

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (297 words)

Article 3 of 149, 677490000000.877572

Published on August 12, 2006, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Volleyball Kelly Dobosh and Heather Kirkwood (Solanco) played on the
team that finished third at the East Zone Beach Volleyball Championship
held at Dorchester State Beach in Ocean City, Md.
The following girls captured a bronze medal for the Blue Mountain Scholastic
team at the Keystone Games: Ashley Sharpe (Manheim Township), Danielle
Busansky (Penn Manor), Gabrielle Hondros (Ephrata), Angie Rapchinski
(Lititz Christian), Jes Zimmerman (Cocalico), Lillian Snyder
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (137 words)

Article 4 of 149, 677490000000.851561

Published on June 10, 2006, Intelligencer Journal

(Lancaster, PA)

Herley chairman steps down

Blatt resigns days after indictment for alleged $3.1 million fraudPATRICK
BURNS Lee N. Blatt has resigned as chairman of Herley Industries Inc., just
48 hours after federal prosecutors charged he and the company defrauded
the U.S. military of millions of dollars, the company reported Friday.
The resignation coincided with the Lancaster-based Herley's regularly
scheduled board of directors meeting Thursday, during which it filed a
quarterly report to the Securities and Exchange

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C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (887 words)

Article 5 of 149, 783332

Published on January 2, 2006, Lancaster New Era


Eras past This week in Lancaster County history

Summaries of local news stories from the pages of the Lancaster New Era
appear in this space each Monday.
They are researched and compiled by New Era staffer Tim Buckwalter.
Full versions are available on microfilm at the Lancaster County Library,
125 N.
Duke St.
PILOTS RETURN: Two Lancaster County pilots returned to a joyous
welcome at Lancaster Airport after being held for several weeks in the
They had been flying explosives to Malaysia for Lancaster-based
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (928 words)

Article 6 of 149, 780487

Published on December 26, 2005, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)

Who's News
American Home Bank has hired Bradford M. La Salle as senior vice
president of wholesale and correspondent lending. His duties will include
overseeing the newly created correspondent lending division, serving the
construction-to-permanent mortgage market. La Salle, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
previously was employed as an assistant vice president at M&T Mortgage.
He is a graduate of SUNY-Buffalo.
Wachovia has hired Mary Lou Forrey as a vice president and senior
relationship manager in its
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (778 words)

Article 7 of 149, 10230508

Published on February 27, 2005, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)

Jasin's new job is out of this world

Former ISC exec heads NASA Lunar Robotics program,
studies ways to make moon surface livable for humans.
Thomas Jasin has gone from legal trouble and public scrutiny into a career
any young explorer would envy.
The former International Signal & Control Corp. executive is now head of
the Lunar Robotic Program for NASA. His directive is to bring science
fiction and reality together for the next generation.
During a telephone conversation last week from his Washington, D.C.,
office, Jasin said his new charge is not only exciting, it's opening the way
for our children
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1048 words)

Article 8 of 149, 10229012

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Published on February 13, 2005, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)

He lands on feet in post at NASA

Jailed in ISC scandal, Thomas Jasin saw indictment
dropped. Local ex-congressman said he's well-qualified.
Thomas Jasin worked his way up the corporate ladder to become an
executive with International Signal & Control Corp.
When the company, sinking in a mire of fake contracts and weapons
smuggling, went belly up in 1991, he went with it.
He was convicted in 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle South African-made
missiles destined for the People's Republic of China.
Years of court battles found him incarcerated before he won an appeal from
the federal government in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1093 words)

Article 9 of 149, 10228971

Published on February 12, 2005, Lancaster New

Era (PA)

Freed from jail, he lands with NASA

Manheim Twp. resident Thomas Jasin, who spent 18
months in prison before a conviction for conspiring to
smuggle weapons was overturned, now has a top job with
From a federal prison to a federal payroll.
From a confined space to outer space.
From fighting a prosecutor's motion to fulfilling a presidential mandate.
The life of Manheim Township resident Thomas P. Jasin has taken an
incredible turn in the past four years.
Jailed in 2000 for conspiring to evade the arms embargo against South
Africa, Jasin's conviction eventually was overturned by the trial judge, who
found that Jasin's attorney provided
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1014 words)

Article 10 of 149, 10225298

Published on January 9, 2005, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)


Jan. 2 - Richard M. Scott, a World War II fighter pilot and a former mayor of
Lancaster, died at 86. Scott was shot down in combat and escaped from a
German prisoner of war camp. He led the move to bring minor-league
baseball back to Lancaster. A memorial service Thursday was attended by
Jan. 3 - James H. Guerin, sentenced in 1992 for his admission that he ran a
$1.14 billion contract scam and $50 million smuggling ring involving his
business, ISC, and its
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (462 words)

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149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.

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Article 141 of 149, 1995126035

Published on May 6, 1995, Lancaster New Era





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Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
The Bedstead.
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Uniform Solutions.


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James H. Guerin paid a secret $350,000 kickback to the company that sold
its Marquardt division to his International Signal & Control, court papers
A lawsuit filed in California Superior Court alleges that Guerin paid the
kickback out of a Swiss bank account opened by one of his front companies.
The kickback allegedly was sent by wire transfer to the bank account of CCI
Olde Mill
Corp. in September 1983, 20 days after CCI sold its Marquardt division to
H o u s e $0.00

Lancaster Newspapers
Logo Hat
L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $8.15

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (685 words)

Article 142 of 149, 1995083055

Published on March 24, 1995, Lancaster New Era



Editor, New Era:
Re: "Sculpture paid for with fraud money removed at Ferranti," New Era,
March 18, p. B-16. Two reactions to the referenced article:

Jet Pilot
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First, the headline "Sculpture paid for with fraud money..." is based in
questionable logic. ISC's position was the result of fraudulent activities.
Much of its cash flow was a result of that position. Fraud taints everything,
so was it all "fraud money"?
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (428 words)



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Article 143 of 149, 1995077004

Published on March 18, 1995, Lancaster New Era



When James H. Guerin commissioned a sculpture for his company
headquarters, he wanted it to represent International Signal & Control's
"It shows where we started and where we're headed," said Guerin in 1988
when the copper, chrome and stainless-steel artwork was assembled.
Indeed it does, though not the way Guerin envisioned.
The abstract piece was removed from its granite pedestals Wednesday,
symbolizing the demise
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (720 words)

Article 144 of 149, 1995056010

Published on February 25, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


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Need a

A federal appeals court has ruled that James H. Guerin, who is paying his
debt to society, also owes a $189.9 million debt to Ferranti International.
The 64-year-old founder of International Signal & Control is serving a
15-year sentence for orchestrating fraud and smuggling schemes at the
company. Ferranti, which acquired Guerin's ISC and became the major
victim of his fraud, sued Guerin in England in 1989.
Ferranti sought $189.9 million because that was the net
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (829 words)

Article 145 of 149, 1995055103

Published on February 24, 1995, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Federal inmate and former Lancaster industrialist James H. Guerin arrived
in the Philadelphia area this week to testify before a new federal grand
jury, sources said.
The grand jury has reportedly been formed to gather new information for the
government's ongoing investigation of the global financial fraud, money
laundering and arms smuggling scheme carried out within International
Signal & Control Corp. of Lancaster and later Great Britain's Ferranti
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (842 words)

Article 146 of 149, 1995041109

Published on February 10, 1995, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


To the Editor:
In reading your article on the closing of Marconi Technologies, I must say I
was quite dismayed. I have worked for this firm for 17seventeen years. I
have already been through the ISC/Jim Guerin/Ferranti saga. Now at a time
when we find out that our days are numbered we once again have to share
that billing with Jim Guerin and Ferranti. Quite frankly I'm sick of them!
Yes, the "breaking point" for Marconi was loosing the Martin Marietta
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (208 words)

Article 147 of 149, 1995040069

Published on February 9, 1995, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


The announcement Wednesday that Marconi Technologies Inc. is stopping
military parts production in East Hempfield Township in June means the
story of the rise and fall of former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin
has finally ended.
Marconi Technologies was the last manufacturing leftover in Lancaster of
the once-robust defense contractor Guerin founded - International Signal &
Control Corp. When Guerin merged ISC with Great Britain's Ferranti
International plc in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (663 words)

Article 148 of 149, 1995040023

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Published on February 9, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Marconi Technologies Inc. said Wednesday it would shut down its printed
circuit board manufacturing here, idling 65 workers.
The announcement signals the demise of what once was the showpiece
business of James H. Guerin's International Signal & Control. Marconi
president Scott Griffiths said the closing was triggered by the loss of a $23
million add-on contract for the U.S. Navy's "vertical launch system."
For nearly 10 years,
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (717 words)

Article 149 of 149, 1995030025

Published on January 30, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Emtrol Inc., part of Lancaster city's southeast community for 15 years, is
moving to the suburbs.
Emtrol last week signed a lease-purchase agreement for 3050 Hempland
Road, along the Route 30 Bypass in East Hempfield Township. The building
once was the headquarters of International Signal & Control, when founder
James H. Guerin was launching his fraud and smuggling schemes.
Emtrol, a maker of industrial controls, plans to move from its 123 Locust
St. building in
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (560 words)

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