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Table of Contents...2
Purpose of Writing.3
History of Indonesia..4
Historical Events6
Types & Structures in the World8
Types & Structures in Indonesia9
Way out & Solution......11
Compare & Contrast.14

Thanks to the god that has given the blessing to given us the strength to
complete our assignment with the tittle Corruption in Indonesia. We cannot thank
the other group enough, without them we would not have created this book.
Jeihan I thank you for gathering so much information about the structure and
the daily info about the government. And thank you for analyzing our country
Gi, without your help we would not know the history, timeline and the greatest
event that came before us.
Jovan, thank you for being the helper in the group it is good that you can help
us do our assignment
Farrel, thank you for research the problems in politics and economy. And the
solution that you came up with the problem. Without you we cant find any solutions
We would also thank the group and teachers that helped us through completing
the Social assignment. This book will give informations and examples about our city
Jakarta and what has happened through history and politics.
These words, sentences, and paragraphs hopefully will be a great expansion to
the readers knowledge and interest about Jakarta and reach to the readers mind. For
that we are grateful for creating this book.
Jakarta. September 2nd. 2015
Farrel, Gi, Jeihan, Jovan

Because of the agreement of RoemRoyen, UNCI held the Round Table
Conference(RTC)inHauge,Netherlands.TheconferencehappenedonAugust23 rd
2. States in Netherlands formation according to the Malino Conference,
a. East Indonesia (NIT) with Cokorde Gde Sragen as President and

KNIPheldatrialtodiscusstheresultsoftheRTCon6 thto14thofDecember
The members of RIS except RI have been going through a tough time, in


CaptainAndiAzizonthe5 thofApril1950,AndiAzizdeclaredNITto


On February 1950, the people of West Java held a riot in front of the
Untilthe5th ofApril1950,countriesincludedinRISwereonlythreeleft
On the 8th of April 1950, the government of RIS in Jakarta released the
On the 19th of Mei 1950, the government and RIS, NIT, and NST had a

RISandRIagreedtoformaunitedcountrybasedoftheproclamationon17 th


The teams are separated into three parts, which are religion, nationalism, and
On30th ofSeptember1965anexecutionoccurofthegeneralsbythePKI
O.N. Adit (chairman of PKI) led the rebellion after being planned after

They convey the people's demands (Tritura) to disband PKI, fix cabinet
At 19661967. The dualism which occurs between the leadership of

1. Soekarno
a. BirthandDeath(19011970)
b. TermsofOffice:18August194512March1967
2. Soeharto
a. BirthandDeath(19212008)
b. TermsofOffice:12March196721May1998
3. BacharuddinJusufHabibie
a. BirthandDeath(1936?)
b. TermsofOffice:21May199820October1999
4. AbdurrahmanWahid
a. BirthandDeath(19402009)
b. TermsofOffice:20October199923July2001
5. MegawatiSukarnoputri
a. BirthandDeath(1947?)

b. TermsofOffice:23July200120October2004
6. SusiloBambangYudhoyono
a. BirthandDeath(1949?)
b. TermsofOffice:20October200120October2014
7. JokoWidodo
a. BirthandDeath(1961?)
b. TermsofOffice:20October2014Now

riches, women, and kingdoms. They stole from the peoples money to become a
era everyone who works in the government are corrupted. They have stolen the


Government Structure
Types and Structure in the World
The government gets an upper hand for controlling a state or community, a
government is a group of people who control and make decisions for a country by
making its rules and orders. The purposes of the group that controls and make
decisions are to deliver justice, to make the country a better place and to ensure peace
among the citizens. There are many types and structures of governments in the world
that is usually stayed from a long time ago like monarchy and new revolutionary types
like democracy.
Democracy is one type of government that a system of government in which
all the people of a state or polity are involved in making decisions about it affairs,
typically by voting to elect representative to a parliament or similar assembly. A
government in which the supreme power is located in the people and exercised by
them directly or indirectly through a system of representation, usually involving
periodically held free elections. The government in which, the supreme power is
vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of
representation. Usually involving periodically held free elections.
One other types of government structure is the monarchy. Monarchy is a
government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who
reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right, the monarch
may be either a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign, such as a king, queen or prince with
constitutionally limited authority. This type of government is divided into four types,
which are, absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, and parliament monarchy
The absolute monarchy is a form of government where the monarch rules
unhindered, or in other words they have no rights to make laws and orders. The
constitutional monarchy is a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a
constitution where his or her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in
written law or by custom in other word they have the rights to make laws and orders.

The parliament monarchy is a state headed by a monarch who is not very often
involved in policy making or formation. A cabinet carries out true governmental
leadership and a prime minister, premier or chancellor, who are drawn from a
legislature, heads it.
The other type of government structure is the parliament. The parliamentary
government is a government in which members of an executive branch are nominated
to their positions by a legislature or parliament, and they are is directly responsible to
it. This type of government can be dissolved at will by the parliament by means of a
no-confidence vote or the leader of the cabinet may dissolve the parliament if it cans
no longer function.
The final government structure that Im going to explain is presidential
government. A presidential system is a system of government where a head of
government is also state and leads an executive branch that is separate from the
legislative branch. The executive is elected and often titled "president" and is not
responsible to the legislature and cannot, in normal circumstances, dismiss it.
Besides the government structure the countries or states can be defined with
their forms. There are 3 main forms of a state, which is republic, federation, and
unitary state.
We can start with the republic. In which power resides in elected individuals
representing the citizen body and government leaders exercise power according to
the rule of law. In modern times, the definition of a republic is commonly limited to a
government, which excludes a monarch. Currently, 147 of the worlds 206 sovereign
states use the word "republic" as part of their official names.
The next form of state is called federation. Federation is a political entity
characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central
(federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component
states, as well as the division of power between them and the central government, are
typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of
party, the states or the federal political body.

And the final form of state that I will explain is a unitary state. A unitary
state is a state governed as one single power in which the central government is
ultimately supreme and any administrative admission (subnational units) exercise
only powers that their central government chooses to delegate. The majority of states
in the world have a unitary system of government.
The government structure of Indonesia is presidential; it can also refer to
collectively to the three traditional branches of government, which are the Executive
branch, Legislative branch and judicial branch. The term is also used colloquially to
mean the Executive and Legislature together, as these are the branches of government
responsible for everyday governance of the nation and making the law and orders.
The term is used to refer to the Executive Branch in form of the Cabinet of Indonesia,
as this is the branch of government responsible for everyday governance.
The form of the State of Indonesia is a Unitary State in the form of a Republic,
or better known as the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Indonesia
is a republic with a presidential system. As a unitary state, power is concentrated in
the central government. Following the resignation of president Soeharto in 1998,
Indonesian political and governmental structures have undergone major reforms. Four





the executive, judicial, and legislative branches.


Indonesia have


Comparison Between Indonesia, United Kingdom and United States



Type of

Presidential /



United Kingdom

United States


Federal / Unitary

The leader for the


The leader in this

monarchy government

case is the president.

is queen, kings or etc.

The president is

the leaders are all

elected to be a

from one royal family


from generation to



In the federal system,

the leader is the same
with the presidential
type, which is of
course the president
that has been elected
by the people to be a

In this case the

The royal family and

power is located in

the prime minister

the people. The

hold the power. The

people elect

royal family has the

someone to be the

power to make laws

representative to

and orders for the

make orders and

country and the prime

rules fro the country.

minister led them.

Legislative: MPR,

No branches in this



type of monarchy

Congress, Senate,

The power is vested

in the people by the
people for the
people. So the people
made decisions for
the government for

Executive: President

House of

and Vice President


Judicative: MA,

Executive: President,


Vice president,
Judicative: Supreme
courts, other federal


Government of Indonesia

President Joko Widodo

U.S Capitol Building

President Barrack Obama

Buckingham Palace

Queen Elizabeth II

Problems in Jakarta
Types of problems
In Indonesia, many problems occur in every year and month. Either its about
corruption, economy, politics, culture, security there will be a problem that the
government need to answer and solve. But most of all the problems corruption in
Indonesia is the first priority problem that made the people desperate. These kind of
problem that made people poor, homeless, hunger, protest, and desperate to kill
people for food. Government also made some corruptions in the past years.
Indonesias problem make government to think fast and react fast before the
case goes out of control. If the case if about corruption in the government, the
government need to identify the corruption in the government with spys. Corruption
is a big part of Indonesia. It can happen anytime and anywhere. Corruption makes
citizen to be aggressive and the beginning of a civil war.

Cause and effect

The corruptions problem in Indonesia occurs because the strength of the law is
not good, the penalties for doing corruption are light weight, and structure of the
government system is poor. These causes create the problem called corruption and
will create great effect such as most of the citizen will eventually became broke and
poor, the start of a civil war between the government and its citizen, citizen rampage
will not stop unless the corruption stops.
More in details about the causes of corruption in Indonesia. Indonesia is great
country that has potential to make good use of its resources. The problem is that
corruption will take a great percentage from the potential of a good country. The
corruption came from a person of interest or from the government itself. Many have
disappear but also many have been caught and to be interrogated. The person that is
corrupting has a good connection and the need to take its money. The suspicion of the
government has led to many cases but in the end they will and caught the corruptors.

More in details about the effect of corruption in Indonesia. Indonesia has

much effect on corruptors. They dont get paid well, didnt get respected and other
else. The corruptor also has a big impact on Indonesia. The government doesnt have
enough money to repay other countries, the poor citizen population have increased,
the rich people turn broke and into poor, the government itself structure have broken.

Corruptions in Indonesia happen everywhere at any time as mention. Those
problems are a big factor to the Indonesia also as mention. The goals of government
organization as security are to prevent any corruption further. Corruption in Indonesia
came in two subject politics and economy. These two are the main factor that the
corruptors take its advantage.


In the politics version of this corruption problem is that they will have their
money and take certain plots to weaken the government. Once its weakened the
citizen will blame on the government and there goes the troublesome of the citizen
with the government. Bloods will shed and body will piled up. This happen thus that
many of the corruptors is government itself and they know the structure and weak
points from the structure.

In the economy version of this corruption problem is that government will
have less money to organize the situation in Indonesia. Long time ago Indonesia was
in debt to other country. Indonesia made a debt because they need to build a good
government structure and other factor such as in politics, economy, religion and more.
The government also needs to improve its resources to take an advantage of other
country resources. With that in mind now the government doesnt have much money
to restore their debt and to improve its structure.
One of the many problems of economy related to corruptions is that the people
of Indonesia will have less than they supposedly deserved. Think of that families have
worked to serve in a loyal job, he done so much but because there is a corruption is
going in the country. Many of the money got stole and some of that moneys
percentage is supposed to be a salary to the family in need. Now thats enough to start
a protest. Some money also is supposed to be a charity donation.

Comparisation between old order and new order

o Old order
- Soekarno era (1945-1965)
- More to politics
- Transitional to independent
- The natural resources is decreasing every year

o New order
- Soeharto era (1966-1998)

More to economy
Social to act ,to speak, to react
The natural resources is increasing each day

Since theyre a lot of problems in Indonesia including corruption, we need to
provoke a solution. One of it is that we need to shut down the government for a
moment and fix it in the coming future. This will help the organization to repair and
redo. Or to increase the judgment for corruptors for that they will not do any
corrupting again. These judgments such as; lifetime in prison or death.


In the Indonesian government corruption is not an uncommon practice, it has
happened many times in the past ten years and even before. Many government leaders
were corrupt to the point that they used the nations money for their own purposes
even after the end of their presidency made so by the rioting angry citizens, the
sneaky snakes kept the money and used a puppet to take their place so they could still
unknowingly be in control. Corruption is not a petty crime, it is highly organized
crime led by powerful political figures and done by their lackeys or goons, they are
known as the masterminds and the tools, because for you to be a mastermind you need
to take control of those loyal to you and make them your tools of crime.
Corruption can be done in many ways such as company embezzlement
(stealing money from your company or friends/associates) Rerouting/Rearranging
funds into your account(s) or in the simplest ways such as bribing the police or court
officials like judges to do either guilty or innocent verdicts. What drives people to do
such a horrible and selfish thing is that they feel they dont have enough money to
fulfill their needs or at a more selfish level their lavish wants like luxury cars, services
and big houses. Its certainly no easy task at first to make connections, unless you

made one prior who introduced you to those more powerful higher up of course, this
is how every string of corrupt events start one person tells another of their friends
who can help them with their crippling financial problems and the desperate person of
course accepts his associates proposal as he would be crazy not to and he gets
introduced to his boss, corrupt as can be and engages in clandestine (secret stuff and
things) operations within an environment like an office, a government branch or even
banks that involve stealing large sums of money without anyone noticing or not
knowing where it has been rerouted (direction changed). After managing to elude
anti-corruption authorities long enough this newly corrupt employee becomes big
time and becomes a mastermind himself making more links and connections in the
corrupt underbelly of indonesias government and other places of importance, his
position makes him more well defended against accusations although a more obvious
suspect than previously when he was a lowly employee, this is the reason why many
high ranking officials are thought to be corrupt.
Even if a corrupt official or employee is caught the sentences of punishment
are very light and rarely ever serious some of the most notorious corruptors are
sentenced only to 7 years (shortened by heavy bribery of course) this is because the
justice system (police and judges) itself is prone to corruption. Other minor crimes
such as stealing sandals or vandalism can get you longer stays in prison one example
is an old worker lady who stole soup and was sentenced to 10 years, as you can see it
is extremely unfair. Punishments for the corruptors should be lengthened and more
strict, and if necessary the death sentence should be a viable option to be added into
the list of possible punishments because the more severe the punishment the more fear
will be wrought amongst the corrupt officials and soon to be corrupt lowly workers or
clean officials.
Its not hard for people to be persuaded into a corrupt line of work, the
economy in the country is bad enough that even important people that work beside the
president arent or at least they think that they arent paid enough money, in other
words they think they are overworked and underpaid. Higher wages are a must but we
can get to that later, for now we must focus on the apprehension of a suspect, for
without someone to punish, new punishments and rule enforcement would be useless.
The investigations should be operated silently and out of the publics eyes and
ears so any suspects wont know theyre being investigated and wont have ample
time to run or hide away from the authorities who are about to bust them, there are

many times where the newspaper tells us who is a suspect and who is currently being
investigated, its no doubt that the suspect himself knows this and is preparing an
escape and if he does do so all that investigation will go to waste and more time needs
to be wasted to track him and the stolen funds down.
A famous person who is convicted of corruption usually hides or destroys all
evidence before hiding away and carrying their families with them if they have any to
keep them from talking to the authorities and giving clues, another reason to keep a
suspect under watch at all times until they are either cleared or convicted. There are
departments made to keep corruption in check such as the KPK (komisi
pemberantasan korupsi) but as of today it is operated by a temporary official as they
are looking for a new permanent leader and not as effective as before, and corruption
has more freedom than ever before, hopefully temporarily. The KPKs ineffectiveness
combined with the punishments that arent serious or considered threatening by the
corruptors make them even more willing to operate their selfish deeds and make
people who were formerly clean and legitimate turn to corruption to get more money
because of the low wages they receive.
Money is the driving force in most lines of work it is the ultimate goal and the
harder the work the more money you SHOULD make, thats the key word Should
many government officials work hard but are paid lightly or to be more accurate, not
enough. The people who were willing to work as government officials came in
thinking they would leave their previous lives of living in the poor slums and crimeridden neighborhoods to live a life of luxury and lavish living but even after many
years of service they never fully achieved this goal, a combination of greed, broken
dreams and fear of returning to their old lives push them to illegitimate ways to obtain
more money or sometimes rise through the ranks to get to a better paying position
sometimes they push other people who worked legitimately for their position by
discrediting them or making them look bad which usually ends up in their firing and
replacement by said discreditor, a usurpation.
In the case of more money however officials are usually bribed by the rich to
help them politically such as providing them with fake signatures and seals of
approvals, this is more common than discrediting and usurpation because it is much
more easier and the money is received faster (the cash is handed to them directly or
into an offshore account) These types of transactions can be picked up by anticorruption government branches but they are very rarely done as these transactions

are usually discreet done with burner phones or in concealed areas, sometimes even a
face to face meeting that looks legitimate but with ulterior, illegitimate motives.
In a country with an inflated economy its everyone for themselves at least if
you want to make money legitimately, making connections higher up however gets
you there faster which is why workers are tempted to enter the world of corruption. I
think that more funds should be allocated to the working class wages so they could
have an ideal living condition and support a family; people who are broke are usually
forced to leave the city in search of new homes, sometimes in ruddy, stinky slums or
villages. As said before corruption is rampant in Indonesia but thankfully they arent
always instantaneously spread through major corporations or government branches,
instead corruption creeps up quietly and after a certain period of time would usurp an
entire work environment and become another place that sucks money from the
countrys reserves, money that the un-corrupt work hard for, I think that banks should
keep a closer eye on suspiciously large sums of money being transacted to accounts
and should add more cyber-security on transactions larger than 100,000,000 rupiah at
one time so even if the corruptors are moving money it wont be as fast and therell be
more time to catch them in the act.
In conclusion I think that economically working employees and high-rank
officials should be paid a higher wage to discourage them from corruption (as they
probably wont risk their lives for extra cash) and for the justice and punishment
system I think that they should approve of more strict and severe punishments like the
death penalty and lifelong prison sentences without any chance of bail or bribery.

Jeihan, Giorgina, Jovan,


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