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Year 4 Student assessment

Learning goals




Not going very

good. Forget
about them all
the time. Been
working on quick
relay of times
tables and
square numbers,
2,3,5s. The more
reading, the
more scared.
Working on
speaking clearly,
not mumbling.
Writes out tables
once a week if

Have not slowed

down, forgotten
about goals. Only
have short
amounts of time
to do work so it
makes it hard.
Has achieved
times table
goals. Have not
used adverbs,
but have used
the rest. Will
read over work to
double check

Have been
achieving goal in
spelling and
speed writing.
Able to
recall 10s and 2
times tables. At
home have been
going on website
to help with
times tables. Feel
like she has
improved in her
sentence writing
for spelling.

Stay in a class.
Going to do extra
math sheets on
x2 tables (has
been given 3
sheets to do over



Has made an
effort to listen.
Have been doing
homework, but
has not been
reading much as
he forgets.
Sometimes he
reads but forgets
to fill it in. Does
not know times
tables, but will
write them down.
Has trouble
making time for
this at home.

Really tried to
make positive
choices in
behaviour. Will
practice 2 times
tables, already
knows 5s and
10s. Needs to
work on square
numbers. Will
stop rushing
writing, really
wants to get
neater at writing,
ruling up, and
gluing in.

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