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Habitual action verbs

Match each action with the image that corresponds to the habitual action.
1. To work
2. To study
3. To draw
4. To write
5.To teach

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to describe the habitual action
1. Mike
(go) to work at 8am every day.
2. Mike
(get) up at 5am from Monday to Friday.
3. Mike
(take) a shower at 5:30 after waking up.
4. Mike
(brush) his teeth at 6am after taking his shower.
5. Mike
(have) breakfast at 6:30am.
6. At 7am Mike
(brush) his hair.
7. At 7:30am Mike
(walk) to school.

Write the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

Monday is the worst day for John, he has to 1)
(get up) early for his work and he can`t be
late. His day begins at 6am. He rushes to the bathroom to 2)
(take) a shower and begin to
get ready to 3)
(go) to work. After taking his shower he 4)
(brush) his hair and
afterwards 5)
(have) breakfast. After having breakfast he 6)
(walk) to work, which is
only three blocks away. After work, John returns home and 7)
(wash) his clothe. Before going
to sleep he 8)
(cook) his next day meal, and that way he finishes his days during the week.

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