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Present continuous

Use of the present continuous:

1. We use the present continuous for a temporary situation.
2. For repeated actions connected to the moment of speaking.
3. For planned future events.
4. For physical states.
5. For feelings we are experiencing now.
Subject + auxiliary be +
verb in ing form
Example: They are wearing
white trousers.

Subj+auxiliarybe+ not+ verb in
ing form
Example: They are not
wearing white

Verb be+ subject+ verb in ing
Are they wearing white

Underline the correct form of the verb in present continuous.

1. To carry/carrying/carrylling/carry
2. Bring/to bring/bringing/brought
3. Play/plalling/playing/played
4. Write/wrote/written/writing
5. Swim/swam/swum/swimming/
6. Brush/to brush/brushing/ brushed
7. Jump/jumping/jumped/to jump

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in present continuous.
1. He
(travel) in China this summer.
2. We
(go) to lunch.
3. In this video, we
(play) soccer on the park.
4. My brother
(take) a shower.
5. Who
(take) a shower?
6. My father
(work) as a manager in a big company.
7. My sister
(use) the computer to do her homework.
8. Did you
(do) your bed?
9. My father
( not/ carry) me on his shoulders.
10. We
(not/ bake) a cake, we
(watch) T.V.

Match the actions with the images.

1. Swimming in a pool.
2. Jumping in the sand.
3. Running a race.
4. Teaching in a school.
5. Dancing in a performance.

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