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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

CS2403 Digital Signal Processing

(Answer all the Questions)

Part A


1. Give any two properties of Butterworth lowpass filter.

2. What are the properties of chebyshev filter.
3. What are the parameters that can be obtained from chebyshev filter specification?
4. Give the expression for location of pole of normalized butterworth filter.
5. What is wraping effect?What is its effect on magnitude and phase response?
6. What is the advantage of direct form II realization when compared to direct form
Realization I?
7. Distinguish between FIR and IIR filter.
8. State the condition for a digital filter to be causal and stable.
9. Give the equation specifying Hamming window.
10. Compare Hamming and Hanning window.
11. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for linear phase characteristic in FIR filter?
12. What are techniques of designing FIR filters?
13. How one can design digital filters from analog filters?
14. What is bilinear transformation?
15. What is meant by impulse invariant method of designing IIR filter?

Part- B


16. Design a Chebyshev filter for the following specification using bilinear transformation
0.8 < 0.8 | H ( e )| 1 0 0.2

|H (e j )| 0.2 0.6

17. Design a Butterworth lowpass filter with the specification p=1 dB ripple in the passband
0 0.2, s=15dB ripple in the stop band 0.3 using impulse invariance method
and T= 1sec.
18. Obtain the direct form I, direct form II, cascade and parallel form realization for the system
y(n)= -0.1y(n-1)+0.2y(n-2)+3x(n)+3.6x(n-1)+0.6x(n-2)
19.Design an ideal differentiator using Hamming window with N=8.
20. Determine the filter coefficient h(n) obtained by sampling

H d ( e j )=

for N=7.

e j 3 ,0 ||


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