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No.3 A Stud And A Babe ) eS 4 ee > (UGHTS UP on COUPLE in restaurant) > 5 Oye Moderately, with tenston; lke a ticking clock Wee > ane om + 5 x = B ) : - ~ : a Jd td i ogee eee > = — > af | > fa 2 aS = => = ++ 7 = Oy y 3 JASON; “Did mendon|josthad JULIE: “Ob, jut remembered te cues fixed? ‘sory about my brother!” 9 _ JULIE: “Really” ~~ JASON: "OR wha” aD JASON: "Yea." JULIE: "No, maybe nat." JUUE: “on JASON: "No, eon, cton!* 9 JASON: "Yeah JULIE: "Okay, my brother - this is really cute -* 9 JUL: "Wow." JASON: "Yeah. yeah, yeal JASON: "Yea HUE: He bescleeateesl" Tur pg. ° (Watt a deat) —_, ‘(Wait a beat) 8 fe. [2 s ITs 5 a A a (An awkward wait for conversation. ‘Nothings happens. Ne ah) => sit here uy-ing to im - press, ‘makes me sound like such a schmuck. ma not that I cant be di - vert- ing, ad = just be so much bet-ter at flirting I ve rey mie TT [ear OOOO GS CAQVIDI III IIB BV ES da [a] Aa - "sey i cc 2 Gviny e SS SS SS See te —=—S My breasts would be round - er. p = ee - My ‘pecs’ would a- stound— her. = No My ies would be long oeo) = 2 Po f z 2% ExsON) er My ams would be strong - er. My locks would be flow - ing. MY chest hair would be eg > Js s 6 5 on % EXSON 6 yey To-night__ I'm goa-na SA FEETT OC OCC OCT CESOT 00 OLD TO OCTET OO OD w Slower me pr ‘Con pedate JASON: "Oob, you have some nacho schmmtz on your face." JULIE: "Gone?" wate EEE og: JASON: "You wiped it to the other side... now i¢soa yourchin, Better." a —, a On we eS ee JASON: "Iulie, be hooest: = J T doott have a lot Ad, (as before) = 2 FSI —s— of what isa oar —] Ase fog mith growing confidence ic My nails are all chewed on. af My bair is all glued — mine are” real lump . aes Ss = a —S Well, SSS hips are real dump - y. —= === f Sampo a feet can real- ly stink! Ob, ob, ob, yeah, my (JASON takes off eyeglasses, holds out arms) (JASON and JULIE embrace and kiss) = = APPLAUSE SEGUE

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