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Art One

Units Covered
1st Semester Units:


1. Elements of art - Line, shape, form, space, texture, value,

and color

1 week

2. Collage - working with composition and design

2 - 3 weeks

3. Line - small drawings in conjunction with larger line project

3 - 4 weeks

4. Positive and negative space - differences with drawing

positive space and negative space and how to utilize negative
space within a composition. Large project.

2 - 3 weeks

5. Perspective - study of 1 point perspective and 2 point


3-4 weeks

6. Fantastical - Balance and Space

Timeline: 2 weeks in October

3-4 weeks

Finish semester with final exam covering all material from first
semester - including art history notes, definitions, and elements of

2nd Semester Units:

1. Ceramics - 3D work with clay
a. pinch method
b. slab
c. coil
2. Color - study of color theory and color wheel. Large project
* 3. Value - focus on stippling, hatching, cross-hatching, and
scumbling to achieve dark to light tones.

8-12 weeks

3 - 4 weeks
1 - 2 weeks

Finish semester with final exam covering all material from second
semester - including art history notes, definitions, color, value, and
* Order may change due to time constraints or extra time during 1st semester.

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