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MANUAL PRINT AND PLAY VERSION INTRODUCTION The primary objective of the game is to collect Victory Points. The first player to get a set amount becomes The Furry General, the highest military rank of Armymals. You can get VPs by completing specific objectives: destroying enemy tanks, controlling strategic loca- tions, capturing flags and more. In this rulebook you will find out how to set up the game, what actions you can perform during your tum and an in-depth explanation of the mechanics. oy > » © @ Start the game by giving each player: a Flag Token and all Control Tokens of one color 2 tank models and 2 Tank Tokens inatank'’s color. @ 3 random Animal Cards Beginning from the youngest, each player puts a Flag Token on a base hex of choice. There is ‘one in each comer of the board. Place the tank models on the adjacent highlighted hexes facing any direction. Put all the models - forests and moun- tains on the corresponding hexes. Do the same with the strategic locations. Prepare Acom Tokens, Damage Tokens, Armor Tokens and Victory Points. Draw 3 cards from the Mission Deck. Place them face up next to the board. Deal each player 1 card from the Action Deck. Choosing 1 Commander and 2 Drivers from Animal Cards will be the first important deci- ‘sion during every match. Each animal has common features — Commander Skill, Driver Skill and Attributes (blue, green and red stamps). Once you choose a Commander put him in the middle and a Driver on each side. ANIMAL CARDS | | DRIVERS The commander watches the battle from Drivers are sitting in separate tanks and car-f afar. The only thing he brings to the table is rying out your orders. Each Driver has a Tank | aCommander Skill. You can use it once on Token representing the tank he is assigned every tum (unless stated otherwise). to. Each driver can use his Driver Skill for free but only once per game and only during Most Commander Skills have an energy that Drivers’ tum (unless stated otherwise). cost in Acorns. To pay for them you have to Additionally, they use 3 statistics from Temove a certain amount of Acom Tokens. Animal Card —how much damage can it take. Gather your Acorn Tokens and Victory ¢ Range — how far it can shoot. Points on the Commander to always know Move —how many move points this tank how much resources you have left. gets each tum. These statistics apply only to the tank this | | Driveris assigned to. The Commander does | 1) notuse them. | . a . = s @Name @Health Statistic @Range Statistic @ Move Statistic ©@Commander Skill | @Commander Skill Cost @ Driver Skill @ Character Picture ACTIVE TANK Each player controls two tanks. At the beginning of your first tun choose which tank will go first. During this tum you can only perform actions with this one tank. Next turn use the } — second tank. Tanks take their turns altemately - you can never use the same tank two turns. ina row. The tank which tur it is currently will be called an “active tank” TURN Begin your every turn with rolling 6 Armymals Dice. You have 2 rerolls. Accept the final result. After Rolling you can start to perform actions with your active tank. The main goal is to eam Victory Points. You can use dice, use cards, move, shoot and more. The order in which you do that is up to you. The tum lasts until you pass it ss L- me DICE Y On your first tun try ow toreach a strategic location Every rolled die can be used once to gain a bonus from the or accumulate Acom Tokens. list below. Once itis used put the die aside — you will not need it for anything else this tum. use to add 1 Move Point OR 1 Range use to add 2 Move Points OR 2 Range use to deal 1 Damage. use to gain 1 Acom. use to rotate a tank in any direction OR rotate the turret in any direction = ACTIONS “Doubles” — use any 2 dice Q with the same result to draw Here is a list of actions available each tum. Re- 4 Action Card; dice used that member, that you can perform them in any order. way do not provide their base At the end of tum you can check the list if there is bonuses. anything else to do before passing. je Moving by using Move Points or END OF TURN e hack Move Points or Range by using and When you pass the tum lose all remaining Move Points and dis- @ Shooting enemies in Range by using card all but 5 Action Cards. If you @ Gaining Acoms by using have 8 or more Acom Tokens on Fi E F your Commander he “goes nuts”. | e ewe oy Cards by using two dice with @ Playing Action Cards by spending Acoms Example ofa Turn At the end of this rulebook you @ Using Driver Skill and/or Commander Skill. can find an exemplary tum. | @ Gaining Armor by discarding Action Cards. WINNING THE GAME Victory Points Ifat any moment during the game you have 7 Victory Points you win. Victory Points are repre- ‘sented by tokens with medals on them. Each token is worth 3, 2 or 1 VP depending on the color. The VPs can never go below 0. The number of VPs needed to win a game can vary depending on the Operations. It can also by adjusted by players to make the game shorter or longer. In this prototype version the Victory Points needed to win will always be 7. iD ©) © Operations e/ «2 The most common way to obtain VPs are Operations. They are global objectives that reward every player for completing them. In the full game there will be a list of Operations for players to choose or random from to keep things interesting. In the prototype please use alll the following Operations alll together. Each can be completed multiple times. OPERATION: ANNIHILATION q REWARD - 2VP FOR DESTROYING A TANK. ey For every player that deals the last point of Damage to an enemy tank. Can be achieved by using a “Boom” die, a skill or a card. This Operation will be used in almost every game to encour- age players to directly compete against each other. OPERATION: CAPTURE THE FLAG TAL REWARD - 5 VPS FOR EACH FLAG CAPTURED ey W/ For every player that successfully drives into an enemy base hex, steals the Flag Token and captures it High move statistic paired with rolling many “1”, ‘2’ and “Spin” dice will allow you to cover a lot of ground during a tum. If an oportunity arises you can grab enemy flag and try to deliver it to your base but be ready for everyone focusing fire on you. OPERATION: DOMINATION REWARD - 1 VP FOR CONTROLLING A WINDMILL } REWARD - 1 VP FOR CONTROLLING 3 OTHER STRATEGIC LOCATIONS. wy For every player that at the beginning of his turn has a Control Token on the Windmill or on 3 strategic locations other than the windmill. Ifa game is aligned the player with more control points will usually win. Try to reclaim other players' locations and always keep an eye on the Windmill. Having a Control Token on the Windmill can be a key to winning the game. OPERATION: MISSION DECK EA REWARD - VARIES DEPENDING ON THE CARD 2) &/) 2 For every player that meets the requirement from the Mission Card. At the beginning of the game put 3 random Mission Cards face up next to the board. The first player to complete any mission must discard it and claim the Victory Points. Try to always remember what missions are avaliable and complete them if you have the possibility. DETAILED EXPLANATION OF RULES DICE AND ROLLS REROLLS Each tum a player can reroll the dice twice. The result of the second reroll is the final result. fa player does not want to reroll any- | more he has to state it. There are some Skills and Action Cards that are used at the beginning of turn . This means before rolling the dice. Once the dice are rolled all cards and skills affecting the dice cannot be used until there are no more rerolls. If a player chooses not to reroll a die in the first reroll he can siill reroll it in the second re- troll. DICE Each die result gives a different bonus when used. To use a die put it aside. Used dice will not be needed for anything else until an- other player rolls them. 3 separate shots. wae” Before Roling ois 7 ‘ckat the board. Will DJ you shoot? Drive alot? Need acoms or cards? Plan ahead and rerOll A0corcing. a = = aaa Those are mobility and range dice. Keep. them if you want to cover a long distances, bypass obstacles or shoot at a tank thatis far away. Those are nesded for shooting. Keep them if you want to maximize the damage onan enemy tank in Range. Dice are used one by one. You cannot use 3 | “Boom’ dice at the same moment, those are Those are used for gaining Acorns. Keep them and use them immediately to have resources to pay for cards and skills. a Abrahamster used & to put the last Damage Token on Drake's tank. But Dreke used a card “Glancing Hitt’ to survive. Now Abrahamster uses his double. @--@ to draw an Action Card. It is a “Moo!” that can counter a “Glancing Hit’. If he drew “Moo!” before shooting he could use it. Now it is too late. DETAILED EXPLANATION OF Ri ACORNS AND ACTION CARDS Gaining Acorns Using (2) gives an Acom. Acoms are represented by Acom Tokens. Store them on your Commander. You can use Acorns at any time during the game if an ability or card requires it Paying There are Acom costs on Action Cards and Command- er Skills. They represent the amount of Acoms that a player has to pay to activate them. To pay remove a corresponding number of Acom Tokens from your Commander. Going Nuts If there are 8 or more Acorn Tokens on the commander at the end of the tum he “goes nuts’. You lose half of Acorn Tokens rounded down and an active tank gets 2 Damage Tokens. Ifa tank is destroyed this way its con- troller loses 1 Victory Point. Using an Action Card To use an Action Card pay its Acorn cost. Unless stated otherwise, an Action Card can only be used during your tum on any tank or player in the game. Used Action Cards from all players are discarded and create a dis- card pile. When there are no more Action Cards to draw shuffle the discard pile and create a new deck. Drawing Action Cards Each player starts the game with 1 Action Card. To draw more Action Cards use 2 dice with the same result. Those dice do not provide their base bonuses when they are used this way. Hand Size At the end of your tum discard all cards but 5. Restrictions During your tum you can play any number of Action Cards. | CANCEL A SINGLE CARD | ASITISPLAYED. TIS | DISCARDED WITHOUT DETAILED EXPLANATION OF RULES TERRAIN AND MOVEMENT : MOVEM! Basics Reaching strategic locations and getting in Range to shoot other tanks requires mobility. You J can move forward, backwards or tum on the spot. Remember that at every point during movementa tank has to directly face one of a hex's walls. Move Points Driving around the map costs Move Points. Each tum you get free Move Points equal to your Driver's Move statistic. Using any number of “1” or “2” dice gives a corresponding number of additional Move Points. Ab | rahamster u is4hexes away froma ” CACTS / control point he wants to reach this - MOVE Costs tum. His Move Statistic gives him 3 ®@ Moving one hex forward —“costs 1 Move Point’ Move Points that let him drive 3 hexes @ Moving one hex backward - “costs 2 Move Points” 4 forward. To move an additional hex he @ Tuming a tank by 60 degrees —“costs 1 Move Point 2 _ ae has to use Q-8 that will give os @ Entering the water—“ costs 1 additional Move Point” \' Ee, hin additional Kop TUR »_ Move Points. =» ING _ You can use Move Points to change your tank's direction on a hex it cur- rently is on. For each 1 Move Point you can tum a tank by 60 degrees to the left or to the right Remember that after the tum the tank must directly face a hex wall. Numbers in the picture show how much move points cost the actions described earlier. DETAILED EXPLANATION OF RULES TERRAIN AND MOVEMENT SPIN DIE ! ROTATING THE TURRET Instead of using Move Points to change @G is the only way to rotate the turret. your tanks position you can use Aturet, like a tank, must always face one of | itlets you rotate the tank in any direction on the hex walls. After using your turret the hex it is on. Using is the most will not always face the same way that your et i tank is driving, so you can shoot in one di- effective way of doing a 180 degrees a rection and drive the other. When you rotate tum that would normally cost 3 Move Points. J) the whole tank do not change the turrets po- Q= also be used to rotate just the | sition. | turret of a tank. MOVE ORDER { Using dice and actions during a tum can be performed in any order necessary. You can per- form other actions between using Move Points. This means a tank can use some Move Points, use a die, use an Action Card and then use the remaining Move Points to retreat out of opponents range. IMPASSABLE TERRAIN | You cannot use your Move Points to drive on hexes with other models on it. This includes forests, mountains, strategic locations and other tanks. DETAILED EXPLANATION OF RULES SHOOTING DEALING DAMAGE when shooting conditions are met results in dealing Damage. Damage is represented by Damage Tokens. Put them on an enemy tank you shot at. Using Before shooting make sure that all the following conditions are met. ARC OF SIGHT Condition: You have to see an enemy tank. Your turret is facing one of the hex walls and can only shoot in that direction. This does not mean that you can only shoot in a straight line. There is a 60 degree cone that starts at the single hex right in front of the turret and extends the further it goes. Take a look at the picture to see how the width of the Arc is depending on the distance from the turret. picture ‘Clear View and Are of Sight | Allhighlighted hexes are in the blue tanks Arc of Sight. Green hexes meet the 2nd shooting condition - Clear View. The red hexes are blocked by impass- able terrain. The greenired lines show how to check ifa hexis in a Clear View. DETAILED EXPLANATION OF RULES SHOOTING Condition: Your vision of an enemy cannot be obstructed. CLEAR VIEW If there is an obstacle between you and an enemy you cannot land a shot. The vision is ob- structed by impassable terrain — forests, mountains, strategic locations and other tanks. To check if you have a Clear View, draw a line from the center of your hex to the center of the hex including an enemy tank. If the line goes through a hex with impassable terrain the oppo- nent has cover and you cannot shoot. However, ifthe line just touches an edge of an impass- able hex you have the Clear View. Condition: An enemy tank cannot be further than you can shoot. picture ‘Clear View and Arc of Sight 5 RANGE Range is a Driver Statistic on Animal Card. It is the distance from which you can land a shot. To check if an enemy tank is in Range count the hexes between the two models. Start from the hex that your turret faces and end on the hex including an enemy tank. The number must be equal or lower than your Range. The Range is not used like Move Points. You cannot spend it. The Range value applies to each shot during a turn. You can extend the Range by using any number of Q@- B They increase your Range for this tum only. picture ‘Clear Range and Armour’ | a blue tank needs to shoot atthe enemies. } Blue tank is shooting at | green tank's back, 20 the damage cannot be pre- Vented by armor, Orange tankis facing a blue one y Lines on the ground show how much Renge and can use armor. = DETAILED EXPLANATION OF Ri SHOOTING ARMOR TOKENS | Any time during your tum you can discard an Action Card to put an Amor Token on your active tank. You can block damage from shooting done to this tank by removing an Armor Token in- stead of putting a Damage Token at any time. Your active tank loses all unused Armor Tokens. at the beginning of its tum. You can use Armor Tokens only to block the shots from the front. a @® Oe Y picture ‘Range and Armour’ | DESTROYING A TANK | When the amount of Damage Tokens on a tank equals its Health statistic it becomes de- stroyed. A destroyed tank needs the attention of a mechanic and to reload ammunition. That tank immediately goes back to one of your highlighted hexes adjacent to the base hex fecing any direction. if both hexes are blocked put the tank on the closest unoccupied hex. A tank de ‘stroyed in previous tum can perform actions normally except it cannot use [

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