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1. I watch TV twice times a day. Its my relax time after a days work.

- Once/ twice/ three times/ four times/ five times.

2. I like to watch television series. Forever young series was showing on
VTV3 in 4 months which makes me the most impress (, it impresses me the
3. Well, Im going to watch TV tonight. It is Music game showed on VTV3
at 8pm oclock.
4. Yesterday, I watched a television series named The eldest sister showed on
VTV3 at 6pm oclock.
5. Actually, I usually watch television series, game show (game shows) or
reality show (reality shows) on VTV3.
6. In fact, I think many TV shows are interesting. Nowadays, producers update
their productions accordant with (according to) demand of viewer. So I like
to watch almost all types of TV shows.
7. Yes, thats sure. Because when I was a student, I didnt have time to watch
TV. I only watch TV when I have free time or want to relax.
8. In my opinion, watching TV has positive and negative side. Because if
children watch TV in reasonable time, it can help them access image,
information and language about the world around them. However, if children
watch TV too much, it can make them depend on technology and causes of
eyes sick (cause eye sickness) such as myopic, dry eyes.
- make va cause la hai dong tu chinh cua cau, dung sau tu can nen
chia la make va cause.
- De noi ve cai gi co 2 mat tot xau, co the dung cau truc: In my opinion,
. Has both positive and negative effects. About the positive side, ..
On the other hand, ..
9. Honestly, I prefer watching TV to listening to radio. Because I am not only
listened (listen to) sounds, but also see images on TV. (=Not only am I
listened sounds but I also see images on TV?) Its will help me remember
information easier and longer.

- Not only am I. la cu trc o ng, ch dung trong vn vit, ko dung

trong khi ni.

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