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1 = —— 10201) JAWAHAR AL.NEURUTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSTTY HYDERABAD IYear BcTeeh, AE. 1Semester L te c 4h 4 (57114) AIRFRAME STRUCTURALDESIGN unr INTRODUCTION Sct design nse: stage penny deta ‘of the course- preliminary, . Diane) ae Sid Paina structural componens of ara Des at, Desienequremens- str inary, stitincss service lite, Contain bacline sevpmonie configurator external ag ih pening condoms contoras s0veranentceuatons Ott conseatons dean x duit done tolerance, etching, extsaion ofits for manulactang ‘maincenance, repair ° RNG UNH BASIC DATA FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXTERN: DAA GN EXTERNAL LOADS ESTIMATION. MATERIAL Pi - 5 SERIE ROPERTIES. AIRWORTHINESS Ainorthness seguirerents methods of sximation- construction opetion,eineaneee oid feces. rivalled comions Limit a ra nd: dtl significance. Aircraft matetials- mechonical properties de ‘i si sin dt allowabl allosabe base. Fale theory. Flight load. atmocphene, meseee corsinietin of ight ensetope Wingo ad pun wis dtbon, leo eae engie nce wings cont susan duane piece ieee sisebuton, Epearae adit mame ciel ote ee lettin of Weight ore hy ach alr by cs. ee preston lus Landing pa enna ction, oa ani londs, tation loads, Mise! banding fds, etaton loads Mela fas, plane veh aa Acrorawtical Enginccrig ===> 141 UNE [REVIEW OF MODELINGOFSTRUCTURALELEMENTS JOINTSAND LOADING. DETERMINATION OF LOADS, STRESS DEFORMATIONS ULTIMATESTRENGTH, SIZING ‘Mealisaton of stuctares; materials-consivutve relations equilibria, ompatiilty conditions: significance. Estimation of axial, bending shear ul toeson fads of detente ad iadeterninotestractres: 20) ae 3 Swusses beams, frames, chats, plats, shells Determination of sitess, selections infuence coefficients Sess analysis, determination of principal reses- estimation, signtieane, Timtatios. Failte theory, Bucking strength of columns. Thin walled sections ‘hear ond compression panes, bucking. post buckling behaviour, limate strength, Sizing of siractural elements of given geomet and loading ‘Analysis of Box beams single cell, lt cel in Bending shea, oH ‘ors stesse, sear ow, deformation-restraintapainst warping secondary sireses Eifel of cut-outs UNIrIY FASTENERSANDSTRUCTURAL JOINTS: Tasteners and fitings tol, sigifiemce, general design considerations icra fo allowable strength, Margins of safevy. Fastener systems, types, fester informatin, dimensions. rae allowable stengt- tensile, hear, Lending, bearing. Rivets, bolts and serews, muts- detail design Considerations, Fusoner selection, Fitings lugs, bushings and bearings Toading, design and analysis, Join spliced, eventic, gusset, welded, Iazed bonded types, rethods of joining, flue modes. Fatigue design “omietations, Stes concentration cases, methods of reduction. Pastener fond distribution and by-pass load. severity facor, structural joint lie prediction Shim contol and requirement UNIEY DUSIGNOFWING TAILUNITSTRUCTURES, ‘he wing-roe- summary of wing lds, structural components- wing box, leading andtrlfingedes, Wing layout ocation of spas ailerons ane laps, ht spacing and direction roocrib bulkhead, span wise sifenes. wing coves ‘kinstinger panes, integrally stiffened paels access oles, ataeliment of Teaing edge and ailing edge panels Spor general rules of spar design. 2 oto. Ribs and bulkheads: ib spacing and arrangement, Wing root joins, erty ‘through steele. Fight wing design-pnblems seth swept wings ‘Wing box, root sb bulkhead: estimation of loads, stress analysis, design Parameters, optimisation, sizing, margins of safe, Leading and wailing ‘edge assembly: contol surfaces, flaps struc, mechanical design- design considerations, ‘hill ni ojo veri eat rae couguatons srl lay out, design considerations, fr UNTEVI DESIGNOPFUSELAGE Fon of usege stn, pene eqkemen tite sent of sie inlet eve, Pipl seal eompouents i and singers rae ad No bem, peste ulead. We sags imam nyo lodge oh sing. Prva slg a fuselage structures, tselage openings” windows, doce design consderaons. oe DDESIGNOF LANDING GEAR ENGINEMOUNTS Lali eit: purpose, ipes genera aangement, loads: design consdeains- pond handing take-off ann,brskng, paca ‘kin app rte sowage wd ee ek nae design Sock absorbent, tyes. conponents opeaion ae materials, design, Wheels and brakes, tire selection ra Eien es: Wing PW. slg seas mou loa design coir. UNV FFATIGUELIFE, DAMAGE TOLERANCE, FAIL-SAFEDESIGN- WEIGHT CONTROLAND BALANCE Canopies aig ue example: nese: sei visite ses, ine perma fai fe Pts een Phlowphy-fat-ofe mae He Sere chant fastest Sr rtnka os etomen dian ofr ean Siac Iie maha of esimato- he ater dg Pane ep thecneoparequremety damage lane emanate sgh Acronatical Engiseetng ——$—$ ‘TEXTBOOKS 1. Niu, MC, Aieftme Structural Design, seeond edition, Honshons {Coombe Ps, 1988. ISBN 962-712%08.0, 2 Ni, MC, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing, send ation. “Hongkong Commit Pes, 187, ISBN: 962 7128-08-2 3, Brun, EL, Analysis and Design of Flin Vehicles Srvetres, Ti ‘ate Offset Compr USA. L965. [REFERENCIS 1 Peery J,and Aste. AitratShuctures, second aition, Me Gran Hil, NY. 1983, Megson, T.HG. Aiteralt Suuetures for Engineering Students, aewonth Heiner seve, 2007, A Raymer, DP, Aireaft Design’ A Conceptual Approach, 3 edt [AIAAEucation Series, ALAA, 1989, ISBN21-S637- 281-0. A. Fielding, 1, lolroduction to Altera Design, Cambridge University Pres 205 1SBN0521-6972229. io mi JAWAHARLALNEHRUTECHNOLOG! TV Year B.Tech. AE 1 Semester (67118) MECHANIC: untri INTRODUCTION-SINGLEDEGREROFFREEDOMSYSTEMS, Simple harmonic motion, terminology. Degrees of freedom. ee vitritions ann forced vibations- examples of single degree of freedom mechanical ibrations. equation of motion. Spring, inertia, damping elements Undamped natural frequency, damped aura fequeney, daring ratio, ‘Mechanisms of damping. Bquivaleatviseous damping. Freed vibrations Examples, Resonance. Vibration measuring instuments, Ampitide and Phase response diagrams. DAlember' principe inet ee uNtrit VIBRATION OPDISCRETE SYSTEMS oo "Three degtee of freedom systems. Stave and dynamie coupling, “Examples Principal coordinates, principal modes orthogonality editions, tension to mulple degrees of froadom systems, Vibration absoxbets UNI VIIRATION OF CONTINUOUSSYSTEMS Jowoaction to Hamilton's Principle, Longitudinal tonsvese an torsional vibration of eylindrical shafts. extension to tapered sh equations equiliviaof general elastic bodies, untry DETERMINATION OF NATURAL FREQUENCIES AND MODE; ‘Natural vibrations of solid contima, Methods of determin fequenees ad mde shapes uniry ROTATINGSHAFIS, Natural requency of routing shais. Whicing of sats: Dynami balancing ‘frotating machinery, Dynamic dampers. Dynamical Acromtical Engineering —$>=$=$<$<$=<=$———=_ 145, UNIIvIT MATRIX METHODS ‘Mauiees for dynamic analysis. Kinematically consistent food systems and ermistion of]. (N.C and (L) marices ‘Normalization and formation of rodal equations. wiry .PPROXIMIATE METIODSOF VIRATIONANALYSIS reduton. ppv mt fe equ) aay Rysigh Rie paler aaa Dagan tio maar dang tutes using nog conan usrvin INIKODUCTION 0 AEROELASTICSIAMILITY eres inti oping. Calla’ angle Stic nd daar Je gnewmena, Acoelae sabes ard tel presen. Wing Stnepene. como! versal and wing ter, Mute sped. Aer ease wslome ENTBOOKS 1. RW. Clow and Penren, Dynan of Sint 2 Ra, Sims, Mechanica Wibravons, Peanon Fdcation LP 2i0i 2. Row.SSani Gap. Deon andpractceof Mechanical Vans. ‘Wey astm New De 202 REFERENCES LL Megson. TH(G. Airs Stractres for Engineering Student ButrwothHeienaan san pin feed, OxordOX24R ea fing VC nrdcion oT eels ohn Wis & Sons New 1 Timoshenko 5. Mbvvion Problems Engineering fn Wiley and Sim New York 1987 4. ais Crad Shoot an Vos tid eion Meal Book Camp 6 20, 5 6 i Singh, VP, Mechanical eraions Dhaai Ral ar Co, 2003 ton, Gahamkelly 8. Mechanica! brations, TMH 2004 edition, Groner GK. Meclanzt Vrain, Neneh and Doers 001 iravions anc Waves MP wes 1987, CBS Piers ad Disibroes Scanlon RIL osetaum dc the Sud oie ora & Flier oa Wey od Sas, New Mone 1982 Acronaitical Engineering —$>=<==—=>—=———_ 147 “JAWAHARLAL NEHRUTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITYHYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech. AE. [Semester L Tp ¢ 4 We 4 (102 CAD/CAM UNT-1 INTRODUCTION Computers in Industrial Manufacturing, Product cycle, CAD J CAM. andare, Basi sractue, CPU, Memory types, input devices. display eviews, art copy devices, and storage devices ONT, COMPUTER GRAPHICS Raster scan graphics coordinate ssie database structure for graphs tveelling transformation of geometry, 3D transformations, mathemati of projections eliping hidden surface removal UNIT-IL GROMETRIC MODELLING Requirements, gsomeric models. geometric eonstrution models, curve represent iethods, surface represenation methods, modeling facilities ‘esice. unr-y DRAETINGAND MODELLINGSYSTEMS asi geomeiric commands, layers, display control commands, editing, imensioning, and solid modeling, uNIr-¥ NUMERICAL CONTROL INE.NC modes, NC elements, NC machine ool, structure of CNC machine toni features of Machin cent, tuning centre, CNC Part Programming fundamental, anual pert programing methods, Computes Aided Par Programmi, UNTT-VE GROUPTECH are family, eodng and classification, production low analysis advantages 8, ———— a0 td imation, Compu Aded Processes Pl Gone ype ovrvi CCoMPUTER amen QUAL TYCONTROL. Terminology in quay contol the compan QC, coat iaspostion rt, hat ised pete ret nnaptaeanpuetdddtetng mepationel CAGE =m ing imepatinoFCAQCWANCADY usr COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUEACTURINGSSTENS Types of Maufetting sem, Machine tol a elated tod cated epi materi anlng systems, compu conta sts aa oth manufcrng ses, CMS enti ‘TEXTBOOKS 1 Zimmer. & Orr. CADY CAM, Pree Hal India 2 Zeid Ioahim, CD /CAM Theor and Practice, Tata Mil RERERENCES 1 Givove.P Aomaton. Ptacton Sites & Computer trated ‘Menufacturing, Pearson Education, ma 4 ing, Revieval ype and Gio. Auonaton, Production Stems &Conpuser nega ‘Manufacturing, Pearson Education e Lalit Narayana, Computer Aided Design ond Manga Prentice-Hall India, eel 4 Radhakrishnan and Subramanion, CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age, 5 Amirouche, F.. Principles of Computer Aided Design o Manigfecturing, Pearson, irae 6 Alavala, CAD/CAM: Cancep and Applications. PAL Scames, W.S.. Computer Numerical Control Concepts an Programming, Townson. oa Acronauteal Bagnesting —$—$—<—$<—$—<—— S119 I AWWAITARLALNEHRUTECUNOLOGICALUNIVERSETY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech AB, [Semester L TD ¢ s ws 3 (5716 CONTROL THEORY. APPLICATIONTOFLIGHT CONTROL. SYSTEMS. uN CONTROL SYSTEMS- MODELING, PERFORMANCE- TIME, FRQUENCYANDSDOMAINDESCRIPTION, ‘Dynamical systems principal constiwens- input. outputs process (pland- Hock diagram representation, Jpsts-contoinprroise: Function of contol ‘stelion (hol), racking (command) exis. Measure of Tet ves. Senstvzy of putts contro put, oie and system parameters-robusess. Detetminstic and stochastic control. Contto in every day life, The pervasiveness of contol in ate, engincering and societal systems. The inportance of shay of contro system Noed forsabl effective espunsive). sotast conta sytem, Miudeling ot dynamical syems by diferent eostions- sem pararetrs [Examples fom diverse elds, Fist and secon onder systems, higher order system, singe input single output systems, mpl inputmultipe-ooipat Stems near and nonlinear systems. Need for approximations, Review of Tear satin nf oalinea system assumpans ality. Nim nvriatineor Control sys performance: sme domain deserotion- oupatresponse tnatrol inputs imps and indica esporse-charscersic puametets~ sienilcanee elation to stom parameters: esampes isan secon onder Tinea systems higher order ystems, Syibesis fresponse to aba pt Famine fom impulse an indicia response, Review of Fourier transforms und Laplace Gunsforms-jnsese transform= signifiemee, applicstions to differential equations. 5° Laplace) domain Seseription of inpu-ourput relations wansfer function represenation- “stem parameters: gain, poles and zeroes, Characteristic equetion- Nipnificance- examples, fesueny and damping ratio of dominant poles. Relation of transfer function to impulse respone. Partial traction «decomposition of wansfe factions significance. equency domain deseription- frequency response-gnin and phase shift 150 201 +lgnideare:roprserution- asm (Bade) plo play ple Aegis wafer ttm, Chrnerie patel corer egies tera fequendcs, peak pin anvil sigaieans Fd sek oa coder sje etenson igh vet stem. unten FEEDBACK CONTROL, ‘econ of ehh eile nate psa lg, oil yt Ueign ents uci es Sona cose ep coma Eto eock wp spc Sabi, roses Mato edbck contol-Lenp pi, ek Sire Sytem ype, seay sate orem coeer seal ee ‘ublineAplcaton of eed back in sub tupmenion seal ‘iment statics. vamp ene, eduction lock dngrans of omen stem sad Eanenilons. Conta sytem componens: tase wanceens seromovos tater ier moiclif,rfrhaetns Sine mpee Sigioupu stems Muppet tens ne ‘transfer funetions- examples. a ret oe Typo contol bien: the prolom of anasto sates stem ‘ysis expe. steccontol of sca Eesiont oyna oe Syatem identification fom Input utp messutmentsmporonce Expermenaldtermteation of stm ater fanctions by hegangy respsereasienens Enample MEM SPECIFICATION OF CONTROL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. SYSTEM SYNTISIS- CONTROLLERS. CCONIPENSSTIONTECHNTQUES CConirol system performince requirements: transient and steady stage specication deste! inpucowiput relation: speed of response. sbi, ‘ovum, steady state error, robusneas, Relation wth system patameters Examples of fst and second ordet systems. Specitiatinns i fiequency ‘domain, s' domain. Confiting equixements- ned for compromise. sop For optimisation, The primacy of sibility, ‘System synthesis- ned fo compensatiod: design of controllers: aetve, assve: seis, fed onward, feedback controler. Proportional, inet, ‘rogortional plus derivative contol- the problem with derivative contol» Aeronautical Engisecting —=$=$=————————= 151 lead, ng. leading, wash-out, note fiery networks- properties: feet on franer funtion, stably, cobustness relative metis:Aapive contol- ‘definition, mers, plemeraron- gin schedolin. Non iar cate, mess, tonetrainis, Feedback controler. Signifcanee of loop transfer function, loop gin ‘Stahity of lose op system frequency response methods and root focus rrethodsof analysis and compensation: Nyguist'stiteron- stability margins- phase margin, enn margin interpretation, significance: compensation by pole zero. cancellation, Design of mul oop feedback ystems. oNEV AIRCRAFT RESPONSE TO CONTROLS: FLYING QUALITIES. STABILITY AND CONTROL AUGMENTATION. FLY BY WIRE. CONTROL Approximations to ireraft transfer functions, contol surface actuatrs- review Response of atest o plo’ ctrl inputs, 0 simosplee, The ‘onto task he pit, Fiying quate of ier relationto aifame trans function. Reversible and ireversble ight comuol systems. Pilots opinion ratings Flying quityrequiremerns pole-zer, frequency response anti: Aesponse specifications. Stability augreutation systems- displacement and rat eelback- determination of gxins- conic vith pilot np resolution ‘control augmemationsysters- Full authority Sy-by-wie, Need fr automatic nto UNEV APPLICATIONOF CLASSICAL CONTROL THEORY TOANALYSISAND DESIGNOFAUTOPILOTS. Autopilots- purpose, functioning- inputs- hold, command, track, Displacement auopilts-ptch, ya bank, altitude and velocity hold- purpose, relevant simplified aisrat ansfer functions, feedback signals, control ‘etators- operation, analysis, performance Manoouvering auoplos- normal ‘oceleraton, uta te, pte cate comands aplication. Autopilot design by displacement gn eat feedback: trative methods design by displacernent feedback an series PID compensator - Zeigler and [iehs method, Autopilots viewed assabiity augmentors, Robust eon, “Typical erat aps of cit ond malta airrat desripabn of design, csnstration, operation, performance 18. i201 unr MODERNCONTROL THEORY. STATESPACE MODELING ANALYSIS. Limitations of eassical metus of contol system modeling, analysis ae design, applied to compe, raultple inpst multiple ou systems State space madeling of dynamical systems slate variables definition: state ‘equations. The output variable-the ouput equate representation by veer mat ist order itfeverial eyuations. Geeal form, ime invariant neat spss, Matrix tanserfetion Stte tation aci- mati exponent Droperties- numerical solution of slate equations ilutaive examples. UNE ‘STATE FEED BACK DESIGNOPTIMEINVARIANTLINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS ‘Canonical tanstormation of state equations-signivieance-eigenvalues-rel isin, cepeated, compe. Controllability and cbservabily~ deiniton- sinifieance. Paceipentof eigen values by sae feeback design numerical ‘wetd far determining fedback gains for mile inp multiple ouput systems, Need for state variable reconstruction the ate observer. ustaive examples, oNevinr OPTIMAL CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN: LINEAR QUADRATIC PROBLEMS- APPLICATION 10 STABILITY AUGMENTATION AND ‘AIRCRAFT AUFOPILOTS Statement of the problem. the objective tunetion- inclosion af eost constants: linear quadratic problems determinainnoffeecbock pin moti reduction to Marix Ricca equation. Outline ofthe slution. stave ‘examples. Application 10 sabilry augmentstion- extension to amupilo, design, Digital contol systems. overview advantages, disadvantages, ‘TEXTBOOKS | Kun, tC. Automatic Como stems, Prentice Hal Inia, 92, ISBN Csi62-180 2 Stevens, BLL. and Lewis, PL. Aira Contol and Simulation, John ‘Wily 1992, ISBN0-691-613975, ‘¢—— ee 133 sesonaticl Engineering — 4 NebomR.C, Flight Stability and Aviomatic Contre, secon edition "Tua McCrai 2007. ISBN: 04072661103, ‘ectwu,TFR els etodetion to Area ligh Mechanics, ALAA, LOK ISHN 1563175774 REKTERENCTS 1 Me Lean, D, Automatic Flight Comat Systems, Prentice Hall, 1990, ISBN: 0-13 5108.0, 2 Bryson, ALE, Comolof Aina end Spacecraft, Princeton University pss, 1994, ISBN; 04691-08782 4. Collinson RIPG, datrduetion to Avionics Systems, second edition, ‘Sprint, 2003 ISHN 978-8] 3489-795 5 ig nf “JAWAHAR AENEHRUTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITYEYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech. AK, ISemuster L up ¢ She! § (67117) ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL AERODYNAMICS, ELECTIVE.) UNE PANELMETHODS: ‘Basic formulation, boundary conditions, physical considerations reduction Df a problem to «set of linear algebraic equations, aerodynamie londe, breliminary considerations prot to establishing numerical solution, sep ‘ward constructing a numerical solu, Soliton of thin aif wih fumped ‘vortex filament, e=$—$—=—a— nm _ 15 orev NUNC ALAMETHODSFOREULER EQUATIONS . pin bere, Fux ap pont Lan Wen net Base ref Fas eral xpi, Yaa ‘Minne Uipceeecten eet: Onda int wi Ta Rie stress hod Usy ‘NUMERICAL SOLUTIONOFBOUNDARYLAVEREQUATIONS Senge ny eu at poy esa, So. nro pt ot rtit reton. stin srt wt ateence eatin mgt fh cot exeion har sedge nd yl scr Keller chem, onrevr IIMEDEPENDENTMETHONS1 F108, Lc into Sibi of sli, expt mets, FTES, FICS, FTBS, Tapa edna Ee FTES, Ck eson ato uwrvn "TMEDEPENDENT METHODS. ovo sep pete Destiption of tax: Werf stems, MeConack 90 ep pe antes esepion nespitmetias Ayprosna ston usevi OUNDARY CONDITIONS once of any ell, Soll vall-iviil low Vos Fail SORES ura vara, wien or ing bate, ne SSP eva estion boda. symetry late, eerie sae ranaresierlace better gr Hock, How pie a Penmaes of unrated ds TEXTBOOKS 1 Rich 1 1 Tange, Jon , Andon, Dale, Plt Rich esol i echt ante ran Seed Ean, toywetans 7 : 186. $m io 20 Chung. T. G, Computational Fluid Dynarnes, Second Eaton, Cambridge University Press, 2010 REFERENCES, | Katy, Joseph and Plotkin, Allen, Law: Speed Aerodynamics. Second ih, Cambridge University ess, 2006, 2 Anders, 1D, Modern Comprestible Fad Fong MeGravs il, 1983, 3 Anderson. J.D. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, Fifth Faltion Tal Mca Hil, 2010 4 Anderson. J.D., Compuational Fd Dynes, MeGraw It 5 Rathasishnan,.Gasdynanics, Prentice bia, 2004 Laney, C: Bu Computational Gasdynamics, Cambridge Uni Pres, 1988, sity Schlichting, Hand Gessten, X, Boundary. Laver Theor: Speinges, a Blarek. 1, Compntosianal Fluid Donainies: Principles and ‘Appieations. 2 ition, Else vss, 2007 Aeronautica Exginctiog —$—$—$—$—$————-_ 157 _JAWAIARL ALNEHRUTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech. AE, 1Semester Lm © 33 {(S711%)FLIGHTSCHEDULING AND OPERATIONS (ELECTIVE: a sr i acim pocmaancO eikonal for eee Isle no te ee sree pe wet a ed sD elon UNE PLIGHTSCHEDULING sian feeding Th oust than: in sigh, hib and spoke Migs. Sebel constr opertona Teal. econ vaiy, Hose gevelopmen ar fight seeing proves lod factor eqlency ese say NEM FLEERASSIGNMENT Purpose of fect assignment. Flet types, feet diversity let avaabilty srlomines menses Formulation ofthe et assignment problem decision ‘irises, objective function, constraints, solution. Scenario analysis, let ‘signment model UNTEIy AIRCRAFTROUTING Goa of irra outing: maintenance requirements other constants Routing ‘eles ute generators, Mathematical models of routing, decision variables, ‘hjewive funtion aleratives,consrams- Might coveruge and atest available, Example problems and sation 158 gig.) us (CREW AND MANPOWERSCHEDULING ‘Crew scheduling process signiticance. Development oferew pacing: pairing _eneratrs~ mathematical formulation of crew piting robles. methods of solution. Crew rostering-rstring practices, The crew rsteing problem formulation, solutions. Manpower scheduling: weeling, formation of the problem, solutions. UNV GATPASSIGNMENT AND ATRCRAFT BOARDINGSTRATEGY Gate assignment significance: the problem. feels of handling-passenger low distance mata: mathematical formulation, soon, Common sacs for alreralt boarding process, mathematical model, interferences, aoe \esctption ail intrferenecs. UNrEVE : AIRLINEIRREGULAR OPERATION, DISRUPTIONOF SCHEDULE” ANDRECOVERY ut The problem statement, tine band approximation model: formulation of. ‘he problem the stexaros solution, " NEVI 4 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLESTIY,CASESTUDIESOPAIRLINE OPERATIONSAND SCHEDULINGAND SIMULATION ‘Complexity theory, heuristic procedures. Case studies of aitine opecution Snd scheduling» study through simulation modeling- use of available software , ‘TEXTBOOK 4 1 Rupa MA Optom Sign Publishing Led, 2010. f RERERENCES “a |. Belobaba, B, Odoni, A. Bahar, "The Global Aicine mds Wie, 2009, a 2 Wo, Cheng-Lung. ‘Airline Operations and Delay Management’, ‘Asta Publishing Ld, 2010. Actonsutical Eine: —$=$=$=$<=—<———==—=—=—=_159, 3. Wensyeen,J.G, ‘Ar Transportation; A Management Perspective’ 6 ‘edn, Ashgate Publishing Li, 2007 4 Aha. eta “Netusrk Floms-Theos. Algorithms and Application Prete Hl Yu, G, “Dpertions Research in Alslines Tndustyy", Academic Publishers 1998 16. yrwwirinesechnology net va nowt JAWAHARE ALNEHRUTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSETY HYDIRAIAD IV Year Btech. AE. I Semester Lown ¢ A) Sa a (67119) MECHANISMS AND MECHANICAL DESIGN (PLECTIVEE-D) uN MECHANISMS: Flements of tinks~lesiication ~rgi ink, exible an Mud ink. Typesof ‘Kinerase pairs sling ning, «ollng, stew and spherical pis. Lower and higher pairs, lased and open pais. Constrained motion ~ completely, partially or successfully constrained, and incompletely comsta ined. ont ‘MACHINES ‘Mechanism and machines ~ classfiatinn, Kineinate chan, inversion of mechanism inversion of quadratic cycle. Chin ~ single and double slider sankchains, Exact and approximate aight line mechanisms -Peaucelie, Haw. Chibichet, Pantogaph UNT-IL KINEMATICANALYSISOF MECHANISMS ‘Velocity and acceleration. Motion of link in machine ~ determination of ‘velocity and aceslecaion diagrams — apical metho, Aplicaioof relative velocity method or four bar chin, Analysis of slider crank chin for dsplaeemen, Velocity and acceleration of slxling ~ Acceleration diagram for given mechanism, Kleins constuction Coriolisaceoeration, Detumination of Cools component of aeceerabon UN PLANEMOTIONOFRODY Instantaneous centre of rotation, cents al sxades ~ Relative motion between tw ods ‘Thre eentes in Fine theorem ~ Graphical determination of istananecus centre, diagrams for ‘Simple mechanisms and deternination of angular velocity of points and ink. Assonaic! Enulneetins 1st ust CGyHOSCOPICMOTION-PRECESSION 1 gyro. fe al esti: woking pipe the oe gs ale reise great omen mets semen. et of reson eae recs mou alonotes,atplans an Bs Se anomie frees pensatl do to in preesion i alg neste us-v (CAMSAND FOLLOWERS CCamsan followers: definition, wses-types- terminology Typesof Follower trouon uniform velo, spe harmonic motion and uniform acceeration, ‘oxinury voli and aveeetation ding outward andeton stokes Rolle follower, circular cam with staight,eoneave and evnvex. lank. NEV SURERINGGEARS CCndiion for cowrect steering ~ Davis steering ger, Ackerman’ string (ear Velocity aio, Hook's Joint-single ae double Haoks joint universal ‘coupling applications. usir-vil (CDARSAND GEAR TRAINS ies: specifications Intoduction to gears types Ia of gearing. Tooth profes: spe ‘safcation-elieal, bevel nd worm gears simple and revered gear ran, piyclc geae trans velovty rato or ran valu. UNE /DPSIGNOF FOURBAR MECHANISMS Four bar mechanisn, Frewenstsin equation, recession point syntes Chebyshev's method, siuctural ear ‘XTBOOKS |. Theory of Mechonisms arid inchies, Amithab Ghosh nd sok Kus Malik, Fast West Press PvE LTD-200 2. Mechanism and Machine Theory JS Rao and RV Dukkipal/ New Age =19%6, 1 —$— —— ————— nivan REFERENCES, Thenty of Machines, De Jagdish Lal, JM Shaye i 2. Theoty of Machines, Abdulla Sharif, Dhanpot Ra, 1987, A Theory of chines, PL Balle, Kanna Publishers, 2003 4 “Theory of Machines Through rl he igh Solved Problems, 18 Rao / New Age - 5 ‘Mechanical engngerng an design, high ae ingand sion Sigh and Charles Misch, Aeronautical Engineering ——$$$—$$—=—>=——=_ 163 |JAWAHTARLATNFHRUTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY HYDERABAD WV Year B.Tech, AB, [Semester L Tp C 3 We 3 (S122 THEORY OF ELASTICITY (ELECTIVE-D wr INTRODUCTION [lasticty ~ notation for forces and sttess components nf stresses » ‘components of stan - Hooks av Plane Suess an plain sirsin anna = Plane sires plane sta diferential equations of equilibrium ~ boundary. ‘uicions eompatbility equations -stess function = boundary ennaition. UNE FWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS. 5 ‘two dimensional problems in rectangular €0-ordinatesolution by! polynomials « Saint-venants principl- detcrmination of displacements: fending of simple bears-applicstion of Fourier series methods For 860 simersional problems gravity oan uN “TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS-TI Two dimensional problems in polar coosdinates - stress distribution symmetrical about an exis- pur bonding uf curved bars -srtimesimponents in polar coordinates displacements dsplacenent for symmetrical sess “sation - simple symmetric and asymmetric problems ~ general solution hf two-dimensional problem in polar coordinates» application of general ‘oli in polar enerdinates, UNTEV TNIRER-DIMENSTONAL PROBLEMS, Analysis of sess and tsi in dee direrion «principal stress «sess ‘llipsod - dirt ssTae determination of principal stresses - maximum Shou stesses- homogeneous deformation rinipal axes of stain rotation ‘Geveratheorems. UNEY 16. $$ 9p 201 GOVERNING EQUATIONS Differential equations of equilibrium - conditions of ium ~ conditions oF compatibitity stecrmination of displacement » equations ot equilibria In terms of depacemns- principle of aprposon- nguems of altos he reciprocal theorem UNrEVE ‘TORSION ‘Tarsion of prismaticbars-trsion of prismatic bats- bars with litical eros sections - other elementary solution « membrane analogy - torsion of ‘ectangularbas-soation of torsional problems by energy method - use of Sip ns insasngtrdon prblen “hs dal snot ‘of shafts, tubes, bars ete. se UNV BENDING. Bening of prismatic Bas: Suess function - bonding of cantilever = etcular rss section ~clipicaleross section - rectangular ess section - bem ing oblems hy sp film netbod - displacements NEVI PLasniciry ‘Theory of plastiiy: Intodution- concepts and assumptions yield teria TEXTBOOK 1 Timon, $n Gonder They of lari Ta May [REFERENCES 1. Chakeabant, Theory of Play. McGraw-Hill Publications 2 Fang, VC, An Introduction ro he Theoty of Aesoeasicity, Doses Pubiations 3 Gurucharon Singh. Theory of Etat 4 Sadhu Singh, Theory of Blac, Khanna Publications Aeronautical Engivecting ——$>==——————————= 165 JAW AIIARL ALNEHRUTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERAIAD IW YeneBeeh. AK: 1Semester Low ¢ Lea (67121) SPACEMECHANICS (ELECTIVE) UNTI BASICCONCEPTS “The solar system, comes and mates, Kepet’s laws and Newton's a of srmiation, concept oF ess sper, veral equinox esipe, Coordinate systems. FCT system, geographic coordinue system. azimuth-etevaion ona stem, epic system, Time ayes: siderea! ime. se slat tise, Jin ato universal tim, ephemeris tim: unre ‘TWO-BODY ORBITAL MECHANICS Body problem, two-body problem simplifying assumptions, Cquntons of relative nation, Constans of he mtion-conservatin of mula moment, “Trajecty equation, elliptical obit- geometry ofthe ellipse, period of an llptiea orbit crcl orbit, parabolic exbi hyperboic obi Geometry of ‘ne hyperils, hypebalie exces speed, Orbital elements oN [BASIC ORBITALMANEUVRES LLowalitlecarhorbiteffectofortital altitude on saellite if ties ree sseet to onbi,pestirbalions of low earth obits du to the oblate shape of the Earth, Hig ale earth orbits the syeimnous stelle aureing a high alice satelite. In-pine orbit changes- adjustment of perigee and sipages sight, Hohmona tarsfr. general coplanar transfer beoren irae rhs, Oubof plane orbit ehanges-simple plane change UNIELV , ORIIT PERTURBATIONS oneral overview of orbit pertutbations, Earth wravity harmonies unsolar ravitatonalstractons, solar edition pressure eects, atmospheric drag frees, tidal frieion effets and mutial gravitational atraction, cath’ 166. $a $$ 1020 ‘oblateneseffecs crea nliation,Sun-syachronows obi, effet And fen orbits, Earths trawiality effect and east-west station heaping. ury, BALLISTICMMISSILETRATECTORIES, ‘he general bllitic mile problem- geomeny ofthe tajectoy. ef ange equations, lightpath angle equation, maximum range trajectory i fee igh. fet of aunehngesoson ange-ffetof ler dspace Df the burrost point, cross range eer dus to incorrect launch azimt effect of sown rage displacement a the burnout poi eros in burn Night-path angle, doy ange erors caused by incorrect burnout height. incontet sped at burnout, The effect of eat tottion- compensating the nal velocity of misled eat coat, compensating for mo! ofthe target due to cath rotation, uNPW RESTRICTED THREE BODY PROBLEM. Inyodection, equations of motion, Lagrangian poins, stability of tf Lagrangian points. Jacobi itegal ceessible regions usrevi LUNAR TRAJECTORIES “The Farthnoon ystem- orbital elements ofthe moon, simple Facth-M trajectories: some simpllyin assumptions ime of light versus inject ‘speed, minimum energy tsjectry, miss distance at the Moon caused injection errs Thepatchd conc approximation: geocennie depart. ‘conditions atthe patch poim, selerocenticarval orbit. Nor-eoplanae {fajecteies-some typical consrnts on inst inaectoris, determing ‘gracenttie sweep angle, Selling on geceptablelnnch dt UNE yu INTERPLANETARY TRAJECTORIES. Patche-conie approximation-heligeenisi ianser orbit, phase angle departure, escape thm the earth's sphere of infuene,aciva tthe planet, effective collision eros-section, Locating the planets aw ‘opportunity, syndic period, tajecanyiype ancl ephemera lula Non-coplanar imerplanetary uajcelsies, Gravity-assist manoeuvre, ‘merplantary ajectris, 1 Bate, RAR, Muller, D.D. and White, IE. Fundamentals of ‘Aarosyanics, Davee Publications In, New York, 1971 2 Chabot, VA ed, Oia! Mechanics edn, ALAA Eduction Stes, oun, REFERENCES, |. Wiesel, W.E, Space?ight Dynamics, edn, MeGra-Hil, New York, 1955 2 Hale, tradaction 1 Space Pit Prentice Hall, 1994, & Sellers Ju Understanding Space: An thiodection to Astronautics, 2 edn MoGras HI, 2004 4. Commelsse, Ws Rocke! Propulsion aval Spaceflight Dyas, Pitman Publishing 1979, 5. Villado,D.A., Fundamenals of Astradynamies and Applications, 2° edn, Micgseosr, In 2001 6 Brown, C.D, Smceeraf Masson Design, 2 edn, AIAA Education Series, (998. 18. tio.) {JAWATIARL AL NEHRUTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD TV Year BcTech, AE. [Semester Lip ¢ ten (57122) -XPERIMENTAL AERODYAMICS (LECHVE- I) UNE ‘AERODYNAMICEXPERIMENTS- HISTORY, MODELTESING Forms of acrxiynamic experiment observation, measuterent- objectives History, means, Model vestng- wind tunnel- principles scaling lays sale Pramcies significance, UNIEM ‘WIND TUNNELS- TYPES, APPLICATION ‘Wind tunnels ow spec types, description. High sped tunnels: ransonie ‘supersonic. hypersonic, shock tes, special nels low turbulence, high Re, eavironmental, atorobile- function, distinctive features, application, “Major wind tne faciities- description, deta, uu LOW SPEED WIND TUNNELS. CONSTRUCTION, COMPONENTS, PERFORMANCE, Low speed wid tunel principal componeats- working section, difusr, ‘ores, turning wanes, fa saightoners, Moneyennbs, sereens,contaeon ‘ne, fan, moter fanction,desoriptin, design reqitements, consti, ‘construction, performance-lsscoeiciets. Wintel perfomance. fla ‘quality, power losses, untey WINDTUNNEL. CORRECTIONS ‘Wind tunne comections. Sources of inaecuraces-boupaney, solid blockage, wake blockage, steamline cuvatue- causes, estimation, correction Total correction or airspeed, dynamic presute, er it ras uty ‘LOAD MEASUREMENTS. WIND TUNNELBALANCES ‘Load measurements- wind tunnel balances, types, ceseription, application, Aeronautical Bagineeing $= 169, UNE ‘PLOW MEASUREMENIS-INSTRUMENENTION Stendy and unsteady pressure measurements ana varios types of pressure probes and transduce, eros in pressute measutements; neasurement of Temperature using thermocouples, resistance thermevneters, temperature seantive paints an igi crystals messirement airspeed flow diction, boundary layer profile sing Plot static toes, 5 ole probes total head ‘ake function, working principle, types, deal of design and consieucton, ory FLOW VISUALISATION TECHNIQUES Flow visualisation ned, types tuts china cla, ol film, smoke. working principle, description, setting up, operation, observation, recording, Interpretation of imauey, relative merits, applications. High speod flows ‘ptial methods shadowaraphy,Seeien,inrFeomecy, uNEviE MEASUREMENT OF VELOCITY: HOTWIRE ANEMOMETRY,LASER OEPLER ANEMOMESIRY, PARTICLE IMAGE ‘VELOCIMETRY- OVERVIEW Hot Wire Avemometty, Laser Doppler Anemometty, Paricle Image ‘elocimety- working prieiples,dserptionot equipment experimental setup, settings, calibration, measurement, dats peocessing, applications, TEXTBOOKS |. Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing Barlow 11, Rae, WH, Pope. A Wiley 1999. 2. igh Speed Wind Tunne Testing, ope, A. and Gin, KL Wiley. 1965 3. Yang. W.., Hanubook af Flow Vwalization, 2 edition, Taylor and Francis 2001 REFERENCES 1. Bradshaw P Experimental Fluid Mechanics Pergamon Pres, 1970, Goldstein... (Ba) Fluid Mechanics Measuramenis, Tylor Francs, ‘Washington 1996, 84 3. ‘Toopea,C, Yarn, A.L., Fos, J.P, Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanies Springs, 2007. 1. 200.2011 JAWAHARLALNEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY NYDERABAD IV Year B-Tech. AB, ISemester Lown c 3 me 3 (57123) NUMERICAL METHODS GLECTIVE- over ROOTS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Inteduction ~The Bisecton Method The Method of Fase Position ~The Iteration Method NNewton-Rapison Method, m SOLUTION OF LINEAR EQUATIONS Exisience of solution = Gaus Elimination method ~ Gaus elimination with Pivotng Gauss Jondon Method: I conditioned systems ~ Jacobi iterative meted ~ Gauss Seidel Method ~ Comvergenee of leative methods une INTERPOLATION leon Ener in Polynomial Interpolation Fini iferenées: ora Dilterences- Backward diferences ~ Symboli relations and separation of symbols- Difference Bayations «Differences af a polynomial Newton's ‘ome for interpolation —Imerpolation with unevenly spaced points Lagrange’sInerpoation foxmula,- Cube spine UNIV LLBASTSQUARES METHOD Linear, Non linea and curilinear eurve fing -Mulple linear reression uNr-v NUMERICAL DIEVERENITATIONAND INTEGRATION "Numerial itferetation and integration Trapezoid al, simpsons 3 rule snd 38le. UNI-VI "NUMERICAL SOLUTIONOFINITIAL VALUEPROBLEMSIN ORDINARY. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ‘Nummetcal sluton of ordinary ferential equtions solution by Taylor's series- Pieatd’s method of successive approximations- Buler's method Aatonauteal Enginesting —$<$=—$—_$=$—<—<—<—<—<—= 171 Runge-Kutta Methods -Preditor-corrcior methods+ Adams Bashorth mati UNEVIL NOUNDARY VALUES 4 FIGENVALUEPROBLEMS Shooting method, Finite difference method and solving Eigen values problems, power method ‘SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Cassifcation of pata diferencia equation Finite ference meds (or Elliptic equations, Laplace equations - Leibmann’s iterative method ~ Parabolaie equations ~ Solution of het equation (one dimensions "TEXTBOOKS. #1 Baloguruswamy.E., Merial Methods, Taa~MeGraw-Uil 2 Saucy $.8.An furoduction to Numerical Analysis ~ PHI Learing 3 Iain, yengar & Jain, Numerical Methods, [REFERENCES 1 Acqua, 8. ea, Numerical Methods, Scitech 2. Aitkinson, KLE. Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Wiley Publications 3. Scarborough, Numerical Analysis, Oxford IVH. 4 Gupta, RS., Elements of Nameriea Analysis, MeMillan 5. Grewal. BS. Higher Engineering Mathematict, Khanna Publications. 1 aig 2911 JAWAHARLALNEHROTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech. AB, ISemester L Tp ¢ 3g (67124) AIRCRAFTMAINTENANCE ENGINEERING (ELECTIVE- UNL NECESSITY TODO MAINTENANCE: Definition of maintenance, rle of the engnee, role of the mechani, two {pes of maintenance, relisllity, design, ‘alu tate patios, other ‘maintenance considerations, establishing a maintenance pro ra. opis ad Dbjetives of maiienanee, Discussion of the five objectives ont DEVELOPMENT OF MAINTENANCEPROGRAMS Maintenance Stecring, Oroup(MSG) Approach, Pracess-Oniented Imaiienanee, Task-orented ipaitenanee, Curent MSG process-MSC ‘Maintenance progran documents, malafeinceitervals defined, chanuiag bose maintenance inervals, maintenance program content UNE AVIATIONINDUSTRY CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTSAND DOCUMENTATION FOR MAINTENANCE, ‘irra cer ification, delivery inspection opera certiieaton, eration of personne aviation industry Interaction: Types of documentation, ‘manufaeturer’s documentation, regulatary decumentation, ating generated documentation, ATA document standards, closer look of TPPM UNEIY REQUIREMENTS POR AMAINTENANCEPROGRAMAND MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING ORGANIZATION ‘Objectives of @ maintenance progam, Outline of avittion meintenanoe rogram, surimary of FAA requirements, addons! mainienance pxvgsem ‘equrements; Organization of mulnteminee end engineeting, exastizaion AaUi eR Riis, — 73 structure, ME: organization chart, gone groupings, Mamigerial Level uncon technical service, irra maintenance, ove sop moteril "oaotenance program evaluation decorates, summary of management eels, ‘organization siueure and TPPM, variations fom the types oypanization uNEY TECHNICAL SERVICES Engincering: makeup of engineering, mechanics and engineer, engineering department functions, engineering order preparation, Production Planning & Control-forecasting, production planning, Droduetion contro, reedback for planning. organization of PPAC; Technical Publications-functions of technical publications, airline Libraties, contra) of publications, document distribution, Technical Traindng-orzanization, taining for aviation maintenance, airframe manufacturer's training courses, other airline training courses; Computer support-airines uses of computers UNTVL MAINTENANCE AND MATERIALSUPPORT Line Maintenance(on-aiverafi)-makeup of line maintenance, functions that control maintenance, vainlenance conto) centre resporsibiliies, general line maintenance erations, acta ebook, ramp and vein operations other line maintenance stiviis, ive tation activities, mainenanes ere Fequitements, morning meeting; Hangar Maintenance( on aircraft) ‘organization of hangar maintenance, problem areas in hang maintenance, rmintenance support shops, around support equipment ypicl C-check; Maintenance overhaul shops(fsircraR)organiztion, types and operation ‘of overhaul shops, ‘Shop data collection: Matera suppost-ocganzation and fanction of materi, ‘atrial directorate, M&E support functions NEVE OVERSIGHT FUNCTIONS Quality Assurance requirements for QA, quality’ audits, ISO 5000 quality standard, technica records, oie functions of QA: Quality Control quai ‘cno| orgaization, PAA and JAA dliferenees, OC ispectorquliestions, 1 in 2011 ‘basi inspection policies, ower QC aetliies Rel bility definition and pes ofreliabili, elements of ae abllity program. admnistation ane management ‘of reliability program, Mainienanes Safey-incustiial safety, safety ‘regulations, mainensnce safety program, general responsibil for safety, ‘eneral safety rules, accident and injury tepoting, UNV HUMANEACTORSIN MAINTENANCE ARTANDSCIENCEOF ‘TROUBLESHOOTING Systematic and systems approach, sytem enginecrng definition, system interface: coma }stem optimization: Hunan factors definlion, uma fetors and systems engineering, goals ofthe system and goals of the taseh desizning For the human inerfaes, human Facows fn maienance, human factors responsiilies, safety: Thre levels of teouble shooting, Knowledge of malfunctions. knowledge is power, building your ui knowledge base, understanding the sequence of events. eight baste concep of troubleshooting ‘TEXTBOOKS |. Kimison, HA, Aviation Maimeraace Management, McGraw-Hill 2m McKinley, J. Le, Bent LD.. Afaintenace and Repair of Aeropace Vehites, Nour Insta oF Fecal MeGray Hil 1967, REFERENCES |. Friend, C4, Airrat Maintenance Management. Langman. 1992, Kes, M. Watkins, W. nd Del, E.Airerst Maiatnance and Repate Tota Mea Hil, 2016, 3 Patankar M.S: And 'laylor, 1, Risk Monageinent and rzor ‘Resiution in Aviation Maintenance, Ashgte, 200, ISBN 2546- it, Acronsutcal Enginesting <_< 175 JAWATIARLALNEHRUTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IW Year 8 Tech, AE, ISemuster L wp ¢ Oe od (657625) COMPUTATIONALSTRUCTURESLAB 1.2, Introduction to the Featutes and application of any one of the professional software employed ia modelling nel analysis of wrcat Structges, MODELING ANALYSIS (MAXIMUM STRESSES, DEFLECTIONS) AND (CODEDEVELOPMENT,OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTSUNDER ARIITTRARY STATICLOADING. VALIDATION OPSOLUTIONS WITHPROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE 2. + Bending of wiforneanlever bear, 4. Compressive strength of rectangular sitfened plone pate of uniform eros section. 5. Shear and torsion of stifened thin Walled open and closed sections. 6 Staically indecerminar trusses. 7. Free vbtations of uniformcanieverbeam- determination of neta frequencies and mode shapes MODELING AND ANALYSISOF SIMPLE ATRCRAFT COMPONENTS, USING PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE 1 3.dimensionsl landing ges asses, 9. Tapered wing bos beams 10, Fuselage bulkheads, Suggested softwares ANSYS NASTRAN, PATRAN 6 —$—$ $$ sion JAWAHARLALNEHRUTECHNOLOGICALUNVERSITY HYDERABAD, IV Year Beech, AR, ISemester L wp © 0 2 (5164) COMPUTATIONALAERODYNAMICS LAB. |. Inttodaction to anyone he suitable sofsare employed in modeling and simalation of seed ynamics problems, Solution fur the following equations using finite diference method (Code developmen): 1) Om dimensional wave oquaion using expiitmethod of Lay i) One-dimensional heat conduction equation using explicit metho 4.5, Generation ofthe following grids (Code develops) ‘Algebra vids 1 Blip its 6,189.10. Numerical Simulation of the following flow problems using ‘commercial software packages: Fw overan irfoil li Supersonic owovera wedge Ui lar plate boundary layer iy) Lamina pipe os 9) Flow pasta cylinder Suggested Sorta: HLvENT ax: MATLAB

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