01 - GI - How To Use This Manual

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HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL INTRODUCTION... ‘SYMBOLS .. ‘TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS. 7. Connector View fama na Tomar capa Tie tbe shape of coma non ye fata atthe nec at | Citnguane Diween ma ore: | aaa Winer rang frat analo | 7 connocors otto meaning | aor town ae | - Some comets may rt ioton 1 this mae ot povirng oder et ado etaed matt tuetaon 2 forse CONNECTOR CON oe PET) |Rataarions mena? | Cotes tite 2, Numbering Order Navbsing oer era emai | RETEST] | nunonas none tom upper SIGHT loner LEFT. poor 1 eee TET] | numbered in ordar trom unper LEFT to lower RIGHT. | * NOTE : Numbering order has been changed from the 2002 MY 1-1 for vour convenience Iie exact opposite tothe 1998 MY Ft (Publeaton No. PVYE 80364). Betore reedng ard anslyang the schematic Gagrams,pleaas remember I ey INTRODUCTION “This Manual coni of melo elaproste secon or Secriea prdiom woublshootng. + scnomate trams (Comoonsnt oeton nd {Component isstone 1 Gomeroreotigrstons 1 Hamoss yout GENERAL INFORMATIONS ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ‘The starting pinot asc eystom seston sth schomatic ager. These grams show Pow ae cortpones ‘ork ogehor, sues as electelcurertpahs tom power urs to ground (va elctieal oa}, sch connections teach postin, and or related cet untone. ig important tay undortand how a rut works er {w boubleshosting and agnosis INTRODUCTION ‘COMPONENT LOCATION INDEXES ‘Won you want ola he schematic components on tne hele, use the Component Lect Indax whic Tons each sohamate. A\Component Location nda Se ajo components, comectora, grounds, doses, anther cal ooton ana page rooreoe. Components 112 Dig clock Ne Instiment stor Mss Fuslosnder MSs Fuolpump (Cat Engine osiant emeraturesorer osnoanes| sacoe’ cee rounds aos cor Diodes COMPONENT LOCATIONS Compenant Locations mae easy ofr the echemate ‘components ont vel shown tne Corer Lo ton Indo. ois Almost all components, connectors of grounds, and Giodee shown ova eshemate can ba pnplrea vauly by using to Comporent Location Masatons. Location Reference Page cus ae csc cat cue cus cn cus out CONNECTOR CONFIGURATIONS ‘Thiscocton showsthe cavity artorminalcestonsinalne rultyon connectors stown Inthe sohemate agra. Wet hsp yout este chock pots, together wn ho wie ‘obre and tarminal numbers inthe schematic. Tho cong Uraton drains show te consctor oa seen fom & GENERAL INFORMATIONS component ater ne harness connector has bon discon ‘ected, When mer than one conoctrsconoctogo@ ‘Component, te annacore ae all shown opener, oth hates of mine connector are shown oat: oe Lae] oe [ oe] or Lary EEE af] BLANK PAM) MER BLANK. BLANK CONNECTOR VIEW AND NUMBERING Gro 4. CONNECTOR VIEW Fale ile ener eta toys casey Tis nol he shape ofthe connector ftaton Poul, bit he somncir pe ni ostnguanesbomsen le Sriomale crmactors ‘non among fal and ls te mnw_|Comectr for fo th numbering —_ ‘ve | dor ne fteming a Peis me ornare may nti is [eee ‘raed of mmeateg cer, Formal tind umber, Te TTa]] | sserte me convertor ste =e) | ConriouraTions. INTRODUCTION An NOTE UNLESS OTHERISE STATED, ALL CONNECTOR VIEWS ARE FROM THE TERNAINAL SIDE OF THE ‘CONNECTOR. 2, NUMBERING ORDER Numbering order Rena Female Conecior ‘Numbered in oer rom upper ighto ower a TT Ty ‘Wale Connedtor "Numbered in ener from upper lef to lower right HARNESS LAYOUTS amos layous show he routing ofthe malo wing har nase, he ine connects andthe epioes twee he aor amesses. Thos layouts wil make eet tou Destectng eestor. is, SYMBOLS com “Tho syle an abbreviations explained i thie section sare use tought the manual ‘SYMBOLS IN SCHEMATIC GENERAL INFORMATIONS ‘components O Bees. lode Mayircanncr Fuse and Fuib k = oes GENERAL INFORMATIONS, Sees Senet, WIRE COLOR ABBREVIATIONS “Thaoloming aboreviton aroused ently wee clos Ino cet schematics Symbol aor a ire Syrbal Calor twee 5 Black o Orange ee Brown P Pik @ Groen F ed or Gray w Wine t ‘Be ¥ Yolow a lige Green HARNESS CLASSIFICATION loeicl wring connectors are casi according oho vieeg pare nthe Harness Layouts, amass name ‘sion ‘Syne Wain, Airbag Pamons Passenger Compara! “ Trsvument, Sich exsnsin, Blower Fars, ‘Under eas pa ‘i Boor souator homes Engine Wanarslon harness agra camparment € Fame harness Passenger F ‘Conte, Conve itnsin hamees (Chassis Conparmert © Door harness | eer D Foal, BS, Suro, Aton Ramos Feet R ‘SYMBOLS ce CONNECTOR IDENTIFICATION connector. These cannector cations can be fond inthe HARNESS LAYOUTS. | conectordentiaten symoot consis of weg harness locaton Slasscatonsyéelcoresponding ta For example weg arnes ston andnumbercoresponang tothe Pr comesponing o sub connector (Geri Number) ‘Nabe covesponding to main connasor (Srl Number) — Sy ndeatng wing hamass (Engine wing hamoss) ‘Connectors which connect each wing harness are ‘presented by the folowing symbols. Nore Foreames TL vem rene (Sora Number) ear with harecs Main wie hares JUNCTION BLOCK IDENTIFICATION ie hanate locaton and number corresponding tthe ‘anectr nthe Jancon ook ‘Ajuneton boc idenification symbol consis of wing hamess location lsseatonsyoel coresponding toa For xamole -Abbravation of he werd "Passenger compartment uncon bcok™ L - Fo example LL Number coraeponding to main connector (Sas Nu) bo indeatng wing Namess prt) -Abbrevaten othe Wor lunar” gu10 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS sca ‘TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES ‘Tha folowing fhe-stoptsblehoatng procedure I ec commended, 1. erty the customer's complaints ‘Turn onal the components into prob cut check the anuray of the customers compas. ‘Note ne sympoma, Do not begin desssomy oF festng unt! yu Mave narowed down the probable 2. Read and analyze the schematic lagram ‘Leoate ho schema forte problem cout. Det ‘mine Row to cout Is euppoced fo work by tracing {ha current pats rom the power source tough he “jeter components fo pound. Hy do ol unde ‘Sand how the eu shod work, tea te cc Op ‘rato tae Also check athe cuts tat share wih the prosiem ckeutThe name of ckeuls hat share tho same use, round, or etch, or xamplo, > {ereaoon each gre, Tyo opera ar shared ‘ets you di ot check stp 1 Ie shard = ‘cut wore, he shared wing ie okay, and the cause ‘ust win te wing used ont bye probiemc- ‘ut H overs outs a tho eam tino, be use ‘rground'i a kay ease ‘3 Inspect the cou component with the problem taolated Make a creat oto check ne diagnosis you made Instep 2. Ramemoor hata logeal, simp procedure iste toy fo eee ouoleshocting.Natrw down ‘he proetle causes using th troublshootng hints Brd-aystom agnosis charts Tost rhe most kay ‘auseof aro fst. Try fo make oss at points hat ao oasiy aocossble, 4 Repair tho problem ‘Once the proiam sound, make the necessary ro- pars 5. Make eure the crcult works epestine system chosktobe sure younaveropated ‘ha raion, tha pretiom was aown fu, De su to eta of te eats on tat ise, GENERAL INFORMATIONS ‘TROUBLESHOOTING EQUIPMENT \VOLTMETER AND TEST LAMP Use a tat lamp oa vlmete on stots without ote ‘af uns and ue testa fo chackfor vag. Ate lamp is mado up ota 12-vt ight bul with apa of oads ‘stashed. Afr grunding oe oad tou Be othe ead tovarous pons ag he creut where votago shows Drecant, When te bub goes on, hare vlage a he Dont boing aso CAUTION [A oumber of cious include soll-state modules ‘buch ae the Engine Control Module (ECM), used ‘th computer command cena! Injection." Vo Sige in these cout should be tasted only wth 2 tomegaohm or higher impedance digat vo ‘meter. Nover use tet lamp on cults that contain {old-state modves. Damage to the modules may ‘Avoteetor canbe used in place ofa ts amp. While & fost ip shone wtor tho vlage ls preset oa, ‘omer indestas how much vage i pres. SELF-POWERED TEST LAMP AND OHNMETER Use a st pomeres tet ap or an ohms to check foreaninuiy, The oer shows how uc osetanes thorelsbstween to posalong acct. Lom sian ‘moans goed cont CAUTION Never use a ealtpowered test lamp on iru that Contain eolid stale modules. Damage fo these mod- tes may result ‘an chmmtor can 2 usin place oso powered tet lamp. The onmmer shows how mach estan hres botwoan two pas long aceut Lom ositance mens (good cout ‘TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS CCrouite which iodo ey soldat dovigs should bo ‘esta ony wth atO-mogaoten or higher mpedance ag- ta tena. When mossutng restanco wih a ia ‘tmetoy,t batry negate ermal shouldbe seo nected. thorsa, tare may Hoores fexings. Diodes find sole-tatecovces i abe oveut can make an oe rater gv a fale reading. Tord oa component Seciog a measurement take one teang,rverae the loads ardtako a sooond roading, etrenthesle-tao JUMPER WIRE WITH FUSE Use a jue wr wih fuse to by-pass an open orc | per wie is made ip of an inne tus holder con ‘ects ost of tes lencs, Ths tote avalale wth ml lamp conectrs proving aaupton to most Son rectors wihout damage. CAUTION Do not use use witha higher ating than the spect. fd se that protect the cult beng tertod. Do not Use this foo in any station to substitute an input oF bulputat he soisetate control module, such as CM, Tom te —— a ‘SHORT FINDER A sor deri avaliable a sort to round. The ‘her inderewaes a pulsing magnete fed inte shored ‘reut and shows you the lean a So shot ough booy tim or hoot eta ‘TROUBLESHOOTING TEST TESTING FOR VOLTAGE ‘This tos measures votage In accu. When testing fr veiage ata comesor, you donot have to parte the two halves of he ennector intact, probe the eonnecor ‘rom the back Gacprobe). Avayechecs bt tes ofthe ‘connector bacause rt and coveionbatweon ts cots “uno oan eave oloctial presoms, 1 Connect one ina of tost imp oF votnetr to a (youn yous using a wom, sures he ‘oles gate tata you hav connected toons 2. Comect he ober oss of he tet ap oF voter toa slectd test pit connector otra). 3. se test amp gone, tras vlage proson Kyou ‘arousing a vorrtar othe votage reading. loss ‘tmote han atom speetieabonextas a peb. lem. giz TESTING FOR CONTINUITY 1. Disconnect he bata negate terminal 2. Connectone asset x set poweretot ip ooh rotor o one end ote part of he ereut you wis 0 {ast you ar using an obmeto, ol th eas o- ‘gether and ast be oer esd are ohms Connect na ther load te athe nd If se gener tst amp gms, Hao is contruty, Ifyou ar ing an onmmetr low 200 resistancs moana go contuity. TESTING FOR SHORT TO GROUND Disconnect the baer nogatv ominal 2. Connect one lad ofa set-powerad tos amp or an ‘hmmeter fo th ve ferinal on fe load sd. CConnacthe othe lato «ground Beginning roar fuse Bock move the harass fom soto soe. Continue tis proceedure (about ex Sones spar) wil watching the set-powered fost lar or ohrmoter 5. Whonthe aol powered tetlamp glows, orchnmster ‘ogi threisastortioa goundin hewn near ‘hat po GENERAL INFORMATIONS TESTING FOR A SHORT WITH A SHORT FINDER. 1. Removethe town fu, Leave the bstr connect 2. Coneat he sot incor across te use termina 4. Cloao al wicesin sari nth ot ats bang testing 4 Tm the sort out loetor sends pulses of rent th shot. This cae a peng magnet {ols areund te weg betwoon the fusebox ane he shor 5. Boghining athe fuse box, slowty move the snort finder song th ccut wing. To rato wil show tren pulses tough shoot metal anabody tin. As {eng es he meta betwoon th fuse and the shor. tho reeds wi move wth each cure pulse, Once {he mers roved past th pont ofthe she, he

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