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Preventing Wheat from

Drying due to Heat Waves

Group 4

Ari, Diza, Justin, Naomi, Salman

The Sun-Earth-Moon System

o The sun, earth, and moon are constantly
moving. These motions are the cause of
various natural phenomena in this world
including day and night, tides, eclipses, and

Background Problem
o Recently, heat waves has been drying various
plants all around the world. Because the heat
waves are too hot for the plants/they are too
dry and cant get enough water, crops are
o Crops should be able to be harvested because
they are an important food resource for

Project Purpose
o This project was made to find a solution to the
heat waves. We want to find a way to protect
the crops so that we will still be able to harvest
them during hotter temperatures.

Project Benefit
o This project can help reduce the negative eect
of heat waves towards crops and protect the
crops from drying.

Heat Waves
o Heat waves are prolonged periods of
abnormally hot weather.
o The average temperature of a heat wave
depends on the place but is usually 5 degrees
Celsius more than the average maximum
temperature of a place.

Eects of a Heat Wave

o The heat waves can aect both plants and
human beings.
o Plants/crops vulnerable to the abnormal heat
may dry up and we wont be able to harvest
o The heat waves can also cause dangerous heat
strokes that may result in death.

The Problem
o Heat waves are aecting wheat crops in
o The National Weather Service recorded
temperatures from 90-102 degrees Fahrenheit
in the area from May 29 to June 10.
o There was an estimated 20% drop of wheat
yields, but some lands and fields will be

Our Solution
o Our solution is to create a water storage below
the crops.
o Rainwater will flow down the pipes beside the
wheat that goes to the storage.
o Beside the crops, there will also be tall
showers. The water from the storage will be
pumped up to the showers to water the wheat
during hot days.

Our Solution
o This solution will be very expensive though,
because only one water storage tank for only
500 gallons can cost Rp. 8,381,000.
o But with better technology in the future, the
solution may be updated to a cheaper solution
with more quality.

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