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Independence and Behavior Goal

Present level of

Initial objective

Secondary objective

Annual objective

Exceeds annual

When R. is upset or over stimulated, he

screams and yells. The only coping
strategy he accesses is using headphones,
but even if he is prompted to place the
headphones on his head, he continues to
scream and yell, so the headphones are not
currently effective. This occurs about 5 out
of 5 situations when he is upset.
When faced with an upsetting situation, R.
will select and use a coping strategy 3 out
of 5 opportunities with visual supports and
2 verbal prompts.
When faced with an upsetting situation, R.
will select and use a coping strategy 3 out
of 5 opportunities with visual supports and
1 verbal prompt.
When faced with an upsetting situation, R.
will select and use a coping strategy 3 out
of 5 opportunities with visual supports.
When faced with an upsetting situation, R.
will select and use a coping strategy 4 out
of 5 opportunities with visual supports.

Social Goal

Present level of

Initial objective

Secondary objective

Annual goal

Exceeds annual goal

When peers ask R. a question, he responds

with thumbs up or Im fine 100% of the
time, rather than responding to the actual
question. If an adult asks R. a question and
offers 2 verbal choices, he will answer ~2/5
When given visual supports, R. will respond
to questions from an adult on 3 out of 5
opportunities in a one-on-one setting.
When given visual supports, R. will respond
to questions from peers on 3 out of 5
opportunities in a one-on-one setting.
When given visual supports, R. will respond
to questions from peers on 3 out of 5
opportunities in a small group setting.
In a small group setting, R. will respond to
questions from peers on 3 out of 5

opportunities independently.

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