Exploring Organisational Structure and Culture Management Essay

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Exploring Organisational Structure And Culture Management Essay

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The aim of the assignment are to measure the outcome of students' learning in terms of knowledge acquired, understanding developed and
skills or abilities gained in relation to achieve the learning outcomes.
This scenario/case study has been written to help you identify, analyse, outline and evaluate the problems covered in the assignment criteria.
It is written to enable you not only to understand the behaviour of people within organisations and the significance of organisational
structure and characteristics. But it also provides you with the opportunity to explore your opinion and advise others.

Case study
Assessment Criteria for Pass
Assessment Scenario/Case Study
Exploring organisational structure and culture
(P1) Compare and contrast different organisational structure and culture
(P2) Analyse the relationship between the organisation structure and culture and the effects on the business
(P3) Analyse the factors which influence individual behaviour at work
A large number of supermarkets have opened in the UK to take advantages of the growth in the UK economy.
In the supermarket business there are Sainsbury, Tesco, Asda, Morrison, etc. and they turn to compete each others increasing market shares.

Sainsbury's is best known not only as a supermarket retailer for Supermarket/Grocery goods but also its retail banking services and retail
property development services. In retail banking the main competition comes from Tesco Financial Services, M & S Financial Services, the
traditional high street banks, Egg, Halifax and Abbey National mortgages.
J Sainsbury PLC is the parent organisation controlling these operating companies: Sainsbury's Supermarkets; Shaw's Supermarkets;
Sainsbury's Bank; JS Developments, and Sainsbury's Property Company.
Sainsbury's believe that they have a range of employment policies to ensure that their workforce is as representative of the wider community
as possible. Staffs often have a choice of work arrangements including: part-time, flexible contracts for retail employees, job share, home
working, enhanced maternity leave/pay, paternity leave, career break schemes for childcare, and special leave for personal development or
caring responsibilities.

Examine different approaches to management

and leadership and theories of organisations
(P4) Analyse how organisational theory underpins principles and practices of organising and of management
(P5) Compare the different approaches to management and theories of organisation
In their mission statement, they mention, "Our mission is to be the consumer's first choice for food, delivering products of outstanding
quality and great service at a competitive cost through working 'faster, simpler and together."
The company also has an Equality and Diversity policy, with a Steering Group led by a Board Director to advise the group. Sainsbury's played
a lead role in the Business in the Community's 'Race for Opportunity' survey in 2001. There is a Fair Treatment policy for handling grievances
and complaints and the company funds an independently-run confidential 24 hour helpline.
On disability issues, Sainsbury's are senior members of the Employers' Forum on Disability. They also support the Learning Consortium,
helping talented people with disabilities to move into senior management positions.
Sainsbury's believe their brand is seen as representing quality and value for money, as well as high standards of customer service.
But, of course, every supermarket is a reflection not only of its own brand (Sainsbury's, Tesco, Asda and so on), but also of the management
within the shop.
Sainsbury's wants to give display space to popular, high margin brands; and the producers of these brands want to be associated with
Sainsbury's and will compete with each other for the 'best' space within stores.

Examine the relationship between motivational

theories (L03)
(P6) Discuss different leadership styles and the effectiveness of these leadership approaches.
(P7) Explain different motivational theories and their application within the work place.
(P8) Assess the relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management

Demonstrate an understanding of working with

others, teamwork, groups, and group dynamics
(P9) Describe the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations.
(P10) Investigate the factors that lead to effective teamwork and the influences that threaten success.
(P11) Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organisation
"Sainsbury plc's present focus is to improve the performance of the core UK supermarket chain.

The company operates performance-related pay and bonus schemes for middle and senior managers.
Save-As-You-Earn scheme for supermarket staff offers chance for company shares to be bought at a 20% discount.
A profit-sharing scheme allows employees to have shares or cash. Roughly 50% of the company's shares are owned by current or former staff
and it is this scheme that is largely responsible.
Under a staff discount scheme, employees receive a 10% reduction on products bought from the company.
Long service awards are given to staff with 15, 25 or 40 years' service.
Sainsbury's Supermarkets employs over 145,000 people. Of these, 60% are part-time and 40% full-time. 62% of employees are women.
Their policy is based on a commitment to:
Provide workplaces where all staff feel valued, respected and able to contribute to the business
Employ a workforce that recognises the diversity of current and potential customers

Prepare an assignment covering the issues described. The assignment must be presented document not more than 2500 words excluding the
references and bibliography.

PART 1: Pass Criteria

1. Compare and contrast different organisational structures and cultures within the UK supermarkets industry. PI
2. Analyse the relationship between the organisation structure and culture of J Sainsbury PLC and how this affects the performance of
business. P2
3. Analyse the factors that may influence individual behaviour of J Sainsbury PLC's Employees. P3
4. Analyse how organisational theory underpins principles and practices of organising and of management. How would this impact on the
creation of the new chain of restaurants. P4

5. Compare the different approaches to management and theories of organisation that Sainsbury PLC use.P5
6. Discuss different leadership styles that Sainsbury PLC may adopt in the business and the effectiveness of these leadership approaches. P6
7. Explain different motivational theories and their application within the business. P7
8. Assess the relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management and advice the impact of management practice on staff
motivation. P8
9. Describe the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations. P9

10. Investigate the factors that will lead to effective teamwork within the new business and the influences that threaten success of teamwork.
11. Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within the business. P11

PART 2: Merit Criteria Distinction Criteria

Merit Criteria:
1. Identify roles of stakeholders and recommend strategies that Sainsbury PLC might apply to find out for their new local store. Ml
2. What techniques or strategies Sainsbury PLC could apply to analyse how changes in environmental factors will impact on business. M2
3. Present your recommendations and advice to Sainsbury PLC with appropriate leadership approaches for future implications in a word
processed. M3
Distinction Criteria:
4. Analyse the strategies that Sainsbury PLC may use to deal with conflicts within the operation and justify any recommendations made. (Dl)
5. Demonstrate that you have taken responsibility for managing and organising your work and have presented it the manner required. (D2)
6. In presenting your recommendations and advice you should demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking throughout. (D3)

Specification of Assessment
The assignment consists of four main parts.
Exploring organisational structure and culture
Examine different approaches to management and leadership and theories of organisation
Examine the relationship between motivational theories
Demonstrate an understanding of working with others, teamwork, groups and group dynamics.

Structure to be covered in the assignment

Literature review
Findings and analysis
Conclusion and recommendation(s):

Evaluation Criteria:

The assignment should be well-balanced and present information efficiently with respect to depth of questions. The assignment should use
headings and subheadings to effectively guide the reader and should avoid unnecessarily repeating information.
The content of the assignment should 'flow' easily so that the reader does not have difficulty understanding it. For example, the subheadings
and material within each subheading should be linked logically.
Spelling and other grammatical errors are unacceptable. Information from the references should be effectively woven together with the
conceptual framework.
The aims of this assignment are to measure the outcome of students' learning in terms of knowledge acquired, understanding developed and
skills or abilities gained in relation to the achievement of the learning outcomes and criteria outlined below:

Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Grading

Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour Guildhall College

Merit Descriptors
Distinction Descriptors
M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
M2: Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings
D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking

Achievement of a pass grade

A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for pass for each unit.

Achievement of a merit or Distinction grade

All the assessment criteria and merit grade descriptors need to be completed within a unit to achieve a merit grade.
All the assessment criteria merit and distinction grade descriptors must be completed within a unit to achieve a distinction grade.



Plagiarism and Collusion

Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations. In this context the definition and scope of
plagiarism are presented below:
'Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents, as his/her own work, the work, written or otherwise, of any other person (including
another student) or of any institution. Examples of forms of plagiarism include [1] :
the verbatim (word for word) copying of another's work without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement;
the close paraphrasing of another's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without appropriate and
correctly presented acknowledgement;
unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another's work;
The deliberate and detailed presentation of another's concept as one's own.'
All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, written work, diagrams, designs, engineering drawings and

'Collusion occurs when, unless with official approval (e.g. in the case of group projects), two or more students consciously collaborate in the
preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is
represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts. Collusion also occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between
a student and another person in the preparation and production of work which is presented as the student's own. (ibid)'

Extension and Late Submission

If an extension is necessary for a valid reason, requests can me made using a course work extension request form available from the college.
Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a
coursework extension.
The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.

Support Material
Particularly relevant texts are:
Organisational Behaviour, Individuals, Groups and Organisation 2nd Edition (Prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN: 0877781265
Huczynski A and Buchanan D - Organisational Behaviour: An Introductory Text (Prentice Hall, 2000) ISBN: 0273651021
Maccoby M - Why Work: Motivating and Leading the New Generation (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1998) ISBN: 067147281X
Mullins L - Management and Organisational Behaviour 5th Edition (Pitman Publishing, London, 1999) ISBN: 0273651471
Robbins S - Essentials of Organisational Behaviour 4th Edition (Prentice Hall International, 2003) ISBN: 0582820758
Robbins_ Organizational Behaviour , (Prentice Hall, 2002) 9th Edition ISBN: 8120317084
Mullins L, Management and Organisational Behaviour (2008), Pearson Education ISBN: 9781405854764
Roger B - Organisational Behaviour - (Pitman Publishing, 1997) ISBN: 0712110690

Journal: Useful articles regularly appear in the business pages of quality newspapers and business magazines.

Programme : BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computing
Unit Number and Title: Organisations and Behaviour (Unit 3)
Unit Level: H1
Assignment Ref. Number: 03.1.1- Organisations and Behaviour
Module Tutor : Thandar Tin Win
Email : greatlamp@gmail.com
Learner's Name: ____________________ Learner ID: ___________________

Information /Feedback on assessment and

grading criteria
Assessment Criteria
Provide evidence to support a knowledge and understanding of database environments
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Examine a range of issues that are integral to database environments such as the end user, use across different platforms and compatibility

Report / Presentation/ Practical

Identify the importance of DBMS in commercial and non-commercial environments
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Use database or database function applications software
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Develop a range of sample input and output screens e.g. tables, forms and reports, dropdown lists, checkboxes, etc
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Critique the software used and state how it will be used to develop your own database design
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Apply normalisation techniques to a given data set

Report / Presentation/ Practical

Use a range of database tools and techniques
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Design a fully working database
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Demonstrate the database design to a third party
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Provide clear justifications as to the structure of the database or the use of particular tools and techniques
Report / Presentation/ Practical
Provide supporting documentation to complement the design

Report / Presentation/ Practical

Grading Criteria (Merit -M; Distinction -D)

Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Select/design and apply appropriate
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Present and communicate appropriate findings

Report / Presentation/ Practical

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and
justify valid conclusions
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Take responsibility for managing and organising
Report / Presentation/ Practical

Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking

Report / Presentation/ Practical

Assessor's General Comments:

Assessor's Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour Guildhall College

Learner's Comments:
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Feedback of this coursework will normally be given to students four week after the submission of an assignment.

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