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Biology 11H

An Eggy Exercise Experiment

Name: Parker Burns

Purpose: __________________________________________________________________________________________
4 eggs
4 beakers


Corn Syrup
Ruler and Scale

1. Weigh each egg and measure its diameter and record data in the Pre-Experiment Egg column.
2. Place each egg into a beaker and cover with vinegar. Soak all 3 eggs in vinegar overnight
3. VERY DELICATELY drain the vinegar from each egg and record any changes (weight, diameter, size, colour
etc.) in the After Soaking in Vingear column
4. Replace the vinegar with Powerade, Corn Syrup, 7Up or Water so the egg is covered
5. Wait overnight and record any changes seen in the eggs in the appropriate column.
Observations Chart:


Height: 18cm
Width: 15cm
Weight: 61.4g

Height: 16cm
Width: 14cm
Weight: 59.9g

Height: 18cm
Width: 13cm
Weight: 56.4g

After Soaking
in Vinegar

After Soaking
in Powerade

Soaking in

Soaking in
Corn Syrup

After Soaking
in Water

Height: 20cm Height: 19cm

Width: 19cm Width: 17cm
Weight: 81.6g Weight: 91.1g
Height: 16cm
Width: 14cm
Weight: 84.2g
Height: 19cm
Width: 15cm
Weight: 84.2g

Width: 16cm

Height: 16cm
Width: 15cm
Weight: 57g

Killed in Action


1. What does the egg represent in this experiment?

The egg represents a cell.

2. Why did we have to pre-soak the eggs in vinegar before testing the post-workout drinks?

To get rid of the outer shell but keep the membrane of the egg.
3. Describe the changes that you observed in each egg? Try to explain why these changes may have happened.
(HINT: water movement, solution concentration etc.)
Egg 1:

This egg got substantially denser after soaking in the Powerade.

Even though its height and width didnt change dramatically the
weight of the egg increased an insane amount.
Egg 2:

This egg didnt change much in weight. The height and width did
change very slightly but overall the egg seemed to stay the same. I
think this is because the properties of vinegar and 7Up are similar
enough to not cause major changes.
Egg 3:

This egg became slightly shorter and lost a bit of weight but besides that the
egg basically stayed the same. I am a bit more lost with the reasoning of this
but if I had to make an estimate this has to do with the fact that milk is a
generally less acidic and more boring liquid that flows well with the
membrane. I believe this is what caused the egg to not change drastically.
Egg 4:

No data due to the egg being killed in an act of bravery after soaking in
vinegar. RIP.
Which type of drink (Water, Powerade, Corn Syrup or 7Up) would you choose and why? Use your results
from the Eggy Exercise Experiment to support your decision.
If I had to pick a drink I would pick the Powerade because not only did it seem to create the greatest effects on the egg
but if you had successful results you have a higher change of being sponsored for future science experiments!
Powerade: Real Power Comes From Within.

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