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Chapter 9 Notes: The Confederation and the Constitutions

The Pursuit of Equality


Some 80,000 Loyalists left the colonies and there was a lack of conservatives
o This weakened the upper class of aristocrats and left some Patriots to
A fight for a separation of church and state started to take place
o Anglican Church reformed as the Protestant Episcopal Church
Slavery was a huge issue since in 1774 the Continental Congress had called
for abolition
o There was a new sense of all men created equal
o Some slave owners freed their slaves
Women still unequal to men
o Mothers were very devoted to their families and created idea of
republican motherhood
Women raised children so held the future of the republic
Helped elevate womens status

Constitution Making in the States


Continental Congress of 1776 wanted the colonies to make their own

o The Articles of Confederation started to come about
o Massachusetts called a special convention to put together its
Could only be changed by a constitutional convention
The oldest constitution in the world
o States made ones with fundamental laws and bill of rights for the
o Many constitutions weak because they still remembered Britains
A lot of times the legislative branch given a ton of power
Many state capitals moved west to follow the migration of people west

Economic Crosscurrents

After the war, Loyalists lands were seized

o Distributed to the people or created towns out of them
Goods from Britain were cut off from bitterness
o Forced America to make their own goods
o America still stayed primarily based on agriculture
o Could now trade with foreign countries
But there was bad inflation and a hatred for taxes
o Articles of Confederation couldnt enforce them, just asked
o Much disrespect of private property
o American was badly in debt

A Shaky Start Toward Union


People not united still in America


The war had united them but now that was also gone
All the colonies had similar constitutions and political influences
Had great political leaders to show them the way
Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Madison and Adams

Creating a Confederation

The states wanted a confederation in charge so it wasnt as powerful

o This resulted in Articles of Confederation in 1777
Ratified by last state of Maryland in 1778
o States had created some of their own laws
A dispute was that all the big states had huge pieces of land they could sell to
pay of their depts.
o Smaller states could not do so, so they came to a compromise
o Lands were given to the federal government instead to use for good of
Called the Northwest Ordinance

The Articles of Confederation: Americas First Constitution


Articles set up a very weak government

o Colonies still remembered abuse of the British and didnt want strong
o So there was no executive branch and 2/3 majority rule
o Congress was very, very weak
Could not regulate commerce or enforce tax collection
States printed their own paper money (increased inflation)
States competed for foreign trade
Only soldiers were from the states and didnt want to help each
this government was a stepping stone toward the U.S. Constitution
o but the states also had a lot of power & werent united

Landmarks in Land Laws


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped divide up the Ohio Valley

o The money selling the land helped pay national debt
o Surveyed carefully before settlement
o Divided into townships with one section set aside for a school
This is important when it comes to educating the young
This helped develop the idea of how states are made
o When a territory had 60,000 people they could make a constitution
If Congress approved they were made into a state

The Worlds Ugly Duckling


Britain was bitter and refused to remove Navigation Laws or to trade with
o Kept soldiers on U.S. soil to make sure they paid back debt
In 1784 Spain closed the Mississippi River to American commerce
o Was openly hostile to the Americans

o With the Indians, Spain and England kept U.S. from much of its territory
France was even less friendly to U.S.
o Wanted its debts paid

The Horrid Specter of Anarchy


Foreign debt was increasing while no states would pay taxes

Shays Rebellion in 1786 in Massachusetts
o Shay angry over farmland mortgages and inability to get land
He was convicted but later pardoned
o Fear of violence and unrest made some people want a stronger
Some people doubted the Articles and thought they needed strengthening
o Prosperity was starting to emerge so it was looking brighter

A Convention of Demigods

In Annapolis, Maryland a convention was called to address the Articles issues

o Only five states came so they decided to meet the next year
o John Adams saved it
May 25, 1787, 55 delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia
o Hamilton, Franklin and Madison
o People like Paine, Jefferson and Hancock were not there

Patriots in Philadelphia

Delegates were well-off and mostly young

o Wanted to preserve American democracy
o Wanted to stop violence and rebellions
o Preserve the union

Hammering Out a Bundle of Compromises


Decided to scrap the Articles and create a whole new Constitution

o Virginia wanted representatives based on state population
Virginia Plan
o New Jerseys small state place based on equal representation
o The Great Compromise had Congress have two houses
The House of Representative based on population
Senate where each state had two representatives
A strong executive branch with a president
o Would be elected by the Electoral College instead of directly by the
Slaves count as 3/5 of a person in counts for representation
o The 3/5 Compromise
o No more slave importation after 1807

Safeguards for Conservatism


Everyone at convention wanted checks and balanced in the system

o Justices were appointed for life
o Electoral college created a buffer between the people and presidency

o People voted for of 1/3 of the government

End of Convention on sept 17 only 42 of the 55 delegates were there to sign
the Constitution

The Clash of Federalists and Anti-federalists


Sent copies to all the states to debate and voted upon

o The people could decide for themselves
o American people shocked that Articles had been thrown out
Federalists favored the stronger government
o Many were the richer class and more respectable
Anti-federalists were against the Constitution (anti-democratic)
o Mostly poor farmers and the poorer classes
o Wanted a promise of a Bill of Rights so they wouldnt be forgotten

The Great Debate in the States


Elections were run to elect people into the state conventions

o Four smalls states quickly ratified the Constitution
Pennsylvania was first big state to make a move
o Massachusetts had a hard debate but ratified it after a promise of a bill
of rights
3 more states ratified and the Constitution adopted on June 21, 1788
o Only four states had not ratified it

The Four Laggard States


Virginia realized it could not survive by itself so it ratified the Constitution

New York was swayed by The Federalist Papers (John Jay, James Madison and
o Couldnt survive by itself away from the union
North Carolina and Rhode Island ratified after pressure from other states and

A Conservative Triumph

Majority had triumphed and this time peacefully

o Only of adult white males had voted for the Constitution
o Safeguards put up against mob-rule excesses
Federalists believed that every branch represented the people
o Anti-federalists believed only the legislative branch
Constitution was the basis for democratic

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