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[Calvin Fancett, Gabriel Rayo, Matt Bateman, Harsh Patel]

[CEO-Calvin Fancett]
[Vice president of operations-Gabriel Rayo]
[Chairman-Matthew Bateman]
[Vice president of marketing and sales-Harsh Patel]
[42 Wallaby way, Sydney Australia]
ABN: [69420694201]
ACN: [87482]

Finance & Marketing
Prepared: [12/05/2014]

Business Plan Summary.................................................................................2
The Business.............................................................................................................. 2
The Market................................................................................................................. 3
The Future................................................................................................................. 3
The Finances.............................................................................................................. 3
The Business.................................................................................................4
Business details......................................................................................................... 4
Registration details.................................................................................................... 4
Business premises..................................................................................................... 4
Organisation chart..................................................................................................... 4
Management & ownership.........................................................................................4
Key personnel............................................................................................................ 5
Products/services....................................................................................................... 6
Innovation.................................................................................................................. 6
Insurance................................................................................................................... 6
The Market.................................................................................................... 7
Market research......................................................................................................... 7
Market targets........................................................................................................... 7
Your customers.......................................................................................................... 7
Marketing, Advertising & Sales..................................................................................8
Marketing budget [YEAR]......................................................................................... 10
The Finances................................................................................................ 11
Key objectives & financial review.............................................................................11
Assumptions............................................................................................................ 11
Start-up costs for [YEAR].......................................................................................... 12
Balance sheet forecast............................................................................................ 13
Profit and loss forecast............................................................................................. 14
Expected cash flow.................................................................................................. 15
Break-even analysis................................................................................................. 16
Supporting documentation...........................................................................17

Finance & Marketing Plan Summary

[Your business summary should be no longer than a page and should focus on why your
business is going to be successful. Your answers below should briefly summarise your
more detailed answers provided throughout the body of this plan.]

The Business
Business name: [Levis.]
Business structure: [Manufacturing Company]
ABN: [64420]
ACN: [87482]
Business location: [42 Wallaby way, Sydney, Australia]
Date established: [3/8/2007]
Business owner(s):
Chairman [Matt Bateman]
CEO [Calvin Fancett]
Relevant owners experience [chairman, CEO]:
12 years of experience as a chairman for companies such Spotlight and Harvey
Norman [chairman]
Master of logistic management from the university of Sydney [chairman]
Australian Institute of Management Excellence Award [chairman]
Public speaking skills [chairman]
5 year experience as a general manager and 3- current as a CEO for LEVIS [CEO]
Master of Commerce from the university of Sydney [CEO]
Australian Institute of Management Excellence Award [CEO]
Exceptional presentational skills [CEO]
Has innovations, Came up the idea for energy efficient LED [CEO]
Started up the business, LEVIS [CEO]
Products/services: Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are widely used for many high-powered
lighting applications, including internal lighting in cars, flat screen televisions and display
monitors. LED lighting has many advantages over the traditional incandescent and
fluorescent lighting; consequently more industries are turning to LED lighting technology.
Due to the durability of LED components, LED lighting has a 50% longer lifespan than
fluorescent lighting and has relatively less maintenance requirements. This makes LEDs
far more cost efficient despite its initial higher upfront purchasing costs. For example over
three years approximately $53,002 can be saved if a company uses LED lights instead of
fluorescent lighting. LED technology caters for wide range of audiences including
architecture, the car industry, retail display industry and domestic lighting industry.
Researchers around the world are currently engaged on exploring ways to continually
improve the energy efficiency of LEDs. The future of LED is optimistic and plans to bring
the new improve domestics product to personal consumer is exciting. The new improve
LED is predicted to provide a brighter, crisper displays for electronic devices, and the
versatility of a T.V that can be rolled up like a poster and carried around. Our company

will produce LEDs using a revolutionary new method which would bring a higher energy
efficiency rating, with a guaranteed 33% longer lifespan when compared to conventional
LEDs and a remarkable, 10 times longer life than fluorescent and incandescent lighting.

The Market
Target market:
[Who are you selling to? Why would they buy your products/services over others?]
Marketing strategy:
[How do you plan to enter the market? How do you intend to attract customers? How and
why will this work?]

The Future
Vision statement:

Expand Manufacturing to Europe, Asia and America.

To become the most prestiges LED company in the world.
To revolutionise the world

We here at LEVIS have a goal. We intend to solve the world biggest energy related crisis
by providing cheap, affordable but long lasting energy efficient products. We would utilise
a revolutionary method of production with a guarantee to produce less pollution and rid
the world of some of its most troublesome problems (global warming and plastic bags
waste). We plan to become the world most prestigious company starting with our
manufacturing expansion in to Europe, Asia and South America. We currently
manufactured LED which uses conventional semi-conductor materials. However leading
research conducted by our nano-scientists has discover a revolutionary material that
would guarantee an increase of LED life span by 33%. We are currently not disclosing
information on our latest breakthrough but we promise this would be the event that
brings our company vision in to a reality. We also have plans to revolutionise the world.
Our cutting edge technology will revolutionise entertainment and other marketing areas.
Our cutting edge LED technology will transform the way interact will electronic media. No
longer will entertainment be limited by dull and conventional products. We here at LEVIS
promise you in a few years time you will have accessed to excellent innovative products
like poster T.V to LED wallpaper these product are just some products our company has to

Provide affordable but long lasting energy efficient LEDs

Repay depts. and start making a profit
To solve the world biggest energy related crisis. To provide more energy efficient
product while creating less environmental pollution. A product that is more
versatile and robust while being efficient in electric energy storage and

Innovation is one of our top priorities here at LEVIS. A great portion of our fund is used to
research and developed technology that is energy efficient and affordable. Our research
and marketing staff are all of the highest quality all having degrees in their respected
field. We here at LEVIS have devised many strategies aim to help meet our objectives.

One in particular is conducting through research on the financial of our product making
sure it can be produced with minimal environmental impact, affordable by general and
major consumers and make a profit at the end. These are extremely hard tasks but we at
LEVIS are confident it can be done. Current prediction put our product within the price
range of the average consumers but we believe we can significantly lower it. Our
engineers staffs have already begun work on reducing production costs where it can be
made. This step is a positive step in ensuring our product is of the highest quality while
being financially affordable.

Beneficial innovative products are not free. We here at LEVIS provide you with worlds
cutting edge products but it has it costs. Currently we are in financial dept. but we are
confident our depts. will be re-payed. Consumers know our company is the company that
will provide the best products at the lowest prices. That is why we know our dept. will be
re-payed. In fact our financial and sale specialists have predicted our company will be out
of dept. in the next couple of years due to the raise in demands for our cutting edge
products and innovative ideas. To ensure the company does not fall in to dept. again the
CEO, chairman and the board of directors has decided to cut human services within
manufacturing and replaced them with robotic equipments. This move will ensure the
highest quality of products and reduces the chance of product defect due to
manufacturing error. The board has also decided to reduce salary everyone in the
company and utilise that money on research for the next innovate product. These moves
will bring a positive outcome for the company in the near future. However in the
meantime the company will appreciate if donations were made to help pay of depts. Our
company guarantees your donations will benefit you in the long run.
We here at LEVIS do not make false promises. We have a strategy that will solve the world
biggest energy related crisis and create a sustainable society with adequate renewable
energy. This is a daunting task but here at LEVIS with our cutting edge scientists and
engineers we have found a way to solve the world energy crisis by providing long lasting
energy efficient LED. We guarantee our revolutionary LED will uses a new kind of semiconductors which will produces one third of the resistance compared to the standard
semiconductors used in LEDs thus making our LEDs more energy efficient by producing
less heat energy and increasing their lifespan. Our production method will use plastics
waste which furthers benefit society as it is directly linked conservation of our natural
ecosystem in the near future by reducing the number of plastic waste.

The Finances
[Briefly outline how much profit you intend on making in a particular timeframe. How
much money will you need up-front? Where will you obtain these funds? What portion will
you be seeking from other sources? How much of your own money are you contributing
towards the business?]
For the first couple of years the company top priority is to pay off debts; our current dept
value is 13,938,732 dollars. According to our financial and marketing experts profit
earned in the first years of production will be around $7,300,000. This value is based on
the assumption that all 36,500,000 LEDs produced are sold. It is planned half of the dept
will be paid in the first year and the second half in the second year. Our projected gross
profit for two years is $14, 600, 000 (7,300,000*2 = 14, 600,000).
How much money up-front do you need?
The start-up cost is $13,938,732; this takes into the account of the cost of security,
worker wage (factory workers), and expenses to build and maintain the facility. If some of
the factors mentioned previously are not considered. The cost to build the factory,

purchase lands and builder wages will be $8,938,732. The cost of patenting our product
will be $400 (standard patenting), and insurance costs per year is $18,875. Therefore, the
total cost of building the factory is $8,939,132. The total up-front costs is $8,939,132 (to
build the factory) and $13,9938,732 to operate the factory and transport costs for one
year with insurance cover.
Where will you obtain the funds?
LEDs are surprisingly on high demand for the last 3 years. Digitimes Research has shown
that the global LED lighting market will be worth US$25.4 billion. Certain companies, such
as Apple, are looking for energy efficient and long lasting LED lights. Therefore, to be able
to collect the funding money to start up our company would be using the private backer
method. By using carbon nanotubes as a semi-conductor in an LED light, it can drastically
improve the energy efficiency of the LED light. This makes it very popular to
manufacturers of TV, computer, phone industry, or a company that manufacturers an
LED. As explained before, these companies are looking for more energy efficient LEDs.
The company that we have pursued is Apple. This is because recently, Apple has been
looking for ways to find energy efficient LEDs to be used in their computers and laptops.
As Apple is a big company, we will need to sell some of our shares to them as if we made
a loan, it would be hard to pay the loan back because of the risks of the failure of the
project. By selling some of our shares the company could sell our shares to other
companies or other individuals. This could allow them to make money from selling the
shares. Therefore, the safer option for a contract with Apple is to sell some of our shares
to them. Currently, our companys stock market value is $15 million with 466, 910 shares,
and $31.86 per share. Our company is willing to sell 50% of our shares to the top three
big companies that are willing to pay for our funding. This would give us $7, 437, 876. 30,
for the start-up project. (half of 466, 910 is 233, 455, 233, 455*31.86 = 7, 437, 876. 30.
Therefore $7, 437, 876. 30)
What portion will you be seeking from loans, investors, business partners,
friends or relatives, venture capital or government funding?
To start-up the business for the energy-efficient LEDs the company would need
$13,938,732. The total amount of funding we would get from our investors is
$7,437,876.30. This would give is 53% of the money needed to start-up the project.
($13,938,732/$7,427,876 = 53.3%). This leaves us with 47% for other sources of money
to fund our project. As this company has had other products sold over the last 6 years,
the company has made $20 million worth of revenue. The company could provide 20% of
the funding for the project, which is $2,787, 746 ($13,938,732*0.2 = $2,787,746).
Therefore, we would need $3,714.110 more to be able to fund the business. Our company
has deduced that we will make a loan of $3,714,110 from our bank. This is because the
friends and relatives that we have will not be able to pay off the $3.7 million that is
needed for the project to go through. Therefore, our company would have to make a loan
to the bank to be able to start this project.
In conclusion, the portion from loans is 27%, the portion from our own venture capital is
20%, and the portion of the money for this project gathered from investors is 53%. When
all of these percentages are added together, they must add up to 100%. 27 + 20 = 47,
47 + 53 = 100.
How much of your own money are you contributing towards the business?
Considering the amount of money ($13, 938, 732) needed for this project to be started up
and built, the company has decided to pay off 20% of the money to start up this project
as explained before. Therefore, this leaves the company with $17,212,254 left for its

[Briefly outline how much profit you intend on making in a particular timeframe. How
much money will you need up-front? Where will you obtain these funds? What portion will
you be seeking from other sources? How much of your own money are you contributing
towards the business?]

The Business
Business details
As of right now, our company are manufacturing and selling LEDs that does not have the
specific material that will improve the LEDs. This business has been running for about 3-4
years now, and our company has been successful in selling our LEDs to the people. We
currently stand at $15,380,000 stock/share market value. We have a total of $20,701,000
worth of revenue. By adding these two numbers, our company currently has $36,100,000
business purchase price. Not only did the LEDs produce the amount of money that our
company has today, we also sold other light products and services that have contributed
to the profit that we have accumulated over the years. Here are some examples of the
other products that we sell:
CFL bulbs
Screen repairs
As LEDs werent really a factor when we started this business, our first product was CFL
bulbs.CFL bulbs (Compact Flourecent Light bulbs) are four times more energy efficient
compared to the incandescent lights. The CFL bulbs also lasts up to 10 times longer than
incandescent lights. A 22 Watt CFL has about the same light output as a 100 watt
incandescent light. These CFLs also use about 50-80% less energy than incandescents do
because how CFLs produce their light. In a CFL an electrical current is driven through a
tube that contains argon and a small amount of mercury vapour. This process generates
invisible light that excites the fluorescent coating, called phosphor on the inside of the
tube which then emits light. These CFLs also use a little more energy and time to start up,
but as soon as it starts up they use about 75% less power than incandescent bulbs. This
entire process typically happens within 30 to 3 minutes to complete, which is the reason
why CFLs take longer to light up compared to other sources of light. Our company has
sold six types of CFLs, each CFL has its own shape and design:,
Accessed: 22/05/2014
hrFlmuIfaUoTaPeSfA&bvm=bv.67229260,d.dGI, Accessed: 22/05/2014
1. Spiral Lamps
2. Triple Tube Lamps
3. Standard Lamps
4. Globe Lamps
5. Flood Lamps
6. Candalabra, Accessed: 22/05/2014
Our second product/serive is called screen repairs. This is a pretty straight forward branch
of our company because this branch mainly does what it says. This branch repairs
screens that are damaged. Our company has decided to build this branch as the newer
and more energy efficient LEDs started to become famous. This has put our company in a
downhill. This screen repairs increased our company by a couple of millions that will help

us build the new project that our company has decided to do. To make an energy efficient
Currently we are building up our funds for us to be able to make this project, and allow
certain companies to buy shares to help us with selling our product. As LEDs are on high
demand today being used in a wide range of areas, such as high-powered lighting
applications, including internal lighting in cars, flat screen televisions and display
monitors. This is because LEDs are more efficient compared to the incandescent and
fluorescent lighting. Most companies are looking towards LED lighting as they are more
durable has 50% longer lifespan than most of the and it has a relatively low maintenance
and repair cost. This makes LEDs far more cost efficient despite its initial higher upfront
purchasing costs. For example over three years approximately $53,002 can be saved if a
company uses LED lights instead of fluorescent lighting. LED technology caters for wide
range of audiences including architecture, the car industry, retail display industry and
domestic lighting industry. Researchers around the world are currently engaged on
exploring ways to continually improve the energy efficiency of LEDs. The future of LED is
optimistic and plans to bring the new improve domestics product to personal consumer is
exciting. The new improve LED is predicted to provide a brighter, crisper displays for
electronic devices, and the versatility of a T.V that can be rolled up like a poster and
carried around. Our company will produce LEDs using a revolutionary new method which
would bring a higher energy efficiency rating, with a guaranteed 33% longer lifespan
when compared to conventional LEDs and a remarkable, 10 times longer life than
fluorescent and incandescent lighting.

Registration details
Business name: [Levis]
Trading name(s): [LVS]
Date registered: [3/8/2008]
Location(s) registered: [42 Wallaby way, Sydney Australia]
Business structure: [Manufacture/company]
ABN: [69420694201]
ACN: [874826942]
GST: Date registered: March 30, 2008
Domain names: [Levis]
Licences & permits: [List all the licences or permits you have registered]
Licences & permits: (All licences and permits are from Victoria and the Australian


Approved Occupational Clothing Guidelines

Average Quantity Systems
British Pharmacopoeia
Code of Practice for Confined Space
Code of Practice for Plant
Controlled Substances Licence
European Pharmacopeia
Export controls

9. Grant of a Patent
10.Hazardous Substances Information System
11.Labelling Hazardous Substances
12.Licence to Access High Consequence Dangerous Goods
13.Licence to Perform High Risk Work
14.List of Designated Hazardous Substances [NOHSC: 10005 (1999)]
15.Permission to Dispose, Deposit or Discharge Material onto Council Land or
16.Permit to Export Dual Used Goods
17.Permit to Export or Import Hazardous Waste
18.Permit to have Unsupervised Access to High Consequence Dangerous
Goods (HCDG)
19.Registration for Energy Efficiency Opportunities
20.Registration of High Risk Plant Items
21.Registration of Plant Design
22.Technology Trade and International Parternering (TRIP) Program
Biotechnology and Small Technology
23.Used Substance Licence
24.Authorisation of a Participating Co-Operative
25.Incorporation of an Association
26.National Business Name Registration
27.Registration as an Australian Company
28.Registration of a Co-operative
29.Registration of an Incorporated Limited Partnership
30.Registration of Limited Partnership
31.Duties Online Payment Platform
32.Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration
33.Australian Standard AS 1885.1-1990: Measurement of Occupational Health
and Safety Performance Describing and Reporting Occupational Injuries
and Disease (known as the National Standard for Workplace Injury and
Disease recording)
34.Code of Practice for Manual Handling
35.Employer Requirements Superannuation Guarantee
36.Fair Work Information Statement
37.Joint Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001:
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Specification with
Guidance for Use
38.National Employment Standards
39.National Standard for Manual Tasks
40.Australian eMarketing Code of Practice March 2005
41.Code of First Aid in the Workplace
42.Domain Name Registration
43.Economic Infrastructure Program
44.Living Victoria Water Rebate Program
45.Moto Vehicle Duty
46.National Police Certificate
47.Newsletter and Information Subscription Service
48.Permit to Erect or Remove an Advertising Sign on Notice on a Building,
Road or Footpath
49.Regional Business and Industry Programs
50.Regional Victoria Living Expo
51.Registration of a Trade Mark

52.Vehicle Registration
53.Victorian Public Holidays and Restricted Trading Days
54.Certificat of Compilance
55.Combined Permit Application and Planning Scheme Amendment
56.Planning Applications
57.Planning Certificate
58.Planning Permit
59.Fire services Property Levy
60.Properties, Titles and Maps Council Valuations
61.Property, Titles and Maps Form, Guides and Fees
62.Registration of Cooling Tower Systems
63.Approval of a Self-Insurer
64.Australian Privacy Principles

Business premises
Business location: The headquarters for Levis is in 42, Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia.
The actual factory that will be used to produce the LEDs will be located in another place.
The space this factory occupies is 5,678 m2 or 5.6 hectares. The factory is located in the
outskirts of Melbourne, in the council of Sunshine, in the suburb of Sunshine West. It is in
41 Strelzecki Avenue. Our factory address would then be 41 Strezlecki Avenue, Sunshine,
Victoria , 3020. There is a creek located at the back of the factory. This creek is called
Korroroit Creek. About 800 metres north west of the factory there is a primary school
named Glengala Park Primary School. The factory has an additional 900 sqm full height
canopy for loading & unloading. It has an additional 271 sqm of concrete mezzanine.
Buy/lease: The business factory will be purchased for $5, 300,000. We have recently
contacted the agent who is selling the factory. We are currently negotiating about the
price of the factory . The company has researched past sales for the factory and will
decide the right price of the factory.

Organisation chart

Management & ownership

Names of owners:

Matt Bateman (12.5%)

Calvin Fancett (12.5%)
Gabriel Rayo (12.5%)
Harsh Patel (12.5%)
Apple (16%)
LG (16%)
Toshiba (16%)
Others (2%)

Details of management & ownership:

The management & ownership structure of the company differs from others. LEVIS will
not be managed by a single individual but by a variety of different people with different
expertise. These different individuals will make a board of directors; it will be their task to
take charge of all major components of the company and to make decision that best
represent the interest of the company and consumers. Major shareholder and business
owners will also have a seat in the board. This ensures the interest of the owners and
shareholders are heard and considered. Each individual member of the board will have
specific tasks. No one person will be given the same tasks; this ensures maximum
efficiency with all required tasks being able to be completed on time. To ensure the
company ownership is maintained only 50% of shares (floats) will be available for
purchased. In this case each of the three major shareholders will own roughly 16% of the
company. This is not a move to improve owners financial gains but a necessary move to
ensure all necessary payment are made which include workers wages, electricity and
other financial payments. Only three major companies were chosen as a major
shareholder of LEVIS. Company chosen based on the ability to provide sufficient money,
the reliability of their people and their influence on the advertisement market. As a result
LG, Apple and Toshiba were chosen. There is a partnership agreement between each of

the major shareholders this ensure business partners keeps to their words and support
the company even through rough times.

Key personnel
Current staff

Job Title


Expected staff

Vice president
(sales and


[35 years]

Skills or strengths

Social media skills

Data/analytical skills

Sales skills (10 years in the


Creativity and innovation

Exceptional communication

Organisational skills

The ability to lead and work

in a team

Market and customer


Job Title


Expected staff

Lead nanoscientist

[Art Mr

[35 years]

Vice president of


[20 years]

Skills or strengths

Experience working in a
laboratory, (i.e. is able to
demonstrate safe and
correct lab procedures)

Show commitment and

interest on the focus topic

A degree in physics and

material science/technology

The ability to lead and work

well as a team

Attention to detail

has Demonstrate patience

and resilience

has the ability to learn new

skills and apply the skills to
solve complex problems

Ability to write practical

reports that are coherent
and understandable

Time management skills

The ability to recognise

hazardous situation

The ability to problem solve

10 years of experience as a
maintenance officer

Exceptional hand and eye


ability to think critically

Has the ability to learn new

concepts relatively easily

Has the ability to trouble

shoot problem (Determining
causes of operating errors
and deciding what to do
about it).

The ability to


handle a

Job Title


Expected staff



[15 years]

Skills or strengths

Patience and resilience

The ability to problem solve

Leadership skills

The ability to identify

potential problems

Good communicational skills

Work well in a team

The ability to question and

make good decision

Analytical intelligence


Market and customer


Required staff
Job Title





[20 years]

Skills necessary

Good analytical skills

Has an exceptional
understanding of the

Able to get along and

work effectively with
other people

Have the ability to

make the tough

Has the ability to

communicate with

Has vision and


Have the ability to

persuade people

Have the ability to

write coherent reports

Presentation skills (the

ability to present ideas)


Job Title








[2-3 years]

Skills necessary

Good analytical skills

Has an exceptional
understanding of the

Able to get along and

work effectively with
other people

Have the ability to

make the tough

Has the ability to

communicate with

Has vision and


Have the ability to

persuade people

Have the ability to

write coherent reports

The ability to work

alone or as a team

Have basic maths skills

(have the ability to

The ability to follow

instruction and read
safety guidelines

Understand the
importance and are
able to demonstrate
correct safety

Must be trustworthy
and reliable

[May 2014]


Job Title





[2-3 years]






Skills necessary

Physical strength and


The ability to follow


The ability to work as a


Have simple problem

solving and analytical

Have the ability to

work in hazardous

High level of critical


The ability to work as a


High level of
organisational skills

Commitment to the

The ability to solve

complex problems

The ability to
troubleshoot problems

The ability to recognise

potential safety

Have patience and


Physical strength and


Have the ability to

troubleshoot problems
(Critical thinking)

Ability to work alone or

in a team

Have good
communication skills

Have the ability to read

and follow instructions

The ability to work with

a variety of different
kind of technology




Job Title



[managers i.e.
pay roll,






Skills necessary

Finance skills

Business management

Good communication

The ability to focus on

the tasks

The ability with other


Leadership and people

management skills

Analytical and problem

solving skills

Demonstrate the ability

to read and write
coherent reports

Organisational skills

Time management

The ability to work

under pressure

Is confidence and have

a persuasive nature

Have the motivation to

work without

Market and customer


communication skills






[SW LED (Single

Walled LED]

[These LEDs are much more energy

efficient compared to other LEDs.This is
because these LEDs use a specific material
as a semi-conductor that increases the
electrical conductivity of the LED by 1000
times more than normal LED lights. This
specific material also increases the heat
efficiency of LED by 33%. According to
these factors, the LEDs the we produce are
more energy efficient than other LEDs.
Therefore, our LEDs can save battery life
on a laptop when this type of LED is used.
This can increase the battery life of a
laptop as well, as the LED will need much
less energy to produce the same amount of



[These fluorescent light bulbs are for times

more efficient and lasts up to 10 times
longer than incandescent lights. A 22 watt
CFL has the same light output as a 100
watt incandescent light bulb. CFLs also use
50-80% less energy than incandescent.
These light bulbs will keep a half ton of C02
out of atmosphere over the lifespan of the
light bulb. These lights do not fliker or hum
when being used. These fluorescent light
produce high-quality light as they give a
warm, inviting light. These CFLs can be
used for many purposes compared to
incandescent light bulbs. These include
table lamps, track lighting, ceiling fixtures,
and porchlights]


[Screen repairs is a branch of our company

that was created in 2010. This branch
specializes in screens ranging from tvs to
small electronic devices. They either sell,
or fix screens. The broken screens get a 5
month warranty in case that there is a
problem with the replaced/fixed screen.]


[Brief product/service description]

[Price including

[Screen repairs]


(10% GST = $2.00

2+0.20 = 2.20)

(10% GST = $1.50

+ 0.15 = $1.75)

(10% GST = $500

+ $50 = $550)

Market position: [Where do your products/services fit in the market? Are they high-end,
competitive or budget? How does this compare to your competitors?]
Unique selling position: [How will your products/services succeed in the market where
others may have failed? What gives your products/services the edge?]
Anticipated demand: [What is the anticipated quantity of products/services your
customers are likely to purchase? For example, how much will an individual customer buy
in 6 months or 12 months?]

Pricing strategy: [Do you have a particular pricing strategy? Why have you chosen this
Value to customer: [How do your customers view your products/services? Are they a
necessity, luxury or something in between?]
Growth potential: [What is the anticipated percentage growth of the product in the
future? What will drive this growth?]

Research & development (R&D)/innovation activities
As innovaton does not need to require a large budget or investment in Research &
Development is to train our workers to come up with ideas every week for practicing their
mind with thinking up ways to produce new ideas to help our company prosper. There are
three steps that will help our company to develop the innovative thinking:
1. Connect with customers
2. Generate ideas
3. Select the strategy
Connect with customers
Making an online strategy or one that extends to social media may be a way to collect
valuable ideas and connect with customers A focus on both product and service delivery
is vital as they are both important in innovation. Listening to customers may generate
new ideas on how both product and service could be improved. Connecting with
customers may include the following suggestions.
Conducting a market scan to better understand the environment in which your
business is operating in, including an analysis of your customers
Understanding the importance of marketing and branding for your business
Offering your customers channels in which to easily provide you feedback on your
products and services
Conducting market research to better understand how your customer use your
products and services.
Generate ideas
In order to start to increase the flow of new ideas in innovation, there are certain steps to
take which can be addressed. These steps may include the following:
Developing an internal culture of innovation
Be flexible and open to new ideas
Allocate resources for innovation
Invest in research and development.
Attend events, training and networking opportunities.
By developing an internal culture of innovation, a company needs strong leadership and
tangible vision across the business. The internal culture of the business and the external
culture of the business will influence its ability to innovate. Innovation thrives in a culture
that is not afraid to take risks, promotes the value of experimenting, is adaptable and
rewards initiative. Innovation is usually led from the top of the management business.

Be flexible and be open to ideas

CEOs and Managers needs to adopt a positive attitude and focus on the potential in
competitiveness through innovation. This could be done through listening to new ideas
and ways of doing business, even if the business model has to be changed
Allocate resources for innovation
Everything that needs to be improved or fixed needs money. Therefore, when building
new ideas companies would need to spend money to be able to get those ideas. The
allocation of resources including financial and personal is heavily dependent on
management understanding benefits from new ideas. Business expenditure on innovation
is characterised as expenditure rather than in investment. These resources may be just
allowing the employees to come up with new ideas. A free flow of information and ideas
in all sorts of areas in the business encourages development of new ideas and possibly
new products.
Invest in research and development
The research and development section of a business can be used to enhance/improve the
productivy of a business. The main funding for R&D (Research and Development) comes
from grants, tax concessions and other funding programs. These funds will help the R&D
so that they can develop new ideas.
Attend events, training and network opportunities
By attending workshops, events, and seminars, it could build up the knowledge for
innovatin. Continuous learning is a great aspect of innovation, and therefore, continuous
learning could be supported with training programs and on the job training to enhance
innovation skills., Accessed:23/05/2014, Accessed: 23/05/2014
ative/Pages/default.aspx, Accessed: 23/05/2014
ative/Pages/Generateideas.aspx, Accessed: 23/05/2014
ative/Pages/Connectwithcustomers.aspx, Accessed: 23/05/2014
ative/Pages/Selectthestrategy.aspx, Accessed: 23/05/2014

Intellectual property strategy

To protect our innovations, we have patented it and have put trademarks on them as
whenever our idea/product is taken from us we could sue them from taking our
idea/product. By patenting our ideas means that no one else could have this idea except
for us. This may sound sell fish but this is the best way to keep our ideas and not anyone
else to be able to take our ideas and profit from it.

Here is the list of the patents, trademarks and the designs that our company has
1. Registration for Energy Efficiency Opportunities
2. Registration of High Risk Plant Items
3. Registration of Plant Design
4. Incorporation of an Association
5. National Business Name Registration
6. Registration as an Australian Company
7. Registration of a Co-operative
8. Registration of an Incorporated Limited Partnership
9. Registration of Limited Partnership
10. Duties Online Payment Platform
11. Regional Business and Industry Programs
12. Regional Victoria Living Expo
13. Registration of a Trade Mark

[How do you plan to protect your innovations? List any current trademarks, patents,
designs you have registered. Do you have confidentiality agreements in place?]

The Market
Market research
[What statistical research have you completed to help you analyse your market? What
does the data and statistics tell you about your market? What does your market factor
analysis tell you about your potential market? This is where you include your researched
data and statistics in purposeful formats.]

Market targets
[Use your market factor analysis to outline your planned sales targets. What quantity of
your products/services do you plan to sell in a planned timeframe? Are they monthly or
yearly targets?]

Your customers
Customer demographics

[Define who your target customers are and how they behave. You can include age,
gender, social status, education and attitudes.]
Key customers


Our company (LEVIS) goal is to provide affordable, reliable and energy efficient LEDs. A
business partnership between three major electronic companies (Apple, LG and Toshiba)
have been signed to ensure our cutting edge technology are advertised around the globe.
This deal requires us to supply our newly improved LEDs to each of the three companies

for a certain period of time. The product will be used to improve product battery life and
durability. Such products include laptops, IPod, IPhone and Television. In exchange each of
the company promises to provide funding for our innovative research and advertisement
of our product and company. Here at LEVIS we have devised many strategies aim to
promote our products to the community; with the help of our business partners we aim to
advertise our product through social media and through direct links to other
manufacturers. Through those advertisement we believe consumers and manufacturers
will choose to use our products given the nature of the benefits it brings. Our customer
service will be world class as discussed below.
We here at LEVIS provides world class customer services. Our team at LEVIS will ensure

Dont make promises that they cannot keep them

Have the ability deal with complaints
Are always helpful-even if theres no profit in it
listen to customers
Take the extra step to ensure customer satisfaction

The key to our success is not just our amazing innovative product but the level of service
we provide to consumers. We as a company have been supplying our product to
companies for years. We have received minimal complaints and well-rounded positive
feedback from our consumers. Once our product are in the market with the helped of our
business partners we planned to start targeting and competing with local manufactures
and then expanding our manufacturing to other locations around the world. This ensures
we will be able to meet the consumers needs but also providing affordable and
reasonable competitive prices.

[Business Name] Marketing Plan [YEAR]

Marketing, Advertising & Sales

Marketing, Advertising & Promotional strategy
[What strategies do you have for promoting and advertising your products/services in the next 12 months?]
Planned promotion /advertising

Why is it appropriate?

Cost ($)

Success indicator

[Print media advertising, online

advertising, mail-out, giveaway, media
release, social media campaign, etc.]

[How does your proposed strategy directly target the

demographic for your product?]


[How will you know if

your strategy is

[Print media advertising, online

advertising, mail-out, giveaway, media
release, social media campaign, etc.]

[How does your proposed strategy directly target the

demographic for your product?]


[How will you know if

your strategy is

[Print media advertising, online

advertising, mail-out, giveaway, media
release, social media campaign, etc.]

[How does your proposed strategy directly target the

demographic for your product?]


[How will you know if

your strategy is

[Print media advertising, online

advertising, mail-out, giveaway, media
release, social media campaign, etc.]

[How does your proposed strategy directly target the

demographic for your product?]


[How will you know if

your strategy is

Sales & distribution channels

Channel type


Percentage of
sales (%)



[e.g. Shopfront,
internet, direct mail,
export or wholesale]

[List all the

products/services sold
via this channel]

[What percentage
of overall sales do
you expect to sell
via this channel?]

[What advantages are there of

using this channel for these

[What challenges do you

expect to face using this
channel? How will you
overcome them?]

[e.g. Shopfront,
internet, direct mail,
export or wholesale]

[List all the

products/services sold
via this channel]

[What percentage
of overall sales do
you expect to sell
via this channel?]

[What advantages are there of

using this channel for these

[What challenges do you

expect to face using this
channel? How will you
overcome them?]

[Business Name] Marketing Plan [YEAR]

Channel type


Percentage of
sales (%)



[e.g. Shopfront,
internet, direct mail,
export or wholesale]

[List all the

products/services sold
via this channel]

[What percentage
of overall sales do
you expect to sell
via this channel?]

[What advantages are there of

using this channel for these

[What challenges do you

expect to face using this
channel? How will you
overcome them?]

[e.g. Shopfront,
internet, direct mail,
export or wholesale]

[List all the

products/services sold
via this channel]

[What percentage
of overall sales do
you expect to sell
via this channel?]

[What advantages are there of

using this channel for these

[What challenges do you

expect to face using this
channel? How will you
overcome them?]

[Business Name] Marketing Plan [YEAR]

Marketing budget [YEAR]

[Consider the example below when developing your marketing budget to include in your business plan.]

[LEVIS] Financial Plan [2014]

The Finances
Key objectives & financial review
Financial objectives
[List your key financial objectives. These can be in the form of sales or profit targets. You could also list your main financial management
goals such as cost reduction targets.]
Finance required
[How much money up-front do you need? Where will you obtain the funds? What portion will you be seeking from loans, investors,
business partners, friends or relatives, venture capital or government funding? How much of your own money are you contributing
towards the business?]

The financial tables on the subsequent pages are based on the assumptions listed below:

[List your financial assumptions. These can include seasonal adjustments, drought or interest rates etc.]

Page 27

[LEVIS] Financial Plan [2014]

Start-up costs for 1 year (including wages and equipment pricing)

Page 28

[LEVIS] Financial Plan [2014]

Balance sheet forecast

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own profit & loss sheet at the back of this business plan]

Page 29

[LEVIS] Financial Plan [2014]

Profit and loss forecast

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own profit & loss sheet at the back of this business plan]

Page 30

[LEVIS] Financial Plan [2014]

Expected cash flow

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own profit & loss sheet at the back of this business plan]

Page 31

[LEVIS] Financial Plan [2014]

Break-even analysis
[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own table. Refer to the Business Plan guide from for the calculations.]

Page 32

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Supporting documentation
Attached is my supporting documentation in relation to this business plan. The attached
documents include:

[List all of your attachments here. These may include resumes, inventory list,
survey/questionnaire and/or financial documents.].

Page 33

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