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Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

Who are you as a writer?

I'm only a student turning in essays. That's how I see myself. I
don't call myself a writer but if anyone wants to, I'd feel honored and do
my best to live up to that. My attitude towards writing is 100% positive,
I dont mind writing more than I want to. I understand that every writing
assignment that I have, is an opportunity to become the best writer I can
be. In this assignment I must see myself as a writer. When I start to
recognize myself as one I realize that I'm not so bad. I'm a decent writer,
I developed my writing process in advanced English courses, I can write
about anything because I enjoy any topic, and I dont spend too much
time preparing. I am aware that even if I dont come across writers
block. I should recognize my strengths and work on my weaknesses as
a writer, which are brainstorming and comprehension.

I see myself as a decent writer because I know that I put as many

thoughts as I can on paper even if it doesn't sound right. In other words.

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

I listen to my own rules but I don't let them affect my writing throughout
the process. As I revise, I make slight changes that are flexible with my
rules and at the same time, those changes don't ever affect the message
of the original sentence. I believe that good writers are people who put
all of themselves into a paper and make it look brilliant. I can do the
same thing, but I know that my writing isn't brilliant yet because I
havent had enough practice. I'm not at all insecure about my writing
skills. I believe that decent writers have no insecurities when it comes to
their work. I take my audience into consideration as I write but I know
how to write what I want and at the same time make sure my audience

I developed my writing process in advanced courses all throughout

Middle school and High school. I learned how to write without pausing
by brainstorming with a simple outline. I paid more attention in all my
classes than anyone else did because I knew writing could never be hard,
not as long as you dont understand something. I used the same process
of writing as I was taught by my Junior year teacher, I used it all the

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

time and it never once failed me. The process that I use, never slows me
down, its a positive way of writing, and never turns into something
negative. In fact, I am writing this paper with the same the same process
with no hesitation.

All the English/Reading classes that I have taken, have taught a me

a few words to work by. Dont spend too much time preparing,
brainstorm while you write. I follow that rule more than the others
because it saves me time and frustration; it also always ends with a wellwritten essay. I prepare my essays by reading the prompt until I
understand it fully, I grab a piece of paper, start by my outline by listing
my introduction etc., elaborate on each point listed, and I just jump
straight to Word and type like if errors dont matter. It doesnt take
longer than 20 minutes to prepare. But I do take 30 minutes to revise by
correcting grammar and making sure my paper doesnt get off topic.

I enjoy all kinds of writing. Whether it's informative, persuasive, or

entertaining, I end up loving the way it comes out. All kinds of writing

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

becomes really easy to me because I only use one rule that doesnt limit
my writing. I enjoy informative essays because I can do research and
gather facts that I can easily input to my outline. Facts never change,
which makes my writing twice as easy. I enjoy persuasive because I
always come up with good points and I also include other arguments so
my essays arent one sided. I've only done one entertaining essay and I
remember not wanting to leave my English class because I was so into
it. Entertaining essays are what I look forward to, because you dont
really need a thesis or an argument. All you need is a plot and a solution,
and of course you need to make the essay interesting. I can write about
anything and make it my own. I eventually get passionate about what
Im writing, that I use my arguments or thesis as things to live by. Any
kind of writing I do is special to me because I know that I put my all into
it. I never lie to develop an argument for an essay. I may be creative, but
no matter what kind of paper I do, I am completely honest.

In conclusion, as a writer, I am a decent one. I don't let my

insecurities take over. I learned how to write throughout advanced

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

English courses as early as Middle school and haven't changed my

process since. I'm up for any kind of writing because I know that all
kinds of topics are not impossible to write about. By starting with an
outline I am prevented me from getting `into "Writers Block". I
brainstorm before I start to write, and as I write, I brainstorm more and
more. Which always results with a good paper. I am a decent writer
because I dont let my rules take more affect than what they are intended
for. I can work in any environment but I do write better in a quiet place
that has no distractions. To write a 3-5 page essay, the time really
depends on the topic and the instructions of the prompt. Before I turn
anything in, I revise my papers. By making a sentence longer, using
better vocabulary, and rereading to make sure that what Im writing has
everything to do with the prompt and what is requested. I developed my
confidence through everyone who reads what I write. Their reactions,
negative or positive, strengthens my attitude towards myself as a writer.
I know that my mistakes are lessons and my achievements give me
ambition to never give up on my writing.

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

Session 1: Moms house noon. 3 year old sibling in the
next room watching a movie and other siblings at school.
Mom is on the computer in the living room. Im in the
peaceful guest room with my instructions on half my
laptop screen and Word on the other. Phone off and bag of
Cool Ranch Doritos to my left on the bed.

1-5: Analyze instructions. I feel no pressure because I

understand what to do. I reread the questions meant to
guide me and start outlining on paper. [GP] [O] [OC]

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

6-10: I start to get more into detail with my outline and

develop my thesis and 3 main point to create the body. I
think of my process of writing an essay and jot it down
before I start to type it. [GP] [OC] [I]

11-15: Start Fall Out Boys new album on YouTube. Start

concentrating again. Type out outline in essay format on
Word. Begin to elaborate on main points listen. [M] [W->
R] [S] [TWW]
16-20: Think Im done. One page completed. Look back
at instructions and realize that essay needs to be 3-5 pages
long. Begin outline again. Just add more main points.
Vargas said that there doesnt always have to be only 3

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

main points. You can add more if you need to. [S] [RR]
[Won] [Q] [A(+), A(-)] [RD]

21-25: Quickly elaborate on new main points. Eat Doritos

as a reward to self. It feels like the same reward after
youve chosen something to watch on tv. Cant get
distracted. I have to maintain my train of thought to make
this essay good. Its due in 2 hours but only have 1 to
complete before getting ready for work. Concentrate
before its too late and assignment can no longer be
submitted. [LTT] [T->W] [WS] [EAT][LTT] [Won]

26-30: Mom comes in saying that shes gonna go to

the store and Ricky will stay behind. Ricky comes in to

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

check on what Im doing. Starts asking millions of


Give him paper and pencil so he can pretend like hes

doing homework too. [FAM] [LTT][BR (+), (-)]
31-35: Wrapping up last thoughts before Ricky is done
with whatever he is drawing. It looks perfect. I finished
just in time. Reread and edit slightly before I submit it.
Read it out loud to Ricky. Hes so cute when he has no
idea whats going on. Submit paper and close laptop.
[RR] [RE] [Won] [S] FAM]

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

Reflective essay
After analyzing my video recordings, Ive learned that my
composing process is just as I thought it was. As I stated in my Portrait
as a Writer essay, my process is simple and short. I actually do let my
outline do the majority of the work. Starting this way usually saves me
much time and frustration. But time does kind of depend on the setting I
am in. I will always complete an essay but the quality is determined by
my surroundings. In my video I had multiple distractions. My family
members interrupted my train of thought so I did the best I could.
I do focus on both small and big revisions. I normally get deep into
my editing by rereading over and over again until it sounds right. I go
back to the instructions of the prompt and make sure my writing is
complete well enough to submit. From what I saw, I realized that I only
skimmed through my work. My distractions were much more effective
than I thought at the time. I couldve done better but my time was
limited by the deadline. Thats no excuse but if I had more time or no
distractions Im sure that I wouldnt need to edit as much as I do.

Irais Tarango RWS 1301, 16141

In previous English/Reading courses, I have been taught to write

for the reader. I do use that method but I soon discovered that only doing
that, leads to more pausing and hesitation. From that lesson, the only
thing I still use, is keeping me audience in consideration as I write. Other
than that, my writing process that I thought I followed, is the same
process I used in my video. Writing about writing is kind of the most
difficult topic Ive ever had to write about. Its like being asked to define
the word define. But with my process of composing, I did find it
possible to complete my Portrait of a Writer essay.
I dont have much to compare to since my process is what I though
it was. But I can leave this paper by stating that even if my video turned
out to be exactly what I didnt expect, I would have definitely been more
open to other options in composing. Ive learned that my distractions are
bigger than I thought they were and that I should overlook the quality of
my writing so my audience has a clear understanding of whatever
message Im trying to communicate.

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