Installing DPM On A Domain Controller PDF

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Installing DPM on a Domain Controller

2 out of 6 rated this helpful
Updated: October 5, 2010
Applies To: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010
Use the procedures in this topic to install System Center Data Protection Manager DPM2010 on a domain controller.
To install DPM on a readonly domain controller RODC, on the primary domain controller PDC, perform procedures1 and 2 creating security groups and user
accounts required for DPM and SQLServer2008. Allow time for the groups to replicate to the RODC, and then, on the RODC, perform procedures3 and 4
installing SQL Server and DPM.

For a DPM server that is installed on a domain controller, only protection of data sources local to the DPM server is supported. You cannot install agents on other
computers to configure protection.

Procedure1: To create the security groups and user accounts required for DPM
1. On the primary domain controller, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. Create the following security groups under Domain\Builtin. For each group, accept the default settings for Scope: Global and Group type: Security.
DPMDBReaders$<Computer Name>
MSDPMTrustedMachines$<Computer Name>
DPMRADCOMTrustedMachines$<Computer Name>
DPMRADmTrustedMachines$<Computer Name>
DPMDBAdministrators$<Computer Name>
Where <Computer Name> is the computer name of the domain controller on which DPM will be installed.
3. Add the local machine account for the domain controller <Computer Name> to the MSDPMTrustedMachines$<Computer Name> group.
4. On the primary domain controller, create a domain user account with the lowest possible credentials assign it a strong password that does not expire, and
then add it to the local Administrators group.

Make a note of this account because you need to use it in a later procedure to configure the SQL Server services during the installation of SQL Server. You
can name this user account anything that you want; however, for the purposes of easily identifying the accounts purpose, you might want to give it a
significant name, such as DPMSQLSvcsAcct. For the purposes of these procedures, this account is referred as the DPMSQLSvcsAcct account.

5. On the primary domain controller, create another domain user account with the lowest possible credentials and name the account DPMR$MACHINENAME,
assign it a strong password that does not expire, and then add this account to the DPMDBReaders$<Computer Name> group.

Procedure2: To create the security groups and user accounts required for SQLServer2008
1. On the primary domain controller, create the following security groups for SQLServer2008. For each group, accept the default values for Scope: Global and
Group type: Security.
SQLServerSQLBrowserUser$<Computer Name>
SQLServerMSSQLServerADHelperUser$<Computer Name>
SQLServerReportServerUser$<Computer Name>$<Instance ID>.$<Instance Name>
SQLServerMSASUser$<Computer Name>$<Instance Name>
SQLServerDTSUser$<Computer Name>
SQLServerFDHostUser$<Computer Name>$<Instance Name>




<Computer Name> is the computer name of the domain controller on which SQLServer2008 will be installed.
<Instance Name> is the name of the instance of SQLServer that you plan to create on the domain controller. The instance name can be any name
other than the default DPM instance name MSDPM2010.
<Instance ID> by default, this is assigned by SQL Server Setup and indicates that the group applies to Reporting Services MSRS for the major version
of the instance10 of SQLServer. For this release, this value is MSRS10.

2. On the primary domain controller, add the domain user account that you created earlier, which is referred to as the DPMSQLSvcsAcct account, to the
following groups:

Procedure3: To install SQLServer2008

1. To install DPM2010 on a domain controller, you must install SQL ServerSP1, Enterprise or Standard Edition, before you install DPM. Log on to the domain
controller on which you want to install DPM using the domain user account that you created earlier in procedure1. For purposes of these procedures, this
account is referred to as the DPMSQLSvcsAcct account.
2. For stepbystep instructions for installing SQL Server2008SP1, see Installing a Remote Instance of SQL Server 2008.

On the Server Configuration page of the SQL Server2008 Setup Wizard, configure the SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Database Engine, and SQL Server
Reporting Services services to run under the first domain user account that you created earlier in procedure1. For purposes of these procedures, this
account is referred to as the DPMSQLSvcsAcct account.

3. After SQL Server is installed, open SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, click Protocols, rightclick Named Pipes,
and then click Enable.

For this change to take effect, you must stop and restart the SQL Server service.

Procedure4: To install DPM2010

1. For stepbystep instructions for installing DPM, see Installing DPM 2010. In the DPM Setup Wizard, use the settings in the following steps to complete the
specified wizard pages.
2. On the Installation Settings page, in the SQL server settings section, click Use an existing instance of SQL Server2008.
3. On the SQLServer Settings page, in the Instance of SQL Server box, type the name of the instance of SQL Server that you installed in procedure3, as
localhost\<Instance Name>, and then type the credentials for the first domain user account that you created in procedure1. For purposes of these
procedures, this account is referred to as the DPMSQLSvcsAcct account.

The user account must be a member of the local Administrators group on the domain controller where the remote instance is installed. After setup is
complete, you can remove the user account from the local Administrators group.

4. On the Security Settings page, enter the same password that you used when you created the DPMR$MACHINENAME user account in procedure1.
5. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the instance of SQL Server that DPM is configured to use. Click New Query, copy the text below to the
right pane, and then press F5 to run the query.





See Also
Other Resources

Installing DPM 2010

DPM 2010 System Requirements

Community Additions

Hi after instaling worked like a charm ;


Error on Step 5
Everything goes smoothly until theStep 5 last step, where I receive the following error. Any ideas?

Msg 14294, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_verify_job_identifiers, Line 25

Supply either @job_id or @job_name to identify the job.


Information when Domain Controller is a Virtual Machine

For VM;s
Best Practices for backup on VDCs running 2008 R2 and DPM2010
7f2aa85cd022 insight as to what part to protect and why

Caution when restoring the entire VM and why

Disk Image backups and MultiMaster Databasessee embedded links also
databasesorhowtoavoidearlyretirement.aspx Caution when restoring DC VM's
Stanley Roark

SQLServer2005SQLBrowserUser$<MachineName> required
You also need to manualy make a group called:SQLServer2005SQLBrowserUser$<MachineName>
Mike Jacquet

Fun Note
Ask the new guy/gal to install DPM2010 on a standalone Domain Controller / DPM Server using these steps and count the number of concatenated expletives used the next day.
Tip: Install a VM DC on the DPM Server instead. Backing up and restoring the DC with DPM is not trivial in either case.

Agent Not Reachable Error

If you follow the above steps, but neglect step 5, everything will appear to run OK at first, but then you will get "Agent Not Reachable" on the first or second scheduled backup.
To resolve, just run the above script.



Greg Gum

Using named instance

When using a named instance, you MUST specify the name in the format <computername>\<instancename>, not in the format LOCALHOST\<instancename> and not .\
<instancename>. The later two formats are often used, but fail when doing a DPM install.
Apparently this is due to security tightening in Windows Server 2008.
Greg Gum

DPM Supports local data sources only

For a DPM server installed on a domain controller, only protection of data sources local to the DPM server is supported. You cannot install agents on other computers to
configure protection.
Mike Jacquet

2015 Microsoft


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