Maven Steps

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Create Maven Project

Go to Eclipse and click on JavaEE
File -> New -> MavenProject
Check the check box Create a Simple Project
Give GroupId and Artifact
Click on Finish
2. Expand Maven Project and double click on pom.xml
Add the below dependencies
3. Implement the testNG program in src/test/java
4. Create xml file under the project folder and run the scripts
5. To run the scripts from command prompt. Add the below code (build code) in po
m.xml file
<!-- Compiler plug-in -->
<!-- Below plug-in is used to execute tests -->

<!-- TestNG suite XML files -->


6. To run the scripts use the below commands

mvn clean -> to remove the existing build files
mvn install -> to run and create the build file (jar file) in target folder
mvn test -> to run the scripts

Note: To run the maven project from command promt

Download maven from the below path
Create Environment variables:
1. M2_HOME
2. m2
mvn test
mvn install

To add maven to eclipse:


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