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Keelin Conner ODonoghue

(240) 678 8763

4804 Tecumseh St, College Park, MD 20740

Georgetown University, B.A. English, May 2013, GPA 3.858/4.0 (Major:
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa Society; Magna Cum Laude
Living Classrooms Foundation
2015- Present
Senior Deckhand & Maritime Educator
Living Classrooms Foundation strengthens communities and inspires young
people to achieve their potential through hands-on education.
senior deckhand aboard a 56 ft, 1928 oyster buy-boat converted into a
classroom; responsibilities include docking, daily maintenance, and longterm repairs
educator with groups of 10-30 children ranging from 4-13 year olds for day
trips on the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers, inspiring an invested interest in
the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and instilling a love for hands
on marine science
Son Fish Sail Vessel
Senior Deckhand
sailed a 26ft 1984 ODay 1,200 miles from Bradenton, Fl to Deale, MD in six
weeks and one day, manned by a two person crew
assisted in boat repairs and carpentry
DC Reads, Washington DC
Fall 2010Spring 2013
Teachers Assistant, Kenilworth Elementary
TAed under a 26-year-veteran of the DC school system, with classroom
literacy levels spanning from pre-kindergarten to seventh grade, 510hrs/week
assistance ranged from one-on-one, groups of 2-6, to full classroom (36)
followed district-wide curriculums as well as developed own lesson plans
chaperoned field trips to the DC Public Library and Smithsonian institutions


Red Cross CPR & First Aid Certified August 2015
Proficient in Spanish (reading, writing, verbal, comprehension)

The Center for Working Families, Washington, D.C.

2014- March 2015
Executive Assistant + Office Manager
managed the schedule for the Executive Director, weeding through


Keelin Conner ODonoghue

(240) 678 8763

4804 Tecumseh St, College Park, MD 20740

hundreds of emails daily and connecting the ED with offices in seven

different states and 150 employees
responsible for fielding calls and emails with high level donors, politicians,
and the general public
book keeper: processed debit authorizations, check requests, and expense
reports for a team of 8

Collaborative Food and Beverage, LLC (Mayorga Coffee), Rockville, MD

March June 2014
Executive Assistant + Marketing/Communications Manager
maintained the schedule for Mayorgas President
managed marketing projects and design team to rebrand packaging and
develop promotions
editor of the blog, newsletter, and social media platforms

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