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Chap 1: Introduction to

Scope of Advertising
Involves a number of activities right from planning to
implementation of ad campaign.
Ad campaign planning:
- Joint effort by advertiser and ad agency
- Advertiser provides relevant info to agency
- Agency collects other info through research
Involves the following steps:
Defining target market
Determining objs of the campaign
Preparing ad budget
Preparing ad campaign


Development of ad creatives:
- To reduce clutter
- To attract attention of consumers
- To impact consumer behaviour
Here, the actual ad is developed with the words, pictures,
placements and other elements that make it creative.


Linking advertising with Promotion Mix:

- Other elements include personal selling, sales promotion,
publicity, public relations, direct marketing, internet
marketing, etc
- All communication should be linked so that they
emphasise and communicate the same.


Media Planning:
- Planning of media through which audience will be
- Elements to be considered:
Target audience
Location of TG
Message of the campaign
Timing of the campaign
- Also media objs to be considered are:
Reach- No of people exposed to a medium at least once
Frequency No of times a person is exposed to a medium
GRPs Reach X Average frequency


Media Selection:
- Actually choosing the media to communicate the ad


Media scheduling strategies:

- Scheduling means deciding the flow of advertising
- Main strategies are:
Flighting strategy Heavy advertising for a few weeks
followed by a break for a few weeks followed by heavy
advertising again.
Bursting strategy Heavy advertising for a particular
period followed by normal level of advertising through the
remaining months.
Pulsing strategy High advertising followed by low
advertising followed by heavy advertising.


Preparing ad budget:
- Amount to be spent on advertising.
- Factors to be considered are objs of the campaign,
budget of competitors, PLC, Type of product, Availability
of funds, Management attitude.


Preparation of ad campaign:
- TG
- Place of advertising
- Period of advertising
- Promotional appeal


Placing the ad campaign:


Advertising research:
- Systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data
related to various aspects of advertising.
- Copy research
- Media research
- Budget research

Trends in advertising in India

Convergence of media
- Same things are available through different media.
- Allows audience to select the medium.
- Toll free numbers etc
- Audience feedback can be got
Permission marketing
- Audience permission is asked before taking the next step
in the selling process.
Non-traditional media
Audience tracking
Audience engagement
Unbundling of advertising services
Trends in Internet advertising
Trends in BTL promotions

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